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Colleges Seek To Increase Revenues
Many colleges faced with the
problem of budget cuts are seeking
new ways to increase revenues
whieh will add money to their
The Texas Commission on High-
er Education had recommended
higher tuition in anticipation of
improved quality in higher educa-
tion and increased appropriations
for all 18 Texas state-supported
colleges and universities.
In view of this increase, the Stu-
dent Assembly of the University of
Texas appropriated $500 to con-
tact the Legislature through bar-
ents of students and took a firm
stand against any tuition increase.
Would Violate Principle
The Assembly said that "a tui-
4 tion raise would violate the very
"principle of public education at a
iinimum cost and would place an
unnecessary financial burden up-
on the students."
Oklahoma has suggested another
answer to this problem. The board
of regents of Oklahoma University
went on record last week in favor
of a tax increase, if necessary, to
provide adequate funds for state
colleges. The board said further
that it will pledge itself to support
actively any tax increase necessary
to provide the additional revenue.
Failure to provide the funds, the
regents said, will force the institu-
tions to accept another increase in
enrollment fees, limited enroll-
ments or lower academic stand-
ards, which might result in loss
of accreditation.
To Support Regents
The student senate at the Uni-
versity of Oklahoma unanimously
resolved to support the regents in
their request for higher appropria-
tions. They also discussed the loss
of professors to higher paying
schools and agreed that if an addi-
tional $14 millipn is granted to
higher education, these funds
should be used extensively for
higher salaries and better technical
and research equipment.
The high cost of living has also
hit the. Ivy League schools. All
except Columbia and Harvard have
announced tuition increases for
the year 1959-60. The reasons for
the increases have varied from
higher salaries to expansion and
increased costs.
At the University of Illinois,
President David Henry requested
additional appropriations for the
University's operating budget in
1960-62 and received the reply that
" a number of things will have to
be reduced to meet the income of
the state," from Sen. E. R. Peters.
University officials appeared be- This bill is aimed at reducing in-
fore the State Budgetary Com- terest rates the university pays on
mission last Wednesday. The com- bonds and qualifying financial
mission chairman indicated that a offerings for federal government
possible tax increase would deter-. investment. This measure will re-
mine the university's chances of duce interest rates.
receiving anywhere near its pro- Recommends Fee Boost
posed budget. In California, at the University
At the University of Washing- of California at Los Angeles, the
ton, President Charles E. Odegaard state legislature analyst recom-
said that the university intends to mended a huge boost in student
"stand pat" in the faces of pro- fees at all University of California
posed budget cuts of $6.4 million campuses. His annual report to the
requested by Governor Albert D. lawmakers said present- fees are
Rosellini. Since the administration "unrealistic" and stu-
feels that the budget is already at dents can easily afford to "fshell
the absolute minimum it has con- out a lot more money."
sidered no revisions. The legislature cannot act di-
rectly on U of C fees, which are
Approve Two Bills set by the Board of Regents. How-
Thee university approved two ever the analyst said that the leg-
bills designed to make it easier islature could cut the U of C's
for the university to borrow money. budget and recommend that the
One measure would authorize the Regents make it up by raising fees.
regents to set tuition costs, rather The student senate at the Uni-
than the present requirement of versity of Oregon recently ap-
legislative enactment. proved a resolution prepared by
This bill is a move to hike tui- the Oregon Federation of College
tion costs $10 per quarter, at the Leaders protesting the recent cut
same time reducing incidental fees in the proposal budget of the State
by the same amount. Sy'stem of Higher Education.
The second bill would make uni- If approved by all student legis-
versity construction bond offerings latures of Oregon's state colleges,
more attractive to financial in- the resolution will be sent to offi-
vestors. cials in the state government.
GU' Regents A ppoint Seven
To New Faculty Positions
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On Friday, the Regents ap-
pointed Prof. William M. Sattler
acting chairman of the speech de-
partment for this semester.
Prof. Sattler will replace G. E.
Ensmore who is on sabbatical
Also approved were appoint-
merits in the engineering college,
business administration school,
public health school and others
in the literary college-
Appoint Pribram
Prof. Karl H. Pribram was ap-
pointed professor of psychology
starting Sept., 1959. He will also
be a research associate in the
Mental Health Research Institute.
Transferring from the Univer-
sity of California, Prof. Richard
L. Park was appointed associate
professor of political science. The
appointment will be effective with
the 1959-60 year.
Prof. Sherman E. Dyer was ap-
pointed assistant professor of
mathematics for a three-year
term that will begin with the
1959-60 year. Prof Dyer was for-
merly a research lecturer
mathematics at the University
Name Haythornthwait
Appointed professor of engi-
neering science, Prof. Robert M.
