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October 18, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-10-18

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A6i au


Cloudy, cooler:
possible showers


Vol. LXXIX, No. 43 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October 18, 1968 Ten Cents
MSTrustees threaten Hannahre
By STEVE NISSEN closed that May and his wife the sweeping disciplinary powers tics than in being president." And now May is gone, even of the
Special To The Daily owned an East Lansing office at Hannah's insistance. -White charged. though Hannah was able to mus- ly vot
EAST LANSING-The 27-year- building which housed the Inter- The removal of the disciplinary "For the past 25 years the big- ter the four trustee votes needed vovixin
old administration of Michigan national Business Machines Corp., power was recommended by Han- gest Republican in the state of 'to retain him at the board's Sep- In h
State University President John a firm which does substantial nah following a wave of student Michigan has been John Hannah," tember meeting. cited "
Hannah threatened to fall apart business with MSU. and faculty protest against the he added. Charges and counter-charges severa
at the seams yesterday as a top The motion to foice Hannah s trustees' iesolution White described a growing have been tossed back and forth persist
vice president quit his job and an "introduced by tr- Tste Wht td d "credibility gap" between the MSU between the trustees, the univer- sible a
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~retirement was itoue ytu- TuteWieysedyds
effort to oust Hannah himself was tee Clair White (D-Bay City). But closed to The Daily a letter he president and the trustees. sity administration, and the state papers
tiated by two Democratic MSWhite's request that the 66-year- wrote to Hannah on Oct. 4, 1968 Part of that "credibility gap" Legislature over the past year. "Ih
trustees.' stems from the May affair. The Kelley has issued four separate be unI
Philip J. May, vice president for old president set a retirement date which stated, "It would be. in the cte sial the presir.t- le y ons ossu f icalst to cn
<; ey wc rsdntf "rv t h oeme lcio" bs nersso icia tt controversial vice president resist- legal opinions on MSU officials- to car
business and finance, resigned un- prior to the November election" best interests of Michigan State ed pressure for his resignation fol- Trustees Don Stevens, C. Allen vice p
der pressure from several of MSU's was defeated in a 6-2 vote. Only University if you announce your lowing Kelley's ruling. May claim- Harlan, Hannah and May. In ad- "I a
Democratic trustees who nearly Bloomfield Hills) lenpHrlan (D. remen lans i ed he and his wife divested them- dition Stevens has more recently retire
BlofileHdsdsporerhiehvmeaeetin"selves of their illegal business in- charged MSU trustee Kenneth be no
regular t r u s t e e meeting last However, there were other in- "This would remove the ap- terests. Thompson (R-Lansing) with a May a
month. dications of a serious split be- pointment of your successor from But several trustees believed conflict of interest. Michigan Bell "It
; +State Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley tween the trustees and Hannah political considerations with which May's impropriety was too costly Telephone Co., Thompson's em- public
had ruled in June that May was at the meeting yesterday, he has been associated in the state for the university's public relations ployer, rents space in May's build- me a
in violation of the state's conflict In a related action, the trustees press,' White said. and strongly urged Hannah to ing. least
of interest law because of his stripped Hannah of the power to In an interview yesterday, seek the vice president's resigna- And yesterday Gov. George hones
private business interests, summarily suspend students who White elaborated on the letter, tion. Romney got into the act. He used a
Kelley's ruling was requested disrupt the school's operation. Just "Hannah during his presidency But the MSU president replied, charged Stevens with conflict of fromc
John A:Hannal following a Daily story which dis- last month the trustees granted has been more interested in poli- "If May goes, I go." interest because he is an official conclu

Twelve Pages
state AFL-CIO and alleged-
es on contract questions in-
g labor unions.
is letter of resignation May
'continued attacks on me by
l of the trustees and the
ent, distorted and irrespon-
ttacks by one of the news-
of the state.
ave concluded that it would
pleasant for me to continue
ry out my responsibilities as
resident,' he said.
im leaving the date of actual
:ent to you, but request it
later than June 30, 1969,"
is regrettable that unfair
ity has been directed against
nxd the university, but at
I know that no one can
ly claim that I have ever
my position for personal gain
outside activities." the letter








