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August 29, 1968 - Image 64

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-08-29

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Seventy-seven years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students of the University of MichiganI
under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications


war, In

Gb icago:

It's a


Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552

orials printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in oil reprints.

The politicized student:
Tim.efor a new focus

iHERALD the advent of the politiciz-
ed American student is a risky propo-
s ionThecoming has been prophesied
too ' many times before. And whether.
American students are willing to main-
fain interest long enough to achieve a
pcsitin' of power and influence ap-
4roahing- that of their European count-
or-parts is not yet certain.
But 'in this year of great national trag-
edy and shame, American students are
ctiyely unhappy. And their discontent
stems from problems which, cannot be
remedied if their commitment is only
lshort term,
ANY STUDENTS are unhappy o n ly
for the ignoble reason that govern-
ment 1has intruded into their previously
saero-sanct middleclass lives in the form
,of, the coercive draft.
Buta significant section of the student
community has been harshly shaken out
pf;-its socially irresponsible lethargy by
the iglaringly' immoral action of the gov-
,erinent in Vietnaml and by the abrupt'
1 c6veriy of long-existent, intense racism
throughout society.
'They are also unhappy with a n d in-
creasingly aware of the institutions in so-
biety which exercise power over t lh e i r
IWes. There is a n e w determination to
prevent government and society from not
only dictating the choices, but, more im-
portunitly, subtly determining the alter-
natives from which to choose.
On the national level, student discon-
tent has manifested itself in the fight
against the war in Vietnam. Great ener-
gies h3ave been expended in the effort to
repudiate the Johnson administration's
policies. But the defeat of the McCarthy,
McGovern and Kennedy forces can only
be viewed as the beginning of a long pro-
cess. And frustration in the national are-
na does not mean that significant change
cannot be achieved on the local level.
QTUDENTS MUST direct their concerns'
toward the institution which most af-
fects their lives - the university. Its di-
rection, operation and influence on the
community in which it operates are the
responsibilities of students.
It is on this ,level that the chances of
affecting both immediate and long-range
changes are greatest. Improving higher
education not only affords the student
a more meaningful and relevant educa-
tional experience, an achievement in it-
self. But, in the long-run it also makes

a major contribution in accelerating the
prerequisite changes in society's attitudes.
In the past, concern over the academic
dimension of the University has b e e n
minimal. What then seemed to be the
most important fight was the elimination
of paternalistic rules and regulations
which had allowed the University to in-
terfere in the personal lives of students.
NOW THE focus of attention m,u s t
change. But it is at this point where
problems become more complex, demand-
ing a heightened expertise and a contin-
uing interest on the part of the student
community. Student power cannot be ad-
vocated unless students are willing to
spend the time to study all aspects of the
decisions they are asking to make.
For example, student participation in
curriculum decisions requires that duly
elected student representatives not only
advocate what would be desirable during
their short term of residence at the Uni-
versity but what is best for the University
in the long-run, considering the avail-
ability of funds and ultimate objectives.
And this balanced perspective of Univer-
sity problems is an attainable goal for
What has prevented students from as-
suming their proper role in determining
University policy has been the undisputed
fact that most students simply are not
interested enough to educate themselves.
AS ONE University professor joked, "If
we agreed to place 101 students on
those 101 subcommittees which supposed-
ly make policy, you couldn't find 101 stu-
dents who would give the time necessary
to educate themselves so they could be-
gin to deal with the problem."
/ Admittedly, students have not had a
sophisticated view of the University op-"
eration in the past. Student interest hasj
been both sporadic and limited. How-
ever, these prevailing views have been
outdated by the events of the last four
The American student is undoubtedly
politicized for the moment. His entrance
into the decision-making process and the
responsibilities he will then have to as-
sume, may sustain his active interest in
the qualitative aspects not only of the
University but of the society in which
he lives.


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Chi AJ- i+ alr w 4 196, The Register
"Wilte'srgeat-at-arms pese cl-ar te stret
"Wil thesereantat-rms leas clar te sreet .

Special To The Daily
AUG 27-At nine o'clock Mon--
day night the Yippies got up
from their small groups and began
to leave Lincoln Park on the city's
North Side. They were heading
south toward the Loop but no one
seemed aware of any organized
I fell into step with the crowd
and tried to keep somewhere in
the middle. On, Sunday night the
people at the front and back of
the crowd had been the ones who
were rushed and clubbed by the
The Yippies were happy, uncon-
cerned with the possibility of being
busted or hurt. The police were
nowhere in sight. There were
thousands of kids walking down
the street-a crowd at least three
blocks long and filling the street
from curb to curb.

