Dean Announces Winners
Of Oreon A. Scott Prizes
The annual winners of the Ore-
on A. Scott Freshman Prizes were
announced, yesterday by Dean of
Men Walter B. RIea, chairman of
the Committee on University
Scholarships. ,
The prize is annually awarded
to those freshmen whose academic
performance during their first
semester at the University places
them in the top five per cent of
their class.
The award is a book to be select-
ed by the winner from a list offered
by the scholarship committee..It
bears the University's seal em-
bossed in gold and contains a book-
plate bearing the recipient's name.
The awards-will be presented to
the winners at a special convoca-
tion to be held at 2 p.m., May 8, in
the ballroom of the Union.
Copies of the books included in
the prize list will be displayed on
the first floor of the Undergradu-
ate Library from Monday through
The Oreon E. Scott Foundation
was established by the late Oreon
E. Scott, LL.B. '95 in 1950, with an
endowment of $500,000.,
The Awards are given to those
students who rank in the top five
per cent academically of the fresh-
man class by schools and colleges
for the first semester, provided
that they attain a 3.00 grade point
average and complete 15 'or more
hours in a degree program.
Following is a list of the 136 stu-
dents who will receive the awards,
listed by schools and colleges:
College of Architecture and Design
Havia Alswang, Stuart A. Karabenick,
Joseph E. Lunghamer, Elayne I. Rotkow
and Rene Salzman.
College of Engineering
Richard R. Allen, Jerry L. Beard, Al-
len B. Blaurock, Donald W. Boettner,
Bruce J. Bolas, Patrick M. Cassen, Ed--
ward Cicciareili, Raymond W. Green,
Paul T. Greiling, Ross H. Hieber, Jo-
seph1 L. Lazaroff, Richard A. Lloyd,
Jane A. McCann and Peter T. McLean.
John F. Marshall, John H. Martin,
Blake R. Patterson, Frederick W. Ross,
Robert W. Schultz, Anthony B. Segur,
Stephen C.eSmelser, Jerome A. Smith,
Duncan Steele, James: Q. Steigeiman,
Donald P. Tate, John R. Vogel.
School of Forestry
Larry R. Jones.
Literature, Science and the Arts
Sharon C. Adams, Samileh Asgar-
Zadeh, Susal Bergholz, Bernard S. Bild-
man, Ronald A. Bortman, Robert O.
Bradley, Mary E. Carroll, Jere M. Cohen,
Judith A. Cook, Stuard A. Curran,,
Jane E. Dean.
D'Arline G. DeJongh, Deanne Doeb-
eli, Robert M. Elveve, Susan F. Farrell,
Todd L. Fay, Harvey D. Feinberg, Diana
F. Feldman, Barbara L. Finkelstein, Al-
bert E. Fowerbaugh, Daniel H. Fried-
man, Sally A. Furnas, Mudite Gedrovics.
Sandra L. Gentry, Wallace Gloenden-
ing, Brian Glick, Michael H. Glicker,
Elenor S. Goetz, Samual Goldman,
James W. Greene, Edwin J. Hammer,
Theodore W.,Haworth, Paul W. Hol-
land, Lois L. Hoiwerda, Nancy R. Hues-
mann, Louis R. Jacoby, Marilyn R.
Johnson II, Joanna L. Jury.
Rita M. Kambos, Richard G. Klein,.
Arthur Klinghoffer, Lois P. Kolber,
Kenneth F. Kowalski, Robert C. Land-
gren, Jon A. Leibee. Martha A. Leigh,
Bruce D. Lippman, David G. Lockwood,
Mary B. McDonald, Charles P. Martens,
Albert W. Ruesink, David A. Saunders,
Sally J. Sawyer, Roger T. Schlatter,
Raymond G. Mercier, Robert J. Meth-
yen, Patricia Michelmore.
