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October 30, 1968 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-10-30

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Page Two


Wednesday, October 30, 1968


f f _. 0 ..

There's a bit of a 13-year-old - - - Protesters

Raunch Expert
If you don't like Sergeant
Pepper, you're stoned in New
York. If you don't like the Jlti-
mate Spinach, you're banned in
Boston. If you groove to The
Beach Boys the avant-gardies
laugh on you and if you dig the.
Doors you're booed in the gym.
The big thing, though. is
you've got 'to be anti-hip. You
can't be avant-garde if you're
an avant-gardie. I mean, if the
Cowsills turn out a good tune,

you've got to be able to listen to on when you were 13 and dis-
it without being all caught up cover that it still does. All that
in the whole raunchy concept of raunchy guitar from Duane Ed-
Momma and the Plowboys. I dy and the gang. The incredible
- mean, like it or not, that little intensity of the amazing Shang-
girl can dance up a storm up ri-Las (more on this scene
there on her platform. later). Remember the acned
It's amazing what being anti- thrill of watching the regulars
hip can do for you. You can on American Bandstand dance
. stop liking all that horrible gar- to "Blue Moon" (bompapabom. .
bage that comes out of San blue moon)? Or at least the
francisco. (In, your heart, you chuckles? Admit it, man, you
never really swvung to Iron But- enjoyed that stuff. Brought to
terfly) and you can get back you by Clearasil and all. And
into the stuff that turned you you probably guessed along
with the rest of us when Dick
Clark paused that last few sec-
onds before pulling out the card-
board slide and playing that
number one song in the nation.
Where were we. Oh yeah, the
Shangri-Las. The Shangri-Las
are probably the most grotesque-
ly undeservedly dumped-upon
singing group in history. All
right, now, wait. I can see the
x sneers creeping up your fates
now and feel the article being
tossed aside in favor of more
news on SGC or the latest rugby'
match or something, but stay
and listen awhile.
"Remember, Walking in the
Sand" was one the great .inno-
vations of popular music. The
Stime-change as a device was
used for the first time in this
song and used with a power and.
lyrical unity that has yet to be
surpassed. The vocal is beauti-
' " fully executed and the back-
.,ground (a product of Kama
Sutra Productions) is superb.
"You Can N e v e r Go Home
Anymore" is a problem for most
listeners., It'sgreally hard to lis-
'' Welten and appreciate the power
of t h e song without releasing
ypurself from the defensive

mechanisms you've built up
against syrupy songs like Ronnie
Dove's epic, "Cry." But "You
Can Never Go Home Anymore"
is different and can be appre-
ciated on more levels than ado-
lescent swooning.
If nothing else, the Shangri-
Las are the original white soul
group. (James Brown, by the
way, takes them with him when
he goes on tour.) The lead sing-
er is the only girl who can put
an authentic cry into one word
("called," as in "and that's call-
ed . . . sad"). Listen to the way
her voice cracks on that word
sometime. It's more than au-
thentic, it's real.,
There is, as someone once put
it, a 13-year-old locked up in-;
side all of us, crying and claw-
ing and screaming to get out,
and wanting, above all, to be
,loved. "You Can Never Go Home
Anymore" talks to your own pri-
vate 13-year-old. Let him (her)
slip into control for a couple of
minutes. Think of the spot the
girl is in. And above all, don't
be embarrassed.
I'm afraid the song is marred
and has forever been character-
ized by one of the last lines.
"She grew so lonely in the end,
the angels picked her, for their
friend." No w it's possible to
groove to this line. I myseif have'
done .it. But, at times, I'll have.
to admit, even my 13-year-old is
raunched out by it. So, nobody's
perfect. Give them a break. It's
as good as the adolescent in-
joke structure of the Airplane's
"White Rabbit" any day. And
that's not bad.
And now that you're into it,
learn to love it and then try for
"The Leader of the Pack."