Pan hel decision






By LESLIE WAYNE ized discrimination. Before we
Student Government C o u n c i"l k-take any action, we should know
last night delayed action on if there are any other methods."
Panhel's discrimination proposal If sororities are shown to main-
until they receive the recom- tain mechanisms for discrimina-
mendation of Council's member- Lion, Council has the power to
ship committee. withdraw recognition of the soror-
The report of SGC's member- ity as a student organization and
ship committee will be completed supn uhn rvlgs
by mmbe MikeKahn, "The present Panhel motion
committee chairman said. Council seems to be the best motion for
asked the group last night to in- p r e v e n t i n g discrimination by
vestigate mechanisms allowing dis- alumnae but it does not deal with
crimination in sororities. 'the matter of discrimination with-
Council member Michael Davis in each local house," said Bruce
pointed out that "binding and re- Levine, SGC administrative vice
quired recommendations are just president.
one mechanism of institutional-! However, Ellen Heyboer, presi-
SStudent protests erup
at two Ca campuses

dent of Panhel admitted the mo-
tion "does not eliminate discrim-
ination in the minds of local
sororities. That problem is our
next attack."
Last Wednesday, Panhel ap-,
proved a motion requiring all
sororities who do not sign Panhel's
anti-discrimination clause by Jan.
9 and who use alumnae recommen-
dations in the selection of mem-
bers to obtain a waiver from their
national chapter releasing the
local house from complying with
any binding recommendations.
SGC also received a motion by
E. Q. Knowles asking Council to
determine whether fraternities and
sororities qualify as student or-
ganizations.. .
This motion will be considered
next week.
Knowles said his proposal ist
aimed at "a larger issue facing
fraternities and sororities-that of
non-student control in its~ dedi-I

r MMEIo oStO
*Cites past opposition,
of Regents to move
Acting Vice President for Student Affairs Barbara Newell
has blocked Student Government Council's initial $100 appro-
priation to form SGC Incorporated.
The proposed corporation is part of Council's master plan
for financial flexibility and financial independence from
Regental control.
In a letter to SGC Treasurer Dennis Webster,-Mrs. Newell
said she could not release the funds because of past Regental
opposition to Council's plans to incorporate.
The $100 appropriation, made at Council's regular meet-
ing last week, was slated as the first deposit in a new bank
account for the new corpora- ------- --_--_

, .

