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April 17, 1970 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-04-17

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1 3 r t an Bail
Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan

Phantom funding for black enrollment
anartl, luirschinan

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-055

Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.





O5: Strike five

HE WITHDRAWAL from consideration
by all candidates for the post of Vice
President for the Office of Student Ser-
vices poses a serious problem in the at-
tempt to construct that office. It also
casts doubt on the sincerity and motives
of President Robben Fleming, w h o
through delay and opposition h.a s un-
doubtedly been the primary cause of the
Roadblocks and delays are nothing new
after nearly three years of efforts on this
campus to restructure the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs into an office that reflects
student concerns and serves student
needs. But it's getting to the point where
We must ask why the University admin-
istration has taken the actions it has.
THERE WAS A TIME when the picture
was rosy. A student-faculty commit-
tee considered the question for more than
a year, and finally emerged with a pro-
posl for restructuring the office. It was
to be called the Office for Student Ser-
Aces and the change in name was to be
indicative of a change in spirit.
A student-faculty committee would be
appointed to make policy on matters of
importance in this office.
utmost importance.
This proposal was approved by Senate
'Assembly, and by Student Government
COureiL, and sent with those endorse-
ments to the Regents.'
J T{E MEANTIME, another committee;
appointed by Fleming himself and
composed of 4 students a n d 4 faculty
members, spent eight months searching
tit and interviewing brilliant and dy-
namic young men and women to head
the 0SS. The committee did an excellent
job. Their standards were high - the
candidate would have to be able to com-
municate with students, to work closely
with the policy board and use his influ-
e'ce yet accept the decisions of the pol-
icy board and carry them to the Regents.
There, he would have to uce his skill and
influence to persuade the Regents and
bther executive off'cers to implement the
programs: that he,. and the policy board
believed would beat serve the students.
The five candidates eventually endors-
ed by the committee were all excellent
candidates. Two of the candidates, Wal-
ter Shervington and Alan Guskin, were
dream candidates. They understood the
need for change in the University, for
making the educational system more rel-
evant, for opening up admissions, for im-
proving the firnancial aids program and
the quality of counseling.
Most of. all, they were willing to work
with students and commit themselves to
giving student input an official place via
the policy board.
THE DREAMS were shattered however,
when Fleming announced that he and
the Regents were opposed to a student-
Iaculity policy board. T h e board could
function, they said, but only in an advis-

ory capacity. The vice president must be
his own man, said Fleming.
Then, Fleming transferred the Office
of Financial Aids to the jurisdiction of
Vice President and D e a n of Graduate
Studies, Stephen Spurr, whose major
function had been to supervise the ex-
pansion of the Flint and Dearborn of-
And when Fleming thought it neces-
sary to take the work load off Vice Presi-
dent Allan Smith, and transferred the
admissions office out of Smith's jurisdic-
tion, it was again to the authority of
Spurr, not to the OSS.
Now these offices, which are concern-
ed with functions of vital importance to
every student, would not be subject even
to the influence of an advisory board in
the OSS, let alone a policy making board.
More substantiation for the Machiavel-
lian theory of President Fleming.
And after receiving the names of the
OSS vice presidential candidates, Flem-
ing has postponed the appointment until
every other question about the OSS is
settled. He thus forces prominent men
and women with other busy careers to re-
main in limbo for nearly four months,
without as much as a word or letter from
IT IS LITTLE WONDER that the candi-
dates have dropped out.
Viewing the situation as a whole, it is
very hard not to suspect Fleming of try-
ing to subvert the movement for student
power in decision-making on this cam-
However, a number of persons close to
the President have said, in the past few
weeks that Fleming did not realize the
significance involved when he transfer-
red admissions and financial aids out of
reach of potential student influence. Oth-
ers have assured me that he is not really
against student decision-making power
on matters that affect them.
WELL. I FOR ONE am willing to wait
and see. Fleming can still prove his
sincerity by acting in good faith.
He could put admissions and financial
aids back in the Office of Student Serv-
ices where they belong.
He could accept (and persuade the Re-
gents to do likewise) t h e SGC-SACUA
compromise proposal which creates the
policy board but leaves it up to the board
and the vice president to determine their
own respective roles and relationships.
He could make a show of concern, and
attempt to persuade the best of the with-
drawn candidates, Alan Guskin, to re-
consider and take the post of OSS vice
president, instead of just accepting five
resignations with a shrug of the should-
Meanwhile, the student community can
wait sadly as another dreary semester
nears an end with the establishment of
the OSS a dream, rather than a reality.
News Editor

