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Aai au
411aA4 66ly
Partly cloudy,
little chance of rain
Vol, LXXIX, No. 3 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, August 31, 1968 Ten Cents
It T d-l rA .b I f7 nW nYc- V Wh r i'f *- q
Eight Pages
Supervisors to
Harvey financial probe
By JIM HECK board, after reviewing testimony
An investigation into the alleg- by Harvey for more than two,
financial mismanagement by hours yesterday with County Pro-
S eriff' Douglas J. Harvey will be secutor William F. Delhey, releas-
taken before the entire Washte- ed a statement saying, "Further
naw County Board of Supervisors questions now appear necessary."
Tuesday. Harvey's testimony, in the form
A special committee of the of written answers to sets of ques-
tions formalized by the board, will
be submitted to the board meet-'
ing Tuesday night for review.
Chairman of the special com-
mittee, Neal Mast, said the com-
mittee has decided not to release
the testimony to the public until
the Tuesday meeting. Mast said{
no decision on the type of further
action to be taken will be made
until "all of the supervisors can
examine the testimony."
Mast admitted, though, he per-
sonally felt Harvey's responses
were not "satisfactory." He refus-
ed to elaborate. f
The committee indicated it mayI
request Harvey to appear per-!
sonally before the board at a later
Harvey has appeared before the:
board in the past, but usually tol
request additional funds or ex-
plain proposed programs. Should;
he appear before the board now,
he would be formally interrogated
under oath.
'to SDS group.
Police escort ,retreat leaders off land
after BSA officials cancel conitract
Officials of the Bruin Lake Boy Scout camp called in
sheriff's deputies to prevent participants in the Voice SDS-
Student Government Council retreat from entering the
'campgrounds last night.
The retreat's organizers claimed a breach of contract
with local BSA officials.
Five Voice-SDS members who had arrived early for the
retreat were escorted off the camp by 11 police officers who
had massed on the camp's en-----------
trance in six patrol cars.
Retreat leaders had been warn-
ed earlier in the day that theB
national board of the BSA had
instructed local BSA officials to 0 0
cancel a previous agreement al-
lowing the groups to use the
campsite and its facilities this
_.Dai1y---Jay L. Cassidy
A I -. 1
New incorrigible cell
Start construction
tew inco rigible C.
Washtenaw County Building Sliding steel doors divide
Superintendent Bill Day announ-- corrigible cells from . th
ed today that construction will ! room.
begin this week on two revised in-! A sliding, door in the e,
corrigible cells for the county the larger room also opera
jail, pushbutton system will al
ii The plans for the new cells ors to enter the room h
were drawn up about four months jail's inner catwalk.
ago after Gus Harrison, director A shower facility and
of the state's Department of Cor- 'common brand of toile
rections, ordered Sheriff Douglas located in this larger roo
J. Harvey to close the, original; in- With' a table and benches
corrigible cell in March. No shower facility is lo
Harrison's order was issued side the incorrigible cell
ter the Daily printed a story CELL LIGHTING
describing the cell. The entire area is desc
descrbingthe ell.Davis as "well lighted an
The cell, used for what Harvey]aved." wlintthan
termed as "prisoners with disci- above whichndowsle tflu
plinary problems" was an unlight- 3 aboep hch ae.~
ed concrete room without furni- lamps.
ture or toilet facilities.
The pair of new incorrigible
eight feet long. They are separat- ep
ed by a foot-wide concrete wall.
A 2-fo wide cement bench will
be constructed adjacent' to the I A' P
cell's inner walls, and a special
toilet facility will be installed in
e center of the cell flush with Rep. Adam Clayton 'Pow
t e floor, was refused his Harlem
The toilet will be operated by the House of Representati
jailors who will control the flush- Francois Mitterand, the r
ing by a pushbutton system locat- i to Charles DeGaulle in th
ed outside of the cell and a larg- French elections, will be
er room incorporating the two the newsmakers participa
cells. The prisoners will be un- University Activity Center
ble to operate the toilet them- troversy '69" fall discuss
selves. ies.
