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November 24, 1968 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1968-11-24

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Southern Cal .28
UC LA ........16d

Michigan St.. 31
Northwestern 14

Iowa .... .37
Illinois .......13

Purdue ........ 38
Indiana .,.....35

Minnesota .... 23
Wisconsin .... 15

Kansas ...... 21
Missouri . . . . .19

Nebraska . . .. 0

Yale . . .. . ... . 29

See editorial page


gilt I!3UUa~

a it

The weather in Pasadena
isn't much better

VOL. LXXIX, No. 75 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, November 24, 1968 Ten Cents
Howto avoid the Ann Arbor landlord sc
EDITOR'S NOTE: Ann Arbor's major The single most important precaution may cause. This money cannot be applied charges. There are several things students to clean the couch and oven once a week sion that local
real estate companies soon will begin for a student to take is to thoroughly un- to rent and that part of the deposit not can do to minimize these charges: than to have to do it all at the end of the about their te
offering leases for fall, 1969. The fol- derstand the provisions of his lease and its used for repairs is returned at the end of --Reach an acceptable, but specific, de- year or face a large bill for having the However, i
lowing article, written by Daily reporter relation to the specific unit being rented. tenancy. finition of "reasonable wear and tear" and apartment commercially cleaned. deny the accus
Dan Share with assistance from Student The contract defines the tenant-landlord Currently only two landlords pa in- have it written into the rental agreement. -Accompany the landlord's inspector local designer
ousingrAssociation officials, offers in- relationship. Verbal agreements are of terest on the deposits which are held for -Prepare an itemized list of all things when he examines the department for says the owne
ighh the novice and the expert questionable legalitydatthndoft .the students'
on how to keep pace with your future Maintenance and damage deposits often a year missing or in need of repair upon assuming --Ve all es eanst very difficult
landlord, only vaguely outlined in leases, are the Management companies, who are paid by occupay and have a copy signed theVerify all charges made against the
Althghet An Arboofmanaging agent. When students move into damage deposit. This can be done by re-Arboreondshort
to ugha r ents inw AnAbo ri ts most frequent areas of complaint, even the owners to handl al aspct of theireti sol ecen n ed usin nieie ls frpis aeSmi s
on Park Avenue, few Manhattan residents in the supposed luxury units which have buildings, admit damage deposit difficul- for occupancy. If it isn't they should com- after the lease expires.t slow service is
run into the many difficulties students rents ranging up to $320 a month for a ties are built into the lease agreement, even agement," but
face with the average local landlord. two-bedroom furnished apartment. the University's standardized contract. plain to the landlord. Complaints of poor maintenance service aged t
-Uswalitleineligetmesrait.Mayiasosemdt babiltinomhennnAror skilled tradesn
If they do, their lawyers are ready to go Gary Schenk of Summit Associates says -Use a little intelligent restraint. Many also seem to be built into the Ann Arbor
to court. For the University student, hov- Very few instances of substandard stu- the problem is "what is the definition of contracts have clauses which prohibit the rental situation. Maintenance disagree- "The irony,'
ever, legal redress is too expensive and dent housing are found in Ann Arbor and reasonable wear and tear. We have certain alteration of walls. In cases like this stu- ments primarily concern facilities which town, whichE
time-consuming a process to undertake. these are generally owned by a few small standards we consider reasonable." dents sould be careful the materials they aren't functioning correctly - disposals, situation wher
Student apartment dwellers are rapidly landlords. The large professional manage- use to hang pictures or mirr'ors in no way dishw.ashers and plumbing, the services." ~
finding that they can protect their in- ment companies, which run most of the If students disagree with charges made damages the walls, Rarely are heating systems not working emergency no
terests without going to court. Under- city's student rentals, shy away from sub- agaist their damage deposit they have SHA advises students not to push fur- and flagrant violations of the city building if we have t
standing the details of their leases and standard housing. two choices: University mediation or a law niture against the wall or throw things code are eommon. apartment."
suit rudta a ev ak n ilhv SHA official
complaining loudly and clearly through the The damage deposit, generally equal to around that can leave marks and will have Students complain it takes too long to
existing avenues of complaint can avoid one month's rent, paid in advance, acts as Student Housing Association says stu- to be painted over. get service, and the difficulty involved in and writtenc
the proverbial screw. security against any damages the tenant dent laxity results in unnecessary damage -Clean up regularly, It is much easier getting service leaves the general impres- S

Ten Pages
1 landlords really don't care
management representatives
ation. Donald E. Van Curler,
of many student apartments.
rs are most concerned with
problems, but admits it is
to get skilled help in Ann
ociates' Gary Schenk says
"not an evil design by man-
the uncontrollable fact that
aen are difficult to hire.
says Schenk, "is that this
exists on services, is in a
the demand has outstripped
Schenk maintains that in an
one is left unattended, "even
o move them into another
s suggests that both verbal
complaints be sent to the
ee THE, Page 2







