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February 10, 1959 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-02-10

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iGC Plans Meeting
)f 'Tryouts' Today
Committee Chairmen To Speak
At Administrative Wing Program
Student Government Council's Administrative Wing Personnel
gram - their "tryout" program - will be held at 4 p.m. today
Rm. 3D of the Union, according to Lynnel Marg, '61, SGC's per-
inel director.
This will not be a formal mass, meeting, she emphasized, but will
an informal ,meeting with the committee chairman present to
k to those trying out. There will be no formal speeches made.
"We have no formal tryout program," Miss Marg explained. "We
ce people directly on the committees they choose."
More Individual Responsibility



t t
Y t" 5



'She said the Council is hopr
ponsibilty and authority to mak
U. . Funds
id College
Loan Plans
With the recent allocation of
ederal funds totaling $6 million
1 nine basic programs authorized
y the National Defense Educa-
.on Act are now in effect, accord-
ig to United States Commission-
r of Education Lawrence G.
The most recent appropriation
eent to 1,277 colleges and univer-
ties in the 49 states, the District
i Columbia, Hawaii and Puerto
ico, for the establishment of
tudent Loan Programs.
Need Application
College students and high school
raduates wishing to obtain a stu-
eent loan under this program ap-
ly to any institution which is
eceiving these funds, and the in-
ividual schools handle the dis-
ibution of their funds.
Tho National Defense Educa-
on Act requiresthat special con-
deraton be given to students
rith superior academic back-
rounds who intend to teach in
lementary or secondary schools
r those whose academic back-
rounds 4ndicate superior capa-
Lty or . preparation in science,
athematics, engineering or a
odern foreign language.
For five years of full-time
eachng in a public elementary
r secondary school, 50 per cent
f each student loan would be
anceled, at the rate of 10 per
ent for each year of teaching.
Maximum Set
Maximum loan for each student
$1,000, and with a total fund
f at least $6,667,000, this would
rovde 6,667 loans under the ini-
ial appropriation.
In Michigan, a total of 35 in-
ttutons have received grants,
icluding the University, which
eceved $48,305, and Wayne State
rniversity, which received $18,356.
V idwestern
Pick Roberson
John H. Roberson, an atomic
riergy specialist, has been ap-
ointed executive director of the
ssociated Midwest Universities.
James H. Jensen, provost of
owa State College and president
f the inter-university corporation,
nnounced the appointment of the
3-year veteran of the govern-
ent's atomic energy program re-
The AMU was formed in May,
958, to combine science research
acilities and now has 31 members,
he of which is the University.
wberson, as executive director,
rll aid in the beginning use of the
rgonne National Laboratory at
emont, Ill., by AMU personnel.
Roberson has served as manager
f the Dayton Area office, a part
f the Atomic Energy Commis-
n's Albuquerque Operations com-
He has also served as supervisor
general research in health phys-
s at Oak Ridge National Lab-
atory, and as director of Re-
arch and Medicine there.
Jensen, announcing the appoint-
ent, commented, "We are most
indful of the urgent need to en-
urage and support scientific re-
arch and education. There is

uch work to be done.
"The AMU feels most fortunate
having secured the services of
n executive director whose ad-
inistrative experience covers the

ng to delegate more projects, re-
e decisions to the individual com-
< mittee members than has been
formerly done.
Among the committees which
are operating now she cited the
Student Activities committee, the
National and International Affairs
committee, the Education and
Student Welfare committee and
the Public Relations committee.
The National and International
Affairs committee is divided into
the International co-ordination
and national student. college and
government relations groups.
Plan Exchange Programs
The first part is concerned with
relations with organizations such
as the International Students As-
sociation, the Human Relations
Board- and the Student Associa-
tion for International Living. They
also are responsible for the various
exchange programs which touch
the University.
The latter function involves
handling relations and exchanges
with other colleges and with local,
state and national government.
This group is handling the visit
of state legislators to the Univer-
sity sometime in the spring.
They also take care of liaison
with the United States National
Students Association and are in
charge of the local NSA organiza-
tion. 'They provide hosts for visi-
tors to campus and arrange week-
end exchange visits.
Work With Political Clubs
They also maintain relations
with the campus political clubs.
The Student Activities commit-
tee calendars the events of cam-
pus organizations, work on the
Summer Employment Bureau and
will be operating the bicycle ex-
The Education and Student
Welfare committee was respon-
sible for the establishment of the
Student Health Insurance pro-
gram. They operate . the Exam
file in the Undergraduate Library
and are working in the area of
Student Involvement in Univer-
sity policy-making committees.
Publicize Activities
The Public Relations commit-,
tee is in charge of informing the
campus of SGC's various activi-
ties. They send newsletters to
campus housing units and to the
faculty. The speakers' bureau
which supplies SGC members to
speak at different events is under
their jurisdiction. v
A committee which is not oper-
ating currently, but which offers
opportunities to any persons in-
terested is the Elections commit-
tee. This committee will handle
the March elections for both SGC
members and other campus-wide