Douglas E. Miller, Daniel J. Murphy,
Susan Otto, Roger P. Pascal, Ann Pat-
ton, Robert V. Peterson, Jean A. Pfef-
fer, Thomas H. Price, Elinor L. Read-
ing, Gary H. Rich, John C. Roberts,
Books Listed
Following is the list of books
from which Scott Freshman
Prize winners may choose their
John Bartholomew, The Co-
lumbus Atlas, or Regional Atlas
of the World
John Bartlett, Familiar Quo-
Bernard Berenson, The Ital-
ian Painters of the Renaissance
Richard Courant, What is
Mathematics? An Elementary
Approach to Ideas and Methods
Feodor Dostoevski, Crime and
Sir A. S. Eddington, The Na-
ture of the Physical World
Albert Einstein and Albert
Infeld, The Evolution of Phys-
ics, the Growth of Ideas from
Early Concepts to Relativity
and Quanta
Thomas Stearns' Eliot, The
Complete Poems and Plays,
William Faulkner, The Col-
lected Stories
John Gassner, Treasury of
the Theatre
Siegfied Giedion, Space, Time
and Architecture: the Growth
of a New Tradition
Ernst Gombrich, Story of Art'
Donald Grout, A Short His-
tory of Opera
Whitney J. Oates and Eugene
O'Neill Jr., The Complete Greek
Carl Sandburg, Abraham Lin-
coln, the Prairie Year, and the
War Years
George Santayana, Life of
Leo Tolstoi, War and Peace
Arnold J. Toynbee, A Study
of History: Abridgement of
volumes I-VI by D. C. Somervell
Louis Untermeyer, Modern
American Poetry and Modern
British Poetry
Nancy J. Schmitt, Ralph Shrahrigian,
Marjorie E. Shuman, Peter Simon II,
Cynthia M. Smith, Alan J. Stenger,
Roger H. Stewart.
Ralph E. Stingel, Barbara R. Stoler,
Paul W. Strait, Linda A. Swanson, Rob-
ert S. Thorpe, Robert A. Troester,
Jacqueline Van Kanpen, Elsbeth T.
Von Wimmersperg, Garth W. Warner,
Joan C. Weeber, Faith L. Weinstein,
Edmund V. White, Mary C. White,
Kuang H. Wu.
School of Music
Elizabeth A. Bowman, Janet L. Har-
per and Susan M. Tanner.
School of Nursing,
Anna S. Davis, Hope A. DeTonge,
Suzanne De Press, Catherine A. Doty,
Delores A. Gustavson, Judith A. Moss,
Mary Susan Rainadi, JoyceE. Schrage,
Ethel L. Stitt, Christine L. Wagar,
Gloria J. Zimba.
College of Pharmacy
Gertrude H. Klach.
League Plans
Total Council
League Council members have
approved a re-structuring of the
League Council.
In order to implement ideas for
better League organization, the
membership of the Executive
Council will be changed. The office
of president will be retained. Four
vice-presidents will take the place
of the present first and second
vice-presidents, the secretary and
the treasurer.
The vice-president in charge of
committees will have the same
duties as this year's first vice-
president. The vice-president in
charge of finance will serve as a
financial advisor to the other
members of the executive board
and the committees and will have
an assistant.
New Office Created
Brainchild of the revamping
committee is the new office of
vice-president in charge of co-
ordination. She will coordinate the
activities and try. to integrate the
projects of the League with Pan-
hellenic Association, the Assembly
Association, the Women's Athletic
Association and Student Govern-
ment Council.
The vice-president in charge of
class projects will act as an "as-
sistant social director" for the
class projects of Soph Show, Junior
Girls Play and Senior Night. She
will have office hours, attend cen-
tral committee meetings and
handle such things as tickets, pro-
grams and make-up for the com-
Add Committee
Freshman Projects will be a new
committee to be added this fall.
The chairman will serve as chair-
man of the Burocats, a freshman
committee, and as "social director"
for Frosh Weekend.
A fixed policy for the Interview-
ing and Nominating Committee
has been set. After this spring peti-
tioning period, Executive Council
offices will be open to senior wom-
en only. All committee chairman-
ships will be open to junior
women only, except in instances
deemed 'special' by the committee
and except in the cases of chair-
men of the Interviewing and
Nominating Committee and of
Women's Judiciary Council, senior
Bobbie Maier, '59, president of
the Women's League, in explain-
ing the reason for this policy noted
the difficulty each year in getting
senior officers who have had pre-
vious League experience. With this
system there will be more re-
sources for officers.
Within the committee structure
there will be several changes in
the constitutional duties and func-
tions'of several of the committees.
Major changes occur in the Special
Projects Committee and in the
House Committee.
Special Duty
The assistant chairman of the
Special Projects Committee will be
in charge of Homecoming Week-
end. She will petition specifically
for this position.
