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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom



VOL. LXIX, No. 111




Women's Groups
Back Fall Rush
To Bring Resolution Before SGC
If Joint Coed Group Gives Support
Assembly and Panhellenic Associations released a resolution yes-
terday favoring the re-establishment of fall rush to begin next fall.
If the resolution is accepted by the joint group of independent-
affiliated women considering it, it will be presented at next week's
meeting of Student Government Council as representative of the
united views of all women on campus.
Committee Product
The product of a committee composed of the executive boards
of the two organizations, the recommendation calls for a fall rush
" with the initiation date "delayed




Ikes Firm Stand on


'No War'
Red Boss

Renew Riots
In Africa
BLA2NTYRE, Nyasaland ()-
Fresh violence broke out last night
'in this British protectorate.
One African nationalist was shot
dead and four were wounded in a
noisy gathering of 600 who carried
primitive hand combat weapons in
a defiant stand against colonial
The fourth consecutive day of
fighting raised to 36 the official
count of nationalists killed in
clashes with colonial police and
Open Fire
The big outbreak was at Mponela
where security forces opened fire
on the600 when they defied orders
of a district commissioner. One
nationalist was killed and three
were wounded.
The crowd was armed with
spears, axes and clubs.
A second incident occurred north
of Mponela. An African was sur-
prised there building a roadblock
and fought a security police troop-
er with a knife.
Another member of the security
forces opened fire, wounding the
African in the leg.
Troops and police earlier moved
through the countryside clearing
away roadblocks and repairing
damaged bridges and telephone
Rebels Active
Troops also fanned out in the
remote areas of the central prov-
ince, where rebels have been par-
ticularly active. A number of Afri-
cans were arrested for a variety of
offenses, such as carrying weapons.
The entire protectorate was
thrown into a racial uproar by the
arrest this week of Dr. Hastings:
Banda, president of the African
National Congress, an outlawed
Banda demands secession oft
Nyasaland from the Central Afri-
can Federation.
He insists the Federation meansI
domination of Nyasaland's threer
million Africans,
Foil Charter
For Socialists
At Lansing
Opposition and lack of member-
ship has stopped an attempt tot
form a socialist group on theI
Michigan State University cam-t
pus. .
The organized opposition to thez
socialists came from the MSU
Veterans Association and several
Reserve Officer Training Corps
organizations. These groups led-
the opposition on the Student
Congress against chartering the
socialist club.
The Socialist's second problem
came from the need of 15 under-
graduates to sign a petition to ob-
). tain a charter from the Student
Congress Committee on Organi-
zations. Of the 15 names that
were submitted, eight were dis-
covered to be graduate students.
Later two other students with-
drew their names.
Recently here a socialist club,
the Democratic Socialists, was
recognized with no protest by the
Student Government Council.
Protest Ends
DETROIT (P) - The Detroit

police patrolmen's protest against

at least one and one-half to two
weeks.after the resumption of
In reading the four-page state-
ment to the group of sorority,
housing unit delegates and Wo-
men's Senators, Patricia Mar-
thenke, '59, stressed that it was
only one of several possibilities,
intended to stimulate thinking
and questioning on the whole
problem of scheduling rushing
Tabulate Vote
A majority vote will have to be
tabulated individually in both the
affiliated and independent groups
Tuesday for acceptance of any
joint r.esolution, Penelope, Rey-
nolds, '59, chairman of Women's
Senate explained.
Each sorority and housing unit
would register one vote.
In! a point-by-point analysis of
information in the recently
released Assembly - Panhellenic
Spring Rush Study, the recom-
mendationuevaluates the effects
of the plan on affiliated and in-
dependent rushing and women not
Small Change
The conclusion of the commit-
tee was that "only a small per-
centage of girls changed their ini-
tial decisions about rushing and
pledging during the first semes-
ter" and changes that do occur
"tend to be toward increased in-
volvement in the approaching
rush decision, causing tension and
anxiety." -
League Asks
Rush Change
After studying the effects of
spring rush on League committees
and projects, the League Council
voted yesterday favoring a defer-
red fall rush.
Barbara Maier, '59, president of
the League, said last year's spring
rush resulted= in a 35 per cent de-
crease in women petitioning for
League positions, as well as a
drastically shortened period in
which to .interview petitioners.
There was also an inadequate
length of time in which to train
new officers, she added.
The committees were handi-
capped during rush, she said, by
the high percentage of affiliates
and rushees who were members
and unable to devate sufficient;
time to the League.,
Since the League is not a "step-
up" organization in which mem-
bers go through a training period,
there remains only one month in,
which to train new officers, she

