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November 16, 1968 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1968-11-16

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Saturday, November 16, 1968


b...... C.s.....,.

Saudy1Nvme .,167TEMCIGNDIYTv~i-

roge seven

. Legendary
At least the old Mets were in-
truiging. Youknew they were bound
to lose, that was never question-
ed, but the Mets were so good in
defeat. Where else could one have
seen a great comedian like Mary
Throneberry hit a home-run and
forget to touch third, and then
smash a triple and skip second,
on his way around, all in one
game. 4
Yet so many other teams lack
luster in falling to the enemy. In
particular Wisconsin. N e i t h e r
"hapless" or "battered" adequate-
ly describes the Badgers-pathetic
is better.
Though statistics sometimes lie,
there can be little dispute over the
^ Badgers infamous totals.
So far this season the Badgers
have rushed for a total of 1168:
yards (0, J. Simpson has emassed DENNIS BROWN
1211), about one-half of their op-
ponents 2200. Surprisingly the After last years 0-9-1r
total number of plays for Wiscon- Coatta thought the Badger,
sunk as low as they coul
"We're going to win some
this year-we're going'to be
y Well, this season the Ba





on line


Jim Mandich (215)
Bob Penksa (225
Dick Caldarazzo (210)
Dave Denzin (220)
Stan Broadnax (226)
Dan Dierdorf (245)
Bill Harris (195)
Dennis Brown (175
John Gabler (208)
Ror Johnson (196)
Garvie Craw (218)



Jim Mearlon (205)
Brandt Jackson (213)
Wally Schoessow (197)
Karl Rudat (203)
Don Murphy (200)
Dave Salmons (216)
Mel Reddick (173)
John Ryan (185)
Joe Dawkins (206)
Wayne Todd (220)
Bill Yanakos (185)


eted, senior linebacker Ken Criter.
Last season Criter was voted all-
Big Ten and he should repeat with,
ease. If it were not for the rest
of the team Criter would have an
excellent shot for a berth on the
All-American team.
So far this season Criter has
been credited with 74 solo tackles
and 46 assists or a 120 total, best
in the Big Ten.
In a spectacular effort last
week against OSU he made 27
tackles including 16 solos.
Criter's best distinction is his
black helmet which is presented
to the members of the Wisconsin
team for excellence on the field
and during the week. The only
other black helmet on the squad
belongs to tackle Jim Delisle.
The idea of the black helmet is
probably more interesting than
most of the team, dating back to
the original U.S. Civil War.
It happened that in a battle at
Gettysburg the confederates ran
into more than they could handle

in a fighting unit appropriately
deemed those "damn black hatted
These black helmeted fellows
finished with only one-third of
their men and were deemed one of
the best regiments in the North-
ern army. It seems that most of
the men in the regiment were
from Wisconsin and that they
were trained at now defunct Camp
Randle which was eventually
turned into the present Wisconsin
football stadium.
Aside from Criter the Wisconsin
defense has numerous holes. Six
of the eleven starting defensive
team are sophomores who began
the season with no experience.
They have looked better in each
game, but they have a long way
to go.
Wisconsin's offense isn't in
much better shape. Fullback
Wayne Todd handles most of the
running chores. Michigan coach
Bump Elliott feels Todd is one of
the best there is.

(65) Tom Goss (225) LE
(39) Henry Hill (200) LT
(74) Dan Parks (235) RT
(55) Cecil Pryor (218) RE
(91) Phil Seymour (193) LLB
(90) Tom Stincic (217) MLB
(97) Ed Moore (200) RLB
(26) Jerry Hartman (170) LCB
(26) Tom Curtis (184) LS
(38) Bob Wedge (193) RS
(12) George Hoey (169) RCB
Todd has great running ability.
In the four games he has played
in this season, he has amassed
well over 200 yards and ranks as
one of Wisconsin's best runners
ever, even though he has missed
at least seven games in the last
two seasons.
Todd's biggest problems lie in a
poor offensive line which seems
unable to open any holes for Todd,
or for that matter the rest of the
Quarterback John Ryan has
been thrown for numerous losses
and has his hands full trying to
get rid of the ball fast enough.
Fortunately Ryan is a good scram-
bler which has saved his life sev-
eral times.
Aside from continuing Wiscon-
sin's losing streak today's game
means a lot for the Wolverines.
First the game will be televised
and should provide some long
overdue publicity for the deserving
In particular star halfback Ron