Get Grants
Educational institutions re-
ceived the majority of the grants
and appropriations made by the
Ford Foundation during the fis-
cal year ended September 30, 1958,
according to Henry T. Heald,
foundation president.
Heald said that "the key ques-
tion of our time" is whether man's
educational resources can meet
today's challenges. "Education,
like peace, has become a world-
wide problem, one and indivisible
with the well-being and survival
of mankind.
"Today, ignorance is a burden
society can no longer afford,"
Heald said. Viewing American
education as a growing, changing
institution, he found that "west-
ern educataion is undergoing a
major overhaul to strengthen
weak spots."
'Gap is Widening'
However, he continued, the gap
between the most advanced and
the least-advanced areas of the
world is "widening, not shrink-
"Virtually all American children
now attend elementary school,
and two out of three complete
high school. But only half of the
earth's 500 million children be-
tween five and 14 years old have
primary school facilities, and only
one in tei can look forward to
secondary education," he added.
Made Several Grants
The role of the Ford Founda-
tion, Heald concluded, is "explor-
ing the path ahead by trying to
identify some of the maior prob-
lems facing society and by en-
couraging the educational and re-
search ventures needed for their
In the field of United States
education, the Foundation made
several grants. The Fund for the
Advancement of Education sup-
ports a variety of experiments to
explore alternative means of in-
creasing both the size and the
general excellence of America's
school and college teaching force.
States Receive
Nearly one million dollars have
been made available to 23 states,
the District of Columbia and Ha-
waii for area vocational programs
by the Office of Education, United
States Commissioner of Education
Lawrence G. Derthick announced.
The programs, authorized under
the National Defense Education
Act, will provide training of high-
ly skilled technicians in occupa-
tions vital to the national de-
fense such as electronics and in-
dustrial chemistry.
The program requires that the
federal funds be matched dollar
for dollar by state funds.

'U' 'Researchers
Visit Monastery
Princeton, University of Alexandri
Join Art Expedition to St. Catharir
A "gold-mine" of Byzantine art was found this past summer
the sixth-century Monastery of St. Catherine below the peak of D
Sinai, members of an inter-university research expedition announc
Art works, jewelry, icons, mosaics and church architecture d
ing from the time of the emperor Justinian were studied by facu
members of the University, Princeton University and the Univers
of Alexandria in Egypt. The only comparable expedition to the me
astery was conducted several years ago by a Library of Congress f
d~ritln H Nwer n nrevintusU

BELL TOWER-The ancient bells of the monastery are still used by the monks to announce
prayer hours. Within the monastery walls-there is also a Mohammedan mosque as evidence that
the two religions can live together harmoniously. It is believed that Mohammed accorded the
monks a guaraity of protection in return for the hospitality the monks showed him before his
trip up Mt. Sinai.

