Wednesday, October 9, 1968
Page Seven
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The Daily Offi'cl Bulletin iW an
official publication of the Univer-
sat~y of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumies no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be sent
iTYPEWRITTEN form to Room 35281
y 8L S & A. Bldg., before 2 p.m. of the
day preceding publication and by
2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sun-
day. General~ Notices may be pub-
lished a maximumi of two times on
request; Day Calendar items. appear
only once. Student 'organization
notices are not accepted for pub lica-
tion. For more information 'call 764-;
Something To Swap?
Try CDaily Classifieds
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9 Institute: Registration: Lobby, Rack-
ham Building, 9:30 aim
Department , of Anatomy Seminar:
Day Calendar Charles 7t,. Brace, Department of An-
thropology, "Early Man": 2501 East
FLU HOTSMedical Building, 1:10 p.m.
FLUoSHOTS Seminar: Dr. Lucille Shapiro,
There-will be a "Flu Shot" Clinic at Dept. of Molecular Biology, Albert Ein-
the. Health Service, Wednesday, Oc- stein College of Medicine, "Host Fac-
tober" 9, from 8:00 - 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 - tors For the In Vitro Synthesis of Bac-
4 :30 p.m. The charge is $1 .50 for stu- terlophage QB RNA, 4 p.m., 1400 Chem-
dents and spouses and $2.00 for faculty, istry.
staff and spouses.. Persons who lhave Fail Art, Lecture Series: How New Is
had a "Flu Shot" since 1964 need only Modemn? - Joel Isaacson, Assistant
one" this year. Persons who require a Professon of History of Art, "Dada and
second injection this year may obtain Surrealism": Amphitheater, Rackham
it at this time. Building. 7:30 p.m.
E. C. Case Memorial Lecture: Dr. El-
Bureau of Industrial. Relations Sem- wyn L. Simons, Peabody Museum,' Yale
inar: "Management of Managers, Pro- University, "Recent discoveries Perti-
gram No. 70": North Campus Corn- nent to the history of Higher Pri-
mons, 8:15 a~m. mate" Auditorium B, Angell Hall, 8:00
Municipal Finance Officers Training
School of Music: The Stanley Quar-
tet, (Qilbert Ross, Violin; Gustave Ros-
seels, Violin; Robert Courte, Viola;
Jerof e Jelinek, Cello. Rackham Lecture
Hall, $ :00 pm.
General Notices
Broadcasting Service: WUOM Radio
(91.7 Mc.) 11 a .m. to 11 p.m. daily.
Wednesday 11:00 am. The Eleventh
Hour (repeated at 7 p.m.) Ed Burrows
hosts an hour o fnews and conversa-
tion about the arts and literature.
Guest: Benjamin Khoo, Supervisor of
Music in the Sli~gapore Schools. Wed-
nesday 1:00 p.m. The U-M Conference
on Aging. Margaret Clark of the Lang-
ley Porter europsychiatric Inst., San
Francisco, on "The Aged in American
Culture". Wednesday 4:45 p.m. Campus
y. Mental Health Research Institute
SSeminar: Peter .Kugel, Electronic Sys-
.z tes Laboratory, M.I.T., "Inducts e
Logic," 3:45 p.m., Thursday,° October 10,
I 1968, 1057, MHRI.
Physical Chemistry Seminar: Arnold
S. P'rostak, "The Thin Film Gold Elec-
,w s ~ ".4 trode - A New Tool for Simultaneous
.. Electrochemical and Internal Ref lec-
News, produced by department of, tion Spectrometric Measurements," 4:00
speech studenits. Wednesday 8:00 p.m.I p.m., Thursday. October 10. 1200 Chem-
Stanley Quartet Concert, broadcast istry.
live from Rackham Lecture Hall. Thurs- Mr. Joseph L. Hudson, 3r., President.
rday, 1:00 p~m. Peace, Love, Creativity: The J. 'L. Hudson Company. will pre-
Hope of Mankind'- "Existential Man", sent the Third Annual William K. Mc-
with Prof. William Barrett, N.Y. ini- Inally Memorial Lecture sponsored by
v3rsity. Thursday 5:155 5p.m. U-M The University of Michigan's Graduate
Feature Story with Jack Hamilton. School of Business Administration on
The following law schools will send' October 10, at 4:00 n.m. in the Rack-
representatives to the Michigan campus ham Lecture Hail. All University su
St-to discuss programs and admission po1- dents and faculty are invited.
