See editorial page
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A6F 4bp
Awfllt t
Fair and warm,
no rain
Vol. LXXIX, No. 12 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 12, 1968 Ten Cents
Eight Pages
SGC may abolish APProve
The voting power of four. ex-officio members of Studen'
Government Council may be eliminated at tonight's meeting
This action, if taken, would allow representatives from
*Pa.nhel, Inter-House Assembly, University Activities Center
and Interfraternity Council to keep their present seats, bul
without voting status.
"It's all a question of what the ex-officio members can
add to council," explained SGC President Michael Koeneke.
"Right now they are too bogged down in their own organiza-
tions to effectively serve SGC."
Moreover, organizations with voting ex-officio repre-
sentatives on council have "double representation," said Bob
.Neff, SGC vice president.
LSA faculty OK
plan for special
liViSiOnS of StluI
YDs deny
to HHH
"For- example, people who are
in a fraternity or a dorm have
representation by their ex-officio
member and by a member at-
large,", he said.
The/ elimination follows the
resignation Monday of Interfra-
ternity Council from SGC.
At that time, IFC issued a
statement charging that SGC
"fails to accurately reflect stu-
dent opinion on campus."
A proposal allowing students to
define their own field of concen-
tration if their area of interest
falls beyond existing depart-
mental, interdepartmental, area.
or special fields of study was pass-
ed Monday by the literary collegeF
The measure, narrowly approv-
ed by the college curriculum com-
mittee last February, has been
awaiting consideration by the
faculty since March.
The measure, which will pro-
bably be put into effect by
Winter, 1969, requires a student
wishing to establish a program of
individual concentration to con-
sult a counselor from the depart-
4 By GREG ZIEREN -nent offering the bulk ok his pro-
However, the resolution insisted posed courses.
The executive committee of the the withdrawal does not represent -
University Young Democrats has If "nun mn" f GCthe counselor feels the stu-
UnvriyYugDmcashsa "denouncement" of SGC. dent's interests cannot be pursued!
pased at rlion tating it Neff called the IFC move "just in an existing concentration pro-
cannot At this time actively sup- another demonstration of the gram, he can refer the student to
dent he Hmdida y " parochia attitude IFC president the Committee on Interdisciplin-
The resolution criticizes Hum- Bob Rorke is taking. I'm sur- ary Studies.
m. phrey's ambiguous stand on the prised at Rorke's tactics. He made The committee, according to
Vietnam war, objecting to his no attempt to discuss this with James W. Shaw, assistant dean of
failure to present alternatives tomembers beforehand, Neff the college, will function similar to
an "immoral" war. The resolution added.. a doctoral committee, requiring
also censured Humphrey for his Originally, under terms of the the student to define the core or
failure to "strongly condemn the Lang report which Created SGC, unifying element of his program
Chicago Police Department, Mayor ex-officio members were added If the committee concludes the
Daley, and the system which al- ' / proposed subject is amenable to
4 lows them to remain in power." the kind of systematic study com-
The resolution will be submitted M ai c parable to a regular concentration
for ratification by the member- program, and will insure systema-
ship at a special meeting next , tic, coherent study of the central
week. N tum ber: 8 object, the program will be ap-
The meeting was a prelude to a proved, providing a faculty mem-
speech by Democratic congres- ANAHEIM .'-Willie Hor ber competent to act as the stu-
sional candidate Weston E. Vivian, ton clouted his 34th and 35th dent's advisor is available.
4 who claimed the tone of politics homersulasth t, p rFuture course elections must
after the Democratic convention Detroit's American L e a g u e then be approved by one or more
has been one of "apathy." Ileaders to an 8-2 victory over counselors chosen by the student
Vivian identified the growth . from departments designated by
of several types of politics in the the committee.
past year. Apathy has character- "The program is a logical ex-
ized politics since Chicago and Tiger Countdown tension of the college's philosophy
he called it a "challenging effort Yesterday's games: of a liberal education. It will a!-
of to go the way of the politics Dr low a student to follow intensly
of apathy." his interests, despite their inter.
"George Wallace benefits from California 2 disciplinary nature," said Shaw.
this apathy with his politics of Baltimore 6-4 The number of students who
hate," Vivian said. He warned the will take advantage of the pro-
audience not to underestimate the Washington 1-1 gram is expected to be small, but;
effect of Wallace in November and this is not viewed as a drawback!
not to be misled by the "New ,by many faculty members.
