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September 14, 1968 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1968-09-14

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ptember 14, 1968


Pace Seven

Denny McLain tries for his 30th victory today on national
television. What do people think of him? A well-known maga-
* zine presents him as having a thoroughly brash, personality
and McLain complains publicly. He is rumored to be the most
unpopular player on the Detroit Tigers.
This material about McLain sounds as if it's straight out of
a gossip column. None of it has anything to do with his ability.
The only other well-knows information about him is that he
drinks 100 bottles of Pepsi-Cola a week and has an attitude that
tends towards hedonism. Nobody has bothered to offer any rational
theory for why he has won so many games.
Has the nation always been this cynical about its sports
heroes? Not a chance. Back on October 1, 1927 when the follow-
ing story appeared in The New York Times, the country wor-
shipped its leading sports figures' as if they were giants. Their
top hero could eat 14 hot dogs at a single sitting, treat money as
it was toilet paper, or be the best-pitcher in baseball if he wasn't
an outfielder. It was an entirely different attitude. But it was
no more objective.
What has happened to this gargantua phenomenon? It is

best to treat society's top performers as lower-than-normal
human beings, or consider them a larger-than-life? Has
America grown up or has it gone senile? Use your own imagi-

Babe Ruth scaled the hither-
to unattained heights yesterday.
Horhe run 60, a -terrific smash
off the southpaw pitching of
Zachary, nestled in the Babe's
favorite spot in the right field
bleachers, and before the roar
had ceased it was found that
the drive not only had made
home run history but also was
the winning margin in a 4 to 2
victory over the Senators. This
also- was the 'Yanks' 109th tri-
uluph of the season. Their last
league game of.the year will be
played today.
When the Babe stepped to
the plate in that momentous
eighth inning the score was
deadlocked, Koenig was on
third base, the result of a triple,
one man was out and all was
tense. It way the .Babe's fourth
trip to the plate during the af-
ternoon, a base on balls and two
singles resulting on his other
visits plateward.
The first Zachary offering
was a fast one, which sailed over
for a called strike. The next
was high. The Babe took a vic-
ious swing at the third pitched
ball and the bat connected with
a crash that was audible in all
parts of the stand. It was not
necessary to follow the course
of the ball. The boys in the
bleachers indicated the route
of the record homer. It dropped
about half way to the top. Boys,
No. 60 was some homer, a fitting
wallop to top the Babe's record
of 59 in 1921..
While the crowd cheered and
the Yankee players roared their
greetings the Babe made his
triumphant, almost regal tour
of the paths. He jogged around
slowly, touched each, bag firm-
ly and carefully and when he
imbedded his spikes in the rub-
ber disk to record officially
Homer 60ihats were tossed into
the air, papers were torn up
and tossed liberally and the
spirit of celebration permeated
the place..-
The Babe's stroll out to his
position was the signal for a
hankerchief salute in which all
' the bleacherites, to the last
man, participated. Jovial Babe
entered into the carnival spirit
and punctuated his Ringly
ystrides with. a succession of
snappy military salutes.
Ruth's homer was a fitting
climax to a game which will go
down as the Babe's ,personal
triumph. The Yanks scored four
runs, the Babe personally cross-
ing the plate three times and
bringing in Koenig for the
fourth. So this is one time where
it would be fair, although not
original, to record Yankee vic-
tory 109 as Ruth 4, Senators 2.
There was not much else to
to center. Lazzeri was an easy
third out.

the game. The 10,000 persons
who came to the Stadium were
there for no other purpose than
to see the Babe make home run
history. After each of Babe's
visits to the plate the expectant
crowd would relax and wait for
his next effort. They saw .him
open with a base on balls, fol-
low, with two singles, and then
clout his epoch-making circuit
The only unhappy individual
in the Stadium was Zachary.
He realized he was going down
in the records as the historical
home run victim, in other words
the goat. Zachary was one of
the most interested spectators
of the home run flight. He toss-;
ed his glove to the ground, mut-
tered to himself, turned to his
mates for consolation and got
everything but that. There is
no denying that' Zachary was
putting everything he had on
the ball. No pitcher likes to have
recorded after his name the fact
that he was Ruth's victim on
his sixtieth homer.
The ball t;iat the Babe drove,
according to word from official
sources, was a pitch that was
fast, low and on the inside. The
Babe pulled away from the
plate, then stepped into the ball,
and wham! According to Um-
pire Bill Dinneen at the plate
and Catcher Muddy Ruel the'
ball traveled on a line and land-
ed afoot inside fair territory
about half way to the top of the
bleachers. But when the ball
reached the bleacher barrier it
was about ten feet fair and
curving to the right.
The ball which became Hom-
er 60 was caught by Joe Forner
of 1,937 First Avenue, Man-
hattan, He is about 40 years old
and has been following baseball
for thirty-five years, accord-
ing to his own admission. He
was far from modest and as
soon as -the game was over,
rushed to the dressing room to
let the Babe know who had the
For three innings both sides
were blanked. The Senators
broke through in the fourth for
two runs.,.
The Yanks came back with
one run in their half of the
fourth. Ruth opened with a long
single to right and moved to
third on Gehrig's single to
center. Gehrig took second on
the throw to third. Meusel drove
deep to Goslin, Ruth scoring
and Gehrig taking third after
the catch.
With two out in the sixth
Ruth singled to right. Gehrig's
hit was so fast that it went
right through Gills for a single,
Ruth holding second. The Babe
tied the score on Meusel's single

