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October 22, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-10-22

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Iiigh-- 1
Mostly cloudy, turning
cooler. Change of showers

Vol. LXXIX No. 46 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 22, 1968 Ten Cents

Eight Pages

on co




By GEOFFREY STEVENS sit in assigned seats in front of
Municipal Judge S. J. Elden the jury.
temporarily ordered the arrest Collins claimed that in the
yesterday of the defense attorney morning session of yesterday'o
for a group of student welfare trial the defendants had been as-
protesters' signed seats/ and that an official
Judge Elden ordered the arrest had come in and written down the
of attorney John Collins after he names and seat number of each of
refused to continue in the after- the defendants. Then, Collins
noon session of the trial. Collins charged, the official had left the
termed the trial a "mockery of courtroom to look at photos taken
justice." at'the time of the arrest and con-
Collins deliberately disobeyed aifer with the identifying witnesses,
court order and walked out. Elden in this case, sheriff's deputies.
threatened Collins with a con- During the court's morning ses-
tempt of court citation but Collins sion, one woman sat down in the
left anyway. Elden then ordered wrong seat and Judge Elden or-
a court official to "arrest him and dered her to move to her assigned
brinig him back into -the court- place.
room." Collins protested saying, "The
The issue which sparked the ar- only issue in this case is one of
rest was a point of procedure. identity; it would be a mockery of
In previous welfare trials the justice to proceed in this manner."
defendants had been ordered to: Collins said he wanted his clients+
NSA sksnational
"stu,'dent Protest day I
WASHINGTON (CPS) - The National Student Associa- I
tion is asking colleges and universities across the country
to suspend classes on Oct. 29 so students can take "time out"'
to answer the question "Where do we go from here?"r
(SGC officials have indicated that they are not going to
take part in the nationwide-slowdown.){
"It is not a strike," says NSA president Robert S. Powell,
Jr. "We have billed the event Time Out to underscore the
necessity for students (and the nation) to stop for at least a
day during this political fall and begin to plan common goalsI
-' and strategies for the com-
ing year."
t fd Flagrantly bad teaching, admis-
States d ni
.sosprocedures, university com-1

to be able to sit in the audience
and then be identified, rather than
sitting in assigned seats.
After Elden overruled this at
the start of the, afternoon session,
Collins demanded a Circuit Court
rulng on this point. When Elden
ordered Collins to continue with
the trial, Collins refused and sub-
sequently left and was arrested.
Elden later ruled that the court
would reconvene Friday morning
at 8:45. In.the meantime he would
seek a ruling from the Circuit
Court on the seating problem.
Elden threatened a contempt of
court citation but never formally
charged Collins with anything.
After court adjourned, nearly an
hour and a half after Collin's ar-
rest, he was released and cleared
of all charges. His arrest merely
concerned confinement to the
In the morning session of the
court, the defense had been will-
ing to admit that all the defend-
ants understood the nature of the
charge against them. They were
also willing to admit that they
knew when the Washtenaw Coun-
ty Building officially closed. Fur-
thermore they admitted to the fact{
that they had all been taken into
However, prosecuting attorney
Thomas Shea demanded that
these facts be proven and so vari-
ous county employes were asked
to testify. Shea remained mute,
during all the afternoon's activi-
ties and declined to give comment
At the beginning of the after-
noon session there was almost a
shouting match between the de-1
fending attorney and the. Judge.
Eventually this led to the walking
out of Collins, and the exit of
Elden, leaving the court in session
but unattended.
Elden, after ordering the arrest
of Collinsstormed from the court-
room saying, "no one would make
a mockery of my court." He re-
turned an hour and a half laterl
after consultations with Shea and
the Chicago law firm which had
asked Collins to take the case after
they had decided not to.
As has been the precedent in
the past, most lawyers working on
the welfare sit-in trials have re-
ceived little compensation for their
When Elden returned, he was
considerably more composed. and
he dismissed the court with an
especially strong statement to the
jury not to either talk about or
read about this case.

