Urlie 1aRidyan &dtlj
Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan
under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications
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420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.
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Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers
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The AFS CMEcontract:
Improving labor relations.
THE CONTRACT with the University
that was ratified last night by the
American Federation of State, County
and Municipal Employes Local No. 1583
helps to end the reign of the University as
an elitest institution. Both the University
and the union should be commended for
arriving at this agreement.
The next step the University should
take is the immediate termination of its
court battle against Public Act 124
the act which gives the union legitimate
rights to collective bargaining. The Uni-
versity is presently challenging the valid-
ity of the law in the Court of Appeals.
The University should terminate this
battle, because it can jeopardize the pre-
sent agreement. Though it has never
been determined exactly - what would
happen should a court eventually decide
the University does have the right to
deny collective bargaining rights to its
employes, the implications seem obvious.
BUT MORE importantly, the University
should terminate its court battle be-
cause it is time for an acceptance of the
philosophy behind the union. The nego-
tiated settlement should be an admission,
by the Administration that it alone does
not have the knowledge, or wisdom to
make binding decisions for all groups in
the University.
Whether it be students, faculty or
employes - each has a legitimate con-
cern and a legitimate right to determine
the conditions under which the Univer-
sity functions and the goals to which
it aspires.
The University's rationale for chal-
lenging PA 124 - that the law infringes
on its autonomy-is more correctly ex-
plained as a law which infringes on the
autonomy of the administration to make
binding dedisions, an infringement that is
about a'half-century overdue.
While establishing collective bargain-
ing rights for its employes, the union has
raised their pay, and set the foundation
for an equalization of job status.
THERE SEEMS to be some disgruntle-
ment among University employes with
the new contract. However, the dissatis-
faction seems only about the contract's
provisions for the equilization of job
The purpose of this provision was to
align pay with work. In the past, the Uni-
versity hired janitors at the "going rate"
- the lowest pay possible.
Thus, when employment surpluses
were highest, the University paid the,
minimum needed to hire janitors. As a
result, there is a wide wage differential
between janitors at the University. In the
hospital, for instance, janitors are paid
on the average far less than janitors in
other buildings.
The union's provisions, hopefully, will
eventually lead to the same pay for the.
same work. Persons will be dealt with
more equitably, receiving certain wages
for, their work and not because they hap-
pened to be hired at a certain time.
A PPARENTLY, those who are disgrunt-
led want to maintain the old rungs of
the work-status ladder: happenstance
and coincidence. These are far less valid
criteria for determining the scale of re-
imbursement for work than the duties of
that work. Those who retain these anti-
quated criteria should realize it is an
unfair method of dealing with a group of
This, if the University ends its court
battle and if the union settles into its
role as the valid bargaining agent for the
University employes, we can hope for.
continuing advancement in education, as
well as labor practices.
Letters: The need for ROTC
SGC's mandate for change
SGC, INC., is not dead.
For whatever rationale the student
body used to defeat the incorporation
funding referendum, it is clear that few
students on either side of the issue un-
derstood the motion at all. And, as with
most SGC issues, fewer probably even
Ironically, it was this apathy that
the motion was trying to 'counteract.
Yet as the referendum was written, this
problem could never be solved.
Just as Council's present allocation is
automatically taken from student fees,
the funds of SGC, Inc. would be taken
in the same manner. The only difference
would be that the students, not the Re-
IN A TELEVISION interview yesterday
FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover said,,
"Justice is merely incidental to law en-
Hoover went on to explain, "Law and
order is what covers the whole picture.
Justice is part of it, but it can't be separa-
ted as a single thing."
The charitable would have us believe
that Hoover's latest statement does not
reflect a neo-fascist mentality, but that
the ageless FBI Director simply doesn't
know the meaning of the word "inci-
Freedom of
the press
TAMPA, FLA. - Law enforcement offi-
cers masquerading as news reporters
policed a band of 80 to 100 antiwar dem-'
onstrators who massed at the Federal
Office Building in Tampa yesterday as
part of "national draft card turn-in day."
Tampa Police Chief J. C. Littleton ask-
ed a newsman not to expose his officers
to demonstrators.
"You're either with us or with them,"
Littleton told the newsmen.
Ty T? ''LT imrn coi -nlin ,l - - nr
gents would determine the amount col-
In trying to take Council away from
the financial control of the Regents, SGC
had hoped to place itself under the con-
trol of the students. In this way, Coun-
cil thought it could answer critics that
said it was not responsive to the stu-
YET A major problem- remained with
this proposal-that of mandatory col-
lection. Consequently, the motion, at best,
was merely a half-way approach towards
Council's goal. Only when students can
chose whether or not to support SGC,
and not just the amount of support, will
Council become responsible to their needs
and demands.