LEIPZIG, East Germany (A') -
Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev
told a group of foreign business-
men yesterday: "I believe there
will be no war and then the possi-
bilities of peaceful expansion of
trade will be still greater.''
While Khrushchev was putting
the accent on peace on his third
day at the Leipzig trade fair, an-
other official indicated a high-level
meeting of Communist leaders will
be held in East Berlin in a few
Cite Conference
East German Premier Otto
Grotewohl said it is "very possible"
that Polish Colnmunist boss
Wladyslaw Gomulka and Czecho-,
slovak President and party boss
Antonin Novotny will meet there
with Grotewohl and Khrushchev.
Grotewohl did not say what such
talks would be about but there
was little doubt they would con-
cern a Soviet proposal that Poland
and Czechoslovakia be represented
at a foreign ministers' conference
on the German question.
Western political observers also
believed the Soviet premier might
want to give weight to his threat
to sign a separate peace treaty
with East Germany.
Asks 'Peace'1
It was as if Khrushchev was
determined to live up to the slogan,
posted at the fair upon his arrival:
"the visit of the Soviet delegationj
is the symbol of peaceful coexis-
"We must ban war," Khrushchev
told the foreign businessmen whoj
were visiting at the Soviet pavilion.
"Peaceful trade is the well of life,
not armaments."t
Khrushchev himself proposed
the toast to Krupp, West Ger-
many's biggest steelmaker and one
of its wealthiest men.
Sends Regards
"I wish good health to Krupp
and send him my personal re-
gards," the Soviet leader said as he
drained his cognac from a steel
cup manufactured by a Krupp
"Production for peace is better1
than cannon," Khrushchev toldY
Dr. Carl Huhdhausen, one of the
Krupp directors.
Krupp himself is not at the fair.
The Krupp firm has a contract
to build a chemical plant in thet
Soviet Union.
Khrushchev made a point ofI
visiting the impressive Krupp ex-
hibit. It is dominated by a steel
structure about 50 feet high,
crowned by the Krupp symbol of
three interlocking rings in bright1
blue neon.E
This symbol is also on the steelt
cup from which KhrushchevI
drank his toast. He put a cup inc
his pocket as a souvenir.

ICalls Tr
BELFAST, Northern Ire
-Prime Minister HaroldZ
Ian said yesterday he an
Premier Nikita Khrushch
vassed "possible ideas ofd
ment" in their Kremlin to
made some progress.
There exists a vast ch
tween East and West, how
the great issues of Europ
curity, of Germane and
lin," he told a meeting of1
Improve Knowledg
"The immediate result
visit to the Soviet Union
millan continued, "may1
not to have been very grea
"I would not myself clan
than that we have much i
our knowledge of each
points of view and so1
paved the way to neggtiat
wider circle.
"I feel sure that suchr
tions must follow if da
situations are to be avoid
"In the months aheadv
do our best to see that the
of discussion begun in Mo
carried forward."
Gives No Details
Macmillan went into n
concerning his talks with ]

West Berlin
Lawmak ers Pledge
Bjipartisan Program
P Halleck Describes Negotiations
,e After Conf erence with President
land (M)
Macmil- WASHNGTON () - The four men who lead Congress met
d Soviet for 90 minutes with President Dwight D. Eisenhower yester-
ev can- day and promptly proclaimed bipartisan backing of his firm
iks and stand against Red threats to Berlin.
"The Communists will discover that this country and our
asm be- free allies are determined to preserve the free world," Senate
ever, "on Demfocratic Leader Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas said.
Pean se- Brings No Party Division
of Ber- "We are unified; we don't have any parties in this thing,"
political Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn (D-Texas) said. "A com-
e mon and unified posture,"'
of our Senate Republican Leader Ev-
," Mac- erett M. Dirksen of Illinois State Take
be said said.
at. House Rep u b lic a n Leader
im more Charles A. Halleck of Indiana em-
mproved phasized that this did not mean
other's a firmness which barred a nego- "
perhaps tiated settlement. ver Crisis
ion in a Pledge Peace
negotia- "Every honorable avenue for LANSING U)-The legislature
ingerous and anything that can be done and Gov. G. Mennen Williams left
ded. a with honor will be done to main- Lansing for the weekend yesterday
oes tain the peace," Halleck said. without any further action on the
procis The White House session came State's deepening financial emer-
as a part of President Eisenhow- gency.
er's campaign to impress upon the There wasn't as much as a ges-
Kremlin that the West refuses to ture on the matter of trying to get
o detail be pushed out of Berlin. a borowing proposal before voters
Khrush- It followed by three hours a pr14 S'
_ Anmarentf v loakltiv rid ct

