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November 10, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-11-10

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An Editorial

Ohio State,....43
Wisconsin .... 08

Minnesota .... 27
Purdue . . . . . .13

Indiana . ....
Michigan St..

. 24 Southern Cal . 35
. 22 Calif ornia . . . . 7

SOklahomna.... 27 loom......... (Q

. 0

Student Government Council is an endlessly drifting
organization. Its objectives have never been clearly arti-
culated. During the past year it has done little besides
hold the line against administrative reaction and waste
time on internal structural reforms which, in the absence
of any clearly defined purpose for the organization, are
SGC should have made a firm commitment this
semester to work with students on improving the quality
of education at the University and making it more rele-
vant to their lives.
In the important area of economic protection, SGC
should have mounted a sustained attack against the
merchants and landlords of Ann Arbor, who have long
exploited students.
This year's slate of candidates is generally mediocre,
but there are four among them who might be able to give
-SGC the direction it so desperately needs.
HOWARD MILLER is an articulate medical student
who brings a fresh yet sophisticated approach to the
problems facing students. In his short appointed term,
he has been a constructive and energetic member of
Coupcil and has offered interesting proposals to improve
University relations with the state legislature. He shows
a clear understanding of just what role SGC can best
perform In the area of acadenic reform and knows how
to work toward the goal of maximum student participa-
running together, present a clear and comprehensive
program for dealing with the problems SGC ought to
be confronting. Both have been involved in campus
affairs and are familiar with the operation of the Uni-
versity. Their plan for selective buying programs to force
merchants to lower prices is promising. Their approach
to academic reform is mature and shows a clear under-
standing of just how and where attempts for change
must be lodged.
BRUCE WILSON is only a freshman, but he shows a
surprising understanding of how change is effected and
what type of change is needed. An Ann Arbor resident, he
is well acquainted with the University decision-making
process and knows what should be the role of students
in it. He promises to be a good spokesman for student.
grievances and might add the energy and new ideas
which SGC so badly needs.
MARK ROSENBAUM has good intentions. But his
proposals are half-baked. His ideas are lofty, but he has
little understanding of how to actually implemett
them. However, he is sincere in his desire to make SGC
responsive to the needs of the student body and is
willing to do the research and the work necessary to be,
a respectable Council member.
MIKE FARRELL is a conservative who believes that
he is the one to represent all the indifferent and apa-
thetic students who don't vote in SGC elections. He
hopes to accomplish this through public opinion polls.
We wish him good luck, but we don't have much faith
in the polls. He is an articulate spokesman for the
conservative viewpoint and at least promises to liven up
SGC meetings.
JACK BRAND is full of ideas. Whether he under-
stands them is another question. He advocates a second
student newspaper, a suggestion which we do not oppose,
but has no plan for publishing or financing it. He advo-
cates a student lobby but has not yet considered the
implications of this rather amorphous proposal.
ROGER KEATS thinks there are easy solutions to
student problems. His attitude toward the problems
which SGC should be facing is alarmingly simplistic and
would contribute little to Council.
DALE JURCISI is the law and order candidate of
this election. What he doesn't understand is that most
of his platform was swiftly implemented by the Univer-
sity following a marked increase in campus crime earlier
WILLIAM ELDRIDGE are running together on a plat-

form of obstruction and reaction. Modelski and Morris
are currently members of Young Americans for Free-
dom. Eldridge says he recently quit the organization be-
cause he discovered most of its members were support-
ing George Wallace.




Vol. LXXIX, No. 63 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, November 10, 1968 Ten Pages





Associate Sports Editor
The most powerful earthquake in 20 years shook the
Midwest yesterday afternoon, but the teacup-rattling tremor
was nothing compared to the manhandling the Rose Bowl-
bound Michigan Wolverines gave Illinois at Michigan Sta-
A sometimes sloppy but more often inspired Michigan
defense piled up their second shutout in as many weeks,
k while quarterback Dennis Brown led the offense to a 36-0
win over the Fighting Illini.
All-American candidate halfback Ron Johnson, who was
slowed by an early injury and an Illinois defense stacked to
stop his running, managed to gain 51 yards in 19 carries, and
scored two touchdowns.
The one-two combination of Johnson and Brown account-
ed for 322 yards total offense, more than the entire Illinois
squad, as Michigan ran over
the winless Illini.
Michigan's offense in the fourth
quarter was based on another
one-two punch: Moorhead and
Lance Scheffler. They carried the
brunt of the attack, and, with
' ~ ..... '3:37 to go, the brunt of the scor-i ...
ing, as Hankwitz picked off Moor-
head's loft between two defenders
in the end zone for a score.
Actually, Michigan passed over
ymIllinois, as Brown and his under-
study Don Moorhead lofted the
'. ball 31 times for 15 completions.
The Wolverines even began the
game with a barrage of passes,
quite in contrast to the usual Wol-
verine opening attack...
After the game, Michigan coach
Bump Elliott explained why: "Illi-..
nois is pretty tough against a run-
ning attack, so we felt we had to
throw a lot. Actually," he contin-
ued, "our game consists of mixing
up plays, and passing plays a big
Daily-Andy sacks In all, three of the Michigan
uarterback Don Moorhead in the touchdowns came via the air route:
a long, long 69-yarder to Bill Har-
- ris, a 14-yard slant-in to P a u1
Staroba, both from Brown; and a
leaping catch by Mike Hankwitz,
on a broken play, from Moorhead.
The other two TD's were scored
SM by Johnson; Tim Killian added a
field goal just to make things in-
ter esting.
The Wolverine offense also fell
prey to something they hadn't en-
She also lax rs establishing countered prior to this game:
communication between ghetto fumble-itis. Four times the slip
schools in Detroit and the edu-1 pery ball dropped from a Wolve-} y '

