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November 07, 1968 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-11-07

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rImursaoy, Nouvember 1, I fD



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o J.,'MEfRCU RY' LfEiAD:
College offense hits recordpae




The hardest working man in
college football this year just may
be the scoreboard operator. Of-
fenses have been performing at
record rates and the paints have
come fast and furious.
At present the average number
of points scored per game for both
teams is 41. This is in contrast to
the old record of 38.8 which was
established in 1951.

67 yards last week against Oregon.
Simpson is stil not the leader in
the ground gaining race, though,
and that should tell what kind of
year it has been. The man out in
front remains Eugene "Mercury"
Morris of West Texas State. Mor-
ris has piled up 1199 yards so far
but has also played in two more
games than Simpson. However,
this fact is balanced out by Simp-



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Much of the rise in offense can, TA
of course, be traced to the per-;
formances of the individual lead-
ers of the current season. Should } ROUNDUP
present paces be maintained at
least 20 men could break the 1000 ::>:J :: :::::::::::::>:>::;:::::::""._
yard mark in rushing, which
would double the number of men son's having carried the ball 26
who accomplished such a feat last times more than Morris.
year. While the rushers have been
The big name in college runners gathering headlines, they still
is that of 0. J. Simpson. The haven't made the passers take a
fabulous halfback from Southern back seat. The men who control
Cal has amassed 1047 yards in the airways have kept the foot-
just six games. Simpson's total be- ball flying. The top passer; is
comes even more amazing when SMU's Chuck Hixson who has
one realizes that he gained just thrown up to 60 passes in a game

and has 341 attempts for the sea- helped to make Hixson the num-
son. ber one passer in the country
Hixson's method works, thougn, while Hixson has been making
as he has hit on 195 of his tosses
and accounted for 12 touchdowns him the top receiver. Other pass
while leading the Mustangs to a catchers like Gene Washington of
5-2 record. Stanford. Henley Carter of Duke
Hixson is shooting for a double and Notre Dame's Jim Seymour
as he also leads the country in have helped to make life easier
total offense. The young quarter-
back has been extremely busy on their quarterbacks.
having run 402 plays for 2128 SCORING LEADERS
yards. The thing about Hixson The aerial combinations may be
that really scares his opponents is ; covering a lot of ground, but scor-
that he is only a sophomore. ing is still the name of the game
The statistical charts show that and the runners dominate in that
this is the year of the soph quar- area. Simpson and Morris once
terback anyway. Although such again come to the front in the
established names as Terry Han- scoring derby, each scoring 15
ratty of Notre Dame and Freddie TD's for a total of 90 points.
Summers of Wake Forest are high Trailing the leaders are several
'up on the passing and total of- others who also make their living
fense lists, the big splash has been as rushers, including defending
made by greenhorns Jim Plunkett champion Leroy Keyes and Big
of Stanford, Mike Sherwood of Ten leader Ron Johnson.
West Virginia and Leo Hart of The season now heads into the
Duke. All have compiled over 1000 home stretch and the individual
yards in offense and been respon- battles ought to be as good as those
sible for at least 10 touchdowns. between the teams. While no one
While the quarterbacks have can safely predict the final lead-
been Nrolling up yards they have ers. one thing is for sure: that
had tremendous aid from their scoreboard operator is going to
ends. Jerry Levias of SMU has have no time for coffee breaks.