Nixon," whom he characterized as since it was felt "they had ex- "We have plenty of students
representing the politics of fear. pertise," Neff explained with specialized interests who
Vivian outlined his plan for a "However, their role hasn't been should be allowed to pursue them.
phased withdrawal of American important. It could have been, if We are big enough to be able to
troops from Vietnam. He called they put their mind to it," he ' afford this. The program will be
first for a unilateral withdrawal added, worthwhile even if few students
to the coastal regions while ne-c- Jack Myers, President of IHA, utilize it," said literary college '
tiations proceed. He also proposed opposed the SGC proposal since dean William Hays.
provisions in an armistice which "The moderate voice is not heard The college's administrative
would allow political -syum for on SGC as it presently stands." board, which has the authority to
some segments of the population However. Neff said the ex-of- approve specialized concentration'
of South Vietnam. ficio members "don't represent a requests. received no such re-
Criticizing the Defense Depart- substantially different point of quests last year. according to
ment's move to go ahead with view. 'Shaw.
plans for an anti-ballistic missile "In the past, the presidents of He felt handling of special
system, Vivian said he preferred UAC and Panhel have been fairly major requests could be done bet-
a "balance of terror to a balance progressive and the president of ter by an interdisciplinary com-
Aof over-confidence." He expressed, IFC has not participated at all," mittee, and would attract the at-
the fear that the first nation Neff said. tention of more students.
which thought it had perfected Dan McCreath, president of Prof. Lois Loventhal of the
such a system would attempt its UAC, said he favors the SGC zoology department said although'
use, move to retain the seats without existing concentration areas were
Discussing his proposal for tele- voting power because ex-officio for the most part sufficient, the
phone vdting, Vivian ,aid that it members create "double ' and special concentration program
would allow us "to literally have triple representation." gives additional flexibility to stu-
O a democracy." Each voter cau'd If the ex-officio seats are va- dents.
express his opinion on a specific cated, they will not be filled until' Prof. Richard Mann of the psy-
question after viewing an hour's the election in November, Koen- chology department concurred. "I
television discussing the pros and: eke explained. think it's a marvelous idea. Many
cons of the question. Under the terms of the Lang concentrates in my field would be
Vivian recommended that soch report, ex-officio seats were cre- much better served by a more in-
a system be tried experimetaally ated for the four present members tegrated program of study. They,
in several cities before extending and the Michigan Daily. How- would really get what they de-
its use, but he thought it wvould ever, the Daily resigned from its serve and are striving for - a
be worth a try. seat three years ago. good education." he said.
Baby you can d
anel c
in. AD(
The "political struggle" of last'
week's demonstrations over county
aid to ADC mothers could have.
been avoided if welfare officials
had listened to the mothers' re-
quests earlier in the year, M r s .
Shirley Haywood told members
of a panel discussion in the Union
Ballroom last night.
Mrs. Haywood, one of the lead-
ers of the group of welfare moth-
ers that demonstrated at the
County Bldg. for additional funds
for their children's school cloth-
ing, saw the action of county'
officials as politically motivated.
She quoted Robert Harrison,
chairman of the Washtenaw
County Board of Supervisors as
saying that Sheriff Harvey was.
"itching to come in," when the
mothers first began their demon-
strations at the County Building.
Joining Mrs. Haywood on the
--Associated Press
rive my car' : hum phrey and Flimt inayor
lebates N'oitics'
. funds dispute
would be "excellent." YNssen loood faith-~ and. that "the de-
Humphrey arrived, in the state
reportedly to cool enthusiasm for
former Alabama Gov. George
Wallace. Recent polls had showed
strong support for Wallace in the
Flint-Saginaw area.
Wallace, running on the Ameri-
can Independent Party ticket, re-
cently won the endorsement of'
Flint United Auto Workers Local
Humphrey was also concerned
by the union's endorsement of five
local Republicans for city office.
Humphrey was greeted at
Flint's Bishop airport by local dig-
nitaries including state Sens.
Coleman Young (D-Detroit) and
state party chairman Sander Lev-
He showed the wear of weeks
of campaigning and speechmak-
ing and his voice sounded hoarse
and sometimes cracked.
At the shopping center, demon-
strators began heckling even be-
fore Humphrey was introduced by
Flint's mayor, Floyd McCree. Mc-,
Cree rebuited the protesters, b u t
they returned with cries of "We
want Gene."
Large contingents of the stu-
dents were from Flint College and:
Michigan State University. Most
had arrived by car.
speech in, Flint
special To The Daily
FLINT-A group of 50' University students, together with
a group of anti-Humphrey Flint citizens, chanted and booed
during a speech by the Vice President here last night.