France refuses
to devalue franc,
PARIS (R) - Charles de Gaulle defied the onslaught
of speculative pressure against the franc yesterday and de-
4 clared he would not devalue the currency he sought in his
presidency to make one of the world's strongest.
The 78-year-old general, who last week dismissed de-
valuation as "the worst of absurdities," has decided to fall
back on France's $3.9 billion gold reserves and $2.9 billion'
of international support pledged to defend the franc.
But it appeared he would have to prepare a series of



routed, 50-14
Associate Sports Editor
COLUMBUS-For the Wolverines, it's wait til next year.
Yesterday, Ohio State humiliated Michigan, 50-14.
The Buckeyes were bigger, faster, and there were more
of them, and thank God it wasn't on television.
As captain Ron Johnson said, "They just overpowered
Wolverine coach Bump Elliott said, "The Rose Bowl
against Southern California should be a good game. Ohio
State will represent the Big

# harsh austerity measures to
Le Grand
r By The Associated Press

stop the hemorrhage of capital
?which has drained at least $3
billion from French reserves
since May.
The decision, which confounded
most expert assessment of French
intentions, was announced in a
brief communique following an
emergency session of the cabinet.
It said:
"The president of the republic
makes known that following the
Cabinet meeting held Nov. 23.
1968, the following decision hasI

OHIO STATE'S QUARTERBACK REX KERN (10) slips by Michigan's Jerry Hartman to score the B
was one of the Wolverine's biggest problems as they had not encoun tered"a quarterback this year with
completing five passes out of eight attempts, Kern gained 96 yards in 19 attempts against the Maize an
though, took the game's rushing honors with 143 yards overland. Ron Johnson led Michigan with ,

Ten well. This was probably
OSU's best game of the sea-
son. If they could play any
better they'd be a super
Daily-Andy sacks The contest really didn't start
3uckeye's fifth touchdown. Kern out that bad for Michigan. Soon
his speed and power. Besides after the opening kickoff Wol-
d Blue. The Buckeye's Jim Otis, verine quarterback Dennis Brown
91 yards. fumbled on his own 36. Ohio State
recovered, but couldn't move.
Then Brown led Michigan on!
a quick 80-yard drive. Johnson
S udents t broke loose for 39 yards and
Brown hit Jim Mandich for 21
yards to set up Johnson's one yard

n deafening''
Associate Sports Editor
COLUMBUS-It was a long,
quiet wait in the visitors' tunnel
after the game yesterday.


World financial circles reacted been taken: The present parity of
with astonishment and uneasiness the French franc is maintained.
yesterday to French President 'The president of the republic
Charles de Gaulle's refusal to de- will make a radio address Nov.
value the franc he worked so hard 24, at 2000." This is 8 p.m.,
to strengthen. Some took a wait French time, and 2 p.m. EST.
and see attitude. ' One prominent French banker,
In Bonn, the government's chief reached by telephone at his coun-
spokesman said, "We certainly try home, said De Gaulle's bold
had not expected this But since decision simply meant that the
wendo t dknso the mtis b- crisis of the franc was being de-
hind this decision we must wait Ilayed.
and see." y
A source close to the West Ger- He said De Gaulle's decision to
man Central Bank said the "news maintain the franc's parity means
that the franc won't be devalued he has not abandoned his aim
now comes as a great shock to us." of seeking a reform of the inter-
"I fear that we may have tono na retary stster
have another group of 10 meet- national monetary system by
ing," he said. This was a reference worldwide parity readjustments
to the central bank directors and within a return to the gold stand-
See EXPERTS, Page 2 ard.

On your own in academia

"The individual concentration
program was formed to enhance
the return of liberal education,"
says Prof. Ronald Tikofsky, chair-
man of the Committee on Inter-
disciplinary Studies, the commit-
tee that overseas the program.
Under the new program, stu-
dents having academic interests,
which lie outside the existing con-
centration programs may propose
their own field of concentration.
The student is allowed to combine
courses in any number of existing

New student financial a

departments as long as there ex- cording to Tikofsky, the real mo-
ists a unifying element in his in- tivation for the program was an
tended program. interaction between students and
The role of Tikofsky's commit- faculty and "the faculty's sen-
tee is to approve or reject the sitivity" to be changing academic
programs proposed by the stu- world and its awareness of the'
dents. Rather than simply saying need to find and exploit the
yer or no, however, the committee meaningfwl educational opportuni-
advises the student and helps him ties of the students."
revise the program into acceptable The committee's final approval
form. of an individual concentration
Approval for the individual con- program is based on two criteria.
centration program came from the The program must adequately and
executive committee of the liter- coherently insure the systematic'
ar:: college this September. Ac- I study of the central subject, and
the courses must not be combined
in a hodge-podge manner.
Second, the student must sub-
mit a statement explaining theI
£Ireason he desires to pursue this
- trans-departmental major. The5
r program must explore the subject
d slaedl
in acceptablesdepth and must con-I
tain some upper-level courses.
The increase in possible job For example, an acceptable pro-'
opportunities came at the same gram in urban studies would con-I
time the University faced at 76 tain courses in economics, geog-
per cent loss in Educational Op- raphy, history, political science
portunity Grant funds, and a and sociology.
loss from the University's own Another function of the com-
scholarship till of nearly $98,- mittee is to monitor the student
000 because of having to absorb while he studies for his trans-
the effects of a tuition in- departmental major. The commit-
crease for National Defense Ed- tee helps the student determine,
ucation Act scholars. whether or not his proposed sched-
"The work-study program ule is desirable in the time he has{
may be the answer to providing left at the University. He is also
help for ,students in a tight counselled into picking esoteric'
budget year," Rea says. courses, courses that can be fit