The U' and its loyalties

Hot ti M
Special to The Daily
AUG 27 - At about 1 a.m. Tues-
day morning, groups of ippies
who had been rousted from Lin-
coln Park were still congregating
on street corners i nearby Old
Town. I went to the corner of Well
St. and North Ave. w h e r e two
groups of about 20 policemen had
gathered, apparently in an effort
to disperse the crowd.
The police lined up across both
sidewalks then started walking
south on Wells, pushing everyone
before them. People were pulled
out of doorways and-made to move
south along with everyone else
on the sidewalk. P r e s s photo-
graphers and reporters followed
the police, who were apparentlyP
not interested in bothering t h e
I had n o t yet heard reports
that newsmen for the second
straight night were made targets
of police violence throughout Chi-
YOUTHFUL demonstrators on
Wells St. were setting fire to the
trash cans as they moved south.
They tied-up traffic on several oc-
casions by hurling the fiery re-
ceptacles into the street.
At one point, a police car roar-
ed up to one such burning obstacle
and a blue helmeted cop jumped
out, fire extinguisher in h a n d.
After several unsuccessful attem-
pts to quench the blaze, the cop
got back into the car and left,
eleaving the burning trash barrel
in the middle of the street.
MEANWHILE, the orderly line
of policemen continued south on
Wells, moving everyone' before it,
including several people who com-
plained that they lived just up
the street. They were told to go
around \the block.
Those people who decided to
leave the main cr o wd and go
down the side streets were 1 e f t
alone. The cops mainly aimed at
dispersing the group which stayed
on Wells St.
After four blocks, the represent-
atives of the press were forced to
walk with rthe demonstrators in
front of the police line. One re-
porter who protested, was poked
in the ribs by one of the ubiqui-
tousnightsticks and quickly did
as he was told. 1
After one more block, with about
three dozen, demonstrators still
reluctantly marching south in
front of the oncoming police, the
officer who w a s apparently in
charge shouted, "Okay now!" At
this signal the police broke into a
run and charged the crowd, night-
sticks swinging.
WHEN I SAW what was hap-
pening, I broke into, a run, grasp-
ing my camera close to my body
so that I would be able to run
faster. Several of the cops shouted
"Get the cameras "and I ran ev-
en faster. Behind me, I heard the
now familiar sound of stick meet-
ing skull, as the police c a u g h t
some of the slower members of the
group. }About half way down the
block I looked up and saw four
police cars and a line of blue hel-
meted police blocking our only
exit, at the corner of Wells and
The cops at the corner, bang-




SUDDENLY the cops emerged
from a side street in Old Town, a
tourist-night club section about
six blocks away from the park;.
Two patrols cars came fromop-
posite directions cutting the
1crowd in half. About ten cops
rushed out, guns drawn. The Yip-
pies surged forward in fear but
remained pretty stable
Then the cops started firing.
I was fifty feet from them and
they looked like outlaws in old
western movies trying to stam-
pede the horses so the good guys
couldn't get away. Just running
around whooping, firing their guns
in the air.
The crowd went wild..
PEOPLE WERE running every-
where, hiding in vacant lots and
under cars. Others were just run-
ning blindly, going as far from
the guns as they could.
I ran too. I ran down a side
street with about twenty other
kids. When we got two blocks
away we turned to watch the cops
pushing people down the street.
I was in what appeared to be
a small Black ghetto. People were
standing on their doorsteps with
boards and bottles inm their hands,
waiting for the police to try to get
As I left the street a girl called
out to me, "Go back and fight
'em,; hippy. Kill them."
I WALKED back to, the park
by side streets, trying to keep out
of the way of the guns. I heard
what sounded like gunshots or
Newsmen around me were{ talk-
ing about what I had missed. A
photographer taking shots of a
beating had his camera smashed
and was beaten himself. Even on
the side streets I saw groups of

lice, who haven't been showing
much mercy these days.
I WENT OVER to a couple of
other photographers and report-
ers, who h a d gathered under a
street light, and we quickly agreed
to stick together, to see w h a t
would happen. The policemen be-
hind us had stopped running, and
had again formed their line across
the street.
The Yippies had huddled into a
group across the street from us
and were obviously terrified and
expecting the worst.
But apparently the worst had
passed, as the police held their po-
sitions and made no move toward
their captives. Those of us with
press credentials were allowed to
go out on Division Street and told
to "get the hell out of here."