Lynn Buss (220)
Jim Delisle (235)
Bill Gregory (243)
Gary Buss (218)
Ed Albright (200)
Ken Criter (217)
Chuck Winfrey (216)
Dick Hyland (206)
Tom McClauley (181)
Gary Reineck (183)
Mike Cavill (175),




are 0-8 and unless Casey Stengel
or some other magician drops by
they could easily end up a resound-
ing 0-10. There seems little likely-
hood of a victory against Michi-
gan. Detroit bookies are listing the
Wolverines as a 24 point favorite.
There are, however, a couple
bright spots on the Badgers' team.
The most notable is black helm-

Johnson is a mere 132' yards short
of great Tom Harman's all-time
rushing records (2134 yards). With
a great effort Johnson could
smash the goal against the Bad-
Johnson, however, is in a funny
position. He is a definite All-
American candidate, but he should
have a much better chance than
he is getting. There has been
little publicity on Michigan, let
alone Johnson, during the past
two seasons, primarily due to the
team's poor showings. At the same
time great backs like O. J, Simp-
son and Leroy Keyes have had the
publicity machine rolling for well
two over years.
Although head coach Bump El-
liott has been concerned over
keeping the team up for this af-
ternoon's' game, they should be
fired up. As the last home game of
the season and the last time, per-
iod, for the seniors in the stadium
they should be giving at least
their best.
' The most encouraging part of
the team for Elliott has been the
defensive front four-Tom Goss
and Cecil Pryor at tackles, and
Henry Hill and Dan Parks, who
were largely responsible for hold-
ing the Wildcats to a mere 91
yards rushing.
The defensive backfield of
George Hoey, Bob Wedge, Tom
Curtis, and Jerry Hartman have
been rough all year and no let-
down is seen for today's contest.

-Daily-Andy Sacks
MICHIGAN'S RON JOHNSON (40) shows his power as he pushes
off a Minnesota tackler. Johnson will be showing this kind of
talent for the last time in Michigan Stadium today as he con-
tinues to pursue Tom Harmon's career rushing record.
Added help will come in the re- and a trip to Pasadena to think
turn of Brian Healy, injured about.
safety. There seems little that can save
The Wolverines should have lowly Wisconsin from disaster-
little trouble disposing of Wiscon- except a magician. Come on
sin, with a number one ranking Casey!
Put Your Car On A Dirt-free Diet, I
You know it's clean because you do it yourself

sin and opponents are about equal,
but total yardage is 1895 against
In a more important stat, first
half scoring, the Badgers list bad-
'ly, being outscored 107-3.
Back in the beginning of the
season coach John' Coatta had
some hopes,-"Alumni and fans of-
ten told me prior to the season
04 they didn't mind losing as long
as the result was respectable. They
didn't like those. 51-0 or 50-14
It makes one ponder just what
John Coatta thought "respect-
table" was. Of course the only
team to score over fifty points
was Arizona State (55-7). But
Michigan State and Utah State
shut them out 39-0 and 41-0 re-

Iowa point machine out to upset OSU


i. ' -

Big Ten Standings


That classic question of an ir-
resistable force meeting an in- :>;;:r<:"s:
mov~able object will go another}:j r=x:<;. ::{:::
round today, as Iowa takes on < ' *.h-.'*;-. - "
Ohio State at Iowa City. ... . "
The Hawkeyes, averaging more h
than 38 points and almost 500 ,.:.
yards a game, are first-ranked in
Big Ten offense, while the stub-
born Buckeyes are at the top of .f......
the defensive list. But Ohio State
is also near the top of the offen-
sive standings, second only to
Iowa. Ands second only to South- *
ern California in another poll',
Iowa's defense has given up an
average of four touchdowns a'
game and what saves them from a
Wisconsin-like fate is their of-
fense. With an average of six.;"
touchdowns per game, the Hawk- 4
eyes are ahead of the previous Big *:} ...-*:***:--'
Ten ,points per game record by TIM SULLIVAN
four points and lead by 44 yards -
the yard per game record set by Besides their offense, Iowa will
Purdue last season, have one other force going for

