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August 31, 1968 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-08-31

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Saturday, August 31, 1968


Page Three

Satuday Augst 1, 968 HE ICHIAN AIL

Pacje Three

peace marghers
leaving Chicago

Soviet tanks end
Prague occupation

CHICAGO (P)--Antiwar dem-.
%strators whose confrontation
with police and National Guards-
men shared the stage with the
Democratic Party's nomination of
a presidential candidate began
drifting out of Chicago yesterday..
But an early morning police
raid in the Conrad Hilton hotel
*ontinued the smoldering dissent
between lawmen and peace ad-
vocates. A leader of the demon-
strators added more charges of
Congo leader
jlead's 'w'ith
rebel youths
kINSHASA, the Congo (IP)-
ladio Brazzaville broadcast ur-
gent appeals yesterday for nurses
and blood donors as President
Alphonse Massamba-Debat plead-
ed with leftist youth elements to
stop shooting.
Earlier, the Defense : Ministry
declared a state of siege and asked
residents to leave their homes
near Camp de la Meteo where
hold-out elements of the youth
militia were entrenched'.
The rebels were, believed to be
members of the National Revo-
Outionary Youth Movement mili-
tia. After the Aug. 3-4 semicoup
the youths were ordered disarmed
but not all turned in their wea-
Apparently the regular army,
perhaps some 3,000 men, and the
new government of the Congo'
* Republic were fighting together
against those in the camp.
Every few minutes, the radio
broadcast an appeal by Massam-
ba-Debat to the "militia at the.
camp ,"to stop shooting, lay
down their arms and join "their
brothers of the army or of the
filitia." . .
The Congo closed its borders
with the republic across the
Congo river though there already
-were soldiers on .the Brazzaville

excessive police action yesterday
and also announced the demon-
strations have ended.
A meeting yesterday afternoon
in Grant Park, scheduled to dis-
cuss the police actions of the week
drew only 100 persons, most of
whom were conventionally dress-
ed. The bandshell area where
thousands rallied Wednesday vir-
municado for three hours. He also
withdrew from the entire down-
town area and the occasional po-
liceman wore a soft hat rather
than the hard blue helmet.
Street sweepers clearing the re-
maining debris from Michigan
Avenue, Chicago's showplace
boulevard which became a front
line of battle Wednesday and
Thursday, brushed up lingering
clouds of tear gas which quickly
Police said yesterday that 583
persons were arrested du.ring the
disturbances this week and most
of them were free on bond.
Jerry Rubin, 25, of New York
City, a spokesman for the Yippies
Youths International Party was
released Friday on $25,000 bond.
He was arrested Wednesday and
charged with disorderly conduct,
solicitation of mob action and re-
sistipg arrest.
Rubin said yesterday he was
held in the Cook County Jail for
36 hours and was held incom-
municade for three hours. He also
said that there are no further
demonstrations planned in Chi-
Yesterday morning's confronta-
tion between police and supporters
of Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy oc-
curred after empty beer cans,.
glasses and smoked fish were
dropped from the Hilton onto
guardsmen patrolling Michigan
Police swarmed over the 15th
floor, clubbed three persons and
chased about 50 of "McCarthy's
kids" down to the lobby, charging
that the youths were not register-
ed in the hotel.
Four policemen were injured
in the fracas, two of them al-
legedly struck in the eyes by
thrown lye. All four were treated
and released from a hospital.
The ousted youths sat in the,
lobby singing "We Shall Over-
rm" ntil Mr rnth ad lhk tn