Haythornthwaite will take the po-
sition in September, 1959. He is
currently an associate professor at
Brown University.
Fred C. Munson was appointed
assistant professor of industrial
relations for a three-year period
starting with the 1959-60 year in
the business administration
The Regents also approved the
appointment of Edward A. Boett-
ner as assistant professor of in-
dustrial health in the public
health school. Since 1946, he has
been associated with the Univer-
sity's Research Institute as a re-
search physicist.
Grants Total
Two Million
Budgets totaling over two mil-
lion dollars were reported to the
University Regents last Friday.
Of the total, practically all
went into research grants and
contracts. The largest was a fed-
eral Public Health Service grant
of $141,404 to be used for an in-
vestigation of cardio-vascular dis-
ease which, will be the start of
a more intense and broad study
that will follow. '1The program will
be under the direction of Dr.
Thomas Francis, Jr., of the pub-
lic health school.
Two other contracts were in ex-
cess of the $100,000 mark. One for
$124,080 is from the Wright Air
Development Center for research
in national security. The other is
with the United States Army Sig-
nal Supply Agency to be used to
study cross field amplifiers and
oscillators. I
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Students resuming training at the
University who expect to receive edu-
cation and training allowance under
Public Law 550 (Korea G. I. Bill) or
Public Law 634 (Orphans Bill) must
report to Office of veterans' Affairs,
142 Administration Bldg., no later than
3:15 p.m., Feb. 25 if they have ont al-
ready done so. Office hours: 8:30-11:15
a.m., 1:15-3:15 p.m.
John Crowe Ransom, Professor merl-
tus of Eng. at Kenyon College, will
lecture on Religion and Poetry at 4:10
p.m. in Rackham Aud., Mon., Feb. 23
under the auspices of the Committee
on Studies in Religion and the Dept. of
Faculty Recital: Gustave Rosseels, vi-
olinist, and Benning Dexter, pianist,
will present a concert on Sun., Feb. 22,
at 8:30 in Trueblood Aud., Frieze Bldg.
Sonatas by Beethoven and Faure, com-
positions by George Balch Wilson and
Herbert Elwell. Open to the general
Student Recital: Karl Glenn, who
studies French horn with Clyde Car-
penter, will present a recital in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Master of Music (Wind
Instruments) on Sun., Feb. 22, at 4:15
p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall. He will be
assisted by William Boot, pianist, and
by an ensemble composed of Joanne
Bath, violin; Elizabeth Lichty, viola;
Nancy Farrand, viola; Nancy Hollinger,
cello; Jo Louise Bradley, flute; and
Harold Jones, tympani., Compositions
by Richard Strauss, Kohs, Heisen and
Mozart. Open to the public without
Student Recital: Acton Ostling, Jr.,
who studies euphonium and trombone
with Glenn Smith, will present a recital
on Tues., Feb. 24, at 8:30 p.m. The re-
cital, to be held In Rackham Assembly
Hall, will be presented in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Musi (Wind In-
struments). Mr. Ostling, who will be
assisted by Nancy Hallsten pianist, has
included on his program compositions
by Galliard, Rossini, Hindemith, Barat,
Beach and Handel, and his recital will
be open to the general publc without
Academic Notices
German Make-up Examinations will
be held Tues., March 3, from 7:30 to
9:30 p.m. in Rm. 1092 Frieze Bldg. Please
register in the German Dept. office by
Thurs. noon, Feb. 26.
Engineering Mechanics S e m i n a r,
Mon., Feb. 23 at 4:00 p.m., Rm. 353, W.
Engrg. Bldg. Mr. William P. Graebel,
Dept. of Engrg. Mechanics will con-
tinue his talk, "The Hypercircle Meth-
od for Approximating Solutions of Dif-
ferential Equations."Coffee will be
served at 3:30 p.m. In Rm. 21," W.
Engrg. Bldg.
Delta Delta Delta announces its an-
nual scholarship competition Feb. 23
through March 4. One scholarship of
$150 is offered for the benefit of any
deserving woman student, independent
or affiliated, who shows evidence of
scholastic capability, superior citizen--
ship, and who has financial need. Ap-
plication forms may be obtained at
the Office of the Dean of Women.
These should be completed and, with
the three specified letters o recom-
mendation, returned to the Dean's Of-
Placement Notices
The Rand Corp., Santa Monica, Calif.,
will not be interviewing at the Bureau
of Appointments on Wed., Feb. 25, due
to a cancellation.
Engineering Interviews:
Thurs., Feb. 26:
Beckman Instruments, Inc., Fuller-
ton, Calif. B.S.: Ch.E., Elec., E. Phys.,
Ind., Mech., Chemistry and Physics.
M.S. and Ph.D.: Ch.E., Elec., Instr.,
Mech, Chemistry and Physics.