Continued from Page 1
to the main floor in an attempt
to settle the dispute,
The major disruption occurred
when a citizen-photographer was
pushed over a steel railing sep-
arating the main floor of the
arena from spectator's seats.
The photographer, Michael
Cunio of Detroit, was immediately
beaten by persons claiming to 4
support Wallace. His camera was
damaged and he received numer-
ous blows to the head and face.
Others jumped into the action,
swinging the heavy folding chairs.
One man pulled out a tube of
liquid spray irritant known as
"Pocket Protector"-a common
mace-like self-defense chemical. ANTI-WALLACE STUDENTS s1
He sprayed it indiscrimantly at lani-WatLAetsUDENTArs
the crowd, and was removed later tast night at Detroit's Cobo Are
by police. the rally, despite efforts by Wail
The rally ended shortly after~
The all ened sorty atercandiate" by name during the day.!
the disturbance, and the action
moved outside, where protesters At his last stop, before a crowdj
began to burn a miniature coffin. of 3,000 in Southfield, Nixon re-
More than 200 police, according vived the "security gap" issue that
to Associated Press reports, moved brought him criticism last week.
in to break up the crowd watching "The next four years are the
the burning coffin. period in which we have the great-
One student was sent to the hos- est danger of World War," he said,
pital with a possible fractured leg, "because in the next four years,
and a General Hospital spokes-' the Soviet' Union will acquire
man said "we have a few bloody equality and superiority to us in
heads here." certain critical defense areas."
In contrast to the Cobo Arena Nixon emphaisized that this
melee, Nixon's day in the state was not hae d sat thI
tranquil: must not happen, and said that
tronqil.hemunquestioned superiority in arms
Nixon received the most uni- gave Presidents Eisenhower and
formly warm crowds of any can- Kennedy the opportunity to nego-
didate this year. Hecklers were tiate with the Soviet Union from a
usually sparse and concentrated
in small groups far from the plat- postition of strength, 'a position
forms. we must never relinquish," he said,
Nixon stuck to his usual line of
criticising Humphrey's complicity Second class postage paid at Ann
{ ith the Johnson administration, Arbor, Michigan, 420 Maynard St..Ann
l Arbor, Michigan, 48104.
and purporting economic reform., Daily except Monday during regular
He refused to mention, "the other, academic school year. _

--Daily-Andy Sacks
Shouting "Sieg Heil" disrupt a campaign speech by George Wallace
na. Over a thousand anti-Wallace hecklers were in attendance at
ace's staff to prevent them from getting in.

4 -,T~

Limited Engagement
Ends Thursday

-Life Magazine


Gardner on cities and colleges

Editor, 1965-1966
DENVER (CPS) - The Amer-
lean Council on Education rolled
out' two of education's "big guns"
to talk to-the 1400 delegates At its
annual 'conference ,about the im-
portance ofunderstanding cities.
John Gardner, speaking at, an'
Oct. 11 lunch, said colleges and
universities in this country pave
been "notably laggard" in their
resporse to the urban crisis.
Gardner, former secretary of
Health, Education and Welfare, is
director of the National UrbanE
Coalition, a Washington-based or-
ganization that seeks to estab-
lish city Coalitions all over the
country. The aim of' the Coalition
is .to combat urban ills by coor-
dinating.representatives from all
the social, political and economic
stata of each city.'
Before Gardner was secretary
of the U.S. Department of Health,
Education and Welfare in the
cabinets 'of Kennedy and John-
son, he; was- president of the Car-
negie Corporation of New York
City,. a major foundation with a
heavy emphasis on education.
In a .veiled reference to pro_-
lems at Columbia University,


Gardner accused many universi- work on that, the students are

ties of being "poor corporate cit-
izens of their communities." He
said many universities which are
large "ii relation to their com-
munities" have not "asked them-
selves what thlis implies in the way
of obligations. If you don't get to

likely to get to work, on you," he
In a keynote address Oct. 10,
Constantine Doxiadis lectured on
the importance of university un-
derstanding of cities, and Meg-
alopolises., "They are expanding

Detectives break up
alleged drugs ring

Police broke up what they said'
was a narcotics ring operating be-
tween Ann Arbor and Flint Mon-
day night in a series of lightning
tix persons were arrested and
one pound of marijuana was con-
fiscated. The raids all took place
in Ann Arbor, and at least one of
the persons arrested was a Uni-
versity student.
Prosecuting Atty. William F.
Delhy said: "The arrests repre-
sent a major step in 'stopping nar-
cotics traffic in and out of Ann


The arrests, which culminated
three weeks of the "fullest coop-
eration" between the Ann Arbor
and Flint police departments, were
the first indications that Ann Ar-
bor is a major narcotics staging
area for southeastern Michigan.'
City officials previously had ad-
mitted that ' "some" marijuana
sales were being made, but' denied
knowledge of any large operation.
Delhy announced that, "We in-
tend to continue to push for a
complete shut-down of this type,
of thing in Washtenaw County."
He said that a warrent for a
seventh arrest is already out and
additional arrests can be expected.'
Rumors have been circulating
through the University community
that a series of major narcotics
arrests are scheduled to begin
Nov. 1.
An undercover agent, whose
specific role remains uncertain,
will be a key witness in the up-
coming trial. Reports indicate that
he had made extensive contacts in
Flint and Ann Arbor and was
working through the Genessee
County ProsecutorhRobert F.
Leonard, as well as through Delhy
and the two police departments.
Those arrested were Ronald
Teeguarden, '68, Jeffrey Harbour,
James Saunders; Anthonk Tay-
lor, Jerry Kircher and Charles
Harris, all of Ann Arbor-