PRAGUE P)-Soviet tanks and
occupation troops moved out of
Prague yesterday but Russian
security agents moved behind the
scenes to tighten the Kremlin's
grip on the country. The govern-
ment announced renewed press
censorship, thus bowing to a key
Moscow demand.
The government of Premier
Oldrich Cernik was reported vir-
tually powerless against Soviet
moves to place experts in key cen-
ters and organizations through-
out the country.
This was despite a Soviet prom-]
ise at the meeting with Czecho-
slovak leaders in Moscow that the
occupation authorities would notk
interfere in the internal affairsnof
Czechoslovak leaders in power
but provided for continued occu-
Ipation by Soviet block troops un-
til Czechoslovakia's situation
The censors will start work im-
mediately while the Culture and
Justice ministries prepare a
draft law to be passed by the"
National Assembly, the govern:
merit said in an aonouncement
following a Cabinet meeting. The
Censorship applies to domestic
A handful- of liberal-minded
ministers were reported ready to
resign. They included Interior
Minister Josef Pavel, Culture and
Information Minister Miroslav
Galuska and Education Minister
Vladimir Kadlec. One report said
Pavel had quit but there was no
official confirmation.
Soviet security agents made de-
tailed searches of desks and papers
at radio' and television stations
and the CTK news agency, all still
occupied by Soviet troops.
Informed sources said the Rus-
sians boobed trapped radio and
television equipment so that it'
could be put out of action if
Czechoslovak editors fail to toe
the line when they take over
broadcasting again..
r nr ti t I - :vi ...«pressure,...

Now the underground transmit-
ters are closing down.
The Russians were reported
moving experts into all ministries
and into the Communist party's
Central Committee building.
Premier Cernik's statement at
a briefing for Czechoslovak news-
men two days ago that the gov-
ernment could not guarantee their
-safety apparently was the source

of a Western report that Cernik
told intellectuals they should
leave the country.
A newsman asked Cernik at the
briefing whether the government
could guarantee reporters' safety
if they came out from under-
ground. Cernik replied: "I can't
even guarantee the government's
safety," an informant said.

Soviet troops seen,
massing on border

-Daily-Andy Sacks
DEMONSTRATING IN CHICAGO, a "Grant Parker" makes his point about the militaristic atmos-
phere that pervaded the city during the last week. Most of these protesters have left Chicago by now.
O'Brien chosen party leadel,
Humphrey, campaigfn managfer

CHICAGO OP-Lawrence F.
O'Brien, a top political strategistl
for the Kennedys, President'
Johnson, and Vice President Hu-
bert H. Humphrey yesterday was
given the dual role of chairman'
of the Democratic National Com-
mittee and manager of Hum-
phrey's presidential campaign.
Humphrey appeared before the
committee at its post-convention
organization meeting to designate
O'Brien as his choice to succeed
_nkfT.CL..n Sr ff.,I'I .. .'C n rY,... -

Kennedy campaign in 1960, and
subsequent party work.
However, the designation of the
51-year-old Massachusetts native
as both committee chairman and
campaign manager was a depar-
ture from usual practice, and ,it
brought a loud cheer from com-
mittee members.
Often in the past the National
Committee has been bypassed in
favor of the presidential campaign

for the presidential nomination,
"one of the most magnanimous
gestures of loyalty" he has ever
Then' in an obvious reference
to another rival, Sen. Eugene J.
McCarthy of Minnesota, he added
"and I'm sure others will come
too . . . it's not easy for someone
who has fought his heart out to
come quickly."

BUCHAREST, Romania (P)-
Romanian travelers arriving in
Bucharest said yesterday Soviet'
and Bulgarian forces are concen-
trating along Romania's borders.
Government officials declined to
comment on the reports.
The Soviet bloc has berated
Romania's leaders for siding with
Czechoslovakia. But the Moscow
press denied as provocation West-
ern accounts that Romania might
share the fate of Czechoslovakia.
Romania military and internal
security precautions, taken after
Soviet, Polish, East German, Hun-
garian and Bulgarian troops in-
vaded Czechoslovakia the night of
Aug. 20-21, remain in effect. '
Travelers returning from the
Soviet Ukraine reported long
columns of Russian armor and
artillery near the Prut River,
which forms', the Romanian-So-
viet border in the east.,.
Ttavelers arriving at the Ro-
manian border crossing point of
Albita reported a concentration
of Soviet tanks, personnel car-
riers and guns near the Ukrainian
town of Kotovskoje.
A group of Romanians return-'
ing from a five-day visit to the
Ukraine said the troops. apparent-
ly moved into the area a few days
"The roads leading up to the
border were clogged with troops
heading west," one traveler said.
Estimates of Soviet troop
strength in the border area range
from 15 to 27 divisions of armor
and motorized infantry.
Bulgarian. troops were said to
be moving into the area of Ruse,
oposite the. Romanian Danube
River port of Giurgiu on" the
southern border. A huge bridge
there connects the two countries.
Western reporters touring the
Danube border, however, found no
signs of military activity on either
side of the river. There was less
traffic than normal across the
bridge at Giurgiu, however.
No Bulgarian troops were in{
sight over a stretch of 'about 50I