Monsignor IVAN ILLICH Speaking On the Futility of Education in Latin America

I by Kim Johnson
For those baseball fans who have been continually stoned
for a month now in celebration of the Tigers' victory, it may be
instructive to point out that an era has ended. For better or worse,
the Grande Olde Game will have a new face next year.
In April the two leagues will begin divisional play for the first
time. Following expansion to a final total of 24 teams, each league
has split its 12 clubs into eastern and western sections. The winners
of each -division in a league will meet to determine that league's rep-
resentative to the World Series.
Thus the Tigers-Cardinals bombastic finale was the last of its
kind. It has taken a long time to force change past baseball's arthritic*
traditionalists, and it's been long over-due. The fact is, baseball's
high command makes the old political bosses look like wild-eyed rev-
olutionaries in comparison.
It would be unfortunate if, shocked at their own daring, the
game's powers - the owners -- retreat into their shell for another
fifty years or so. For much still needs to be done. Hoo, boy - does it
ever. r
Briefly, what's wrong? Mainly, attendance is failing badly, except
in the'cities of the contenders. This is the indicator of underlying
causes - to wit, the slow pace and lack of action in the game itself,
and the threatening domination of the game by the pitchers. Softball
died as a major sport because it turned into a game of pitch-and-
catch; baseball is on the verge of the same fate. And when it is com-
pared to fast, exciting - and violent - sports such as pro footbal4
and hockey, it can hardly fail to appear staid and boring.
So pip, pip, old chaps, lets not stop here. Let's stick out our
necks and try to breathe life back into our old friend.
Here we go. First, we should begin inter-league play now. Why
on earth should we wait until the World Series to see a Lou Brock
or a Bob Gibson or a Willie Mays? Fans would love to watch the
teams from the opposite league, and there appears no logical rea-
son to keep the leagues segregated until the Fall Frolic.
A reduction of the schedule is in order, including more sane struc-
turing of the schedule itself. 162 games is too many, and the season
starts too early and lasts too long, both for players and fans. And
while they're dealing with that idea, they can figure out how to ar-
range west coast trips so that a team won't be hedge-hopping back
and forth across the country.
To turn the tide in the game itself, somebody has to help the
poor batters. Rule changes might do it, but it seems that the
troubles are more deep-rooted than that. Perhaps if young play-
ers weren't thrown into the major leagues' lion den so early, the
increased background and experience might make them more a
match for the strong young pitchers. Thus encouragement of the
failing minor league system, more support for college ball, and the 4
general slowing down of advancement would appear to best pro-
mote an improved level of play.
This probably wouldn't cure all the ills, but it might be a start.
And finally, let's hope the game can project a new image. The new
teams will need new men, and the Fricks, the Gileses, the Cronins,
and (I still don't believe it) the Eckerts will have to give way to more
active leaders with new ideas. This extends to the media, too, for there4
is no reason why TV and radio announcers (Gowdy and Reese must
go!) can't transmit the drama and suspense the play can generate.
Baseball is, when observed and analyzed correctly, a fascinating,
intricate, and exciting game. It desperately needs knowledgable men
who can explain what is happening, and why - who can tell it like
it is. It needs to recognize that the old traditions, comfortable in their
time, are out-dated, and that baseball must change to meet changing#
popular demands.
In short, baseball must look to the future, not the past, and
not fear change, but embrace it as a reflection of the society of
which it is a part. And then it might still deserve the moniker
"the national pastime."

noon-International Center Luncheon
"Social Change in Latin America
8:00 p.m. Rackham Auditorium
"The School System as a Belief System:
'The 'Need to Demythologize Educa-
tion." Introduction by Prof. Mathew
Trippe, Special Ed., School of Educa-
noon-Canterbury House, 331 May-
nard St
"Peasants in Latin American Church
& Society." Discussion with Prof.
Eric Wolf, Anthropology.
8:00 p.m. - St. . Andrew's Episc.
Church, 306 N. Division. "Christian-
ity & Communism: Coexistence or
Conflict." Discdssion with Prof. Al-
bert Meyer, Polit. Sci.
Ivan Illich - founder of the Centro
Intercultural de Documentacion
CIDOC) ), Cuernavaca, Mexico, an
organization of scholars engaged in-
the study, analysis and publication
of sociocultural information about
Latin America; formerly Vice Pres.
of the Catholic University of Puerto

More than elsewhere, in Latin America the teacher as missionary for the school-
gospel has found adherents at the grassroots. Only a few years ago many of us were
happy when finally the Latin American school system was singled out as the area of
privileged investment for international assistance funds. In fact, during the past years,
both national budgets and private investment have been stimulated to increase educa-
tional allocations. But a second look reveals that this school system has built a narrow
bridge across a widening social gap. As the only legitimate passage to the middle class,
the school restricts all unconventional crossings and leaves the underachiever to bear
the blame for his marginality.
It is difficult now to challenge the school as a system because we are so used to it.
Our industrial categories tend to define results as products of specialized institutions and
instruments. Armies produce defense for countries. Churches procure salvation in an
after life. Binet defined intelligence as that which his tests test. Why not then, conceive
of education as the product of schools? Once this tag has been accepted, unschooled
education gives the impression of something spurious, illegitimate, and certainly un-
Ultimately, the cult of schooling will lead to violence. The establishment of any
religion has led to it. To permit the gospel of universal schooling to spread, the mili-
tary's ability to repress insurgency in Latin America must grow. Only force will ulti-
mately control the insurgency inspired by the frustated expectation which the propaga-
tion of the school-myth enkindles. The maintenance of the present school system may
turn out to be an important step on the way to Latin American fascism. Only fanaticism
inspired by idolatry of a system can ultimately rationalize the massive discrimination
which will result from another twenty years of grading a capital-starved society with
school marks.1

SOUTHERN CAL'S 0. J. SIMPSON cuts upfield to pick up some
of the 1047 yards that he has already gained this season. Simpson
is one of many college backs who are currently making a shambles.
of the once impossible record of 1000 yards rushing in a year.

Office of Religious Affairs, Canterbury, Newman Student Association, Ecumenical Campus -Center, Interfaith
Council for Peace, Comparative Education Program, School of Education.




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