The defeat of this motion has left two
options for SGC. It can either return to
its present inadequate funding scheme
or it can collect its funds directly from
the students. And if it opts for direct
collection, it will have to do more than
pass paper motions and constitutional
amendments to justify its existence.
Plans that SGC has considered for a
long time-including a student book ex-
change, an expanded student health in-
surance, a politically effective s t u d e n t
consumers' union and student housing
association-must show some indication
of success if Council ever expects to
draw members.
SGC will be forced to earn the title of
a student organization-not just assume
THE INITIATIVE for -'change has now
been tossed from the students back
to SGC. It can take this defeat and create
an organization better than that defeated
by the students. If not, the defeat will
not be of SGC, Inc. but of SGC itself,
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Daily except Monday during regular acadeni' school
Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular
summnier session.
Editonrial Stuff
To the Editor:
at the University, but I am sure
Mr. Landsman's description (Dai-
ly, Nov. 8) is reasonably accurate.
Few military science courses, I
suspect, have "academic value:'
However, as the same curricula
are taught at virtually all t h e
leading universities in the coun-
try, credit or non-credit, s u c h
courses can hardly "tarnish the
University's name" as Mr. Lands-
man suggests. The University does
not need ROTC, but it is scarcely
tarnished for having it.
As a former Naval officer (via
OCS) I would like to suggest that
we Americans need ROTC very
badly indeed. Most of the ROTC
graduates I have known have been
by far the best educated and the
best prepared of all those filling
the unenviable role of junior of-
ficers. While having the opportun-
ity to get a superior education, the
ROTC 'student can develop a rea-
sonably mature attitude toward
his future responsibility. OCS pro-
grams do not have this advantage,
andthe service academies simply
do not provide a superior educa-
tion in the arts and sciences. All
this may not seem very important,
but it is very important for the
college graduate draftee or the
eighteen year old h i g h school
dropout who may have to depend
on his Second Lieutenant at his
court-martial or in traffic court.
Abolishing ROTC programs would
be catastrophic. Abolishing all
academic credit for ROTC courses
would be sufficient harrassment
to force students out of ROTC and
abolish ROTC at the University.
for ROTC courses, but some things
are self-evident. The number of
course hours required for ROTC
students, I understand, has been
decreased in recent years. T h e
only way further decreases will be
made is by a combined assault of
university presidents upon the
Pentagon hierarchy. Officers as-
signed to the ROTC units should
not teach political science; pro-
fessors of political science should.
But there is no logical reason
why the smaller hard core mili-
tary subjects should not be given
academic credit. They obviously
should be put on a pass-fail bas-
is, as the grades have no relevance
whatsoever for anyone but the
ROTC Commanding Officers. Na
one should make the Dean's List
because of an "A" in Military Sci-
ence, but then no student should
fail to make it, because he was
forced to take five or more cours-
es besides ROTC. Courses of pure-
ly vocational interest are offereds
in every undergraduate school in
the University. The ROTC student
should n o t be discriminated
against. He may be your company
commander some day,
-J. C. Sheehan, Grad.
Nov. 8
Northwood Terrace
To the Editor:
errors in the story on t h e
Northwood Terrace Association in
Tuesday's Daily a n d confusion
was caused by several ambiguous
statements in that story.
The income limitation proposal
has been made not by our group
but by the Student Advisory Com-
mittee on Housing and thus, pos-
sibly should best be clarified by
them. However, it could directly
affect our constituency and for
their benefit I feel it necessary to
attempt/ to clarify some parts of
that proposal which were, obvious-
ly unintentionally, misleading.
First, the proposal does not only
give occupancy to students, but
also low income staff.
would allow continued occupancy
to tenants whose income is less
than 125 per cent of the highest
income of all those admitted to
the apartments with income pri-
ority during the previous year.
Third, the proposal would affect
not just Northwood I, II, and III
but a 1 s o University Terrace,
Northwood IV and pesumably all
future projects unless specifically
Fourth, The Daily article says :
"Students who apply for income
priority would be ranked . . . ac-
cording to an adjusted assessment
of their incomes." Perhaps it
w o u I d be clearer to say: "The
previously mentioned adjusted ao-
sessment" rather than "an ad-
justed assessment."