SANTA CRUZ, Calif. tCPS)-As committee discussions. Cleaver's sion-making processes."
University of California regents course is on the agenda of the full Under terms of SGC's Council
calmly aprpoved routine financial regent's meeting today. Plan. any organization that allowsl
matters, students here and and at At their last meeting the regents non-students to sit on its execu-
Berkeley began massive protests whittled the Cleaver course down tive board or maintain a voting
yesterday which by weekend could to one lecture. membership must be re-classified
sas a student-community organiz'a-I
escalate into a .University shut- Two weeks ago the faculty sen- tion. As a student-community or-'
ate reinstated the course without ganizatin, at least 51 per cent of
President Charles Hitch told the credit. its voting members must be stu->
Regents' Educational Policy Com- One hundred miles away, at dents.
mittee he would not recommend Berkeley, Mexican American stu- However Bob Neff, executive
they change- their earlier policy dents held a mass rally calling vice
denying credit to a course taught for a two-day boycott of classes in icpresident recommended the
suportoftheCaifoni grpediscussion of this proposal beA
by Black Panther Eldridge Cleaver. support of the California grape delayed for "two or three months"
Up to 1000 students supporting boycott.' "e are too involved in them After addressing several hundred
credit status for the course massed Inside the Santa Cruz meeting, "W areotooinolved inate emo- p
outside a dining hall where the students held a short rally bandy; tionalism of the discrimination residential hopeful Hubert Hu
regents were holding preliminary ing signs labelled "Unchain Ed- controversy to deal with this mo- Mrs. Albert Denkfelt. Humphrey
ucation" and "Education not Po- n effectiely. It mustbe e Conyers (behind HHH's left shou
_____ ______ -utio" wieaneucatidnothewith separately from the Panhel
hitics" while another "tried" the resolution," he said.
S c o o yregents in a guerrilla theatre court. S-iSECR E TWO
/ V Inside the regents meeting- i Several Council members ques- MO
'which for a while was public and tioned whether SGC was the pro
admited about 400 students-stu- per organization to conduct thisa
dentleaer Nuye Hoa Vet-review.
reforn S dent leder Ngue H et Davis pointed out that SGC Students
re . ln snamese, was invited to speak to delegated the power to recognize
the Educational Policy Commit- fraternities and sororities as stu-
~~~~~~~tee. He had prepai'ed three reso- Irtriisadsooiisa t-
nt ~~~ ~ ~~lteieons peardthe rs- dent organizations to Panhel and
lutians: Interfraternity Council. o rm
credit and the rule permitting on- This motion also Is based on
By SHARON WEINER credit nd te ileur Peritting on- the fallacy that there are only
ly one outside lecture per course two types of student organizations. By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN
About 30 sociology students met escinded; Rather, there are other categories
last night to discuss the curri- The University support the. For example, the honbraries that Students secured equal repre-
culum of the sociology department California grape boycott: have complete alumni control," he sentation on the Board of Gov-
and its relation to the radical left. The next cluster college at added. ernors of Residence Halls yester-
The students, primarily grads, the Santa Cruz campus be design- Under terms of a 1963 resolu- day, as Faculty Assembly's Student:
spent approximately two hours de- ated Malcolm College to study tion, the Regents stated that all Relations Committee (SRC) ap-
bating the relevance of theory, black culture. fraternities and sororities should proved temporary restructuring of
class structure, and radical so- After the resolutions were read 3e designated as student organiza- # the board.
ciology. See CAL, Page 2 tions. The restructuring increases the
Thp ,,nf- ti a iren 'll r ".'ni-

-Associated Press
bouquet for HHH
senior citizens in Detroit's Masonic Temple yesterday, Democratic
amphrey accepted a bouquet from them and gave a hug to 63 year-old
is flanked by UAW President Walter Reuther (right) and Rep. John
lder). (See story, Page 8.)
win equal power
wovernors board
number of student members from members are named early next
two to four and maintains four m t-o Hyth.
faculty seats on the board. The Inter-House Assembly President
Jack Myers said three of the stu-
director of University housingswill dent members will be chosen at a
continue to chair board meetings special meeting of house presidents
without a vote. Nov. 12. The IHA president will fill

The money was to cover the
SGC expense of incorporating and
other initial expenditures. SGC's
incorporation papers are presently
being processed in Lansing.
Council member Michael Davis
last night called Mrs. Newell's ac-
tion "intolerable." He said, "We
give money to everyone and no one
objects. But when we give money
to SGC they object.
"Mrs. Newell has no authoriza-
tion to stop SGC money," he con-
tinued. "It's in violation of the
Council Plan."
SGC officers plan to meet with
Mrs. Newell today to discuss the
