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April 18, 1970 - Image 1

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Vol. LXXX, No. 163 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, April 18, 1970 Ten Cents

Ten Pages





surprise action
The text of the Regent's new policy on disruption
appears on Page 4.
In a surprise move yesterday, the Regents unanimously
passed a set of "interim" conduct rules and disciplinary pro-
cedures for dealing with cases o-f disruption. Their action met
with immediate expressions of outrage and dismay from stu-
dents and faculty representatives.
A key provision of the procedures calls for ajudication
of disruption cases by a hearing officer appointed by the
president. The officer is empowered both to determine guilt
and to specify punishment.
The afternoon meeting of the Regents, Student Govern-
ment Council and Senate Advisory Committee on University'
Affairs (SACUA) was originally scheduled to discuss the pro-
posed bylaws dealing with the Office of Student Services.
The original purpose was forgotten, however, as SGC
and SACUA meibers used the entire time to criticize the Re-
gents for the lack of student-faculty involvement in the new-
ly-passed disciplinary procedures and the "lack of due pro-
cess" and student-faculty participation in the procedures.
"When a decision like this is made without involving the
people it affects, we are moving toward something totalitar-
ian," said SGC member Bruce Wilson.
Regent Lawrence Lindemer (R=Stockbridge) said the Re-
gents had taken the action because "It was our collective
judgment that something had to be done. It was also patently
clear that nothing was going to be done forthwith."
President Robben Fleming said last night, "I think the
Regents felt that something had to be done to correct the
problems here. They were receiving great pressure from the
The specific violations outlined in the new rules include:
violence against persons; interference with a person's free-
dom of movement; class disruptions; disruption of University
functions; occupation of a University building after being
asked to leave by the president "or his agent;" and damage to
University property.
Charges may be brought against a student by any Uni-
See REGENTS, Page 5

-Associated Press
Police protect Santa Barbara bank
Policemen arrived in dumptrucks to disperse a crowd of 500 young people, who gathered at the Bank of America in Santa Barbara
Calif. late Thursday night. The students had broken windows of the newly-built bank and nearby real estate offices, and had
set fire to some trash bins, in continuing disturbances at the University of California. Pellets from police shotguns hit four
students during the confrontation, Policemen, right, guard the rebuilt bank which had been burned down in February during student
disruptions. See story, page 3.

Fee scale
The Regents yesterday approved a sizable tuition in-
crease for both in-state and out-of-state students. The in-
crease - the third in four years - will go.into effect at the
start of the fall term.
The specific fee levels tentatively raise tuition for under-
graduate out-of-state students from $1,540 to $1,800. In-state
undergraduate tuition will rise from $480 to $660.
The increase was recommended by the University ex-
ecutive officers - the seven vice presidents and President
Robben Fleming - as a method for balancing the University's
general fund budget for the 1970-71 fiscal year.
The amount of the increase will remain tentative until
the state Legislature approves the state's appropriation to
the general fund for fiscal 1971. If the size of the appropria-
tion is substantially lower than the amount recommended by
Gov. William Milliken, the tuition levels approved yesterday
may be raised even higher.
Tuition for out-of-state students in the medical, dental
and public health schools was tentatively raised from $2,140
to $2,300. In-state tuition in these schools was raised from
$960 to $1,060.
Out-of-state tuition in the law school was boosted from
$1,740 to $2,040. In-state tuition was raised from $680 to $800.
Tuition for out-of-state students in all other graduate-
level schools was raised from $1,648 to $1,940. In-state tuition
in these schools was hiked from $540 to $660.
The increases for out-of-state students range from $160
to $300. For in-state students, the range is from $88 to $120.
According to Vice President for Academic Affairs Allan.
Smith, the general fund budget for fiscal 1971 is now pro-
jected at about $123 million - $12 million higher than the
budget for the current fiscal year.
The tuition levels adopted yesterday would provide $34.3
million toward the $123 million, with the remaining revenue
coming from the state appropriation and smaller sources of
revenue which are essentially fixed.
The tentative tuition levels were recommended by the
executive officers on the assumption that the Legislature
would approve an appropriation to the general fund of $75.7
million - the amount recommended by Milliken.
Smith said that an appropriation of less than $75.7
million would force the administration to either cut back
on expenditures from the general fund, or request a greater
tuition increase.
In recommending that the state appropriate $75.7 million
to, the University for 1970-71, Milliken proposed that the
University obtain an additional $2.3 million by increasing
out-of-state tuition.
The tuition levels set by the Regents yesterday are ex-
pected to provide the additional $2.3 million from out-of-
state tuition, as well as $2.2 million more from in-state tui-
tion revenues.
In past years, the Regents have delayed setting tuition
levels until the summer, when the Legislature gives final
approval to the Higher Education Appropriations Act which
includes the state's allocation to the .general fund.
However, a clause in last year's appropriations act re-
quires each public college and university in the state to file
its in-state tuition levels for 1970-71 with the state govern-
ment by April 15, or the state will reduce its appropriation to
_ the institution by an amount equaling any tuition increase.



