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fIW pE

Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom

OL. LXIX, No. 102




Khrushchev Speech
urprises Audience
Soviet Premier Delivers Attack
On Western Policies in Germany
MOSCOW UP) - Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev caustically
attacked Western foreign policies on Germany yesterday in a Kremlin
British sources said visiting Prime Minister Harold Macmillan
reacted "with some shock" when he heard of Khrushchev's remarks.
British officials with Macmillan expressed surprise at the timing
of Khrushchev's speech at}a -local political rally. "It set us back on
" our heels after two days of back-

r r

To Be Asked
By Socialists
The Democratic Socialist Club
k will seek recognition as a Univer-
sity-approved organization at to-
night's SGC meeting.
The club's main purpose will be
to acquaint, the students and fac-
ulty with the aims of, socialism,
William Evans, '59, chairman of
the club, said last night.
The club will hold a "semi-for-
mal" discussion and lecture series
on the history, problems and prin-
ciples of socialism. It will also pre-
sent the socialist alternative on
important issues, Evans said.
We are going to try to remove
the stigma from the term "social-
-, " he said.
The Democratic Socialist pro-
gram for this semester will be two-
told. Evans explained that the
group will bring "outstanding
American figures with a socialist
orientation" to campus. "We also
want to try to kick up a little ex-
citement in both campus and local
politics," he said. "We Oant to put
a burr in some rather complacent
The Democratic Socialists pres-
ently have approximately.35 mem-
bers, Evans said, although the
petition\ submitted to SGC has
only 21 names on the membership
The first speaker to appear be-
fore the Young Socialists will be
Prof. Lewis Coser of Brandeis Uni-
versity, noted sociologist and an
editor of Dissent, a non-party
socialist magazine. He will appear
Saturday in a meeting open to
the public if arrangements for the
speech can be made in time, Evans
said. If not, he will speak to the
Democratic Socialists privately, be
Also to appear in the near future
will be Prof. Irving Howe of Bran-
deis University, critic and author,
with Prof. Coser, of the recently-
published "The American Com-
munist Party: a Critical History."
Urge Force
For Free TV
LANSING WP)-The Senate was
asked yesterday to use the power
of the purse to force statewide free
telecasting of the annual Michi-
gan-Michigan State football game.
Two Detroit lawmakers urged
that operating appropriations of
the two institutions be held up un-
less they agreed to unrestricted
telecasts, assuming the traditional
sell-out game.
Their demand stirred support
among some colleaguesuwhile
others dodged comment or said the
schools have their hands tied on
TV policy and shouldn't be both-
Last year's 'M'-MSU game was
carried on a closed TV circuit to
large arenas in a half dozen Mich-
igan cities. The operation was de-
scribed afterward as a break-even
Democratic Sens. Harold M.
Ryan and Charles S. Blondy of
Detroit put in the resolution.
Sen. Perry W. Greene (R-Grand
Rapids) was in favor.
"I'm sick and tired of these peo-
ple coming to us and saying they're
a constitutional body, the public
be damned," Greene said.
SGroup Plans