The House Committee, previous-
ly assigned only to cooperate with
the business manager of the
League in decorating the League
building, now has new duties.
The committee shall determine'
the conduct policy for the Under-
graduate Office of the League,
shall be the Historian of the
League and shall suggest housing
improvements to be recommended
to the Board of Governors. The
assistant chairman will be in
charge of the League library.
Synchronized Swimmers Establish
Annual Program Date for May
SBy KENNETH McELDOWNEY is practiced during the weeks un- til 1952, all shows were given at
The Michifish show of syn- til the show is given, the Union Open Houses, but dur-
chronized swimming will take i The Women's Athletic Associa- ing that year they decided to
place this year at 8:00 p.m. on 'tion has always had some sort of move the performances to the In-
May 15 and 16 and at 3:00 p.m. swimming club, but in 1947, the tramural Building. In 1954, the
on May 17. club finally gave its first public final move was made to the new
All of the members of Michi- show at the Union Open House, Women's Pool.
fish will take part in several num- without the benefit of music. Un- In previous years, the title o:
bers during the show, and the the shows have been, "The Big
members of Michifins will per- . 1Plunge," "Whale of a Tale" and
form in the final number. Be-M i C G rC oun last year the name was "Lake o
sides the synchronized swimming M-' Legends." The title of this year';
by the two groups there will also show has not yet been released
be varsity diving as well as clown
diving during the show. To rfor Alumnae Perform
For the first time, a slide pro- This year, as an added attrac-
jector will project slides contain- The annual American Musicale tion, there will be a number per
ing the scenery to a movie screen of the Alpha Chapter of Sigma formed by the alumnae of th
by the pool. All the slides will be ' Alpha Iota, national honorary mu- club. This will be the first time
done by members of the club, sic fraternity, will be held at 8:30 the alumnae have put on a num
The Michifins, which this year p.m. today in Aud. A, Angell Hall. ber as a unit.
has about 25 members, is the The program will open with The officers of the club are
training club for the Michifish. "Sby Bernard Rodgers Patsy K. Dernberger, '59Ed., presi
The Michifish part of the club and will continue with "Sonata for dent; Marie E. Joynt, '60 A&I
numbers 50. Violin and Piano" by Aaron Cop- vice-president in charge of th
Groups Practice land. Also on the program are four Michifins; Emma I. Luca, '60, sec
In the fall, both groups practice Florian Mueller numbers and the retary; and Judy L. Elwell, '61, th
their stunts and then in the program will conclude with a dis- publicity chairman.
spring, tryouts are held for the cussion of the American Opera, by The faculty advisor of the clut
show. Which member gets which Don Gillis, director of develop- is Miss Fritzie E. Gareis, associat
part is determined by a vote of ment of the American Opera supervisor in the physical educa
the club. After tryouts, the show Workshop. tion for women department.
-Daily-Alan Winder
LATIN AMERICA-Objects from Latin American countries are
displayed in the Ann Arbor High School Library. The various
items are contributed by University international students and
are displayed in partial conjunction with student lectures to the
high school's international relations class.
HIgh School Features
International Students
International students at the
University have been participating
in two projects at the Ann Arbor
high school this semester.
Several students have addressed
a predominantly senior class on
international relations at tie high
school. The class is conducted by
David March, history instructor,
and arrangements for the speakers
have been made through Miss
Helen Tjotis of the International
The students have received these
talks by visiting students "very
well", March said. The visitors dis-
cuss the development of their na-
tive land since World War II and
its relations with the United States
since that time.
Several of them bring slides to
the class. Following the lecture a
brief question and answer period
is held.
Among the visitors who have al-
ready spoken to the class are Dr.
German DeLarrea, Grad., Lucia
Alvez, Grad., Nilda Ormaechea,
Grad., Brian Parker, Grad., and
Daniel Degois, Grad.
Partially coordinated with the
classroom lectures is a library dis-
play of items from various foreign
countries. International students
bring the display objects into Miss
Tjotis who then arranges the dis-
play case in the high school li-
brary. Tunisian, Iranian and Latin
American exhibits have been
shown this year.
The displays are not entirely co-
ordinated with the international
relations class topics because of
the difficulty in gathering ma-
terial for the case, Miss Tjotis ex-
Some of the displays have been
shown in the International Center
hall following removal from the
high school.