RECORD BREAKER-Michigan's Tony Tashnick splashed his
way into the record books by' posting a time of 2:02.2 in the
200-yard butterfly at East Lansing last night.
Tashnick Paces Michigan
Toward Record Point High,
Special to The Daily
EAST LANSING-Tony Tashnick's brilliant record-breaking vic-
tory in the individual medley and 200-yd. butterfly event thrust
Michigan to an overwhelming point lead in last night's second round
of the Big Ten swim championships.
The Wolverines, hip-deep in All-American swimmers, captured 80
points to double the score on runner-up Ohio State. Indiana dropped
to third place followed by Michi-
gan State, Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin
and Purdue.
Sets Two Records
Tashnick led Michigan's 18 MADISON Wis - The 'M'

! t .
7 +..,
T : >.,.... .
. ,..k..",!

chev. In fact, he touched only White House announcement that
briefly on his mission to Moscow British Prime Minister Harold

qualifiers into the evening's final
with two American record-smash-
ing wins. The reticent junior, who
rose to national prominence in this
same meet last year, even bettered
his afternoon preliminary record
performance with a 2:02.7 time in
the 200-yd, butterfly and 2:06.5 in
the individual medley.
Tashnick swept Michigan's only
two individual victories thus far
in the meet. But the Wolverines,
placing at least two men in the
eight events on the program, piled
high an insurmountable mountain
of points.
OSU Has Chance
Ohio State has the best chance
of catching the Big Ten and NCAA
title-defending Wolverines, by
qualifying nine men for the finals;
Indiana qualified seven, and other
competing teams were not repre-
sented by more than three.,
Only a stroke prevented Michi-
gan's Dick Hanley from retaining
his Big Ten 220-yd. freestyle title
and sophomore Ron Clark from
toppling the 100-yd. national
breaststroke crown from the head
of MSU's Frank Modine.
See DOUBLE, Page 6

1r<iV A 1, T e. - AZV
track squad has taken the in-
side road toward the indoor Big
Ten title. (See Page 3.)
Michigan gymnastics squad
trails Illinois in points after the
first day, but the Wolverines
lead in qualifiers for the finals.
(See Page 3.)
IOWA CITY-The Wolverine
matmen have an outside chance
for the Conference crown, plus
individual titles. (See Page 3.)
spirited hockey squad tripped
Michigan State, 4-2. (See Page

that ended two days ago.
Most of the prime minister's
utterances at the various gather-
ings concentrated on domestic
politics and local economic factors.
But Macmillan ran into trouble
from Britain's old backyard
enemies, the Irish.
Rift Developes
A tiff blew up between Macmil-
lan and Irish Prime Minister Eam-
on De Valera.
It came after Macmillan praised
.the British subjects of Northern
Ireland for standinguagainst the
campaign of the outlawed Irish
Republican Army to reunite the
six northern counties with the
Irish Republic.
"This is a matter for the Irish
government alone," De Valera de-
His references to partition (of
Ireland) can do nothing but

Spring Marches Out as Storn

Study.Suggests Revision
Of Atomic Energy Plans
A law school Atomic Energy Research Project study released re-
cently urged congressional action to avoid "overlapping and poten-
tially conflicting" state and federal atomic energy regulations.
The 166-page report is scheduled for use as background ma-
terial for the Congressional Joint Committee on Atomic Energy
'hearings planned for later this
William H. Berman and Lee M.
Hydeman, law school researchers,
based their lengthy findings on
Reels In an extensive review of various ra-
needed to cope with the radiation
ombination' punch of wind and hazards.
zzard battered much of the state. Listed among several recom-
however, being one of the few mendations for further atomic
snow before nightfall. The Ann energy legislation was a suggestion
no traffic congestion and only for increased federal assistance
ef blizzard. and support to train specialists
Packard and Madison, attribut- needed for "effective state regula-
tion" in the atomic field.
. reeled through the southeastern Commenting on the state's role
ents in the city, Wayne and Oak- in atomic energy regulation, the
report said state governments
d utility lines. should be "free to impose regula-
Will Continue tions on any nuclear activities for
ce another day of partly cloudy purposes other than controlling
with winds up to 35 m.p.h. and radiation hazards."
)ntinue throughout the day. This might include controling
wn of Marquette was snowbound, the rates charged consumers, by
a a foot of snow in some areas, nuclear power plants, the report
w snow onto highways in drifts continued.
But the Atomic Energy Com-
ened to topple a 30-story scaffold mission, the report said, should