Chants of "peace now, peace now" and "stop the war"
caused Humphrey to stop speaking several times. At one point,
Humphrey said "I am not going to try to outshout my young
friends" and warned against mob action.
He stared the hecklers down and then resumed talking,
reminding the crowd of the "right of every man to be heard-
agreed that the mother's should
be brought into the decision-mak-
ing process but favored a greater
role of participation than just
being "inputs into the decision-
making." Nissen fees that the,
administration should be done by
the mothers themselves.
McCarthy said he doubted if
the mothers had the "expertise'
necessary to serve on the Board.
He cited the Battle Creek Head
Start program as an example
where such a proposal had caused
a year's delay in the project's
The mothers could be conside! ed
for Board appointments if some-
one sent a letter to the Board
asking individuals be considered
for the appontment, Harrison
pointed out.
GA asks,
mna' ds v'ere real"
Harrison replied that it was not
"his perogative" to drop the
charges, and that if it were, he
would not do so. Harrison had
.previously said that "the con-
munity cannot afford the mount-
ing cost of demonstrations." He
added that' the citizens cannot be
forced to bear the brunt of incon-
vienee and d~ama e c am-,Pd by the
probe ito
Graduate Assembly (GAS yes-
terday approved the formation of
a University Financial Review
Committee to "probe the finan-
cial, structural and expenditure
priorities of the University and
various related questions."
GA also passed three other re-
solutions approving the Student
Affairs Committee Report on Dis-
closure. supporting the ADC
mothers involved in the recent
county welfare controversy, and
urging that academic societies re-
ject Chicago as a convention site.
The proposed Financial Review
Committee will consist of three
faculty members appointed by the
Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs 'SACUA and
three students appointed by SGC
and GA.
SGC approv l" of the review
committee is expected soon,
Negotiations between the
University and local 1583 of the
American Federationtof State,
County and Municipal Em-
ployes will resume at 10:30 this
morning in the Michigan
No new strike deadline has
been set, but AFSCME has re-
ported that preliminary votes
indicate employes are willing
to strike if negotiations break
A crowd of 3000 had arrived be-
demonstrations. fore Humphrey began his speech,
A member of the audience sug- which concentrated attacks on
gested that Nissen use The Daily's both other major presidential can-
instead inluence obothbotherprmajorinpresidentialssecan-
ifluence to back a clothing drive didates. In rebuking Wallace's
istead of protesting. Nissen re- philosophy, the Vice President said
plied that he was i favor of a "one of the candidates for Presi-
clothing drive but felt he could dent represents the spirit of sapa.
accomplish more by bringing the ratism. However, we can only suc-
issue to the public,
Miss Wegner said Voice had
considered such a clothing drive, vI would ask of you, as a fellow
but added she felt it would only American, that you vote your
have "stop-gap" effects at best. hopes, and not your hates," he
She said clothes might no longer, told the crowd.
be available when it came time for t In attacking former Vice Presi-
the mothers to send their children dent Richard Nixon, Humphrey
back to school next year. read sections of the 1968 Repub-
Mrs. Haywood agreed with the lican platform and contrasted it
Voice position. with Congressional voting records.
. iHe told the crowd that the Repub-
licans in Congress had voted
against a "model cities" bill
rojects (which includes Flint), against
Medicare, against the' Teacher
Corps and the minimum wage
.-. T - -1~.-, bill.
panel were Harrison, Daily staff
member Steve Nissen, Connie
Wegner of Voice-SDS, and vice-j
chairman of Young Americans for'
Freedom Roger McCarthy.
Nissen said he saw "political"
overtones in the handling of the
demonstrations by the county of-
ficials . Nissen said that he
thought Sheriff Harvey "was en-
joying himself" during the events
of last week and that he "never
had so much power."
Harrison did not discount the
possibility that the events could
have been used politically because
he saw a "shift to the right" in
the feelings of Washtenaw county
residents. Harrison termed the,
public reaction he has received
since the demonstrations and ar-
rests as "cool."c
Approximately one hundred
persons turned out to the UAC-
sponsored discussion. One aud-
ience member asked if it would be
possible for the upcoming vacan-
cies on the Social Services Board
to be filled by welfare recipients.
Miss Wegner' said that such a
solution would very desirable.