Russian Study
BILOXI, Miss. AP) -- The Exec-

slapping," one said.
Refusal Serious
Western ambassadors at the
British reception were equally
serious about Khrushchev's ap-
parent refusal to start Berlin talks
at the foreign ministers' level.
"The situation is serious," said
one veteran envoy. "I only hope
Macmillan understands how seri-
ous it is before his next meeting
with Khrushchev. "
The Khrushchev speech was de-
scribed by British sources as un-
usual since it came right in the
middle of private conversations
between the two leaders. It was
delivered during a break in the
talks while Macmillan was on a
one-day trip to Dubna, the Soviet
atom center 90 miles northeast of
Rejects Western Plan
Khrushchev apparently rejected
the West's proposal for a Big Four
Foreign Ministers' meeting on
Germany. It would have been jus-
tified at the windup of World War
II, he said, but "now the idea is
plainly obsolete."
The Soviet Union, the United
States, Britain and France can-
not discuss German unification, he
contended, because "this is a ques-
tion for the two German states
"A short time ago Chancellor
Konrad Adenauer (of West Ger-
many) stated that years might be
necessary for such negotiations.
Our foreign minister is a busy
man and I hardly think he should
waste time on 'fruitless talks."
He repeated as "more expedient"
the Soviet proposal, already turned
down by the West, for a meeting
of the Government chiefs of all
nations that waged war against
Hitler to work out a German
peace treaty.
Oath Asked
On Religion
AUSTIN, Tex. VP)-- Four state
legislators have accused some state
and private schools and colleges of
teaching students there is no God.
They hinted at a possible Legis-
lative investigation.
Church and education officials
immediately denied the charges of
atheism-disbelief or denial of the
existence of a Supreme Being.
Four representatives asked the
legislature to pass a bill requiring
that teachers in state schools and
colleges take an annual oath af-
firming such belief.
"If they don't believe in a Su-
preme Being they should not be
allowed to teach," Rep. Joe Chap-
man of Sulphur Springs told news-.
men. "I have a suspicion a great
number of atheists are Commu-
Rep. Bill Hollowell of Grand Sa-
line said the group had a list of
names but refused to make them

An Editorial...
THERE WAS A TIME on this campus when student
government was :considered important.
Members of the student body were comparatively
concerned about being heard when decisions affecting
them were being made. Four years ago, after consider-
able talk, work and determination, they established a
new form of student government at Michigan. Student
Government Council was hailed as one of the most
liberal and best forms for student representation in any
- of the nation's universities.
But what seemed to be a strong structure of student
representation totters uncertainly.
At the Regents' request, Student Government Coun-
cil is being carefully re-evaluated, and with it, by
inference, the students' role in the University community
and its affairs.
What happens during the next few weeks will de-
termine whether students will have a voice in what
happens at the University or whether they will be rele-.
gated to planning dances and other forms of busy work.
Yet, to date, only eight people have taken out peti-
tions and plan to run for one of the six positions up for
Government, the old cliche goes, is precisely what
the people make it. University students are in danger
of getting precisely the kind of government they deserve.
Associatiton o Petition
For Changes in Leases
This weekend the Northwood-Terrace Tenant Association will
circulate a petition among tenants requesting the University to change
its policies concerning the termination of leases and damage assess-
ments of married students housing.
"We want the University to provide apartment leases which can
be broken after graduation," Robert Grace, Grad., explained. A mem-
_ber of the steering committee of

Cites Attitude"
In Science
Morrison Claims
'Lethargy' Harmful
A well-known rocket expert and
University professor took a jab
last night at what he termed
"scientifiic lethargy" in Michigan.
Prof. Richard B. Morrison of
the aeronautical engineering de-
partment complained "we have
lost most of our flexibility" in
adopting new scientific advances
for industry here.
"It will take a real jolt to shake
Michigan loose from this lethar-
gy," Prof. Morrison said. One big.
scientific development that can
be proved proflitable for the
state's major industrial firms will
serve the purpose, he said.
Blames Attitude
The rocket expert blamed the
"midwestern attitude more than
anyting else" for the state's failure
to keep up with more scientifically
advanced industries in other areas.
"Our attitude is one of produc-
tion and not technological ad-
vance," he said.
The biggest concentration of
scientific manpower can be found
on both coasts, Prof. Morrison said.
"The West Coast has no trouble
in taking the new, more scientific
industries in its stride," Prof.
Morrison added. He offered the
concentration of aeronautical and
electronic developments there as a
major example.
"At one time, a large concen-
tration of this aircraft industry
was in the Midwest," he said.
"But heavy industry with a high
degree of organization and spe-
cialization has produced an over-
specialized Michigan," he said.
Most Michigan firms consider -in
industrial shift, such as rocket de-
velopment, "too costly" to take a
Makes Suggestions
Speaking before the Pi Tau Sig-
ma honorary mechanical engineer-
ing society at the Union last night,
Prof. Morrison directed several
suggestions at the United States'
present space program.
The biggest danger we face is
concentrating on the big rockets
too much and forgetting the small-
er ones, he said.
The scientist of toiay generally
favors going toward a smaller,
higher-performance rocket, Prof.
Morrison added.
Of course, the military will lean
toward the bigger, longer-range
rockets, but the scientist tends to
view the more developed space ve-
hicle as the one most productive,
he said.
Advancing an estimate on how
long it will take man to travel
into space,. Prof. Morrison gave
five years as a "rough guess."
'Technic' Sale
Begins Today
The Michigan Technic will go
on sale today featuring an article
on thermoelectricity - the direct
conversion of heat into electricity
at elevated temperatures.
The monthly student-sponsored
engineering magazine will also
feature a winning essay on "Man
vs. the Group," editor-in-chief
Charles Hildebrandt, '59E, said