Pollok Cites
Defense of the 'West's position
in West Berlin was deemed neces-
sary at all costs by Prof. James K.
Pollock, chairman of the political
science department, at an Ann
Arbor Rotary Club meeting re-
He cited West Berlin as neces-
sary to the western defense pat-
tern and asserted that absorption
of the_.. city by' East Germa-n
would threaten the governments
of both West Germany and other
European natiins.
The presence of a strong Ger-
man army is a maJor factor in
the Soviet threat, Prof. Pollock
said. But, he added, the 200,00
man army is runier the command
of NATO and not governed strict-
ly by West Germany.
He said it was clear that the
Berlin, crisis has been manufac-
tured by the So .iets because they
fear Berlin's value tc, the West.
'the Soviets are afraid that West
Berlin might be turned into a pos-
sible launching si e for Western
missiles, he added
West Berlin *s a valuable show-
place for the West because it con-
trasts advantageously to the East-
ern sec or and c.-ates a favorable
impression for democracy among
the rest of the woiid, Prof. Pol-
lock said.
In addition, West Berlin is an-
escape hatch for five hundred
people daily and since 1949 ap-
proximately 3 million people have
migrated to the West through the
city, he cmmented.

peuiton. owever, nu p exu
thorough studies. of the art trea-
sures had been made before.
Included in the group were Prof.
George H. Forsyth, Jr., chairman
of the fine arts department, Prof.
Ralph Berry of the, engineering
college, and Fred Anderegg, super-
visor of University photo services.
Prof. Kurt Weitzman of Princeton
and Profs. Mohammed Khalafalla
and Hassan Shafei of the Univer-
sity of Alexandria were also part
of the expedition. Prof. Forsyth
served as field director.
Founded by Justinian
St. Catherine, the oldest exist-
ing Greek Orthodox monastery,
was founded by Justinian in the
sixth century when he ordered
his forces to build the monastery
to protect the monks, Prof. For-
syth explained. The primitive
Bedouin tribes which now serve
the monks are supposed to be the
hereditary descendants of those
Located about 150 miles south
of Suez, the monastery now sur-
vives in the center of Islamic
country, Prof. Forsyth continued,
and it is believed that the monks
offered hospitality to Mohammed
who inf turn accorded them a
guaranty of protection. In the
center of the monastery is a Mo-
hammedan mosque, he added, and
the location below Mt. Sinai is of
religious significance to Judaism.
The origins of the monastery
chapel are confirmed by the in-
scription of Justinian's name on
the church beams and ,the record
of his wife, Theodora's, death,
Prof. Forsyth said. A third inscrip-
tion designates the architect as
Stephanos of Aila.
Climate Preserves "Wood
The church construction is one
of the "best examples of late Ro-
man military engineering," Prof.
Forsyth said. The centuries-old
beams have probably been pre-
served by the dry desert climate,
he continued, because normally
they would have decayed long
Under the direction of Prof.
Berry the architectural survey
was carried out with a photo-
theodolite - a very precise instru-
ment normally used for survey-
ing mountains. This is the first
time it was used for an architec-
tural survey, Prof. Forsyth added.
A complete photographic record
of the architecture, the land, and

Y .w.;.w. ... . , . . .,.w .. ., ......A ..

*. . holding Bible

ST..CATHERINE'S -- The main church of the monastery with
a golden throne for the archbishop. The church is very elaborate
with detailed ornaments hanging from the ceiling and several
ancient icons placed on the walls.

Final Russell Report Lists 45 Recommendations

the art works was taken by A
deregg. One of the principle r
sults of the expedition was I
photographing' of the huge rmos
representing the transfigurati
of Christ. The mosaic was local
above the church altar and w
photographed from various ang
through' the use of a four sto
high aluminum scaffolding, A
deregg :said.
The scaffolding along with cot
plete equipment for developi
the films had to be brought acrc
the desert, he added, because
the film was not developed it
mediately the climate might ha
caused exposure.
Find Icons
The group also found some
the oldest Christian icons in I
world there. If the Mohammed
conquest hadn't isolated the mo
astery during the seventh ce
tury, many of the icons woi
have been destroyed by the I
zantine emperor during the Ico
oclastic controversy of the eigh
and ninth centuries.
"It is the only place where ico
between the sixth and eighth ce
turies are preserved in apprecial
numbers in addition to those
the so-called Middle Byzantd
Period from the ninth to twell
centuries which are also extren
ly rare," Prof. Weitzman, w.
studied the art with Prof. Forsy
There is comparable mater
for later periods in other r
seums, he continued, but with I
Mt. Sinai findings a.complete h.
tory of icon painting can now
made. Many of the icons we
gifts from the Greek Orthod
world, he added.
Contains Medieval Library
Some of the icons were stor
on book shelves in the old libra
Prof. Forsyth said, along with a
cient manuscripts, Bibles and 1
urgical books. The monastery cc
tains "one of the greatest medie
libraries," he noted. About
years ago a newnconcrete libre
was built and many of the
works have since been transfeir
The group of seven monks 1
ing there lead a quiet life a
"really work at praying," Pi