The two cells are built i'nside Other speakers include
a larger room 20 feet wide and Gregory, Mrs. Madalyn
20 feet long. The room is lined and Sen. William Fullbrig
with bars and a special mesh wire, UAC's Contemporary
Delhey said last: night he will Arab nation al COl entlo
other than to advise the board."
play "no role in the matter,
other than to advise the board." r b st de ts to end
PUJR HRE OSBEDelhey would be used to bring! f " s a
purjury charg9s against thea
sheriff or file a request that a i ( I b t
grand jury investigation be under-
taken by the circuit court. By JIM NEUBACHER ! Throughout the week, panel dis-
The board also has the option The seventeenth annual con cussions in the "teach-in" format
of stopping payment of Harvey's vention of the Arab Students in dealt with aspects of "Theories of
salary and expenses, thus vir- the United States a n d , Canada Revolution a n d Revolutionary'
tually firing him from his post closes here tonight with a final Warfare." Historical examples,
One, of the three most import plea for the armed liberation of ard their relevance to Palestine,
Vietnam. Algeria and Cuba form-
_ r ant questions asked Harvey was Palestine. etnucleus of Ches dicm-
to explain the funding and dis- The speech, to follow a banquet ed the nucleus of, fthese discus-
tribution of a safety guide he held in the Michigan League, will sions. The status and future di-
published which was underwritten Ibe delivered by Fayez Sayegh, rections of t h e revolutionary
Sysolicitinadvertisingmovement in Palestine was later
Hard Lee y g g. Senior Consultant to theForeign the subject of debate by the as-
Harvey was asked also to ac- Ministry of Kuwait. h ujc fdeaeb h s
countfor expensesd hesused to The convention heard its key- sembly of delegates.
extradite two prisoners from Cali- n o t e speech Monday night by NASSER SENDS MESSAGE
fornia. Allegedly, the time Harvey Stokely Carmichael, head of the On Thursday night, President
(] .I arrivedin California did not coin- Student Non-Violent Coordinating Gamal bdeulNasser of t essagted
t 'cide with the time law enforce- Committee (SNCC).ArbRplisetamsgeo
! ~the convention, read to the dele-
ment officials there had planped CRITICIZES MILITANTS te Dr. n aia, bdu t ad-
extradition procedures. Carmichael criticized the black U.A.R. Cultural Counselor. Wash-
LAS VEGAS TRIP "militant whose only cry is that ington, D.C.
A third question asked Harvey he is excluded from the fruits of Nasser's statement told the del-.
was to explain finances he used imperialism," egates to be proud that aggression
the in- to attend a National Sheriff's con-' Rather. Carmichael said, he has failed to impose surrender onk
e larger vention in Las Vegas. stood * i t h those who wish to
Harvey had obtained additional "destroy, overturn and completely
orner of demolish the American system."; ol
ated by a funds for the trip, explaining hisdCarchae aso alled s te t
ate b awife attended. it with him. Crihealocldfrte
low Jail- Though the board granted him Arab nations to take the offensive
from the the more than $500, records later in the movement to liberate Pal-
showed his wife had been work-estine. Comparing the
t wibe ing in Ann Arbor while Harvey effort to the o r stale eo
t will be was in Las Vegas. black liberation movement here.
im, along he said. "Now we stand clearly in TeWstnuCut ee
, Harvey has also been investi- this country; self defense will on The Washtenaw County dele-
cated in- gated by the state labor mediation ly maintain t h e status quo. If gates to the National Democratic
s. I board for alleged labor infrac- Egypt, Syria and Jordan today Convention are tired and dis-'
tions in the firing of several depu- took a position of self-defense, gusted. They averaged a little'
ribed by ties several years ago. they would still come out losing, more than an hour of sleep a.
d ventil- Several judgments were issued because the Israelis still occupy
catwalk, against the sheriff, forcing him to their land.
uorescent reinstate and pay back wages to; 'MOVE AGGRESSIVELY' gates and security people partic-
deputies he fired. "If they want their land back," ularly frustrating.
the Arab world. "Indeed," he said,
"it has enhanced our determina-
tion and tenacity."
The convention is also expected
to adopt a resolution "emphasiz-
ing the urgent need for the unity
among the Arab Freedom Fight-
On the less militaristic side of
the week long-convention. young;
Arab Palestinian refugee painter
exhibited 37 works in differentr
media for viewing by the dele-
Kamal Boullata, 26-year-old,
native of Jerusalem, made , his
debut in fhe United States with
the exhibition.