Three Years of Exile
Ended for Makarios
LONDON OP) - Three years of bitter exile ended yesterday for
Archbishop Makarios, bearded leader of the Greek Cypriots.
The British Government sent a notice to his London hotel that
he may go home to Cyprus whenever he wishes.
The Archbishop and his entourage of black-robed, Greek Orthodox
churchmen immediately made plans to leave London by plane Saturday
for the British Crown Colony. He is sure of a huge flower-throwing
welcome on the beautiful Mediter-

Union Group
May March

IReuther Plans To Hold
Capital Demonstration



SGC To Air{
AKL Colony
Recognition of Alpha Kappa
Lambda will be considered further
by the Student Government Coun-
cil at its meeting at 7:30 p.m. to-
day, according to Mort Wise, '59,
executive vice-president.
The constitution of the fra-
ternity, seeking recognition as a
colony, was interpreted in a letter
from Dean of Men Walter B. Rea
as containing "a restrictive clause
with reference to the religion of
candidates for membership." The
group will present a letter from the
national stating that no bias is
The resolution to increase stu-
dent membership on the Board in
Control of Inter-collegiate Ath-
letics will also come before SGC,
Wise said. Opinions of the 15 pro-
fessors contacted concerning the
change willbe given.
A report on the proposed estab-
lishment of a file giving course
information to be set up in coun-
seling offices and a motion con-
cerning a hearing on men's and
women's rushing will also be con-
sidered at the meeting.
Appointments will also be made
to a committee to evaluate the
National Student Association, the
Student Relations Board, the Com-
mittee to Consider the 1949 Bias
Clause Regulation and a special
Chamber of Commerce Committee.

the Association, he noted that un-
der present policy, students must
sign a year lease, running from
August to August.;
Under standing University regu-
lations, a -student who graduates
in February or June is held to his
contract until, August, he said. He
must either find a sub-lessee for
his apartment, or suffer the fi-
nancial loss.
'U' Helps
Grace noted that the Univer-
sity has assisted the apartment
lessee in finding someone to take
over his lease, and that most ten-
ants have been successful in their
But the petition, which he ex-
pects "no less than 80 per cent
and as high as 95 per cent" of the,
apartment tenants to sign, will
request advanced notice of 30 days
for a termination of lease, "if the
student leaves school for any
A new policy of assessment for
damages to the apartments is also
requested by the petition. Under
the proposed plan, inspection of
apartments must be conducted "in
the presence of the tenant or his
authorized representative."
Want List
The Association also feels that
a list of prior damages should be
filed with the University upon oc-
cupancy for a "more fair assess-
ment of fines," Grace explained.
The Association, which lists the
tenants of the Northwood-Terrace
apartments as members, was
formed in January to present the
problems of the tenants to Uni-
versity officials and to "improve
relations between a p a r t m e n t
dwellers and the University," ac-
cording to Grace.