icies of their respective schools with Computing Center Short Course on
prospective applicants. Monday, Oct. General Purpose Simulation System/
14: Cornell University; Tuesday, Oct. 360 (GPSS/360): GPSSI360 is a prob-
15, Northws tern University GogenSchool of lem-oriented language which faclli-'
La;Tuesday, Ot 2 ereonUi tates computer modeling of discrete
versity School of Law; Monday. Nov. 4: systems. The language is avails~blr" in
Case Western Reserve;, Thursday,_ Oct. the Michigan Terminal System. The
10: University of Virginia School of capabilities cf the language ,w.111 be
Law. Appointments may be arranged described and illustrated with fully,
with Mrs. Towle in 1223 Angell Hall or documented case studies in a series of
oy calling 764-0312. , three evening lectures being held on
Wediae-day. October 16; Wednesday,
October 23; anld Wednesday, October
.sO. "he 'lectures will be held from 7:00
-9:45 in Room 130 in The Graduate
School of Business Administration.
Thomas J. Schriber, Assistant Profes-
sor of Statistics, will be the lecturer.
The lectures are free and are open to
all 'inter ested faculty, staff, and stu-
dents at the University. Some exper-
z xe Iu computer programming and a
grasp of elementary concepts in pro-
b t~y r nd statistics is pre-supposed.
Barbara Adele Gans Tversky, Psy-
c'.; logy. Disser~atlon: "Pictorial and
Verbal Encoding in Short Term Me-
inory." on Wednesday, October 9 at
9 a.m. in Conference Room, Perry
BLilding, Chairman: A. W. Melton.
John Demetrius Vergados, Physics.
D 3 ,etation: "SU(3) Techniques f or
Shell Model Studies and the Spectra of
A equals "25 Nuclei," on Wednesday,
Oct. 9 at 2 p.m. In Room 618 Physics-
Astronomy, Chairman: K. T. Hecht.
CenterCu niw
U.S.D.A Choicp New Englanu Style
t Placement
r ~3200 S.A.B.
9Current Position Openings reeIve
by General Division by mail and phonek
please all 764-7460 for further info:
Management, consultants, S.W. Mich
Area: Pharmacists, BS rnees eper
and not for independent druggists, Sew-
eral Engneering positions for^ MSEE
and MSEE in areas of Digital ad
Analog circuit d"igner..
State of Oregon: Game bilogists P.,
gree in bo. or rel sc, sad MA6
Wildlife si., or Tech, and 2 years.expel
in research game mgmt, IWt0ot M8 4:d
years exper.
Kerr Manufacturing Company,De
troit, Mich.: ProJect Engeer, 1-
years in dev.. ad degree. Cermacist
Chemist, 3-5 years research on castingl
refractories. $upv. Mechn. Q.C,, 4
degree and 3-55 years in QC. ro
grammer, 3-5 years. Mktg, Anlyst
exper in product sales forecast, st '
interest. y
Personiney Consultants: Advertsin
Research, 1-2 years exper on mktg 're,,
projects, degree in mkrtg. 'res, mktg
psych.', soc. communications, or coii,
Mnagement, Consultants: Co A .ctg
exper; pref, degree.
State of Wisconsin: Library AsscateP
degree,. not neces ML, ad i. °:I.
year lIbr. exper,
dS&C Electric Company, Ciag, Il.
mchiganali engr. BSE with 27.5- ye w
product design.
Personnel Services Consultant: Po-
duct Manager, packaging, black'box*;
pckg. knowl necess. Compongnts SnWr
Sr., expert in gears and gearchaif:..,
Systems Engr. 10 - 15 years design andA
managerial exper Ast, Prducation Mgr,
University of Pttsburgh :(+ra,%IuaF:
Schqoi .of rsiess announes 3'termx
11 mo, program ..leadig ,to MA d .,
gree. Aplcation cards for further 16x; ,'.
at Plcmn't. SeM.'+
Business Eq uipment Manufat rr
Assoeatlon Exposition and Conferc
on Oct. 28 - Nov. 1 will hold a r,
Day Student Seminar. Invites studen6ts
to tour the exposition, a $g30 mlll11Qn
showcase of modern managemet teb '
noiogy, Personnel will b avaiable to
answr questions, no specific reruting
done, Cards of entrance avati8
Plcm'. Sev.-t-
2035 Chieinstry-Pharm Bldg.
OCTOBER 9 ,(Wednesday):
Parke Davis & Co. Biohem ,#hAna.4
Org. Chem., Pharmacy all degree levls.
PhD also in Phys. .. OCitizn. a
tions in Ann Arbor & Detroit, Vryfw
summer Job .
General Fods Cop: S/MS 'B -
chem, Anal , e, Or*., & Phiys . bm.