A T ONE POINT during the recent Black
Action Movement strike did the Uni-
versity administration really become com-
mitted to funding 10 per cent black en-
And now that they have agreed to the
enrollment goal, from where will admin-
istrators really take the money to pay
for the multi-million-dollar program?
To be sure, the administration's answer
to these two questions has 'been known
for weeks. But recent statements by top
officials have lent an aura of ambiguity
to the funding assurance made by the ad-
ministration and have raised once more
the question of whether the administra-
tion acted in good faith during the strike.
.ACCORDING to the view that has been
promoted by President Robben Fleming
the actual commitment of the University
came on the Friday eight days following
the Regents meeting which spurred the
Until that day, the official University
position was simply that the Regents had
set a "goal" of 10 per cent black enroll-
ment, but that adequate financial resources
were not internally available.
ON FRIDAY, March 27, however, college
faculty made a firm financial commit-
ment to fund 10 per cent black enroll-
It was only as a result of this action, and
of similar actions by the other schools
and colleges, that Fleming was then able
to say that attainment of the enrollment
goal was now "assured." Or at least that
is what the President has been saying
all along.
A NUMBER of things have since called

this analysis into question, however. Pri-
mary among these is a recent statement
by Vice President for State Relations and
Planning Arthur Ross, in a letter to
The Daily:
"The recently announced program
with respect to the funding of black
student enrollment does not have any
substantial effect upon tuition plans
for 1970-71. The reason is that the
additional costs of this program will not
be very geat until 1971-72."
While Ross' statement is undoubtedly
accurate, it contains, by implication, a
rather startling revelation: That in the
long run, the b 1 a c k enrollment program
may well have an effect on the size of
IF THIS is the case, it would be strik-
ing for a number of reasons. For one
thing, none of the discussion on any side
during the strike involved raising tuition
as a possible source of money for fund-
ing black enrollment.
Rather, it was generally believed that -
barring a massive influx of outside funds
for black enrollment - the money that
would be used would be generated by
reordering priorities within the schools and
colleges, using the revenues which the
schools and colleges committed for that
purpose during the strike.
Finding money in this way would have
the dual effect of forcing departments to
initiate much-needed reviews of their pro-
grams and avoiding or minimizing tuition
THE IDEA that tuition will be a source
of funds for increased black enrollment
also raises questions about the whole

course of the administration position dur-
ing the strike.
If, in fact, the administrators never had
fund black enrollment, there was no rea-
son why, on the day of the first March
Regents meeting, they could not have
announced immediately that sufficient
funds would be available.
Instead, Fleming waited until he had
guarantees that the schools and colleges
would underwrite the program - a strange
course of action if the schools and col-
leges are not, in fact, now going to
provide the bulk of the funds at all.
all this in a discussion I had with hi-
the other day. Not surprisingly, our dis-
cussion of where the funds would come
frm went around in circles.
Ross contended that the action of the
various faculties was significant because
it constituted "underwriting" the enroll-
ment program. He would not say, however,
that tuition would be unaffected by the
black enrollment program.
. Instead, Ross espoused the usual ad-
ministration view of budget-making -
that no expenditure from the general fund
budget can be directly attributed to a
specific source in the budget.
I COUNTERED that one could compare
the expected budget of the schools and
colleges in 1973-74 to the one which ace-
tually occurs and see if cuts had been
Ross replied that it was impossible to
say what "expected" expenditures would
be. I told him.they were the present bud-
gets plus the usual, annual increment of
seven per cent per year in average facul-
ty salaries.

Ross responded that there was no reason
to believe this was the case.
And so on
I FIND Ross remarks both amusing and
revealing. On one side he argues that
no source can be singled out as providing
funds for a program. At the same time, he
insists that the commitment of the facul-
ties of the schools and colleges was the
significant factor in "assuring' 10 per
cent black enrollment.
And then he adds another inconsistency
by declining to rule out the possibility
that tuition will be affected by black en-
WHAT WE HAVE here, I believe, is a
smokescreen thrown up around the bud-
get by the administration. President Flem-
ing made some pertinent remarks on the
same subject a few days ago, and I am
told they were equally ambiguous.
The administration seems to be doing
a number of things. First, they understand-
ably are attempting to avoid "white
backlash" by playing down the idea that
tuition might be increased to support
black admissions.
At the same time, they are attempting
to gain some flexibility for funding black
admissions, to take the responsibility away
from the schools and colleges.
AND FINALLY, they are continuing to
promote the idea that budget-making is
some kind of mysterious art that only
tried-and-true administrators can: per-
form. Of course, this kind of diversionary
activity goes on all the time, but it is
especially interesting now, when interest
in budget-making is running high on





'-. .like any other policeman ...