miles east of Ruse, a major in-
dustrial center with a military
base in a secluded wooded area
closed to civilians.
The newsman were permitted
to enter Bulgaria on one-day
transit visas valid ' for the Ruse
area. They were questioned by
border officials about their ac-
tivities before recrossing into Ro-

President Johnson acknowl-
edged last night the rumors
suggesting, the Soviet invasion
of Czechosloyakia might be re-
peated elsewhere in Eastern
Europe and asserted, "Let no
one unleash the dogs of war."
The rumors centered on Ro-
mania and came through of-
ficial channels rather than
from overseas news reports.
White House sources said
Johnson based his interpola-
tiqns on enough diplomatic in-
f6rmation to arouse "anxiety."
Secretary of State Dean Rusk
in Washington telephoned re-
ports of the rlmors to the
Chief Executive shortly before
Johnson took off by helicopter
from his ranch 75 miles north
of here.
The President quickly 'con-
ferred with his special assistant
on national security affairs in
Washington, Walt W. Rostow.
He then worked out a lengthy
addition to a prepared speech
for a convention of Texas milk
producers on his flight to San

Htdmphrey took care also to UdrteSvtpesue
emphasize that he is going to be Czechoslovak journalists have
spread the word that they will


side---- pr--i tae;..,. omie uriA1 c v Laruy arna nis top, Jonn m. Bainey or Connecticut as his own man now that he is a E sp-
side prohibiting travel, aides vouched for them. There committee chairman. Humphrey opened the meeting candidate for president orpa
r Reports said Andre Hombessa, were no arrests made. with a long pep tal- in which he Rorga
information minister and head of McCarthy said the police ac- Humphrey told the committee th attempted to heal some of the Referring to his four years as situa
the youth party under the pre- tion was "completely out of pro- tha', o re blate m wounds opened during the often vice president nm the Johnson ad- nothi
vious government, and former In- portion to anything that has been general, would have carte blanche raucus four-day donvention. , ministration. Humphrey said "I to ge
terior Minister Michael Bindi were reported to have occurred." authority. have tried to do what I consider East
in the camp. "Most of these young people The appointment of O'Brienwe have difficulty the first requirement and that garia
Massamba-Debat read a "last" were the same ones who cam- came as no surprise to Washing- you can trace it right to our lack was to be loyal to the President." "ABS
surrender appeal to them and a paigned with me in nearly every ton observers. It has long been of unity," the vice president said. Referring to the party platform Sv
lumber of others accused of dis- state of the union for nearly nine conceeded that O'Brien became He called the appearance be- and especially its Vietnam plank, paper
ributing arm to ,rebels. He said months. We've' been in hotels in postmaster ° general, long a pat- fore the convention last night of position, Humphrey supported the administration "We
"appropriate measures" would be those states. and never had an ronage position, purely on the Sen. George S. McGovern of sthe most foolish thing a man can tlie
taken if they did not. incident like this." basis of his contribution to the South Dakota, one of his rivals do mosbe weddedtingeb the si
do is be wedded inflexibly to The
every word." been
At the same time he said he locati
feels that at this moment the count
platform "represents sound judg- groun
ment. muist
UNION-LEAGUE Bailey first took over as nation- cek,
W I al chairman in 1960, designated sembi
by the then nominee John F. Ken- ky, n
nedy. He was retained in the nation
postin b Pesident Johnson.
+~ R
'Las Sm er Days ...
Continuing Through
MOTORCYCLE entrance fee: $1.00 per cycle and free for members of the Ann Arbor Motorcycle
Association. Co-sponsored with the A.A.M.A.
AUTOMOBILE entrance fee: $1.25 per car. Each car must have a navigator and a driver.
)HILL AUDITORIUM. Ticket prices $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 at Hill Auditorium and at the LSD Depot.
Good seats still available.
Advance ticket prices are $1.25 for adults an d $.75 for students and are available at the LSD Depot. THE NEW CHAIRMAN of the Democ
At the UM Baseball Stadium. Adults, $1.50; students, $1.00; children 8 and under, free. fers with outgoing chairman John Ba
51, is a former postmaster general and
8:00 .M - H8 PO -a major role in efforts to unify the fact
8:00 .M.-OOT!Chicago.
Sing on the grass until your mind's content. Hootenany on Palmer Field. Bring your guitars.
Catc the sun's rays, live band for your listen ing and dancing enjoyment. 11 A.M.-BA