School of Eduaction.
The Student Committee on Ur-
ban Education plans to develop a
position paper in an open meeting
tomorrow at Guild House, accord-
ing to William Berends, '7Ed.
The paper will be presented Dec.
5 to the recently formed Com-
mission on Urban Education, com-
posed of students, faculty and
members and community repre-
The students plan to deal with
two programs in urban education,
one outlining a program for next
fall and a second plan that theyI
hope willbecome a permanent
education school program.


pro pose new
ef~~~ a ~ m
A student group has been
charged with formulating an ur- N
ban education program for thef

plunge. And 'when the reporters were'
Larry Zelna returned the'ensu- finally admitted to the Wolverine
ing kickoff to the Michigan 36 dressing room, the sound of silence
and later a short punt gave OSU was deafening.
excellent field position once There sat offensive coach Tony
again. On this third opportunity Mason, slumped before his locker,
in Michigan's end of the field the head lowered, oblivious to the pats
Buckeyes were able to score. of encouragement passers-by were
Meanwhile, Ohio State kept the bestowing.
Wolverines hemmed in, and And there was Michigan head
throughout the whole first quar- coach Bump Elliott, his eyes sad-
ter the Buckeyes never had to run looking but proud, quietly answer-
a play from scrimmage from their ing questions thrown out at him
own territory. by dozens of reporters:
Elliott commented later, "We "What did I tell the team after
gave them excellent field position the game? I told them to keep
most of the afternoon." their heads up and their chins up.
Towards the end of the opening They had a great season. They're
quarter, another short punt gave a great bunch of men, and a won-
the Buckeyes field position on the derful team to work with, They
Michigan 32. And Ohio State was did things this year no one knew
able to bull it over on the second or expected they could do."
play of the second quarter. A fif- But what about this game?
teen yard bootleg by quarterback "Well, we could play better but
Rex Kern was the key play on the don't take anything away from
Ohio State. They're a powerful
dr Elliott said, "Kern has been football'team. Just look at that
as eltlottrsad,"ern asbenoffensive' line, Once they got roll-
a grat payerall ear.ing, they were awfully hard to
Buckeye coach Woody Hayes stop."
observed, "Kern is a heck of a Over in another corner stood
player. You know, he's a fine bas- captain Ron Johnson, dressing
See BUCKEYES, Page 9 slowly while fielding occasional
questions from well-wishers and
S d t , s "Our guys were ready to play.
Stuent 0rops We just got beat. Ohio State was
real sound fundamentally. They
initiate p a S didn't hit too hard, but executed
everything well.
,s "Everybody for us gave all he
for rent siL'1ke had, and that's all you can ask
for. If we could have scored on
An ad hoc rent strike committee . that first drive in the second half,
yesterday drew up tentative plans it might have been a different
for concerted action by students game. But after it failed, we just

"Making work" was a policy
used during the depression by
the federal government, but it is
brand new in terms of Univer-
sity financial aid.
During the. winter term, the
Office of Student Financial
Aids will use a recently obtained
$75,000 federal grant to create
Jobs for approximately 200 stu-
dents under the College Work-
Study Program.
Students will receive stand-
ard wages for working up to 15
hours a week at such jobs as
cataloguing and repairing books

be unable to attend college with-
out these earnings.
Under the law, a student is
eligible for the program if he
can maintain good standing in
his courses while employed, is
ehrolled as a full-time student,
and is a native of the United
States or intends to become . a
permanent resident.
According to financial a i d s
director Walter B. Rea, the
University defines "good stand-
ing" for the purposes of this
program as eligibility for con-
tinued attendance at the Uni-
versity. A student is consider-

en into the program only after
all low income applicants are
Work-Study programs have
operated on the Flint and Dear-
born campuses for the past three
years, but the program was not
implemented here because a
survey made by the aids office
three years ago showed 300 res-
idence hall jobs unfilled in mid-
year. The personnel department
reported another 300 unfilled.
"If 600 jobs were going beg-
ging," Rea says, "It was certain
a work-study prgoram could not
be filled."

Berends says the students have
been placed in the unique position
of being allowed to create a pro-
gram out of "their own expressed
needs" rather than being subjected
to any preconceived notion of'
urban education by the commis-
The urban education commis-
sion was formed early this monthj
in response to faculty and student
discontent with the education
school's present urban education-
The discontent centered around1

Ronald Brown, who will take
over as financial aids director

into his schedule. According to irrelevant teaching seminars, in-
T;i.,,..v nnp of h seminars, in-

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