The young Painter, who studied
at the Academy of Fine Arts in
Rome, bases his woiks on Islamic
dc signs.
there, whatsoever.
The scouts also informed the
students there would be law of fi-'
cers from the Washtenaw County:
to prevent them from trespassing. -
Organizers of the retreat sent
five representatives to the camp
in an attempt to speak with the
official who had arranged the
contract some weeks before. h
When they arrived at Bruinj
Lake they were followed overhead
by a police helicopter until the-
first patrol car arrived.
The deputy then asked them to:
leave the grounds immediately or
face arrest for tresspassing.
Members of the retreat group
protested this order, claiming
they had a valid contract with
the camp officials and had al-
ready contributed $25 toward the
$150 fee required.
as caucus
The retreat had been scheduled
to begin at 7 p.m. yesterday, but By MCHAEL THORYN
when the participants arrived at A new department of statistics
the Union, Bruce Levine, '71 and in the literary college should be
SGC administrative vice-presi- functioning in September, 1969,
dent, informed them that the according to literary college Dean
BSA national board hod ruled William Hays.
that Voice and SGC would not be The Regents approved plans
permitted to use any BSA facili- for the department at their'June
ties. meeting.
The official explanation issued Hays said the department will
by the BSA national board was be in the literary college rather
that the students' "political view- than the business administration
point is inconsistent with that of or engineering school, "'because
the Scouts." it is viewed as a part of mathe-
According to Levine, "We were matics," and mathematics has al-
told we have no right to go out ways been a part of the literary
As more police arrived on
scene, the situation became
scribing their views on University creasingly tense until D. C. Hack-
affairs. nay of the Portage Camp Council,
Gerald Dunn, a former state which supervises the Bruin Camp,
senator and currently director of drove up and asked the students
federal and state relations for the to leave.
Grand Rapids Board of Education Hacknay emphasized the coun-
was the first in the race. cil had "always had a rule to let
He will be nominated along only boyscouts use the camp."
with Robert Nederlander of De- EARLIER ANNOUNCEMENT
Hays, who has himself written
a statistics book, "Statistics for
Psychology," said the department
will be primarily concerned with
"mathematical" statistics.
He said, though, that the de-
partmental courses now offering
statistics, such as bio-statistics,
"will continue to, be taught."
"We won't consolidate statistics
courses taught in other schools or
Statistics courses are presently
taught in the math, economics
and biology departments, as well
as in the schools of engineering
and .business administration.
. Hays said professors from the
math department will staff the
new department. "Vacancies have
been budgeted," he added.
"At the 'largest, the department
should have eight to ten faculty
members and about 150 students,"
the Dean said. "The emphasis will
be in the graduate field."
Hays said the idea for the
department "has been under dis-
cussion at the 'University for
about 20 years. It's more of an
organizational change than any-
thing else." I
Prof. William Ericson of the
math department is one of eight
men assigned to a committee seek-
ing -a departmental chairman,
Ericson said a report with 12 re-
commendations for the post will
be submitted to Hays sometime
in September.-
Ericson explained the statistics
curriculum as one that "daws in-
ferences based on mathematical
theory." Hays said, "probability is
the background."
The math department is ten-
tatively scheduled to receive new
headquarters in the old adminis-
tration building (now called the
LS&A building), and Ericson said,
"The department should be in
close proximity."
well heads
Bakers list
cell; who
seat in
ives, and
Le recent
ating in
's "Con-
ion ser-
e Dick
sions Committee surveyed stu-
dents in all of the major dormi-
tories and in the undergraduate'
library during the last few weekst
of the winter term. Over 800'
questionnaires expressing prefer-
ences and- suggestions for topics of,
interest were tallied.
"Naturally this being an elec-
tion year, many people wanted to:
h a v e political programs," noted;
Tom Gilbert ,campus co-ordinator
for the Contemporary Discussions
I program.
he continued, "they must move
aggressively against the occupying:
forces. And as they move aggres-
sively, we have to move aggres-
sively. There is no need to talk
about peaceful coexistence. It is
fact. the only solution is armed
Delegates stood on their chairs
in Mendelssohn Auditorium to
cheer his speech.