Wilson's art
Special to The Daily
DETROIT - Earl Wilson got
them out when he needed to last
night, and the Detroit Tigers beat
the Oakland Athletics, 3-0.
The game was all Wilson's as
the big righthander worked him-
self out of jam after jam and hit
his seventh home run of the sea-
son to boot. It was the eighth con-
secutive complete game by a Tiger
The victory; coupled with Bal-
timore's 10-2 defeat by Cleveland,
lowered the Tiger's magic number
to 5 and, increased their league?
lead to 9%/2games.
Wilson's home came in the bot-
tom of the eighth with Detroit
leading 2-0, helping to wrap up
his 13th Victory against 12 losses.
Though he gave up ten hits,
they were all,singles, and only the EARL WILSON
last one was a line drive. Jim,
"Catfish" Hunter (2-13) pitch- -
ed well for the A's in a losing
Wilson struck out nine includ- da
ing the first two men he faced.
Danny Cater then singled buta
Bill Freehan cut him down trying
to steal second on a 3-1 pitch. s .
Dick MacAuliffe's second-deck
homer on the first pitch of the NIGHT EDITOR:
fourth gave Wilson the only run ROBIN WRIGHT
he needed. When Mickey Stanley
and Jim Northrup followed with
singles and the count on Horton
reached 2-0, it looked like the
Bengals had caught up with the or
Catfish. Then Horton went fish- a r League
ing on a 2-2 offering, and Cash's *Standing
second straight double-play ball
got Hunter off the hook.A
Back to back ground singles by AMERICAN LEAGUE
Bondo and Reggie Jackson caused Detroit 94 54 .635 -
the Tiger bullpen to stir in the Baltimore 85 64 .570 92
top of the seventh. But Don Wert Boston 79 69 .534 15
scoopedup Green's bouncer, jug- Cleveland 80 71 .530 15
scoe pNew York 78 70 .527 16z
gled it for a moment, and fired Oakland 76 63 .510 18/
to Freehan who nailed Bondo by Minnesota 69 79 .464 25
inches. xCalifornia 63 85 .426 31
IxChicago 61 87 .412 33
Keough followed with a pop-up washington 58 91 .389 36
to Wert and Wilson finished off x-Late game not included
the inning by picking Jackson off YESTERDAY'S RESULTS
second with a blinding spin and Detroit 3, oakland 0
throw. New York 4, Washington 2
- Detroit upped its lead by a run Cleveland 10, Baltimore 3
in its half of the inning. North- Boston.3, Minnesota 0
rup led off with a single, and came SUNDAY'S GAMES
all the way home when Freehan's Calitornia at Chicago
pop fly fell between right-fielder Oakland at Detroit
Jackson and Gree , who had rac- New York at Washington
ed out froml second. Jackson's Minnesota at Boston
throw to the plate was too late
to get Northrup, but Freehan was NATIONAL LEAGUE
out trying to take third. St. Louis 91 58 .611 -
Again in the eighth, Wilson had xSan Francisco 79 68 .537 11
to work himself out of trouble. xcincinnati 76 69 .524 13
Jim Gosger and Ramon Webster xChicago 77 72 .517 14
threaded pinch singles through' x txatsr 75 72 .514 15
Pitutsburgh 71 76 .83 19
the infield. But Wilson bore down xPhiladelphia 69 77 .473 21
again. Campaneris flew to center - Houston 67 82 .450 24
and Wilson speared Monday's New York 67 82 .450 24
x~o Anele 6681 .449 24
ground shot up the middle to be- x-Late ganes not included.
gin an inning-ending double play. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS
Wilson gave up his first walk in Houston 4, St. Louis 2
the top of- the ninth, and one out Chicago 1, Philadelphia 0, 1st game
later Jackson hit his second Chicago at Philadelphia, 2nd game,
straight single, the only line drive inc.
bythe A's all night. Manager New York 2, Pittsburgh0
by hAtlanta at Los Angeles, inc.
Mayo Smith came out to the Cincinnati at San Francisco, in.
mound, but stuck with Wilson. SUNDAY'S GAMES
The lanky hurler struck out Green Pittsburgh at New York
and Keough grounded to MacAul- Chicago at Philadelphia
liffe, giving Wilson both his com- Cincinnati at San Francisco
St. Louis at Houston
plete game and shut out. Atlanta at Los Angeles
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Varied offense key to Wolverine success

