See editorial page
gll t !1U11
little chance of rain
Vol. LXXIX, No. 8
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, September 7, 1968
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
to ha
De utiesj'
170 studen
One-hundred and eighty-two students, welfare r
and their supporters were arrested yesterday )by at
police after a four-hour sit-in at the County Bldg.
An eleventh'hour offer of supplementary city funds failed
to avert yesterday's arrests of students and welfare mothers
which followed moments after the proposal Was made.
The final offer was made by the Washtenaw County
Board of Supervisors Chairman Robert Harrison and Ann
Arbor City Administrator Guy Larcom to Mrs. Shirley Hay-
wood and several other leaders of the welfare mothers group.
The offer stipulated the city would try to supplement the
"emergency welfare funds" which the board's Ways and
Means Committee (WMC) officially approved at their meet-
ing earlier yesterday. The $60 per child allocation was re-
jected by the welfare group Thursday.
Larcom contended city funds would probably be available
A only to city welfare recipients.
A similar sit-in over welfare rights Thursday was broken
up when 49 persons were arrested.
The protesters-including eight welfare recipients
about 170 students-were arraigned last night at the
Arbor Municipal Court on trespass charges
The charge carries a maximum sentence of 90 days in
jail or $100 or both. Bail was
set at $50.
U attais
with union
A contract agreement has been
reached between the University
and the International Union of
Operating Engineers Local 547.
The contract will run for 16
months, until, December, 1969..
The contract represents agree-
ment with one of three University
unions who have been negotiating
their first collective bargaining
arrangement with the University.
V Joseph Jordan, business agent
for Local 547, plans to call a mem-
bership meeting on Sept. 12 for
purposes of voting on the agree-
merit. Jordan and his negotiating
committee indicate they will rec-
ommend ratification.
The agreement provides for in-
9 creases in pay classifications and
improved benefits. Details of the
settlement have not been released.
Bargaining began in January on
the contract covering 34 heating
facilities employes at the Univer-
Negotiatons are continuing with
the two other unions for initial
contracts covering 275 mainte-
nance trades employes and ap-
proximately . 2600 service-main-
tenance employes.
The massive American Federa-
tion of State, County and Muni-
cipal Employes (AFSCME) Local
1583 has threatened the Univer-
sity with a strike Tuesday laying
off dorm kitchen help and some
2,000 other unskilled workers.
AFSCME said the strike will be
held unless an agreement can be
reached at the bargaining session
scheduled for Monday.
But 'Russel Reister, University
personnel officer, said Thursday
when the unions threatened the
strike that no agreement was pos-
sible at the forthcoming Monday
Reister said the union "had pro-
posed no economic agreement."
He indicated the University would
have to have time to study a pro-
"We won't be rushed into this
thing," Reister said.
The mothers group rejected yes-
terday's offer because Larcom -.:. ...". :.
could not guarantee the addi- 9
tional funds would be provided.
Both he and Harrison asked the -
mothers to begin again their ne- - -:,}'::::}.}::::
gotiations over the weekend to
avoid the imminent arrests.
The mothers had expected to
meet with the WMC at their 1:30 a. :t".
p.m. meeting, but it was held
without them. :: '"
The mothers group remained in+
a room across the hall expecting
to meet with the WMC after itr
had adjourned. However, at the ?::........
conclusionuofnthe meeting,acom-
mittee chairman Fred Lunde said
that he never promised nor in- Daily Andyas
tended to meet with the group,-Sack
and that the emergency fund is- More than 150 police removed University students, welfare recipients and supporters yester-
sue was settled.
The mothers led by their at- day after they refused to leave the County Bldg. at 5:30 p.m.
torney, George Stewart, asked to The demonstrators were confronted with police dogs and deputies armed with shotguns, mace,
hear the tape of Thursday's meet-
ing at which they insisted Lunde tear gas, sniper rifles and 36-inch riot sticks.
had promised to meet with them.
'County Administrator Theodore
Strunk was ordered by Harrison
to play the tape for the mothers.
Upon hearing it, they felt Lunde
had implied. he would meet with
them when he said, "The first
item on the agenda will be your
counterproposal." They then told
some of the protest marshals that
they wanted the students to sit-in.
Mrs. Haywood also asked Ste-
wart to request an emergency
meeting with the supervisors on
Monday. I
The WMC meeting was- con-
stantly being interrupted by vari-
ous law enforcement officers com-
ing in and briefing Harrison on
the developments of the protests
outside. The demonstrations had
started soon after the meeting
At the beginning of the meeting
Washtenaw County Sheriff Dou-
glas Harvey told the. committee
members, "On the diag, the con-
versation was about you, the
supervisors. So you are the vil-
lians, now. But rest assured you
will be taken out safely by my
men if they (the protesters) come
up here." i
During the meeting, the com-
mitte examined a report prepared
by the Wayne County Social 3erv-
ice Department. It detailed how
the $60 of emergency aidl per child
figure was determined. It was on
the Wayne proposal of $60 that
the WMC based their offer to the
ADC group.
As of 1:40 a.m. today, 129 of
the 182 arrested had been pro-
cessed by Ann Arbor Municipal
Judge Samuel Elden. The first
person to appear pleaded guilty,
but all 128 after him stood mute.
They were booked, arraigned and
given an extension on their plea.
All will have to appear before El-
den in the City Council Chambers,
9 a.m. Tuesday.
SGC President Michael Koeneke,
who was handling ball all evening,
said there would be enough ball
for everyone.