FIFTH, AND MOST important-
ly, the article claims: "The North-
wood Terrace Association supports
the income priority proposal." Our
organization has considered this
proposal, and many other alterna-
tives, but has come to no decision
on any of them as yet.
To be more precise, we have
m a d e with strong conviction a
statement on the role of Univer-
sity-married student housing and
given a series of alternatives to
alleviate the chronic need for low
cost housing. We see no reason
why action from the University
should not be forthcoming, but we
do not intend to "t a k e to the
streets" in the immediate future,
as the headline of the article may
have implied.
-Alan Kalyor Cline, Grad
Chairman, Northwood
Terrace Association
Nov. 13
SGC, Inc,
To the Editor:
NOW THAT the SGC Incorpor-
ated plan for taxing students
in order to raise "funds has failed,
it is time for SGC to try other
means to get money.
Profit-making services is such
a means. Because they're moder-
ately well organized and have of-
fice space already, student gov-
ernments throughout the country
have found it very much worth
the effort to engage in providing
profit-making services f o r their
In several instances these have
proved so successful the students
have been able to refuse all Ad-
ministration money (and thus
their control).
$10,000 per year, according to an
estimate by the National Student
Association (NSA). This could be
done by subscribing to NSA ser-
vices like student gavel, magazine
subscriptions, and, other money-
making ventures.
These are just the bare begin-
nings of what can be done. Just
selling Coca Cola and pastry to
residents yielded a dormitory $1
000 per year at one campus. Cof-
fee and pastry sales yielded one
of. the religious groups on the same
campus a very large profit.
In areas like entertainment and
speakers, student governments
elsewhere have raised l a r g e
amounts of money. On one cam-
pus, a well written student guide
to the campus and community was
a big money maker. The list of
examples is virtually endless.
A responsible SGC could easily
raise its own money. Other schools
all o v e r America are doing it,
there's no reason why the Univer-
sity can't.
-Alan Bloom
School of Public Health
Nov. 14
PHORTLY after Election Day, a correspondent for a London news-
paper asked for a brief statement on Richard Nixon's election,
Rather off-handedly I replied that I thought his Administration was
more likely to be dull than dangerous, more mediocre than menacing.
Yet the more one mediates about the shape of the next four years.
the deeper is the sense that there is little secure knowledge about the
nature of the man who is to be our President. That is what imparts
so much anxiety to the succession: the unknown is our deepest dread,
and Richard Nixon still eludes confident description.
Despite all the sadness of recent years, I knew that Herbert Hum-
phrey cared deeply about economic and social justice: that he was a
warm, humane figure with a zest for life; and that even when he fail-
ed a test of nerve (as in the Joe McCarthy era or the battle of Daley's
Chicago) he would be sensitive to criticism of his delinquencies.
None of this proves he would have been a great President. He
might have suffered from an excessive yearning to please too many
people, and not all those in his entourage had the selflesness of such
dedicated supporters as Marvin
BUT HE WAS identifiable; even
when one differed with him, there
remained a frame of reference -
of common values and shared ex-
perience - which sustained the
dialogue, and gave continuity and
coherence to his role.
While I have never had any ac-
cess to Mr. Nixon's private sean-
ces, I have read many accounts
o f sympathetic journalists who
have tried to present intimate por-
trayals of "the real Nixon;" the
results are inv~riably unsatisfying
and barren.
we know that he works hard.
lie is a loner, devoted to his fam-
ily but wary in friendship He has
a genuine passion for sports-
watching, and regards athletic en-
counters as symbolic of man's -..."
He has a highly functioning intelligence - meaning that he can
understand what he reads andabsorb what he hears without prolonged
translation by experts. He has no vulgar racial or religious intolerances.
In retrospect one suspects that he became a Republican by accident
rather than commitment.
HE IS SHY AND self-conscious; rarely has a man who has devoted
most of his adult life to politics seemed so palpably ill at ease in prac-
ticing its routines, so contrived in his "informality," so calculated in his
Much of the political game seems an ordeal for Mr. Nixon in which,
like the football player who really dislikes rough contact, he has been
forever mirthlessly proving something to himself about himself.
Throughout much of his career, the game has been the thing and
often it mattered not how honorably you plyaed but whether you won
or lost.
To many Americans he is the stereotype of the hard-line, ruth-
less warrior against communism. But he has shown himself as capable
of delivering a sophisticated analysis of the breakup of the Communist
monolith as he is of restoring to patrioteering.
POSSIBLY our misfortune is that he did not concentrate his life
on the practice of caw. He has an unmistakable gift for the earnest
advocacy of any case he chooses to argue at a given moment, and has
never been visibly tormented by the hobgoblin of consistency.
