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November 14, 1968 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-11-14

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Thursday, November 14, 1968


":vr.-.:---A:.:tv:- - - -~v^r w."

8:00 Room 3516 SAB
- Everyone Welcome -

_ _- .

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
.sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3528 L.S.&A. Bldg. before 2
p.m. of the day preceding publi-
cation and by 2 p.m. Friday for
Saturday and Sunday. General No-
tices may be published a maximum
of two times on request; Day Cal-
endar items appear onlyonce. Stu-
dent organization notices are not
accepted for publication. For more
information call 764-9270.
Day Calendar
Conference on the Economic Outlook
1969 - Registration: Lobby, Rackham
Building, 8:00 a.m.
Flu Shot Clinic: Health Service, the
charge is $1.50 for students and spouses
and $2.00 for staff and spouses. Persons
who have been immunized since 1964
need only one shot this fall. Those who
were told they need a booster dose and
have not received it should do so at
this final clinic.,NOTE: The vaccine to
be used at this time does not contain
the Hong Hong strain. This strain is
not presently available to the public
except for experimental purposes. 8:00 -
11:30 a.m. and 1:00-4:30 p.m.
IMental Health Research Institute
Seminar: Zdenek Lodin, Pasadena
Foundation for Medical Research,
"Some Aspects of Glial Cell-Neuron Re-
lationships," Room 1057 MHRI, 3:45
Physical Chemistry Seminar: Ken Ru-
binson, Dept .of Chemistry, University
of Michigan, "Determination of Mag-
netic Susceptibility Using NMR", 1200
Chem, 4:00 p.m.
T. S. Jerome Lecture Series: Massimo
Pallottino, Professor of Etruscology and
Italic Antiquity, The University of
Rome, ,Sketch of a History of Ancient
Italy Before ItsRoman ization-Part VI:
"Italy. and Rome on the Way to Uni-
fication (IV-I Cents. B.C.)": Auditorium
B, Angell Hall, 4:00 p.m.
Center for Russian and East Euro-
pean Studies - Peter C. Ludz, Professor
of Political Science, Free University of
Berlin, "Political and Social Change in
East Germany": 200 Lane Hall, 4:00 p.m.
Student Labdratory Theatre Program

(Department of Speech) - Joel Oppen-
heimer's The Great American Desert
and Laurence Osgood's Pigeons: Arena
Theater, Frieze Building, 4:10 p.m.
Botany Seminar: Dr. G. Ledyard Steb-
bins, University of California, "New
Insights into the Relationship Between:
Genes and Morphological Characterist-
ics in Higher Plants", 4:15 p.m., 1400
Chemistry Bldg.
Department of History lecture Series:
Aspects of Negro American History: Al-
lan Spear, Professor, University of
Minnesota, "The Roots of the North-
ern Ghetto": Auditorium A, Angell
Hall, 4:15 p.m.
Cinema Guild: S. Ray's Mahanagar
(The Great City): Architecture Audi-
torium, 7:00 and 9:05 p.m.
Linguistics Club Lecture: Sanford A.
Schahe, Professor, University of Cali-
fornia at San Diego, "Disjunctive or
Conjunctive (?) And. Intrinsic or Ex-
trinsic (?) Ordered Rules in Phonol-
ogy": Amphitheater, Rackham Build-
ing, 7:45 p.m.,
College of Engineering Guest Appear-
ance: Dr. Hannah Arendt, "The Archi-
median Point." General remarks follow-
ed by a panel discussion with Profes-
sors N. E. Nelson and A. P. Mendel
(LS&A) and Professors J. A. Clark and
L. L. Rauch (Engineering); Professor
H. W. Farris, Moderator: Rackhamn Lec-
ture Hall, 8:00 p.m.
Degree Recital: Gregg Hanson, Trum-
pet: School of Music Recital Hall, 8:00
Koppers Company Chemistry Lecture:
Dr., J. Stille, University of Iowa, "The
Diels-Alder Reaction 'in Polymeriza-
tion," 1300 Chem, 8:00 p.m. ,
Gilbert and Sullivan Society: The
Gondoliers (or The King of Barataria):
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, 8:00 p.m.
Choral Union Series: Birgit Nilsson,
Soprano: Hill Auditorium, 8:30 p.m.
General' Notices
Broadcasting Service: WUOM Radio
(917 Mc.) 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily.
Thursday 1:00 p.m. U.S. Foreign Pol-
icy: The Next Decade: "Projections:
Asia", with Prof. Harold Isaacs, MIT.
Thursday 4:45 p.m. Conservation Re-
port, with Prof. Karl Lagler. 5:15 p.m.
U-M Feature Story with Jack Hamil-
Friday 11:00 a~m. The Eleventh Hour

