Page Eight
Wednesday, October 9, 1968
Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, October 9, 1968
M' meanies deface Spartan turf
"In order to give their team a
boost, the proverbial ducks came
home to roost."
-T'. Mallard
The Michigan - Michigan State{
rivalry is not a one day affair. It'
involves thousands of students,
day after day throughout the year;,
passionately defending their pe-
culiar alma mater against cries of
"Cow College" or "Ya lousy
buncha snobs."
And sometimes, as we're a 11E
aware, things get a little more
physical, and bands of crazed
spray painters strike, writing such
charming and valuable epithets as
"Go State" on the side of Angell
But the War has escalated in
the last few years and now the
behemoth's proving ground itself,
the fated football field, is the
scarred theatre.
Last year several erstwhile
Spartan supporters crept i n t o
Michigan Stadium and burned a
motley 'S' into the turf, thereby
spreading their good will and
fame while successfully antagon-
izing most every Wolverine quad-
die who aspires to red-blooded-
So this year: "Hearty Re-
venge!." or "The Saga of the ing after even procuring the serv-
Michigan Image-Protectors." +"ices of a large truck. when thsy
Two weeks ago, on a dim and learned the statue was endowed
spooky Thursday night, between with an alarm system.)
the hours of 1:00 and 4:00 a.m.,
six Michigan students piled into
a tiny VW along with 300 pounds
of salt, a fertilizer spreader, and
some ambitious plans.
The criminals sped up to Spar-
tan Stadium, parked their vehicle,
yanked an unlocked gate open.
and were immediately apprehend-
ed by the hsad maintenance man
(It should be noted here that at MSU, who happened to be pa-
the actual conception of the U. trolling the place.
of M. I.M.F., as they like to be He didn't catch on, though, and
called, was some time. earlier, and since it was the first day of class-a
their original plan called for the es at State, he was led to believe
hijacking of the 1,000 pound they were just some crazy MSU
bronze "Sparty" from the MSU students. He let them go and re-
campus. They abandoned this out- moved himself.
Hubert house grabs first
"Whew," said the U. of M.
A shot t time later they scaled
the fence outside of the stadium,
complete with spreader and salt,
and perpetuated their deed, which
incidentally, was the creation of
two huge letters. each 40 yards 3
long. The letters were, of course,
a U' and an M' facing the south
end of the field.
Spartan workmen failed to dis-
cover the prank until 7:00 the
jnext morning, and, although they
attempted to flush off the salt,
they were too late and the field
stayed burned until the Baylor
game on Saturday, hen 65,000
fans had the opportunity to see
what the Maize and Blue can do.
The workmen now talk of dy-
ing the dead grass green in time
for the next State home game.
Perhaps the mos amazing aspect A
of the feat is that thw letters were
so incredibly well done. The lines
are so straight that several re-
porters in the pressbox at the
Baylor game suspected that a sur-
veying team had somehow been
Frofn a purely aesthetic view-
point, it was a beautiful job, but
it wasn't State's aesthetic s e n s e
that was stimulated.
When asked why they had gone
to the trouble of doing it, a U. of
M. I.M.F. spokesman said it was
because of ? "rivalry, the, chal-
lenge," and the fact that MSU
did it last year.
But it is unlikely that the last
blow has been struck, for several
State supporters were more than
a little incensed. According to one,
a particularly crafty looking little
fellow, "We'll get even with you
Hot dog.
Huber House took three firsts
and a third to capture the Resi-
dence Hall Track Meet champion-
ship last week.
Their 18 points ' barely edged
Anderson House who trailed half
a point behind in second place.
In the extremely close meet, Scott
Advisory board appoints
sub-rou onfacilities
House was third with 17 points,
Wenley fourth with 1611 points,
and Lewis fifth with 15 points.
Twenty teams were entered, but
only.-12 had the six men required
to earn points in the 10 events.
Huber took the crown with six
participants. .