The Daily yesterday incorrectly reported that Acting Vice
President for Student Affairs Barbara Newell met Thursday
with the Baits Tenants Union and Director of University
Housing John Feldkamp. Mrs. Newell was not at that meeting.
The demands which were incorrectly attributed to BTU have
not been accepted by the union, pending formal recognition
by the University of it as the collective bargaining agent.
It was also incorrectly reported that University recognition of
BTU resulted from Thursday's meeting. Actually the University
recognized the union last February.


- Three tired American astro-
nauts splashed down in the Pa-1
cific yesterday.
A doctor who examined the
spacemen only minutes a f t e r
their return to earth reported thatj
astronaut Fred W. Haise Jr. was'
suffering from a mild urinary
track infection and had a low
grade fever of 100.6.
Dr. Keith Baird of the space
agency, said however, the astro-
nauts were "all in good health,"
Astronauts James A. Lovell Jr.
and John L. Swigert Jr. after
their medical examination re-visit-
ed the space craft which h a d

carried them back from a near-
tragedy in space. The command
ship was placed on the deck of
this carrier and the two astro-
nauts spent a few minutes inside
its cabin.
Dr. Baird said all three of the
astronauts complained that it was
too cold for them to sleep in
space and that was why they
were exhausted. All had lost five
to 10 pounds of weight.
They were back from moments
of extreme danger, from long
hours of discomfort, chilled by
cabin temperatures in the thirties,
tired by theconstant battle to
keep their battered ship going.

lands .
Those problems began M o n-
day night when an oxygen tank,
in their service module burst, ex-I
ploding with it hopes for a lunar
landing, and putting the astro-
nauts' lives in jeopardy.
The mission's end yesterday'
came with an amazingly accurate
landing considering the crippled
nature of the command ship.
For the first time in any Amer-
ican space flight a television
camera in a recovery helicopter
caught the main parachutes open-
ing over the plummeting space-
craft and flashed that picture to
millions watching on earth.
Just three minutes after splash-
down, a helicopter was overhead.t
Within moments frogmen drop-
ped into the water, attached a sea
anchor to prevent drift and a
flotation collar to stabilize the
charred spaceship in the water.
The scheduled October launch
of Apollo 14 appeared in doubt
yesterday as space agency officials
began the difficult job of- pin-
pointing an oxygen tank rupture
that canceled the Apollo 13 moon
"It's not definitely off for Oc-
tober but it certainly isn't definite-
ly on for October," space agency
administrator Thomas O. Paine
told a news conference.
He said a review board will study
the problems that imperiled the
Apollo 13 moon flight.
'And we're going to have to look
very carefully at the whole Apollo
program and decide just what
fixes we want to make," Paine

Aeronautics and Space Adminis-
tration, announced yesterday the
creation of an Apollo 13 Review
Board to direct the inquiry into
the oxygen tank rupture that al-
most cost three lives. The astro-
nauts were forced to use the lunar
lander as a space lifeboat.
Without the lander's life sup-
port systems and engine to fall
back on, when they had to aband-
on the command ship, the astro-
nauts would have been stranded
in space.
The astronauts said an entire
side panel had been blown from
the module, which is 22 feet long
and shaped like an oatmeal box.
SThe bell-shaped part of the space-
craft engine, which extends from
the end of the module, also was
damaged, the crew reported.




facing change

Major revisions in the organ-
ization of the education school
face a crucial test next week
when the faculty begins final
action on the ad-hoc student-
faculty assembly's reorganiza-
tion proposal.
On Tuesday the assembly re-
port will be discussed and an
advisory vote taken. Final action
on reorganization will come in
a mail ballot sent to all faculty
members after the meeting.
The assembly proposal calls
for replacing the present nine

The assembly proposal rec-
ommends election of one faculty
member from each division, elec-
tion of one at large and appoint-
ment of a faculty member from
the assembly.
At present, the faculty an-
nually nominates six of its
members for the executive com-
mittee and President Robben
W. Fleming selects two of the
six for three year terms.
Supporters of the assembly
proposal argue the executive
committee needs representation

representativeness of the execu-
tive committee.
Noting that the divisions will
be of different sizes, she says,
"To have representation on the
all-school committee based on
an equal representation from
each division is contrary to the
one-man-one-vote principles.
"There is an opportunity for
b-e t t e r representation from
larger divisions through the ap-
pointment of a faculty member
from the assembly and the elec-
tion of one faculty member at
large to the executive commit-

Regents plan to vote GM stock
in favor of management policy

The Regents yesterday rejected
a proposal asking the University
to vote its shares against the man-
agement of General Motors Cor-
poratidn on the issue of stock-
holder participation in company
The proposal was originally
sponsored by Campaign GM-a
national campaign seeking to col-

or of withholding its proxy votes
and disposing of its shares.
"It (the Regents) will continue
this policy for the next General
Motors stockholders meeting, and
will vote for the recommendations
of the management," the Regent's
said in a statement.
"The University will be glad to
receive written statements on this
subject from a n y interested

cerned about environmental prob-
lems and . . . recognizes that im-
provements will come only when
both institutions and individuals
accept their responsibility for
bringing about changes."
Campaign GM had originally
requested that General Motors
place nine proposals concerning
company policy on the proxies,
which are currently being sent out

f, - -as

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