Her letter rejecting the appro-
priation reads: "Please find at-
tached a requisition requesting
$100 -'to cover incorporation and
initial operating expenses.' In light
of the Regents' statement of April
S19, 1968, on SGC incorporation
considerably more explanation is
needed before I can clear a re-
quest to use University funds."
Contacted last n i g h t, Mrs.
Newell said, "I felt I couldn't ap-
prove the requisition with so little
information. SGC has some talk-
ing to do."
She indicated the action "vas
basically- my decision," but said
she did consult with President
Robben Fleming.
The April statement of the Re-
gents on incorporation referred to
in Mrs. Newell's letter said: "The

taken off'
ALBANY, N.Y. (/P)-Vice Presi-
dent Hubert H. Humphrey's prob-
lem-plagued New York backers
won a major victory yesterday,
as the state's highest court ruled
U.S. Sen. Eugene McCarthy off the
New York presidential election
Declaring that McCarthy should
not have to run against his will,
the Court of Appeals unanimously
upset a lower-court decision that
Sthe MinnesotahDemocrat's name
should be on the ballot Nov. 5,
The ruling brought a much-
needed morale boost to Hum-
phrey's New York State organiza-
tion, which has been beset by a
variety of woes. In Washington,
a spokesman for the Democratic
National Committee said the de-
cision made Democratic leaders
"even 'more confident that the
vice president will carry New
The fear that McCarthy's name
would siphon off large chunks of
votes and destroy Humphrey's
chances of winning the state's 43
electoral votes was only the latest
in a series 'of continuing prob-
The biggest headache has been
the serious disunity of the Demo-
cratic party, still divided into three
alienated wings-the Johnson-
Humphrey faction, the pro-Mc-
Carthy peace element and the
remnants of the late U.S. Sen.
Robert F. Kennedy's closely knit
State Chairman John J. Burns
has been struggling, without great
success, to orchestrate the discor-
dant elements into a unified cam-
paign for Humphrey. His efforts
have been impeded by the refusal
of the party's pro-McCarthy U.S.
Senate nominee, Paul O'Dwyer, to
endorse Humphrey-because of

{ 4

Th e interim operating proce-
dures" passed by SRC are expected
to go into effect when student

tha fnin-th ct.iirlpnt. PPn.t.

Ie meeulng was'c C-ea span-
taneously," according to Fred
Rosen, Grad, because of "a need
for developing a theory applicable
to change."
Among the topics discussed were'
class size, course structure, and'
the goals of radical sociology.
A meeting was set for 9 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 24, to form study
groups. The groups will try to
formulate new courses for next
Many of the students comment-
ed on the need for liberal faculty'
members, as well as for more in-
formal class sessions where "the:
professor won't ask and answer
his own questions."
Sociology ,lecturers also drew
Among subjects mentioned asj

Kelley to seek election re forms
Attorney General Frank Kelley department, treasurer of the Ann for choosing delegates to national
yesterday said he would seek a I Arbor based McCarthy campaign, political party conventions. He al-
"top to bottom revision of undem- said yesterday that the McCarthy so criticized laws relating to resi-
ocratic laws" which prohibit group had not yet selected a law- dency a n d registration require-
yer to fight Kelley s ruling. ments.
eswrite-in voting and place other Howevei he said that the case The antique residency require-
restrictions on the Michigan elec- could possibly be handled by a ments hamper and impede young
relawyer from the American Civil people," Kelley s a i d, "especially
Speaking to the Lawyers' Wives Liberties Union and could reach those in colleges and universities.
of Michigan, Kelly said an exam- the Ingham County Circuit Court If we really believe in one-man.
ple of such "absurd, unfair and as early as next week. "It we must aeeve in
ndemocratic" laws was his ruling e must also believe in

4 nn" "L"ae''seas . Board does not wish to summarily
Myers said this procedure was close the issue, but it must in all
approved 25-1 at a recent IHA fairness advise SGC of a strongly
meeting. The SRC-passed proce- adverse reaction to the proposal."
dure provides for selection of the In an apparent attempt to cir-
board's student members "through cumvent Mrs. Newell's control of
a process determined by IHA." funds, Council last night appro-
SRC made the procedure "inte-' priated $100 to Webster. ' SGC
rim" after committee members members said the money would be
raised several questions about the! used to cover incorporation f e e s
structure and existence of the amid the initial expenses of the new
board. organization.
Prof. Robert Knauss of the Law-
School, committee chairman, sug-
gested that, with the current e-
drafting of the Regent's By-la-n s,
policy-making powers for the Of-
fice of University Housing might
be consolidated in one body. The
board's authority presently extends
only to the residence halls.
Michael Davis, one of t'wo Stu . AX
dent Government Council repre.

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