Ohio State
Michigan State

5 0
5' 0
4 1
3 2
3 2
3 2
1 4
1 4
0 5


has been declared unconstitution-
al," Spartan mentor Duffy Daugh-
erty declared despairingly.
Offensively and defensively,
Purdue is one notch above Michi-
gan State in the Big Ten rankings.
Gunning for his third outstanding
game against the Spartans, half-
back Leroy Keyes will undoubtedly
be hampered by his continuing in-
juries. In 1966 he returned four
kick-offs for a 119 yard total. Last
season, Keyes did it offensively
with 193 yards gained rushing in
24 carries for an all-time single
game mark against State.
The only team with a possibility
of grabbing the Conference title
from Michigan or Ohio State, In-
diana will host Minnesota. Both
tean are riding on tough victories,
the Hoosiers' coming over the
Spartans and the Gophers' over
the Boilermakers.
In the process of beating State,
the Hoosiers took a beating them-
selves. Their' outside chance for a
second consecutive title may have
been completely wiped out with
the loss of halfback John Isen-
barger, and injuries to quarter-
back Harry Gonso and tailback
Bob Pernell.
Minnesota, who last week tal-
lied up a 27-0 halftime lead over

Purdue, will be hoping for another
100-yard game from fullback Jim
Carter. Carter and the rest of the
offense bulldozed their w a y
through the Purdue line and liter-
ally ran over would-be tacklers
in the secondary, and the Boiler-
makers never recovered.
The Wildcats put on their most
impressive offensive splurge of the
year last week, scoring five touch-
downs. Yet they face the dishear-
tening task of trying to bounce
back against Illinois from a 34
point loss, as Iowa beat them
Although Illinois shares last
place with Wisconsin, Northwest-
ern's bid for a second win will be
hurt by their growing injury list.
Nine players, six on defense and
three on offense, are questionable
starters against the Illini
Sophomore quarterbacm Dave
Shelbourne, second to Michigan's
Dennis Brown in passing and total
offense, is still healthy, though,
and he may be all the Wildcats
really need.
Swamped by Michigan 36-0 last
week, Illinois managed to grind
out one impressive statistic. Rich
Johnson cracked the second-rank-
ed Wolverine defense for 121
yards, to move him into third in
Big Ten rushing.

318 W. Liberty St.


Wash, Rinse and Wax! WAt$ImNrO?
5 Minutes - 25c Ue
~4CAR WASH ' ' N~


Wisconsin at MICHIGAN
Minnesota at Indiana
Ohio State at Iowa
Purdue at Michigan State
Northwestern at Illinois

Philadelphia 116, Atlanta 115
Boston 116, Cincinnati 105
Baltimore 129, Milwaukee 102
Miami 102, New Orleans 91
Minnesota 105, Indiana 95
Atlanta at Cincinnati
Chicago at New York
Milwaukee at Philadelphia
Boston at San Diego
Los Angeles at San Francisco
Detroit at Seattle

Iowa's slim upset chances rest
partly with quarterback-turned-
halfback Ed Podolack. Since the
switch, he's gained 129, 104, 112,
and last week against Northwest-
ern, he traveled a 'record-breaking
286 yards. And Podolak, first in
Big Teni rushing, has had assist-
ance from fullback Tim Sullivan,
seventh in the rushing stats.
Coming off an offensive pro-
duction of 35 points against Min-
nesota and a 68 point spree over
Northwestern, the Hawkeye scor-
ing machine could hardly be bet-'
ter oiled. But Hawkeye Coach Ray
Nagel naturally cautions that the
points won't come that fast
against the Buckeyes. "Ohio State
has a lot at stake and ,they'll real-.
ly be aiming at us. Anyone who
thinks they'll be looking past us
to Michigan next week is out of hisl
mind," he said.

them. In the nine games between
the two teams at Iowa, the series
record is a 4-4-1 standoff, while
Ohio State has accumulated a
14-6-1 advantage in friendly Co-
For the third week in a row,
Michigan State will be up against
a team trying to redeem itself for
a previous weekend's poor show-
ing. The week before their Spartan
clash, the Buckeyes came close to
losing to , Illinois 31-24. They
bounced back against Michigan
State, 25-20.
Then Indiana, took out their
21-20 squeaker over Wisconsin on
Michigan State, and the Spartans
lost again, 24-22.
And this week unenviable State
willl catch Purdue after their 27-
13 upset loss to Minnesota. "It
seems as if the law of averages
- a - - -- - -

Win or Lose!


getany coser.

From the closed dead ends and
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