ort "the efforts. of our legal'
ns to find a way out of the
lion." That is they will do
ng to upset officials' efforts'
t the 350,000 Soviet, Polish,
German, Hungarian and Bul-
n troops out of the country.
oboda, the Communist news-
r in Bohemia, . announced:
are introducing self -disci-
because of the realities of
ituation, which is so absurd."
e Czechoslovak radio has
operating from underground
ons scattered around the
try. It was on this under-
nd radio network that Com-
party chief Alexander Dub-
Cernik and the National As-
4y president, Josef Smrkovs-
nade their addresses to the
on Wednesday and Thursday.'

I'taf ran


From Wire Service Reports
LAGOS, Nigeria-As radio Bia-
fra reported yesterday that Nige-
rian planes bombed a Biafran
hospital and killed 22 persons,
Red Cross officials from Nigeriae
agreed to meet with their coun-
terparts in the Ibo secessionist
state to find ways to speed food
and relief into starving Biafra.
Unconfirmed reports said Bia-
fran troops repulsed the Nigerians
on the west flank of the road
from Port Harcourt to Aba, the
last 1major, city, remaining to the
Units of the Nigerian- 1st and
2nd divisions were still trying to
clear 65 miles of highway between
Enugu, the former Biafran-capital,
and Onitsha, on the Niger River.
The road 'is considered neces-
sary to supply any' major push
from the north into the densely
populated, heartland of the Ibos,
Biafra'sdominant tribe.
However, units of a federal
commando division were reported
nearing two of the makeshift air-
strips which are the! only channel
for. delivery 'of arms and relief
supplies to the Biafrans. The
troops were reported at Obiakpo,
16 miles south of a strip at Uli,
which is about four miles south
of a landing field at Ihiala.
The proposal for a meeting of
both sides within the next few
days in Geneva was advanced by
West German Red Cross chief
Walther Bagartzky, who has been
conferring with Sir Adetokunbo
Ademola, president of the federal
Nigerian Red Cross.
"We are still awaiting word
from the Biafrans, but we feel
sure they will not turn down the
proposal,'' Bagartzky said through
a spokesman.
The Nigerians and Biafrans,
negotiating in Addis Ababa, Ethi-
opia, agreed over the weekend on
the idea of creating air and land
corridors to transport relief sup-
plies to starving Biafrans. But the
talks stalled when they came
down to possible sites.
West German Red Cross offi-
cials said talks here centered on

-Associated Press
cratic National Committee Lawrence F. O'Brien (right) con-
iley yesterday during a meeting of party officials. O'Brien,
was a top advisor to President Kennedy. O'Brien will play
ions of the party alienated at this week's convention in ,f

den t4:

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