SACUA asks




Assembly postPones
approval of report
The Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs has
recommended amendment of the report of its Committee on
Communications Media to reaffirm the right of Daily senior
editors to select their own successors.
SACUA is the executive arm of the Faculty Assembly,
The report .was presented to the assembly yesterday.
Action on it was deferred until next month's meeting to allow
assembly members to further consider the matter.
The media committee interim report, issued last month,
recommended that a revised student publications board
appoint the Daily editor, man-
aging editor and editorial di-
rector and that these three 3 e l


Asociated Press
The Emperor's new car
In a Congressional year of slashed budgets, President Johnson found a half a million dollars for the
construction of a new Presidential car. The new auto sports such accessories as a two-way /sound
system that will allow the President to hear crowd reactions to speeches he makes from the back
seat. It is, of course, bomb and bullet proof.
en meet ing oto nvesioate
e gre

plicity with the war, absurdity of
in er" ease social rules, irrelevant curriculum,
institutional racism - these are
some of the issues NSA con-
ran ks 1 siders ripe for discussion on
campuses. It's up to the campus
Michigan ranks 48th in the na- group planning Time Out to decide
tion in percentage increases for which ones are most relevant lo-
higher education over the last two cally, and to decide how to handle
years according to the current is-. them.
sue of The Chronicle of Higher: Emphasis in the NSA proposal
Education. The only states which is on local issues, handled in a
increased their appropriations less local way. Thus a campus which
are Louisiana and Alabama. The has been fighting a battle over
state ranks 37th in *percentage military research could have a


appoint the remainder of the
senior staff.
Currently, the entire senior staff
is appointed by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications acting
on the recommendation of the
outgoing senior editors.
The SACUA amendment would
limit the board to an advisory role
in the appointment of senior
"The Daily staff shall consult
with the. Board on the appoint-
ment of senior editors," the
amendment reads. "The details of
the consultation shall be derived
jointly by The Daily and the
Board to the mutual satisfaction
of both."
The SACUA amendment was in-
troduced by Prof. Roger Lind of
the social work school.
SACUA recommended adoption;
of the remainder of the report.
EThe provisions' of 'the report In-
-A restructured publications
board consisting of three students
elected by the student body, three
faculty members chosen by Fac-
ulty Assembly and three profes-
sional journalists appointed by the
President of the University at the
recommendation of the senior edi-
tors. This board would elect one
of its members as chairman.
The current board consists of
three elected students, five faculty
members appointed by the Presi-
dent, two alumni chosen by the
President, the vice president for
student affairs and the vice presi-
dent for University relations. The
President designates one of the
members as chairman.
-Publication of a regular insert
to The Daily which would present
the views of faculty and adminis-
trators. The insert would be pre-
pared by the faculty and the ad-
ministration with the aid of a pro-
fessional journalist.

gain over the last eight years.
,Over the last two years Michi-
gan has increased its funds for
colleges 18.5 per cent. The national
average is 43 per cent. Over an
eight year period fits increase was
157.5 per cent while the national
average was 233 per cent.
This year Michigan ranks fifth'
in total funds appropriated with

teach-in on the university's in-
volvement. Lengths to which stu-
dents will go to have classes can-

celed or schedue walkouts win
also depend on the local campus;
atmosphere, according to NSAds
plans. Rudd to speak
At the University of Maryland,"
for example, the student govern- here Frida'
ment decided the appropriate is-


* au Esue is state support of higher edu-
$262,424,00. The four states that ati A Voice-SDS spokesman. an-
have higher total appropriations Agnew (who's also the GOP vice- nounced last nght that Mark
are California, Illinois. New York. presidenti'al nominee, by the way Rudd, one of the leaders of last
and Pennsylvania. will be burned in effigy to protest spring's uprising at Columbia Uni-
willbe urne ineffgy t prtes versity, will speak here Friday. It
Arthur Ross, Vice President for what is considered inadequate is uncertain where Rudd will
state relations and planning, said state assistance. Trinity College speak, but Voice-SDS officials are
he was reluctant to comment here will hold a program on attempting to obtain the Union
without actually seeing the figures. # Biafra. Ballroom or one of the larger aud-
He said, however the administra- Notre Dame and several Bay itoriums for the speech.
tion believes "the most important Area (Calif.) schools will look at Rudd will show films of the
comparisons are those between Catholic education. Berkeley will Columbia demonstrations.
Michigan and other midwestern pursue the grape boycott contro- Mike Klonsky, national secretary
states in similar situations with versy. The University of Chicago of SDS, will speak on the Diag to-
similar costs. Michigan has not will hold a "Day of Inquiry" on morrow. He will discuss the dis-
kept up with the other states in the Vietnam war. The University I orders in Chicago that coincided
college appropriations," he ad- of Minnesota will hold a seminar' with the Democratic National