We waited on the corner to see
what would happen to the demon-
strators, and after a few minutes
slowly worked our way back to-
ward them. A couple of officers.
apparently under no orders but
their own, ordered us back, but
reluctantly let us through when
we showed him our credientials.
Several police paddy wagons
soonearrived on the scene and the
Yippies were put inside and taken
a w a y after nbeingthoroughly
searched. When the' last of them
had left the police also left and
the street was reopened.
As I walked back up Wells ESt.
I saw the proprietor of one of the
Old Town restaurants boarding up
his windows. He said that he was
closing his business until after the

up to ten police dragging demon- j
strators to waiting paddywagons.
I got back to the park only to
see the group preparing to leave
again. This time the demonstrators
were wary, even fearful. All the
police had to do was swing clubs
and run, and they succeeded in
herding everyone back into the
Now it was only on hour before
the park's 11 p.m. closing time
when the police vowed to herd
everyone back out.
THE PARKING area on the
southwest side of the park was
filled with newsman and groups
of onlookers. Many of the more
frightened Yippies were standing
in line along the west end of the
park, waiting to see the confron-
tation they knew would coine.
At ten or fifteen minun dter-
inaes the 3,000 people inside the
park would start shouting and
runnning towards us. The news-
men would then move in.
But nothing developed from any
of those stampedes. No on~e knew
what had caused any of them and
the Yippies soon quieted down and
returned each time.
By 12:30 1' was ready to leave.
I talked with a Newsweek reporter
and a lady from the neighbor-
hood who was opposed to the Yip-
The Newsweek man said he was
almost ,glad there was~ so' much
brutality, because with so many
reporters and photographers there
the public was going to believe the
worst about the police.
A FEW YIPPIES were saying
that they were glad the press was
being brutalized. Police had al-
ready sent two cameramen to the
hospital and were obviously beat-
ing newsmen not in spite of their
credentials but because of them.
The Yippies reasoned that it
was police brutality that had rad-
icalized the blacks and politicized
many of the hippies. The thought
that maybe the press would start
being more honest, now that they
knew what the abuse could be
The woman who didn't like Yip-
pies said that she wasn't afraid of
the police. She was, she said, law-
abiding and didn't believe that the
police hit people without provo-
The yelling ,in the park started
again but no one tpaid much at-
tention. I looked around and saw
the Yippies runing, screaming
with smoke behind them. I had
heard no. warnings from the po-
lice. Then the, wind carried a
blast of the tear gas into my face.
I was blinded for a moment, con-
fused. My face stung and my eyes
I ran with the lady who wasn't
afraid of police. She was scream-
ing and crying and cursing.

"FEW PEOPLE are aware of 'the extent
to which the worlds of higher educe-
tion, big business, and banking are link-
ed through interlocking relationships.
among professors, college presidents, and
trustees, industry and government ..."
So writes James Ridgeway in the cover
article of the September issue of Harper's
Magazine. His piece - studded w i t h
names of men'and companies, yet care-
Pall and winter subscription rate $5.00 per term by
carrier ($5.50 by' mal);.$9.00 for regular academic
school year ($10 by mail).
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and
Collegiate Press Service.
Daily except Monday during regular academic school
Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular
summer session.
Editorial Staff

fully unsensationalistic - recounts with
a dull t h u d the lamentable extent toI
which those relationships exist.
Rare is the institution where no mem-
ber of the faculty or administration is in-
volved in them. This university, for ex-
ample, 'has spawned several "spinoff"
corporations, and for years some of its
administrators held positions in corpora-
tions and financial institutions with Uni-
versity dealings, until such relationships
were ruled illegal.
THE MORAL and legal questions that
t h e s e "interlocking relationships"
raise are where the professors 'and ad-
ministrators place their loyalties, wheth-
er they stand to derive inordinate finan-
cial gains f r o m the relationships and
whether competing firms are unfairly
eliminated by them.
Yet the moral and legal questions are
not the only ones, and in the past they
have been overemphasized during the
finger-pointing which has followed dis-
closures ofdextra-curricular business in-
ONE OF the major victims, as Ridge-
way correctly observes, is the student,
especially the undergraduate. As he puts
it, "Teaching undergraduate students is
not especially interesting compared to
working on the outside in one of the new
companies.' Indeed, the major f 1 a w in
this chapter from Ridgeway's upcoming
book is that it does not elaborate ade-
quately on this point.
That these relationships exist is no se-
cret. Yet few people indeed are aware how


Managing Editor Editorial
DAVID KNOKE, Executive Editor


WALLACE IMMEN .. .....:.. News Editor
PAT O'DONOHUE ........ News Editor
CAROLYN MIEGEL .......Associate Managing Editor
DANIEL OKRENT ................, Feature Editor
LUCY KENNEDY...............P'ersonnel Director
WALTER SHAPIRQ......Associate Editorial Director
HOWARD KOHN ........Associate Editorial Director
NEAL BRUSS.................... Magazine Editor
ALISON SYMROSKI ...... Associate Magazine Editor
AVIVA KEMPNER ..............Contributing Editor
DAVID DUBOFF ...............Contributing Editor.
ANDY SACKS......................Photo Editor
Sports Staff.


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