Larry Marburger chalked up
Huber's first win in the 440-yd.
run with a 55.1. The 880 also went
to Huber, as Arthur Ringwald
clocked a 2:07.
Marburger then set one of two
meet records, jumping 21 feet in
the long jump. Mike Cameron of
Van Tyne broke, the pole vault
records with a 12-foot jump,
while Gary Burk picked up a third
place for Huber. '
Chuck Sopper of Anderson tied
the high jump record, with a first
place jump of 6'1".
A sub-committee on facilities
was appointed. at last night's
meeting of the Advisory Commit-
tee on Recreation, Intramurals,
and Club Sports. y
Consisting of the ex-officio
members of the Board, its function
is to investigate recreational facil-
ities, both -indoor and outdoor,
around the dorms, later expand-
ing to cover all facilities on cam-
The issues of Saturday parking
on South Ferry Field and main-
tenance, left from the last meet-
ing, still remain unsettled, with
IM Director Rodney, Grambeau
continuing to look into the possi-
bility of hiring an extra man spe-
cifically for the non-varsity facil-
The Board then decided on a
lapse of formal meetings for a
couple weeks, while the three sub-
committees-priorities, insurance,
and facilities-work within their
smaller groups, forming resolu-
tions to be'#presented to thetcom-
mittee as a whole.
The Advisory. Committee meet-
ings are open to the public, and
all interested persons, especially
those living in dorms and seeking
facilities, are
and add their
invited to attend
Gridd e Pickaings
Wild flies the Gargoyle once again on the wooly streets of Ann,
Arbor, Michigan. Once again the students rush to grab, to read that
wild wooly marvelous mystic magazine.
Who can be dissatisfied with the gargoyle??-the university's
finest humour magazine??? Why, the only answer can be, those who
are dissatisfied with themselves as well.
Yes, it is hard, very ; hard to be satisfied with yourself if you
yourself have never ever done anything "distinctive." So we, the
Michigan Daily sports staff in order to help you find a niche of
satisfaction and solidity, once again invite you to become a hero of
our times, to enter and to win, the GRID PICKS of this week.
All you have to do is get your entry in before midnight Friday and
you can feel the rewards of a satisfying life coming to you through
a Cottage Inn pizza. For you too can WIN WIN WIN.
1. Michigan State at MICHIGAN
(pick score)
2. Illinois at Minnesota
3. Indiana at Iowa
4. Northwestern at Notre Dame
5. Purdue at Ohio State
6. Utah State at Wisconsin
7. Kansas at Nebraska
8. jNavy vs. Air Forcea
9. Mississippi at Georgia
10. Tennessee at Georgia Tech
438 W. Huron 663-2033 '
Wake Forest at Virginia Tech
Oklahoma vs. Texas
Connecticut at Davidson
Delaware at Buffalo
Princeton at Dartmouth
Auburn at Clemson
Tulsa At Louisville
North Carolina at Maryland
Iowa State at Kansas State
Drexel Tech at Rensselear
Polytechnic Institute
This may be the chance you have
been waiting for - an exceptional
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For qualified graduates in elec-
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ECI is a recognized leader in com-
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As a member of ECI's professional
team, you will be encouraged to con-
tinue your education with postgrad-
uate study.. ECI offers a full tuition
Visit the placement office today
and make an appointment to talk
with Electronic Communications, Inc.
on Wednesday, Oct. 16.
. . . unless you find a job that turns you on and
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Inland's future depends on the creativity and
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We need action-seeking graduates with degrees
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For information, see us on campus,
OCTOBER 17, 1968
So that we can get to know more about one another, we
have arranged an informal buffet for interested physics and elec-
tronic, mechanical and chemical engineering seniors and
their ladies at the Ambassador Restaurant, Statler Hilton Inn,
beginning at 6:30 P.M. Tuesday evening, Oct. 15, 1968. Please
I U lI