Thurs., and Fri., Feb. 26 and 27:
Bendix Aviation Corp.:
Bendix Computer Div., Los Angeles,
Calif. B.S. and M.S.: Elec., Math. and
Eclipse-Pioneer Div Teterboro, N.J.
B.S., M.S., and' Ph.D.: Aero., Elec.,
Mech. and Physics. Must be U.S. citien.
Bendix-Aviataion Div., N. Hollywood,
Calif. B.S.: Eleo., E. Math., E.M. M.S.
and Ph.D.: Elec. E.M., and Mech. Must
be U.S. citizen.
Bendix Products Div., South Bend,
Ind. B.S.: Aero., Elec. and Mech. M.S.
and Ph.D.: Elec. and Mech. Must be
U.S. citizen.
Bendix Radio, Towson, Md. B.S.: Elec,
E. Phys. and Mech. M.S. and Ph.D.:
Elec., and Mech. Must be U.S. citizen,
Research Lab. Div., Detroit, Mich.
B.S.: Aero., Elec,, E.M., E. Phys. and
Mech. M.S. and Ph.D.: Aero Elec., E.M.,
Instr., 'Mech. and Nuclear. Must be U.S.E
citizen, Also summer.
Bendix Systems Div., Ann Arbor,
Mich. B.S., M.S. and Ph.D.: Aero., Elec.,
Mech., Math. and Physics. Must be U.S.
citizen. Also Summier.
York Division, York, Pa., and all oth-
er divisions, various locations. Contact
Engrg. Placement.
For an interview appointment with
the above companies recruiting engi-
neers, contact Engrg. Placement Office,
347 W. Engrg., ext. 2182.
Personnel Interviews:
The following companies will be in-
terviewing at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments. For further information or an
interview appointment, contact the
Bureau, 4001 Admin., Ext. 3371.
Thurs., March :
The Proctor and Gamble Company,
Cincinnati, . Interviewer: Mr. J. N.
Emory, Personnel Manager, Buying and
Traffic Dept. Location of Work: Cin-
cinnati, 0.Graduates: June, Aug. Citi-
zenship required. 1) Men with any de-
gree in Liberal Arts or Business Ad-
ministration for Industrial Traffic
Managemeht. The department consists
of the following 'under the Director of
Traffic: Transportation Div., Rate Div.,
Office Div., and Branch Traffic Offices.
The training program involves on-the-
job training in the different phases of
traffic operation for about a year and
a half. 2) Men with any degree in Lib-
eral Arts or Business Administration
for Industrial Purchasing Program. The
program involves on-the-job training
consisting of 4 months in the Office
Div. of the Buying Dept, two weeks at
the Cincinnati plants, and one year of
preliminary buying experience under
the guidance of a senior buyer or su-
New England Mutual Life, Detroit-
Pomeroy Agency, Detroit, Mich. Inter-
viewer: Mr. T. J. McKenna, Asst. to
General Agent. Location of work: East-
ern half of Mich. or refer to Home Of-
fice. Graduates: June, Aug. Citizenship
required. Men with any degree in Lib-
eral Arts, Business Administration,
Mathematics; Law, or Education for In-
surance, Sales and Home Office.
Union Carbide Corp, New York.. N.Y.
Interviewer: Mr. E. R. Brown New York
Personnel pept! Location of work: New
York City N.Y. Graduates: June. Men
with any degree in Economics for
Credit Dept. in New York City.
Fri. March 6:
Union Carbide Corp. -See above.
The Procter and Gamble Distribut-
ing Co. Cincinnati O. Interviewer: Mr.
M. S. Crowder Detroit Territory Man-
ager. Location of work: Anywhere in
the U.S. Graduates: June. Citizenship
required. Men with any degree in Lib-
eral Arts or Business Administration for
Sales Maangement Training. Planned
and personalized training is given on
the job in the area to which a moan
is assigned. The program of continued
individual training on the job makes
it possible for the salesman to develop
as quickly as his abilities permit.
Travelers Insurance Co. Detroit Mich.
Interviewer: Mr. Q. N. Harten Jr., Field
Supervisor. Location of work: Detroit.
Graduates: June, Aug. Men with any
degree in Liberal Arts or Business Ad-
ministration for Sales.
Tues., Feb. 24:
The Dow Corning Corp., Midland,
Mich. Interviewer: Mr. George Mo-
many, Salaried Personnel. 1) Woman,
able to translate French or German,
typing, shorthand helpful, high school
or Chemistry (1 year of either) help-
ful, for Asst. in International Dept. 2)
Woman, some typing, shorthand help-
ful but not essential, for Personnel
Asst. in Technical Employment Sect.
She wil lact as Public Relations person
for the dept.
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