R & D. U S. Ctze. Will ntevi
Jr. & Sr. & Grad, students for summer
Union Carbide Chemicals and Plastics
Co.: BS/MS in ;Anal., Org. !and Ph,.
Chem, U.S. Citizen. R. * , Plat ~ios.
Summer work.
OCTOBER 10 (Thursday):,
Nalco Chemical .Co: PM. only. $Q/ .
MS/PhD in Anal& ,Ow-g & Phsys. h~
Engineers. U.S. Ctizen Summer wrs,
for ;Sr ES/MNS Chem. studens ,only, ,;
R. J.. Reynolds Tobaco: B1S/M8/P
Anal., qi., Org and, Phys. Chiemi Bro
chem.,t. S. Citizen. Research,
Argonne xational Lh.. PhD jAx
Physics. Biochem, Ana.,Gn. log.4
Phays, Chem., Math, R &'D , , Cti-
zenshitp NOT required. Comind roupg
melting as a last-interview for "udI6
graduate, grad, & Faulty to exainw
summer rogram. Sign lp.
October 10 and 11:
Union Carbide Chemicals ad '
Plastics: PhD and Pstdoc in all vltaie
of Chem. and Bohem. All Locat1i
Polymher,. US. Citizenship' is NOT fee.-i
quired.- z
OCTOBER 11 (Friday): ..
Dow Crning Conpany: BS/M "_Q r'
In Mach, Business, Pysis andJ6
fields of Chem U. .Ctlzeeu R
Summer work. '+
General Motors Reserch LabQo
tortes( MS/Pl!tD in rg. & Phy es,:~
PhD also ilp "e . & norg. Jig& $in
Polymers Elertroheuistry a id ArPo1'.
lution, No estrittions on it zenshlIp
Sherwn-Wllliamts o.: B S/8/IhD In
Anal, rg. and I'ys. Chem,S alt I
Jnorg:. Chem, Location Chicago .a d;
Cleveland. 8ummeiwork for Jr. &a ;
128 H, Wet Engrg Bldg.wk.
'Make initerview tappointment at !#I ro
128 H,: West Engrg. Bl3dg. Utt4,Iss otber-
wise specified.
October 16, 168:
Babcock & Wilcox Co..'t
Communication Eletroniescs, i
The -Dow Chemical CO
Electronics CommuniatIons, 1n,.,r-
FMCG Chemial.Dv. l
General -EletricCo
MartIn ,irarietta (;ar. f ;
PUbiic erice ,Electric & Ras Go.'!
Schlumberger Well ervlcs D ,Companya
,t Standard Oil 'Co. (OHIO)'
Staiiffer Chemical Co.
U.S.T Gypst~xn co.
WatkIns Johnson Co.
Worthington Corp.
The fallowing schools willlb inter-.
viewing prospective teachers in our o-
"Oct. 10th - Newark. New Jersey. Math,
Business ;Educ., S'ciretarial, Spanish,
Music Home Ec., Ind. Arts, and Phlys.
'Oct. 15th - Muskegon Height~s Mich~-
ig'an. Speech T h rapist, Elem. Counselor,
Elem. Teachers, (K-6), Sec.-Eng'lish,
Chem.j, Phys. Ed., Physics, Art, In~d.
Arts, Special Education,. and Reading
For additional information and ap-
poi1tments contact Mrs. Staelin, Place-
mnent, Services, Education Division, 3200
S.A.B. 764-7459.;
V Rolled
Country Style' Pork"
Eckrich Variety Pack Tiger °Town Point Cuts 7 Armour Star Michigan Grade -1. Gordon's Bulk Breakfast
Smorgas Pc .. 1: 77 C orned Beef Biset. Skinless Franks Pkg09c Lnk Sausage ...78
UM Scottish Country Dance Society,
Dance meeting,' Weds. 8:00 - 10:30 p~tm.,
W.A.B. lounge, instruction givers, be'gin-
ners welcome.
aha'i Student Group, Oct. 11th, 8:10
p.m, 520 N. Ashley, "The New ven-
ment That the Baha'i are Making at the
International and Local Level (we
really~ need one) ". All come.
Industrial Engineering Departmewnt
Seminar Prof essor Don Chaff in w ti
speak on the "Modeling of Humran
Muscle Fatigue." in room 229 West En-
gin.' Bldg: at 3:00 p.m.
University Lutheran Chapel,' Midweek
Service at 1511 Washtenaw on Weds.
Oct. 9th, at 10:00 p.m., Pastor Schieps,
Robin Hood Cool Rise
rjr .
i6. O
13/ -OZ.
- &I"AW Un.,.uqi in mn .'