Any casual observer of Michi-
gan football last season could de-
scribe the Wolverine attack in
two short words "Ron Johnson."
As the local gridiron heroes em
bark On yet another season, the
challenge to backfield coach Tony
Mason this year will be to add
enough diversity to keep the op-
position at least a little bit off
All indications point to a free
wheeling wide open Wolverine at-
tack which will see the other three
members of the backfield called
on with greater frequency than
last year.
This optimism is based prima-
rily on the most talented Michigan
backfield personnel since the 1964
Rose Bowl Champions and a
double-winged pro-type offense
that should maximize its strengths.
Apart from Captain Johnson,
whom Mason calls "the best back
in the Big 10,' the backfield sports
quarterback Dennis Brown, full-
back Garvie Craw, and either
John Gabler or Paul Staroba at
the flankerback spot.
Brown is the primary factor in
Michigan's plan for a wide open
attack. As an elusive and speedy
scrambling-type quarterback, he
adds tremendous mobility to the
attack. Brown has also developed
into a fine passer which should
make him a lethal threat running
the .option, the most effective
weapon of the last Wolverine quar-
terback to play in the Rose Bowl,
Bob Timberlake.
At the other setback position
is Garvie Craw, who last season,
as a sophomore, blocked about as
well as Johnson ran. This year
however Mason insisted he will
share a fundamental role in the
ball carrying department as well
as blocking.
This new confidence in Craw-
the-ball-carrier is quite apparent-
ly more than hopeful cliches. For
the first time in many seasons
Michigan's fullback will be run-
ning straight forward, taking
handoffs and making power blasts
through any hole that opens be-
tween the tackles, instead of
sweeping pitchouts which dom-
inated Wolverine fullback rushes
of the last six years.
Fall practice has produced a
heated battle for the starting birth
at flankerback come Sept. 21. In-
cumbant Junior John Gabler who
played some fine football last
year, has found himself chal-
lenged by Paul Staroba and the
two are presently deadlocked.
This kind of problem has to be
a rather pleasant one for the
Michigan coaching staff which
has been plagued with such a
complete lack of depth for the
last four years.
While the problem of depth
continues to torment the rest of
the squad the offensive backfield
ow open for
rge seats:
ion outside
1548 S.A.B.

is in relatively good shape. Behind
Craw junior Eric Federic and sen-
ior Warren Sipp have both run
well in practice.
Backing up Brown at quarter-
back is sophomore Don Moorhead,
who Mason optimistically rated
"the best sophomore quarterback
in the Midwest."
Unfortunately, there is really no
one to back up Johnson. Kirby
'Sams, a hard running back, has
beensidelined indefinitely withha
head injury, leaving only convert-
ed quarterback Jim Betts or soph-
omore Lance Scheffler as the only
'hen again, if Johnson is forced
to the side lines for any appre-
ciable amount of time, Michigan
title hopes will become pretty
slim anyway. Happily Johnson
has already shown himself to be
a durable performer who, despite
a badly broken bone in his hand,
has been going at full power in
The offensive backfield has to
be the strongest unit of the '68
Wolverines. The outlook get very
encouragini with reports that the
attack has been changed to a wide
open one with a diversified arsenal
of weapons.
Almost as encouraging is the
emotional strength generated by
Johnson, whose leadership Mason
describes as, "outstanding, he's a
great captain."
There definitely seems to be a
few fundamental changes in this
year's offense, the most obvious
of which will be variation. Mason,
was emphatic about one carry
over from last season, "we're still
going to run Johnson as much we
can. You've got to be crazy not
to play your best card."



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