Macmillan and Foreign Secretary
Selwyn Lloyd will confer with
President Eisenhower in Washing-
ton on March 20.
They are due to arrive March
19 after a one-day consultation
with Canadian Prime Minister
John Dieffenbaker in Ottawa..
Calls Other Leaders
Late in the day, President
Eisenhower called eight mdre key
Democrats and Republicans to his
White House study for an hour-
and-a-half discussion of the same
subjects -- the Berlin crisis and
German problems generally.
There was no White House an-
nouncement on that meeting, but
Press Secretary James C. Hagerty
confirmed in response to ques-
tions that the session was held.
Hagerty declined to provide any
details regarding what went on
at that meeting.
Cites Urgency
But Sen. Johnson told a news
conference after returning to
Capitol Hill that the approach-
ing Berlin crisis "sharpens the
necessity" for military prepared-
"Both parties are uniting to
evolve a strong foreign policy,"
he said, "one that will be equal to
any dictator's challenge."
Johnson announced the Joint
Chiefs of Staff and the Director
of the Central Intelligence Agen-
cy, Allen W. Dulles, will be invit-
ed before the Senate Prepared-
ness Subcommittee, probably next
week, to review the military situa-
ISA, Union
To Sponsor
Campus UN
At 10 a.m. today, the morning,
session of the Campus United Na-
tions Will begin in Rackham Lec-
ture Hall.
. Opening ceremonies will paral-
lel those of the regular United Na-
tions session in New York. They
will consist of a welcome by P.
Krishnamurthy, Grad., president
of the International Students As-
sociation and the introduction of
Maynard Goldman, '59, president
of Student Government Council,
and Secretary-General of . this
year's General Assembly.
There will also be one minute
of silent prayer and University
Prociiont .T-nl n ,*LH~nrhp' .r ill

-pp yMJ, gs.51Oal i/tacve ana s a e
administration leaders were recon-
ciled to the prospect, however
painful politically, of 'ailing the
state fund out of its difficulties by
tapping the huge Veterans Trust
The fund, set up in 1946, holds
securities with face value of about
50 million dollars but worth only
about 43 million on today's mar-
Veteran organization leaders
complained loudly when the Gov-
ernor proposed mortgaging it.
Lo~se .Touch
With Pioneer
' WASHINGTON (AK-The radio
aboard America's sun satellite
faded but yesterday and a space
agency spokesman said "Pioneer
IV is gone forever."
A powerful government radio
telescope lost contact with the 13-
pound cone at 10:24 a.m. (EST)
yesterday.. The General Electric
Company's tracking station at
Schenectady, N.Y., reported flick-
ering signals until shortly after
11:30 a.m.
Before the gold-washed space
craft passed from man's electronic
reach, its position was calculated
at 406,020 miles from Earth.
Its speed relative to Earth was
3,899 miles an hour.
From there, Pioneer drove deep-
er into space on what scientists
believe may be an endless journey
in a great curving orbit around
the sun.
The final firm position compu-
tation was made by the National
Aeronautics and Space Adminis-
tration tracking station at Gold-
stone , Dry Lake in California's
Mojave Desert.
It came at 10:15 a.m. when a
special filter was Drought into
play and the man-made asteriod
was tracked for nine minutes long-
Astronomers manning a British
radio telescope at Jodrell Bank in
England planned to try tracking
Pioneer further.
A spokesman for NASA said it
was unlikely any more contact
would be made, although he said
the Goldstone Station would try.
"For all practical purposes, we
have probably lost Pioneer IV for
good," he said.
Senate Raises
In ! l d"1 0.

Spring was shrouded in a c
snow yesterday, as a full-blown bliz
Ann Arbor breathed easier,Y
spots to get only a smattering of
Arbor Police Department reported
one traffic accident due to the bri
It was a rear-epd collision at
able to icy weather conditions.
Rain and winds up to 50 m.p.h,
corner of the state, flooding baseme
land counties, and felling trees an
Cold Weather V
This area of the state will fa
and continued cold weather today,
a high of 35. Snow flurries will co
In the Upper Peninsula, the to
as the blizzard dumped more than
and strong winds whipped the ne
as high as 12 feet.
In Detroit, 45-mile winds threat

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