ULLETIN [San Franc
------3over suspe,
4repeated at 7 p.m.) Ed Burrows hosts
an hour of news and conversation
about the arts and literature. Guest: SAN FRANCISCO (CPS -
Laurel Lee Johnson in a discussion of While the Eldridge Cleaver COnl
Work shop Theater. Frilay 1:00 px. Wnhie thed ierCityvof Ca-
From The iMdway, U of Chicago. "Walt tioversy at the University of Cal-
Whitman: The Man and the Myth", ifornia's Berkeley campus has
with Jorge Luis Borges, Argentinian temporarily quieted downS a nI
novelist. Friday 5:00 p.m. Focus on Stu- Francisco's State College across
dents. produced by students in the
speech department. 5:15 p.m. Business the bay is in turmoil - also over
Review, with Prof. Ross Wilhelm. Fri- a Black Panther teacher.-
day 9:45 p.m. Dimensions of Loneliness tStuet ea tieWd
- "The Novelist's Life and the Life tudents began a strike Wed-
of Novels", with Herbert Gold, author, nesday (Nov. 6) to protest the
recorded in Detroit. suspension of George Murray,
Student RelationsNCommittee: Open Black Panther Minister of Educa-
meeting Thursday, November 14 3:00I tionwo astchnbsiE-
pm. Third floor, SAB building. Agenda: n Who was teaching basic En-
1. Consideration of minutes. 2. Final ------ - -
consideration of University-Police Re-
lations Report. 3. Advisory Committee
on Recreation, Intramurals and Club
Sports. 4. Advisory Committees, Office C
of Student Affairs.
Botany Seminar: Dr. G. Ledyard
Stebbins, University of California, "TheM
Relationship Between Hybridization and
Polyploidy in Plants", Friday Novem- _3j II
ber 15, 1968 at 4:00 p.m. Botanical Gar-dens
dens. U
Center for Russian and East Euro-
pean Studies, Brown Bag Luncheon: NEW YORK (CPS) -- The Col-
Marian A. Low. Asst. Prof. of History. lege Entrance Examination Board
University of Michigan. "Nationalismaperradtocndehtis
and Revisionism in Hungary," Monday, appears ready to concede that its
Nov. 18, Lane Hall Commons Room, admissions testing program is
12:10 p.m. geared Primarily to serving insti-

reported Two 16-man squads
San Francisco police came on
the campus at 2 p.m. to close
the buildings.

. 1
i }

Sui be To

isco students strike
nded Black Panther
glish to disadvantaged students. The college re-opened Thursday,
College President Robert Smith and the situation was fairly calm
closed the campus Wednesday af- and normal, although some police
ter groups of black students, who were on the campus.
were going around speaking to The strike is continuing with
classes about the strike, threaten- pickets and efforts to get more
ed violence if the classes were not student support. Estimates of its
dismissed. Small fires, assaults effectiveness varied. One radical
and minor property damage were called it "100 per cent successful,"

NO MACHINES) kril2Owpmi


&t ylt Mo pa
if mn lv,

Ask for free

The approval of the following stu-
dent sponsored events becomes effec-
tive after the publication of this notice.
All publicity for these events must be
withheld until the approval has be-
come effective. Approval request forms
for student sponsored events are avail-
able in rooms 1001 and 1546 of the
Student Activities Building.
Chi Alpha - Book table - Fish Bowl -
11/11; 11/18; 11/25; 12/2; 10 a.m. - 4
John Parker Huber, History, Disserta-
tion: "General Josiah Harmar's Com-
mand: Military Policy in the Northwest,
1784-1791," on Thursday, November 14
at 2 p.m, in Room 3609 Havel Hall,
Chairman: H. H. Peckham.
Charles Louis Zahm, Computer, In-
formation & Control Engineering, Dis-
sertation: "Structure of Sensitivity Re-
duction," on Thursday, November 14
at 1 p.m. in Room 3513 East Engineer-
ing, Chairman: W. A. Porter.
John Krnacik, Jr.:- English Language
and Literature, Dissertation: "The Hero
of Feeling in William Godwin's Fic-
tion," on Thursday, November 14 at 2
p.m. in Room 1613 Haven Hall, Chair-
man: S. W. Baker.
Andrew Charles Dempster,,Mathe-
matics, Dissertation: "Distributive
Peano Lattices." on Thursday, Novem-
ber 14 at 3 p.m. in Room 2419 Mason
Hall, Chairman: A. L. Shields.
George Aloysius Kozlowski Jr.: Math-
ematics,. Dissertation : "Mapping Theor-
ems for Homotopy," on Thursday, No-
vember 14 at 3 p.m. in 3227 Angell Hall,
Chairman: M. Brown.
3200 S.A.B.
Placement Interviews: Tne following
organizations will interview at Place-
ment Services, the representatives ex-
pect to see at least a vita sheet on In-
terviewees, therefore, if you are not
already registered with the General
Division. please stop in and let usepro-
vide you with the proper materials.
Please call 763-1363 to make appoint-
ments by phone, or stop in and make
(Continued on Page 7)