WOLVERINE TIGHT END Michael Hankwitz beats his man to capture a TD pass from second-string' qt
fourth quarter of yesterday's demolition of Illinois.

Ed group seeks

urban i

By SAM DAMREN and that education faculty mem- The University does offer one
The education school has form- bers are not experienced in urban program which provides some ex-c
d aynad hoccommitteeh on urban problems. perience with inner city problems

Cu Prof.u Irving Anderson. cha,_ vii. -ne. the Fresh Air Camp for ghetto cation school to create more ef-
education in response to faculty Prof. Irving Anderson, chair-i-
and student discontent with exist- man of the graduate committee, children. fective teachmg programs.
ing programs. calls the formation of the new Prof. William C. Morse, past di- Nancy Freitag, Grad, member of
The committee will investigate group "a tremendous step for- rector of the camp program, calls the original group stresses the
plans for a unified urban educa- ward."the summer setup an ideal situ- need for "follow-up" courses that
tion program. The University cur- Prof. David Angus, a member ation fortdevelopment of proper help returning student teachers
Lionproram Th Unversty ur- pro. Dvid ngu, amemer;solve the problems they have run
rently does not offer a specialized of the ad hoc committee, hopes teaching techniques.
program in urban education, al- that the answer to the problem Practice teachers in the camp Miss Freitag also thinks an in-
though some courses are available, will be found in the establishment demaof consultation with experienced terdisciplinary program would
The new ad hoc committee will of an urban education program teachers to solve the problems start to solve the problems of in-
include students, faculty members organized around the University'stetheproe fsctive te progemsofnd
and representatives of the urban Rackham extension in Detroit and they encounter effective teaching seminars and
community in Detroit. an interdisciplinary program in Hever, e ays hoe n c- See GROUP, Page 6
Forsuetmmes-twoi the education school. believe the education school is or-SeGRUPg6
Four student members - hed tnsh .ganized to take advantage of the ~
undergraduates and two grad- Such a program would also of- day camp program, because it is
uatear sexciting educational ex- available only in the summer.
anou whinecaiomd pres oram. The
gopwihfretopesfrperience.,' Angus says. Morse also favors a teaching 71 Ci.i 111 S
an urban education program. The.gUse of the Rackham extension center in Detroit where practice
uate committees each selected one facility will solve two of the prob- teachers could be sent with suf-
faculty member for the commit- lems which might hinder estab- ficiently qualified personnel avail-
tee. t-lishment of a program within the able to aid them. SL IL e 4
Representatives from Detroit education school: personnel and Angus adds that a Detroit pro- ;
have not yet been named. money. } gram would be even more effective By WALLACE IMMEN
Before the ad hoc committee The extension service allows than the Fresh Air Camp, because By tALaCE IMMEi
was formed, the student group University professors to teach at it would also acquaint the student The State Board of Educationrsneanprialocuet ohrshoswiercivgpytahrwth he rbem oflnspnhaigsnAnAbr
presentred, n e apisaludfncurreoutherschools we receiving pay teacher with the problems -of plans open hearings in Ann Arbor
inadequacies in the education from Rackham in Detroit. An teacher-administrator relations in and seven other cities to consider
school's urban education program urban education center in Detroit urban areas. a proposed state plan for higher
to the faculty graduate committee. could be staffed by University o Judy Guskin, Grad, admember education.
Students complained that theyj professors paid by the extension o the new committee and a lead- A tentative schedule calls for
ere$nts prepaed thpati service, Angus explains.i er of the original student group, the hearings to be held in a cir-
were not prepared to practice Angus als sy tats. . p believes any urban program must cuit beginning with Lansing near
leach in the ghetto, that they Angus also says that this type be "a community cutting across the end of the month.
received no help from ineffective of program would acquire an ex- the graduate, undergraduate, and The plan calls for the board to
teaching seminars and courses, perienced staff. f 1- .zrl of the arhinntinn fnllnwn."nnnnof ,.nnna,.n
f cultU le.ve ±of theVLI. ed.,s~utn follow. Y LJUIJjU'SJ.jJiai