so fast," he said, "that in 30 years
virtually every college and uni-
versity in the country will be part
of an urban or 'megalopolitan' en-
vironment, whether it likes it or'
Doxiadis is 'director of the In-
ternational Institute of Ekistocsj
in Athens, Greece, a city planning
company with projects in urban
design all over the world.
French economist Bertrand del
Jouvenel presented a paper anal-
yzing the causes of student par-
ticipation in social revolution, and
pointed out the international na-
ture of student unrest.
De Jouvenel pointed out sim-
ilarities between student demon-
strations in Germany, France,
Mexico, and the United States.
Each demonstration included these
-An urban setting (whether
New York City, Bonn, Paris or
Mexico City);
-Students' distaste for the so-
ciety into which they find them-
selves being inexorably thrust;
-Students' discontent with the
content and processes of + their
countries' contemporary politics;
-Discontent, usually followed
up by detailed recommendations,
with the content and processes of
In exploring these similarities
de Jouvenel said, "There is no
more natural place for the exer-
cise of democratic self-govern-
ment than in a university, with a
citizen body limited in number, of
the same order as that of ancient
Greek cities, and higher in in-
tellectual development than any
ever before seen. Moreover, these
citizens can, if they wish, turn for
advice to professors standing on
the sidelines. These are ideal con-
ditions for democratic self-gov-
ernment. If we do not trust it
under these conditions, this must
mean that we do not believe in it
at all."

Harold Pinter's

-Boley Crowther, New York Times
"**** *.. .A RARE EXPERIENCE."
-Wanda Hate. New York DaIly News




& Thurs. at,
and 9 P.M.


Wednesday at
1 :15-3:45

- U


Trueblood Theatre
Oct. 30-Nov. 2
All performances-8 P,M.

Box Office Hours
Oct. 28-29 12:30-5 P.M.
Oct. 30-Nov. 2 12:30-8 P.M.


I have been urged by many
persons to support the Demo-
cratic candidate for the presi-
dency. I- have been urged by
many not to support h i m. I
have also been asked by many
to suggest to them how they
should vote.
Most Americans today, I
think, are quite capable of
making their own decision
about the presidency. Many, if
not most, of my supporters
have, I believe, already made
this decision. To those, however,
who-may be waiting for my de-
cision, I wish to announce that
on Nov. 5 I intend to vote for
Vice President Hubert Humph-
rey and recommend that those
who have waited for this state-
ment of my position do the
The position of the Demo-'
cratic candidate on the princi-
pal issues that have been raised
in -my campaign-namels,. t h e
ending of the war in Vietnam,
the demilitarization of United
States government policy, and
the reform of the draft laws so
as to make them responsive to
individual conscience, together
with the reform of the political
process within the Democratic
party falls far short of what I
think it should be. The choice,
however, is between Vice Presi-
dent Hubert Humphrey and
Richard Nixon. My support of
Hubert :Humphrey is based on
two considerations:
The first, that on the basis
of what he has stood for in the
past and what he has said

about domestic problems in this
campaign, Hubert Humphrey
has shown a better understand-
ing of our domestic needs and
a stronger will to act than has
been shown by Richard Nixon.
The second, that with Hubert
Humphrey as president, the
posibility of scaling down the
arms race and reducing mili-
tary tensions in the world
would be much greater than it
would be with Richard Nixon
as president of the United
I wish to make it as clear
as I can to the young people
and to ' the others who sup-
ported me this year after I
asked them to test the estab-
lished political processes of the
Democratic party that I will
not make that request of them
again unless those processes
have clearly been changed. I
wish to assure them that I in-
tend to work to that end, and,
at the. same time,, to continue
to discuss the substantive is-
sues of American politics.
In order to make it clear that
this endorsement is in no way
intended to reinstate me in the
good graces of the Democratic
party leaders, nor in any way
to suggest my having forgotten
or condoned the things that
happened both before Chicago
and at Chicago, I announce at
this time that I will not be a
candidate of my part for re-
election to the Senate from
the state of Minnesota in 1970.
Nor will I seek the presiden-
tial nomination of the Demo-.
cratic party in 1972.

$1.75--$2.25 Fri., Sat.
TICKETS: $1.25-$1.75 Wed., Thurs.,


This is the story of the self-confessed Bos-
ton strangler. It is a remarkable motion
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When Sly and the Family Stone play, you can tell that they belong
together. They enjoy their music and they're really into it. So put your-
self into it, Oct. 29, through Nov. 3 at Grandmother's.
Grandmother's is in Lansing, Michigan, just two blocks west of the
MSU campus, Come up and check the talent.





Oct. 29
Oct. 30
Oct. 31



Nov. 1
Nov. 2
Nov. 3


There is no age limit for the Sunday show.

Tony Curtis
Henry Fonda 7gstdfor
George Kennedy [Ardie ns
Mike Kellin Murray Hamilton fnla



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