ranean island where 508 Britons
and Cypriots lost their lives in four
years of civil strife..
To Head Cypriots
The Archbishop is expected to
become the first President of the
Republic of Cyprus when it is
formed after gaining independence
in about a year.
The end of exile and the forma-
tion of the Cyprus Republic were
made possible last week when
British, Turkish and Greek leaders,
along with Makarios and Turkish
Cypriots, signed an agreement in
London on independence for the
Archbishiop Makarios and three
other Greek Cypriot leaders were
deported to the Seychelle Islands
in the Indian Ocean in March of
Later he was able to travel to
the United States, Greece, Britain
and other countries-but he was
never allowed to return to Cyprus.
Britain exiled the Archbishop
from Cyprus because he refused to
condemn violence by the under-
ground EOKA organization to back
its demand for union with Greece.
In Nicosia, Cyprus, Governor Sir
Hugh Foot revoked the deportation
order against Archbishop Makar-
At a news conference Foot said,
lifting the ban on Makarios was a7
further step in ending the island's
emergency and a return to normal.
Other Orders Lifted
Deportation orders against Ma-,
karios' three fellow exiles-Bishop;
Kyprianos of Kyrenia, Father Pa-
pastavros Papagathangelou and
Polycarpos Joannides - also were
Foot told newsmen that amnesty
terms affecting EOKA rebels,
either those convicted or still at
large, will be published "in a day
or two."
Dr. Fazil Kutchuk and other.
members of the Turkish Cypriot
delegation to the London Confer-
ence returned to Nicosia and re-
ceived a cheering reception from
about 5,000 Turkish Cypriots.
Foot said he would call a meet-
ing with Makarios and Kutchek as
soon as possible to set up a transi-
tional committee. This committee
will lay the groundwork for inde-
pendence and advise Foot in the
interval between now and the
formation of the Republic,
A spokesman at his hotel head-
quarters said a strenuous few
months lay ahead and the Arch-
bishop would need all his strength.
Late last week he suffered a chill
and cold, but apparently he was

oq lq cBow .. .... - i. Y

... back to Cyprus
House Kills
'Finance Bill
LANSING (M)-Party lines broke
yesterday when the House killed a
plan for a student-financed build-
ing program at state colleges and
It would compel students to pay
off a 100-million dollars bond issue
for campus construction.
Rep. Willard I. Bowerman Jr.
(R-Lansing) proposed to submit
the idea to voters at the April 6
election. But the 57-43 tally fell
17 short votes of the passage re-
Under the plan, students would
sign promissory notes agreeing to
pay $90 for each school year they
enrolled. Notes would fall due after
Money would be distributed to
the nine state-supported colleges
and universities in proportion to
their size.
Bowerman, who saw virtually
the same plan beaten last year,
called it a "reasonable approach"
to college building needs in the
face of a state cash shortage.
"Legislators who think that
these buildings are going to be
built from the state's general fund.
are asking too much," he said.
Backing Bowerman, Rep. Charles
A. Boyer (R-Manistee), assistant
GOP floor leader, said more stu-
dent contributions to education
expenses"might convince them
that it costs something to get an
"It might also help establish an
esprit de coimps that doesn't often
exist these days except for athletic
teams," he said.
Rep.- Charles Raap (D-Twin
Lakes) said a bill soon would be
introduced to implement Gov. G.
Mennen Williams' 146 million dol-
lar state building program, the
biggest share for college construc-
tion. Bonds would be retired from
general revenues.
Senator Asks
Strauss Probe
WASHINGTON (M)--Sen. Estes
Kefauver (D-Tenn.) said yester-
day he wants a full investigation
of Lewis L. Strauss' role in the
Dixon-Yates affair before Strauss'
nomination as Secretary of Com-
merce is voted on.
Kefauver said he has asked the
Senate Commerce Committee to