The temptation, is to conclude that he is a man at once informed
and shallow, persevering and hollow, who will seek in his own fashion
to restore peace and quiet to a turbulent country rather than confo'und
his conservative constituency.
The posture of "unifier" is a peculiarly difficult one for a man
whose history is so linked to discord and so shadowed by distrust. It is
further complicated by his reliance on the Southern route to the Presi-
dency - a course which not only further alienated him from the over-
whelming majority of Negro votersaand young rebels buthalso placed him
in the debt of Strom Thurmond and his rightist Southern allies.
He is, by his own rather melancholy confession, lacking in "charis-
ma." Men imbued with deep conviction can sometimes break the sound
BUT ONE who possesses no program beyond pragmatism and vague
"consensus" becomes especially vulnerable to the pressures of the right,
particularly if he tends to lose his cool under fire. This could achieve
more serious proportions if the floundering statesman of the New Left
persist in the fantasy that only mindless "confrontation" and upheaval
are the valorous tactics of our time.
A vagrant hope - perhaps it is a formsof daydream - survives,
that Mr. Nixon will unveil hidden, surprising resources. Such things
have happened.
But in facing the reality of his victory one is struck not by the
cliches of the Nixon devil-theory, but by our remarkable ignorance of
anything about him beyond tenacity, banality and, perhaps most trou-
blesome, an insecurity that bears no clear resemblance to authentic
An aide has. prophesied that this will be a "government without
pageantry." The real enigma may be whether we have elected a stranger
whom nobody knows, or whether there is not much more to be discov-
(Copyright 1968 N. Y. Post)
New coalition,
THE RECENT organizational meeting
of the New Democratic Coalition in
Ann Arbor causes us to consider the hard
lessons of last week's election. Americans
who are bent on changing the nation's
institutions and values have a long,
tough struggle ahead of them.
The New Democratic Coalition, a new
liberal-left group, must° buck the for-
midable conservative trend that was ex-
pressed in the Nixon and Wallace vote.
Against this trend, the New Democratic
Coalition hopes to rally those voters who
in their political anger are likely to re-
cede to frustrated indifference.
Anger with the debacle in Chicago led
to the formation of the New Democratic
Coalition. Meeting in Minneapolis shortly
after the convention, supporters of Mc-
Carthy, Kennedy, and McGovern met "to
restructure and revitalize the Democratic
and all that is needed are a f
changes to get them going aga
The New Democratic Coalit
not give its endorsement to th
ness of the nation's institutionsa
tudes. It will seek to revamp then
seek to change them to meet tl
need-not just the economic andr
requirements-of the country.
These new progressives will b
the same game as the tradition
ocrats and Republicans. But they
play it better, with more com
and with moral talent, and th
they will win.
A LARGE AMOUNT of suppor
new group has developed among
McCarthy, Kennedy and McGov
tisans. But they are not alone
recruitment of the dissatisfied el
Another group, headed by Marcu
has already formed the New Par
but' same. old taCtics
ew small black convention delegate from Minnea progressive movement plays it now, every-
ain. polis, and the University's own Arnold body loses.
ion does Kaufman explain that working within
e sound- the Democratic Party is a tactic, not a THE NEW DEMOCRATIC Coalition
and atti- moral commitment. In short, they regard wants the Democratic Party's money and
n. It will it as a quick way to get power. power but repudiates its moral myopia.
he moral This is unfortunate, because the New
military- "PERSONALLY, I would rather in- Coalition may end up getting the old
volve myself with something less nause- guard's conscience, as well.
e playing ous than the Democratic Party," Craig The New Coalitionists are seared' by
Lal Dem- said here at the campus organizational third party movements. They have seen
y hope to meeting. "But we don't have time for most.of them fail. They have seen them
imitment that kind of (third party) politics.' rise suddenly in the times of crisis and
ey think If Craig and his organization are serious then collapsed right after election,
about revamping American institutions, But the very flux in the political con-
government policy, and even the Dem- ditions that have produced today's large
't for the ocratic Party, they must squash any il- core of dissatisfied voters reflects vastly
g former lusions about doing it in a hurry. different conditions.
ein par- Working within the Democratic Party The tremendous impact of communica-
in their will not insure speedy success. In fact, tions that permitted Gene McCarthy and
lectorate. their struggle will be delayed by staying George Wallace to become national fig-
s Raskin in the party because the New Democratic ures in a matter of months indicates
ty which Coalition must first wrest control from how much easier it is to build a mass