Many problems dimming an
otherwise bright picture - this
was the portrait that emerged
from the final report of John Dale
Russell's Survey of Higher Educa-
tion in Michigan.
The report presents a series of
45 recommendations to back up
its discussion of the difficulties in
state-wide education.
To fit the concept of a state-
wide system of education, a
"board for the coordination of the
State-controlled program of high-
er education" was recommended,
and along with it, a drastic re-.
vision of the methods of govern-
ing all such institutions, under
the principle that each institution
should be autonomous within its
own sphere of instruction.
To Give Out Information
The functions of the central
governing body would be the dis-
semination of information from

Michigan State University in the
chairs of their governing bodies.
Also the report suggests plac-
ing Central, Eastern and Northern
Michigan Colleges, and Western
Michigan University, under indi-
vidual governing bodies, instead
of the present' system which
places them under the State
Board of Education, and revise the
method of selectio nfor members
of all governing bodies, eliminat-
ing'elections in favor of guberna-
torial appointment with the con-
sent of the Senate.
To Create New Board.
In addition, the report favors
creation of a Community College
Board, subordinate to the central
coordinating board. The Commu-
nity College Board would handle
the entire state program of such
institutions, presenting a com-
bined budget request to the cen-
tral body. The state board would

With this in mind, the report
recommends a number of specific
items the State should consider
in order to encourage the further
growth of community colleges, in
particular the lifting of certain
restrictions, and a greater finan-
cial outlay.
Studies Expansion
Besides community colleges, the
report studied a number of addi-
tional possible ways to expand
Michigan's educational services.
One of its principle recommenda-
tions called for the creation of a
commission "to consider the es-
tablishment of an additional State
college or colleges."
This came after the group dis-
carded the idea of extending the
facilities for publicly controlled
higher education "through the
establishment of branches of the
State-controlled colleges and uni-
mnia e urr _ h. annt+

throughout the state, and in line
with this idea, the report suggest-
ed "a single, state-wide extension
system, pooling the resources of
all the institutions and applying
these resources as wisdom and
economy indicate."j
Also recommended in relation
to extension centers was "a ju-
dicious but substantial enlarge-
ment of joint offerings in exten-
sion services," and "a greater
measure of self-imposed limita-
tions" on them, with the idea of
eliminating services which should
be undertaken by other institu-
tions in the area.
Turning to financial matters,
the report laid down as a basic
policy for the state "to provide
sufficient financial support to its
institutions . . . so that they are
able to furnish education of good
quality at the lowest possible cost
to the student."

prove the institutions themselves,
the study declared. It also recom-
mended "a uniform system of fi-
nancial accounting and report-
ing," to provide "truly compar-
able financial information as a
basis for determining the needs"
of the various institutions.
In addition,"It was thought best
to provide each institution with a
certain amount of funds,' and
permit it to handle those funds as
it sees fit.
To Standardize Reports
Along with standardized meth-
ods of financial reporting, the
study also recommended a stand-
ard system of reporting enroll-
ment statistics and other figures
which the legislature would have
to take into account.
Afte'r an examination of the
strength of Michigan's state-
supported institutions, the report
decided that Ferris Institute,
nlns xvih . nimhpr of mmu'-

State University's medical school,
to allow them to increase their
freshman enrollment from 75 to
Along with this, it recommend-
ed a comprehensive study of the
needs of the state ij! the area of
medical education.
Nursing schools should also be
expanded, the report declared, cit-
ing specifically the University's
school, which it felt should de-
velop a fuller program of gradu-
ate work. It .also asked for a larg-
er scholarship program in this
At present, the report declares,
"coordination of institutional pro-
grams of higher education in
Michigan is almost non-existent."
The Legislature itself was called
the only effective coordinating
agency, and here it is handicapped
by a lack of proper information
"The final determination of ap-

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