rine carrier (once during a PAT
attempt). But the Illini returned
the favor, losing the ball five of
six times on bobbles, as the game-
long snow flurries contributed
their share.
The snow and cold weather (34
degrees at gametime) also took
their toll in the stands, as less
than 57,000 spectators showed up.
Those on hand saw the Wolverine
offense start off sluggishly, scor-
ing once at the end of the first
See FORMER, Page 9

-Daily-Andy Sacks
and Illini defender Ralph Wal-
dron (29) leap high into the
air as they battle for the ball.
Waldron won, this time, and
broke up the pass frormi Wolver-
ine quarterback Dennis Brown.

o consider proposed
on higher education



state. The state constitution of
1963 established the board with
powers to coordinate education
in the state. However, no stand-
ards were set up for the operation
of the board.
When the project was intro-
duced several years ago, many
thought the plan could be a
"master plan" to place school ad-
ministration under the super-
vision of the board.
The proposed plan is the pro-
duct of several advisory groups
representing professors, admin-
istrators, economic experts and
The plan was prepared by a
Study Steering Committee in the
form of a statement of philo-
sophical goals and practical means
for coordinating the state's ex-
tensive higher education network.



SDunn: kind of Regent
By PHILIP BLOCK However, he warns, "Increased pressur,
Last of a two-part series on the state without a change in the fisca
When newly-elected Regent Gerald Dunn. structure would not result in additiona
takes office in January, he will bring to funds. Appropriations for higher educatio
the University a combination which is rare- are tied to the size oftotal revenue and thu
ly found in Regents-youth and experience funds will increase only when taxes are rais
in state education. ed."
Only 33 years old, the Democrat from During his campaign, Dunn showed in
Flushing already has served as a state terest in the current move toward academi
senator and chairman of the Senate High- reform on campus.
er Education Committee, as well as legis- "I definitely believe that students an
lative advisor to the Michigan Association . b
of School Boards. Dunn currently is the faculty should be jo s.tly involved in cur
director of federal and state relations for oinnt sold te sace on th i
the ran RaidsSchol oarvolvement should take place on the commit
n R d S B tee level, and not on the level of final re
Dunn believes that his experience will
help him tackle the difficult probles t esponsibiity - I am not suggesting th
'v-j xv } rr:: help h tckl th dificlt1robems the Regents give up their authority as out

_lacuu l 1y ul umalul1 oW I cci U1 oCooperative
school." and continuous planning for the
A community would utilize the future of higher education in
varied experience in urban educa- Michigan, rather than the devel-
tion of undergraduates, graduates opment of a fixed plan."
and faculty. This means that the board
Miss Guskin explains that an would perform advisory rather
interdisciplinary program includ- than administrative functions in
ing psychology, sociology and its jurisdiction over the state's
other fields must be formed to colleges and universities.
e Icreate this community of experi- The entire project is an attempt
al ence. to define the board's role in the
n Sf
s Sr vU con fiT rs tut

Most of the need for the board
would arise in disputes over the
establishment of new curriculum
or programs. For instance, the
board issued a report which fa-
vored the establishment of the
new medical school at Michigan
State University over 'expanding
the University's facilities to an
extremely large extent.
Recently, the board also ap-
proved the idea of a fourth med-
ical school in the state and sug-
gested establishment of an osteo-
pathic facility, such as the one
that has been proposed for a
large site near Pontiac.
The upcoming hearings will be
the only opportunity for students
to review the first draft of the
A proposed student advisory
committee was never formed dur-
ing the original writing of the
100-page document.
fComments from the hearings
will be transcribed and used later
in consideration of changes in
the plan. Associate Superintendent
of Higher Education Harold Porter
will chair the hearings and se'veral
members if the eight-man board
will attend each session.
Although specific arrangements
have not been made, the format
will likely be question and answer.
Several student and faculty
groups including Student Govern-
ment Council will be informed of

on, fees

rising in nation's state colleges


WASHINGTON VP)-Four fifths17 search of the National Association, i charged the lowest rate of anyI
of the nation's state colleges and which coordinated results of the j institution reporting in the sur-
universities have raised tuition survey, said yesterday more stu- vey-$25 per quarter for tuition
fees for the current academic year, dent fee increases are likely next and fees for District of Columbia
a new study discloses.' year at the start of 1969-70 aca- residents.
a ne ve demic year. s Federal City College is the na-
A suve o _36intiuiosf The survey also showed an L ion's newest land-grant college.

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