By -President
To 'Dramatize Plight'
Of Five Million Idle
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico ()-
Walter Reuther yesterday won over
other AFL-CIO leaders to his plan
for the unemployed to dramatize
their woes with demonstrations
soon in Washington.
The project might include a
march past the White House.
Reuther, the United Auto Work-
ers chief, said the demonstrations
would "dramatize the desperate
plight" of five million idle.
Reuther Victorious
The agreement to sponsor the
demonstrations, made at conclud-
ing sessions of the AFL-CIO Exec-
utive Council's two-week winter
meeting here, apparently showed
Reuther to be the victor in a run-
ning dispute with George Meany,
AFL-CIO President.
Reuther and other former lead-
ers of the old CIO accused Meany
of dictating AFL-CIO policies, and
demanded a voice in shaping Fed-
eration decisions.
Meany, who was reported favor-
ing a springtime meetingof union
chiefs to urge economic aid legis-
lation instead of the proposed
demonstrations, finally went along
with Reuther's plan to assemble
thousands of runemployed in the
nation's capital.
Threatens To Quit
Reuther won his point after
threatening to quit as chairman of
the federation's Economic Policy
"Reuther indicated he'd like to
resign and I told him I didn't
think he should," Meany said.
Under the Meany-Reuther com-
promise agreement, the capital
gathering will include both union
officials and thousands of idle
workers. Speculation centered on
possibilities the demonstrations
would include a parade down Pen-
nsylvania Avenue past the White
Denies Criticism
Meany also asserted that recent
criticism by the National Associa-
tion for the Advancement of Col-
ored People about alleged racial
discrimination in AFL-CIO unions
was "completely unjustified."
He said he planned to confer
soon with NAACP National Secre-
tary Roy Wilkins in Washington to
establish a system for settling ra-
cial discrimination complaints
without "running to the public
Meany said the Federation had
steadfastly opposed racial discrim-
ination, but the AFL-CIO can only
counsel and can't compel unions to
eliminate discrimination.
Eight File.
For Council
Four more petitions have been
taken out for Student Government
Council, making a 'total of eight
students running for the six avail-
able seats.
Of the six present SGC members
whose terms are scheduled to ter-
minate this spring, Mort Wise, '59,
and Fred Merrill, '59, will defi-
nitely not run for another term.
Roger Seasonwein, '61, Jo Hardee,
'60, and Scott Chrysler, '59, are
undecided. David Kessel, Grad.,
was not available for comment.
The new SGC petitions were
taken out yesterday by Leonard
Bloomfield, '59E, Morton Meltzar,
'61, John Feldkamp, '61, and David
Partridge, '60BAd
Two candidates, Joel Levine, '60,
and Phillip Zook, '60, are running
for president of the literary col-

lege. Robert' Baer, '60, has taken
out a petition for president of the
business administration school and
Barry Peebles, '60, is running for
engineering school president.
Petitions for other class offices


Rossini's 'Barber of Seville' To Open Tonight

Rossini's comic opera "The Barber of Seville" will open at 8 p.m.
today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The speech department has joined forces with the music school
to produce the opera, which will run through Saturday. Prof. Josef
Blatt of the music school directs the vocalists and orchestra. Dramatic
director is Prof. Jack Bender of the speech department.
The story is concerned with the courting and winning of beautiful
Rosina by two men who desire her for different reasons. Count Alma-
viva wants to woo her without her knowing his name or realizing his
rank, to be assured that she loves him for himself.
Wanted for Her Money
The other suitor, Dr. Bortolo is guardian to Rosina. He wants to
marry Rosina to get her money and is described as "a miser, suspicious,
an inveterate grumbler, about a hundred years old but ambitious to
play the gallant."
That each of these men concentrates on the pursuit of the sameC
object is not the only parallelism which runs through the comedy. Each
of them relies on the trickery of clever hirelings to gain this object
and both hirelings demand adequate recompense for their tasks.

YE ::

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