City officials agreed to process
everyone last night. Koeneke esti-
mated they would finish by 3 a.m.
The major contributors to the
bail fund included Student Gov-
ernment, $1500; and the Ann Ar-
bor Chapter of the American Civil
Liberties Union, -$1,100. Will
Smith, assistant to the vice presi-
dent of the office of student af-
fairs, raised $2,000 more.
Student leaders called an all-
night vigil that began at 11 p.m.
Approximately 30 students march-
ed around the County Bldg. with
candles throughout the night.
Early in the evening, a sizeable
group of Washtenaw County dep-
uties and State Police from var-
ious posts in southern Michigan
were billeted at the Civil Defense
Center-Fire Station near Ply-
An organizational meeting
will be held at 11 a.m. today
in the SGC room on the 3rd
floor of the SAB for all stu-
dents concerned , about recent
events in Ann Arbor.
Voice-SDS members last
night began organizing a leaf-
let campaign and "round-the-
clock" vigil at the County Bldg.
SGC has: scheduled an emer-
gency meeting for 1 p~m. today'
and may support the vigil.
mouth and Beal Roads on North
City Manager Guy Larcom said
the building belongs to the Uni-
versity but had been turned over
to local authorities "some time
ago" for use as a fire station. De-
tective Lt. Eugene Staudenmaeir
of the Ann Arbor police said that
as far as he knew, the city police
See WELFARE, Page 2
dept. raps
draft rules
Justice Department said yesterday
that in reclassifying and inducting
those who burn or abandon draft
cards, the Selective Service Sys-
tem appears to be using the draft
to punish anti-war dissenters.
The Department said such ap-
plication of delinquency, regula-
tions may be contrary to both
the draft law and the Constitu-
The Department disagreed with
Selective Service on all major is-
sues in presenting the govern
ment's brief to the Supreme Court
in the case of a divinity student
reclassified 1-A and ordered to
James J. Oestereich,'whose case
will be heard' by the Supreme
Court next month, is a student at
Andover Theological School, New-
ton Centre, Mass. He had turned
in his draft card to the Justice
Department last October along
with hundreds of other ;ersons,
in protest against the Vietnam
Registrants are required by law
to keep their draft cards in their
Soliciter Gen. Erwin N. Gris-
wold contended Oestereich had
the right to challenge his induc-
tion order in a suit prior to in-
:uction; while Selective Service
said he didn't have such a right.
On Oct. 26, t. Gen. Lewis B.
Hershey, director of Selective
Service, wrote to local draft boards,
suggesting "that those who violate
the draft act should be denied
deferment in the national in-
Griswold, in the government
brief, told the court that Hershey's
letter, "which in effect called upon
local boards to °apply, the delin-
quency reclassifeiation procedure
to 'nisguided registrants" who en-
gage in illegal activity' in 'viola-
tion of the act or' regulations,'
appears to have invited local
boards to undertake such reclas-
sification in a punitive fashion."
"Against this background,"
Griswold continued, "there is a
serious question whether the de-
linquency regulations are being
applied in a manner consistent
with the Selective Service Act 'and
the Constitution."
Although the government usual-
ly speaks wih one voice in Su-
preme Court proceedings, Gris-
wold was frank to say Selective
Service did not agree with the
Justice Department's position.
Therefore he presented both sets
of arguments.
Selective Service contended that
ministers and divinity students
are subject to reclassification as
delinquents just like any other
registrants. The Justice Depart-
ment contended they are exempt
from military service by law and
by deep-rooted tradition.
Griswold said Selective Service
contended this exemption was
-Daily-Jay L. Cassidy
Diag rally leads to confrontation
More than 1,200 people massed
on the Diag yesterday noon to
organize the demonstration at the
Washtenaw County Bldg. which
resulted in the arrest of 182 stu-
dents, welfare recipients and their
Acting upon the suggestion of
Mrs. Shirley Haywood, spokesman
for the welfare mothers, approxi-
mately half of the group broke
away for the march to the county
A rally will be held Monday at
noon to help organize continued
support of the welfare mothers
and to protest police brutality..
rested Thursday night. Money for
the welfare mothers was-arranged
through the Ann Arbor Legal Aid
University officials had ques-
tioned whether they could release
the $1,500 in SOC funds, since
they would be used for a- "par-
tisan political movement."
"This hesitation by the Univer-
sity shows that it is still hung-up
on legislative considerations rather
than humanistic feelings," Bob
Neff, SGC executive vice presi-
dent, told the Diag rally.
Miss Barbara Newell, vice pres-
ident of the Office of Student Ar-
fairs .warned Neff tha.t SC might
to face an angered opposition,"
Mike Koeneke, SGC president
Bruce Levine, administrative
vice president of SGC, comment-
ed: "The not-so-veiled threat of
the Administration makes clearer
than could any Voice speaker the
intimate connections between the
attempts of students to control
their lives and the fight of" the
poor, the blacks, the disenfran-
chised to control theirs.
"Lines are already being drawn
for' the next stage, the likely strike
of University employes."
The action of the students at
the County Bldg. reauired the ap-
and into your houses and your
"Don't let your participation
stop on the campus, go back to
your middle class ghetto and get
involved. That's where the help
is needed," Thomas added.
Levine then pointed out that
the students must aid not only
the welfare mothers but Univer-
sity employes in their upcoming
bargaining sessions.
"This university moves towards
the people, only when people in-
sist and lay their bodies on the
line," Levine said.
In an impromtu rally, follow-
irsc ves*irdav' arrest sahout 200