t {

A meeting for all those inter-
ested in discussing the language
requirement has been announced
by the literary college curriculum
committee. The meeting will be
held at 4:00 p.m. tomorrow at a
place to be arranged by Dean
Shaw. Notice of the specific loca-
tion will be posted in The Daily.
According to Prof. James Gindin
of the English department, chair-
man of the committee, "All stu-
dents will be encouraged to par-
ticipate. Those having prepared
positions will be encouraged to
read and discuss them at the
Over 1300 signatures have been
collected by the Radical Caucus
on a petition to abolish all lan-
guage and distribution require-
ments. An Ad Hoc Committee on
the Language Requirement has
also been circulating petitions.
The Curriculum Committee is
currently analyzing suggestions
from the various language depart-
ments for the survey which will
be taken later this year. The pur-
pose of this survey will be, to;
serve as an indication of student
attitudes towards the language
The Center for Research on
Language and Language Behavior

students failing language courses.
In other business, the Curricu-
lum Committee started a reviewj
of ROTC credits yesterday. Ad-'
ministrative Dean Robert Williams'
of the office of the vice president
for academic affairs spoke before
the committee, giving an account

Next week, the commandants of 1
the ROTC units, Army Col. H. K.'I
Reynolds, Air Force Col. Criscuolo,
and Capt. William Sisler of the
Navy will address the committee.
Williams and the three officers
were asked to speak in defense of

is also being used by the curricu- ; of the history and workings of the
luin committee in their study of ROTC. Williams serves as a liaison
the present requirement. They will between the University and the
attempt to discover the reasons for three ROTC units.

Ne well delays action'
on SGC Tnc..proposal

seek s aidt
of students
Faculty Assembly yesterday ap-
proved a resolution encouraging
its committees to involve students
in their activities.
The motion, which was intro-
duced by the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs,
asked the committees "to submit
to the Assembly recommendations
for student participation (on the
committees) to the end of im-
proving and enlarging their com-
In presenting the motion, Prof,
William Porter of the journalism
department, commented that the
proposal came, as a result of re-
quests by several committee chair-
Prof. H. D. Cameron objected to
the wording of the original pro-
posal, specifically noting that it
did not spell out the number of
students to participate on each
committee or what their role
should be.
Porter explained that SACUA
had intentionally left the wording
vague to allow each committee to
establish its own structure and
Several members' of the As-
sembly expressed opposition to the
proposal pointing out that stu-
dents had their own bodies for ex-
pressing their opinions on Univer-
sity matters. They said that the
Assembly was diluting its position
to speak by including students.
Opposition to the free hand of-
fered to committees led to the
amending the motion to that all
committees are required to submit
plans for inclusion of students to
the Assembly for its approval.
Mike Koeneke, '"69, President of
Student Government Council com-
mented after the meeting that by
amending the proposal the faculty
had taken most of the meaning
out of it.
Koeneke said that he had hoped
that SACUA would ask that the
Assembly include students on its
committees in a voting capacity.
He also said that he intended to
press for student voting member-
ship on several committees im-



on electoral politics.