Vorster asks
apartheid in
PRETORIA, South Africa (,P)
Yet, they have already started troit and tPaul Brown of Petoskey Earier in tile dy, winiam
in what is considered a very close Smith of the Office of Student
ain tteSaeDmcai contest. Services told the retreat organ-
Convention in Grand Rapids.. o or fight appears likely over izers he had been informedthey
Amid several dozen speeches the nomination of C. Allen Harlan ; were being denied the use of the,
from candidates for almost every- to the MSU Board. Harlan is an camp because their political view-
thing from Regent to dogcatcher, employe and former officer in an point was "opposed to everything
they managed to caucus yesterday electric companwhose noted stanithat more than
to plan strategy for the parley State Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley $400 had already been spent for
of 1400 other delegates from all ruled earlier this week that Har- the retreat's food, equipment and
over the state this afternoon. Iah is not involved in a conflict, publicity. "We won't let that
RESOLUTION PREPARED but this has failed to satisfy many money go down the drain," he -
The delegation yesterday pre- -party leaders. ?said, "'We just can't afford it."
pared a resolution condemning Former Democratic State Chair- Mike Davis, Grad and SGC
the conduct of the National Con - man Zolton Ferency may make a member at large told Hacknay
vention. They are especially con-, bid for the normination, one of the organizers of the retreat
cerned about the "manipulations" the two open MSU seats. would sue the scouts for their,
of the agenda and the general losses as a breach of contract. U
tone of confusion which hindered
effiency of individual delegations.
A plan to form a committee on
conduct of future conventions was
also proposed.
i -
' YY
-.- - -"At the time," Gilbert said, - Prime Minister Balthazar J.
"Robert Kennedy was by far the Vorster told South African uni-
popular choice. Discussions on versities yesterday he will force
race and black power issues were them by legislation to recognize!
the second choice." racially segregated campus organ-t
"BLACK POWER" TOPICS izations unless they change their;
On Sept. 29, a three-man forum desegregration policies before the1
,R' Rr 1 r ewill consider,"Black Power in the en oftethe astatement
United States." The program fea- during talks with a delegation of!
ttuses Powell, humorist - radical
Dean Stephen H. Spurr of the His first assignment is to re- k Gre oell, huorist sprakc conservative students from Jo-!
-Dea Dick Gregory and another speak- hannesburg's Witwatersrand Uni-
Traduate School recently indicate- search the degree structures pre- er to be announced.
d he favors a change in the man- sently in use. He will examine a The following week, Oct. 6, Mrs.- versity.
er the nation's colleges award ! sample group of 40 undergraduate Murray, whose fight against pray- The students complained their
egrees to their students. and 30 graduate colleges in the er in schools has been called the presentative Council discim-
Spurr called for "innovative country. most direct single cause for the agaist conservative
deas" in g t r u c t u r i n g new The commission's assignment ism Cn r campus organizations which re-
'ethods. for one year, during which Spurr Supeme Cots, ban ontreon fuse nonwhites as members.
for one year, during I ~~~in public schools, will lecture on-EaleintedyVosrtlk
The graduate school dean made is expected to spend half of his the relation of "Church aner in the day, Vorster talk
Ie comments after beginning working time on the project. State." ed with liberally inclned Wit-
watersrand Council members who
ork on a report for the Carnegie After completing his initial in- FRANCE'S WORLD ROLE wateran ounci embernwho
,ornisson n th Fuureof estiatins f dgreeproram ° came to protest state interference
!omnmission on the Future of vestigatmons of degree programs Mitterand will appear on Oct. 27 in university matters.
[igher Education. The commis- now in use, Spurr will meet with ' to describe his view of, "France On Aug. 23, Vorster threatened
ion has met with Spurr con- educators around the country to and the World." He is currently Johannesburg and Cape 'T o w n
!rning- a rnviaPt aimdi atr turv- see kviews nn suggested rchanei, , ..- . _.
When the gavel falls today, a
full-scale battle between "doves"
and "hawks" in the party is ex-
pected in the fight for party con-
trol. A Vietnam peace plank
drafted by part of the delegation
is likely to come to issue. Al-
though this platform proposal
never got to the floor, the older
delegates are expected to cite the
rebellion. Party leaders have al-
ready expressed the desire to un-
seat the liberal young state chair-
man, Sen. Sander Levin of Berk-
Other issues expected to draw
heated debate include a fight over
a loyalty oath to support the na-
tional ticket and a fight over
elections of new party officials.
The hsiness at hand. honwver.