Mrs. Haywood said that having
welfare mothers on the Board
Nissen said Harrison should try
to have the charges dropped
against those arrested for taking1
part in the demonstrations on be-1
half of the mothers. He said the
demonstrators were acting "in'
SGC board
iuwer iaunary costs
"One dollar and sixty cents an:
hour is not a rich man's wage,"
said Humphrey, "but Republicans,
Efforts to expand black studies i
By KEN KELLEY Smith. "A monopoly of this type think it's too much."
The student Consumer's Union will allow the students to have By this time, the hecklers had'
(CU) is planning to institute a the best service at the lowest cost." begun chanting, "What about the
low-cost standardized coin-ope- Smith said the action is a di- war?"
rated laundry-system in all Uni- rect outgrowth of an investiga-"
versity dormitories by Oct. 1, ac- tion by CU last semester of laun- umphrey told the crowd, If
cording to new CU chairman dry facilities in the Ann Arbor elected President, my first and
Gene Smith. '70. area and Detroit. foremost .duty will be to seek
"We found that the laundro- peace. There isn't a person here
At present, the price of coin- mats around campus charged as that doesn't want peace with all
operated laundry service varies in: much as 30 per cent higher prices tha passion in his heart."
the dorms, while some dorms are than laundromats in , the other Immediately after the speech
without the service. areas we looked at," Smith said. Humphrey returned to the airport'
"We've contacted firms in Ann Also underway are plans to pub- to fly to Washington.
Arbor and Detroit about the pro- lish a comparative price list of
ject, and we'll be accepting bids Ann Arbor area merchants.
within the next few weeks," said "It's a very basic service for
students that should be no trouble
to set up,' said former CU chah
man Carol Hollenshead, '71. "We'll}:...
make recommendations on where
to shop according to the best bar-
Se gains.'~
To finance such projects, Smith h
r hopes for an initial appropriation
from Student Government Coun
for black studies by offering a cil of approximately $2000. "Last
course in Negro literature by year, our first year, all we had
Prof. Lyall H. Powers. was money for advertising," he
Both the English and history said. "This year we'll be providing
departments are sponsoring more services, although we haven't
guest lecturers this term. decided on all the areas we're go
At the same time, Allan F. ing into. In fact, we're still in the
Smith, vice president for aca- process of buildig a staff."
demic affairs, has asked a group At the start of the winter se-
of University facuk, and staff mester, CU will form a "student
to investigate the possibility of book exchange," an information
inaugurating an Afro-American center in the SAB where students
studies program. will be able to find out the names
If the 11-man group can of other students wanting to buy,
agree on the structure for the sell or trade their used textbooks.
program, Smith projects it may Smith said the group is also
be available as a concentration probing into the possibility of or-
area by fall, 1969. ganizing a University-owned book-
Although deans and adminis- store. But M is s Hollenshead
After approving the Student Af-
fairs Committee Report, members
of GA discussed the broader issue
of the information the University
requires of students during reg-
A resolution was passed con-
demning the inclusion of a ques-
tion about "racial origin" on the
University registrationnaire, and
the Assembly agreed to discuss the
propriety of other registration-
naire questions at their next meet-
The resolution concerning the
ADC mothers provided for the
formation of an Ad Hoc Commit-
tee co actively support the moth-
ers in future negotiations.
A copy of the resolution urging
academic societies to reject Chi-
cago as a convention site will be
sent to Mayor Daley.
The University has accele-
rated its drive to incorporate
studies on the black man in
America into the curriculum of
this University, still notorious
as a "school for rich, white
The history and English de-
partments have organized sev-
eral new courses; the Honors
college is sponsoring a guest
Negro lecturer and deans and
administrators are working on
a structure for a new interde-
partmental program in Afro-
American Studies.
agreed to conduct a special lec-
ture in Negro history.,
"I've been converted." says
Willcox, who was admittedly
skeptical of the academic study
of a minority group. "I think
Negro history is a way of ex-
ploring the present social prob-
lem," he reasons.
When prior commitments pre-
vented Freehling from holding
his course, the history de-
partment this summer huried-
ly recruited William Toll to in-
augurate two courses in black
history this year.
Toll, a doctoral candidate at
the University of California at
States, 1865-1968: An interpre-
tation of the group life of the
Afr'o-American as it developed
in the United States from the
implementation of emancipation
to the present confrontation
with social mobility."
In the winter, the history de-
partment is also recruiting Har-
old W. Cruse to teach a three
hour seminar "The Ameiican
Cultural. Philosophy and its His-
torical Determinants as Related
to Race and Ethnic Differences.
Cruse, noted Negro author of
The Crisis of the Negro Intel-
lectual, was invited to the Uni-
versity by Prof. Otto Graf of
ni :}