tutions of higher education and c
that, as a result, an imbalance
exists between this service and thef
individual needs of students who
want to continue their educationi
beyond high school.t
But the board does not seem pre-
pared to make any radical depar-
tures in its basic program of apti-t
tude and achievement tests, with-t
out which few students can be ad-
mitted to colleges and universities.r
Its emphasis more likely will bex
on offering additional services to
help students make more enlight-
ened judgments about themselves
and the educational institutions
they might attend.x
That was the impression left
at the board's annual meeting byc
its president, Richard Pearson,t
and by the chairman of its corn-'
mission on tests. The 21-member1
commission was appointed in 1967
to conduct a "broad review" of
the theory and practice of the
College Board's testing program.
It was charged with gathering
"evidence of the need for change"
and deciding that new examina-
tions might be needed in the' fu-
So far the commission has been
unable to reconcile widely diver-
gent views among its members. But
Mr. Pearson, in his annual report
to the College Board, said his ownt
understanding of the commission's
intention was that "it looks for
new tests and inventories t h a t
would give students a better un-
derstanding of themselves than1
the Board's traditional tests do,
and also for better informational
publications and computer-assist-r
ed guidance to give students af
better basis for choice and decis-f
ion" about colleges.I
Seeing this as a "long-term ef-
fort of program development. .Mr.
Pearson went on to voice his .as-
sumption at the present time ..'t

Civil rights group
investigates problems

that much, though perhapsi
all, of this developmental w
will go on outside the admissi
testing program."
But some members of the to
commission, at least, have b
greatly impressed by demands:
fundamental realignments wi
in the testing program itself,
it is on this point perhaps mi
than any other that the comm
sion is stalemated.
David V. Tiedman, chairman
the commission, believes it will.
timately call for some "evoluti
ary" changes in board activi
rather than "revolutionary"s
proaches to testing.
Neither he nor the commissio
vice-chairman, B. Alden Thres
were able to say in a "progress:
port," however, that the comm
sion had resolved its differen
over such , basic questions
whether the board should con
ue the testing program more
less as it stands.

of while administration spokesmen
to claimed only two or three per
all cent of the students were honor- 9
ing the strike. The campus news-
paper, the Daily Gater, noted that
many professors cancelled classes
or devoted class time to discus-
sion of the strike, and that nor-
mally packed student parking lots
were only half full.
It was Berkeley's Cleaver con- A
troversy which precipitated t h e
San Francisco State crisis. When
it was announced that Cleaver
not would serve as a guest lecturer in
ork a Berkeley course on racism, the
ons Los Angeles Times revealed that
another Panther, Murray, was
ests serving as a salaried instructor at i
een San Francisco State.
for Murray is a graduate student at
th- the college. He was one of the
and black students who beat up the
lore editor of the Gater last year.
nis- When they found out Murray
was teaching, the. trustees of Cal-
of ifornia's state college system "re- ,
ul- quested" President Smith to fire
on- him. Smith refused, saying there
ties was no legal or professional rea-
ap - son to comply with the request.
Murray is by all accounts an ex-
's cellent teacher.
hers Tehe trustees apparently decid-
re- ed to let Smith handle the prob-
is- lent his own way, but then Mur-
ices ray began making "incendiary"
as speeches around the state. He gave
tin- one speech in Fresno at the tile
or the trustees were meeting there.
See PROF., Page 7

What kind of woman reads GENERA TION?
Campus inter-arts magazine

Sp eedwriting




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studies or to. rapidly prepare yourself for employ-
ment, the rewards will be great. Only Hamilton Busi-
ness College is prepared to offer Speedwriting or
Gregg Shorthand and the nationally-famous' Nancy
Taylor Finishing Course Call the Hamilton Business
College at 769-4507.' 'Morning, afternoon/ and
evening classes.

"There is a great lack of in-
volvement of law students outside
the University" says Steve Eldrick,
chairman of the L a w Students
Civil Rights Research Council, an
organization designed to involve
law students in civil rights prob-
The local chapter of the research
council currently h a s about 55
members who work in teams to
further the council's three main
functions: research, projects and
"Our main job" says Eldrick, "is
to research various c i v' i rights
problems." At present, members of'
the group are involved in research
on anything from the tax irob-
lems of ghetto dwellers in Detroit
to the prosecution of students ar-
rested at the welfare demonstra-
tions in September.
Generally, the students" work on
cases referred to them by lawyers,
although they are willing to work
with anyone who comes to them
with a problem.
Recently, Prof. Robert Harris,
the students' faculty advisor, talk-
ed briefly with a person who was
interested in bringing a suit on
behalf of the local sororities
against their respective nationals..
The person wanted to prevent the


nationals from taking action over
membership rules.
Harris said there was a possi
bility that. such a suit would be
successful even though he admit-
ted that it would be "tricly."



1-5 p.m.


If a member of a local sorority
wanted to pursue this idea any
further, Harris said the students
would be willing to do the basic
research work.
A major project for the coun-
William D. Revelli, directot
of University bands, has an-
nounced that tickets for the
"Bandorama" performance Sat-
urday, Nov. 16 at 8 p.m. In Hill
Auditorium, have been sold out.
He said they will Orobably re-
peat the performance in Janu-
cil already in the planning stage
is, an effort. to halve a system. of
'recognizance bail' 'initiated in the
Detroit court system. Eldrick
hopes to get funds' to finance' this
project from the Ford Foundation.
According to Eldrick, the pres-
ent bail system penalizes the poor,
a n d he claims a 'recognizance
bail' system would represent a big
step in improving this situation.




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