Don't forget
Mass Meeting
Tuesday, March 10
Ski Club
Engineering School Plans
'Esprit De Corps' Program
neering by high school students,
A long-range program has been the University community and the
Spring Trip
All ski enthusiasts, from be-
ginners to experts, will be able to
whiz down the Aspen, Colo., slopes
at reduced rates during spring
vacation, Phyllis Bronstein, '61,
UL~LR Ski Club publicity chair-
man,announced recently.
"Although final costs have not
been set, we estimate automobile
transportation, chair lift tickets,
food and lodging in kitchen-
equipped cabins and three days of
lessons to total less than $100,"
Miss Bronstein explained.
The Ski Club has made the
spring pilgrimage to Aspen sev-
eral times in the past and has
sponsored several other trips to
Sun Valley, Idaho; Boyne and
Caberfae, Mich., and Stowe, Vt.
Be sure to stop
at our Bargain Table
in the Photo Dept.
You can't afford to miss it!
322 South State
mapped out to
mappd ou to instill an esprit de
.....f$ ' } w " ~ i~ e~nx cn4 n
corps' in the engineering school
student body.
Plans for a three-day "Engineer's
Weekend" were recently completed
and the school-wide event sched-
uled for the early part of May.
Designed to "promote an under-
standing of engineers and engi-
Senior Night
To Be Held
Senior Night, the annual gath-
ering of women of the senior class,
P will begin at 5:45 p.m. March 18
on the diag in front of the Gener-
al Library.
The women will march en masse
to the League, accompanied by a
small campus band for dinner in
the League Ballroom and the open-
ing night performance of' Junior
Girls Play at the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.
After dinner, the seniors will
present a program of skits taken
from their class' Frosh Weekend,
Soph Show and JGP performances
& and the traditional "declaration of
status" ceremony around the wish-
ing well.
In the fceremony, all married,
members of the class must blow
out a candle, engaged women suck
on a lemon, safety pins are giv-
to those who are "pinned" and stu-!
dents now going steady receive a
cork to remind them to "keep plug-
All unattached women must
throw a penny into the wishing
well for each year of their age.
After witnessing this year's jun-
ior class presentation of JGP, the
seniors will gather to sing a song
dedicated to next year's senior
public in general," the new pro-
gram will include exhibits of engi-
neering advances in recent years
and guest speakers,
Generates Idea
"The idea for Engineer's Week-
end was mainly generated by the
three-day open house in the archi-
tecture and design school last year'
and by Engineer's Week or Week-
ends held at Cornell, Minnesota,
Nebraska and Michigan Tech,"
central committee publicity direc-
tor Charles Hildebrandt, '59E, said
Approximately 100 industrial
firms have been invited to set up
demonstrations and exhibits in
conjunction with the student pro-
Technical honorary societies and
engineering school chairmen also
have been contacted to discuss
setting up exhibits.
Shoulder Costs
The Engineering Council and the
Michigan Technic have said they
would shoulder the costs needed
to finance the project.
The central committee, charged
with setting up the elaborate pro-
gram, is looking into the possillity
of using one floor of the Univer-
sity parking structure to house
some of the exhibits.
Besides the exhibits, Hildebrandt
said the committee would also co-
ordinate engineering events that
already occur in the spring so
that they will take place during
the Engineer's Weekend.
These include class elections,
honorary initiations and the fresh-
man-sophomore Tug-O-War. Sev-
eral other events that may also be
scheduled include guest speakers,
and special lectures by faculty
1i I1
Il C
PANDEMONIUM breaks loose
In the second act battle
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And the police men when
They engage in combat for
See this and many
Other dramatic, but
For the most part COMICAL,
Portions through the
Entire operetta, coming
Near-March 12, 13, 14, fora re-
And LAUGHS, get your tickets
Now for this great showc
Cast aside your troubles!
v Ui
1429 Hill Street
A series of differing views, sometimes divergent,
presented by distinguished members of the faculty
March 10.
March 17 .
I V 1 " ' * ME6 ---- " - - - ' - - -, - a..
PROF. CHARLES R. BRASSFIELD, Dept. of Physiology
* , PROF. PAUL H ENLE, Dept. of Philosophy
. . PROF. GEORGE B. HARRISON, Dept. of English
. PROF. GEORGE E. MENDENHALL, Dept. of Near Eastern Studies
April 14. .
April 21.