Murray sermon

hits church


By MARTIN HIRSCIIMAN } nancial flexibility and financial -Provision of University-paid
Student Government Council independence from the University. home subscriptions. for all mem-
officers met with Acting Vice At yesterday's meeting, Mrs. bers of the faculty as well as ad-
President Newell told student leaders she mmnistrators and possibly leaders
for Student Affairs B had not had time to read the brief of some student organizations.
bara Newell for a second tie yes-. on SGC Inc. which was given to The report of the media com-
terday to discuss the incorporation her at their first meeting Friday. mittee was presented to the as-
issue but there was still no resolu- 'The vice president said the "pile- sembly by the committee chair-
tion to the dispute. up of work" following last week's man, Prof. L. Hart Wright of the
Mis. Newell last week blocked a Regents meeting had caused the Law School. Wright declined com-
$100 Councl ''tte to delays ment on SACUA's pr oposed
$100 Council appropriation to amendment.
form SQC Incorporated, the cor- "My concern was fundamentally
nerstone of Council plans for fi- a concern of information." said Tseditteedby te
4 Mrs. Newell. "I didn't know if thel tons Media was created by the
incorporation plan was the one assembly in April, 1967. It 'as
ts'eE aenionpola astheo~gcharged with a complete study of
the Regents considered in April cagdwt opeesuyo
and reacted adversely to." communications media on campus.
SGC President Michael Koeneke
i M said he pressed the vice pi'esidenti
i ie so an early decision on the ap- st
b id e' propriation at yesterday's meeting, H istoyrs NwelJad hewoldprb
ably not be ready to announce her
decision today, however.
Later yesterday, the vice presi-
dent's newly constituted student:
advisory committee unanimously The History Student Assembly
urged her to release SGC's funds. last night elected a permanent
Committee member Bernie El- steering committee and called for
baum, '71, said Mrs. Newell was the abolition of the history de-
told her action was "threatening partment's executive committee
the peaceful status quo of student- and its replacement by faculty af-
administration relations." fairs and curriculum committees.
Discussion during almost all of The assembly attended by some;
the two-hour meeting centered on
theincrpoatin qeston.Elbum80 majors and graduate students,
., .{the incorporation question. Elbaum iprvdwt nl n io'
said. approved with only, one minor
Mrs. Newell told the committee modification two proposals pre-
she might returnthe incorporation pared by their interim steering
question to the Regents for fur- committee..
ther consideration, Elbaum added. The proposals will be presented
But students lashed out at this to the faculty at a joint student-
proposal, saying the Regents and faculty forum to be held early
the administration had no 'right next week.

"I'm always delighted to see so many
people I can corrupt," said Mrs. Madalyn
Murray in introducing herself to her aud-
ience at Hill Auditorium Sunday.
But her indoctrination on the evils of or-
ganized religion was obviously less than com-
plete. She climaked hpr encounter with sev-
eral persistent "believers" by walking out
of a question and answer period following
her speech, exclaiming "I'm not going to
argue with any religious fanatic."
Mrs. Murray, self-proclaimed "spokes-
man for the American atheist community,"
aimed her guns at the wealth of churches
and more specifically their corporate deal-
ings and tax-exempt status.
"Churches," she said, "milk the people
an inn +he nnhlia nds;

"All income is exempt. There is not even
any reporting of income," she added.
This amounts to a subsidy of religion, a
violation of separation of church and state.
guaranteed by the First Amendment, she
She then listed soime of the more out-
standing corporate and financial holdings of
various churches, including investment
fund's, insurance companies, steel mills,
hotels, personal corporations, radio and tele-
vision stations, newspapers, and "a Pepsi
Cola plant in Chicago."
"And what has that got to do with
heaven?" she asked.
"Churches make a profit on everything,"
she claimed. In New York alone, she esti-
mated that "over eight billion dollars worth
of property is owned by the churches."
"Some neople justify this by saving that

There is no life after death, no miracles,
angels or prophets. I don't believe in sav-
iors, whether they be Moses, Jesus, Buddha,
Billy Graham, or George Wallace."
"All of this religious malarky is an insult
to the human mind," she charged.
She accused the church of being mentally
bankrupt. Christianity has amounted to a
"mental reign of terror that has been a con-
stant grate on scientific progress," she
Further, "religion is anti-human,' self-de-
feating, and antithical to the concept of
She summed up her attack by proclaim-
ing that "freedom from religion is a more
urgent need than freedom of religion."
The audience, composed largely of stu-
dents. demonntrnte mixed reactions to Mrs.

idents pick
Pc mmIttee,
a re-defining of the concept of
the department, which would in-
clude thei proposed ye-structuring.
The new faculty affairs com-
mittee, which would be elected as
the executive committee is 'now,
would be concerned solely with
matters bearing directly, and only,
on faculty members-salaries, pro-
motions,.appointments and tenure.
Their decisions would be final.
The curriculum committee would
be concerned with the offerings
of the department, degree require-
ments, class size, and all other
academic affairs not specifically
assigned to the faculty affairs

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