ju~y 4earabo'Ah


"I'M A POLICE officer just the
same as the other police of-
ficers and when there's a need
for man power . . ."
Lt. Kenneth Klinge certainly is
a police officer just like his col-
leagues in the Ann Arbor Police
Department. When they dressed
up in their riot gear and prepared
to "protect" the University from
students protesting the Regents
meeting in March, Klinge joined
his fellow officers.
And Lt. Klinge was not station-
ed merely as an observer last
February. He stood-riot stick in
hand-in the second line of police-
men. The only difference between
Lt Klinge and the other policemen
is that he is in charge of the po-
lice community relations office to
the police department.
KLINGE'S OFFICE was design-
ed to facilitate communication be-
tween the community and the po-
lice department. It is his office
w h i c h investigates complaints
from the community against po-
licem en.
Many times it has taken public
campaigns after some incident or
confrontation to convince people
to brinQ complaints of harassment
or brutality to the police depart-
ment-to Lt. Klinge. The feeling
is often that the police will either
harass the complainant further
or the complaint will be lost in
the channels of investigation until
public indignation dies down.
The sequence of events usually
leading for formalizing a com-
plaint against the police goes like

this: First, some people begin to
talk about alleged beatings or har-
assing. Then Police Chief Walter
Krasny indignantly decries the
"rumors" and says if anyone be-
lieves he was treated unfairly he
should make a formal complaint
with the department and it will
then be investigated. People who
trust the police and believe in
going through proper channels
then form legal committees or act
individually to persuade the ag-
grieved persons to come foreward.
Then the investigation begins.
AFTER THE police were called
out last March to clear the pro-
testers away from the Administra-
tioin Bldg. (when the Regents com-
mitted themselves to a "goal" of
10 per cent increased black en-
rollment) the complaints of brut-
ality came out. And many of the
complaints appeared believable to
me since I only narrowly escaped
from being hit with one of those
riot sticks myself-the person in
front of me got it instead.
Although I saw many hostile
policemen out on ThompsonhSt.. I
did not see Klinge hitting, push-
ing, or harassing anyone. And
there is probably no reason to dis-
believe the "spirit" of his state-
ment when he says, "There wasn't
any action on my part to cause
dissention." because he means that
he did not take part in the har-
assment. However, his very pres-
ence among these policemen was
cause for dissention.
COMPLAINTS from blacks who

claimed the police discriminated
against them that day have been
brought to the city tribunal con-
sisting of representatives from the
offices of the city attorney, city
administrator, and human rights
department. Human Rights Act-
ing-Director Bob Hunter said the
students brought the complaints
before the tribunal-which is the
last city appeal board before tak-
ing court action-lbecause they did
not believe the police department
would do an adequate job.
They have every reason to dis-
trust a police department which
orders the man who investigates
brutality complaints to actively
participate inta situation which
usually is the cause for such
charges. Even Chief Krasny ad-
mits that calling up Klinge was
"not a good move" and was "in
bad taste."
"WE RAISED some questions
before." says Krasny, but the po-
lice chief weakly admits that in
the end "we didn't take it into
consideration." The overriding call
for manpower to "protect" the
University-and that extra man
was thought to be essential-
throws another obstacle between
the police department and the
community it is supposed to serve.
Klinge's claim that while he
was participating he "would be
able to see if anything was wrong"
is not enough to hide the fact that
it was an; act of extremely bad
faith for him to be "in on the


Letters: Once more on Israel.. .

The bylaws: Fleming's shell game


PRESIDENT FLEMING is at it again.
He is trying to dodge the students,
which is nothing new, but this time he
is playing games with the faculty, too.
What Mr. Fleming has done is to throw
out the judiciary section of a bylaw draft
approved last summer by Student Gov-
ernment Council and Senate Assembly.
Of course, he was not as blatant as that.
First came the golden opportunity of
disruption, cases arising out of the BAM
strike. With legislators, faculty, and the
public at large expressing vast amounts
of concern over what had happened, Mr.
Fleming obviously felt he had a sizable
body of public opinion behind him for a
move on student discipline..
Second, he began to decry the present
student judiciary system for excluding
faculty members.
Finally, he made the Big Move and
issued a statement setting up a committee
to study a new judicial system and estab-
lishing an interim hearing officer proced-
THE JUDICIAL sections of the bylaws
which Mr. Fleming is throwing out
were the result of three long years of
rk. First -fhe so-called "H-atcher om-

tions set down by the new University
Council. If Mr. Fleming really believed
his criticism of student judiciaries -
that they exclude faculty members "who
have an interest too' - then he could
have voiced his objection last summer.
It would have been just as valid then as
WHAT DID NOT exist then,but does
now, is an artificial "crisis" in the
judiciary system, created by Mr. Fleming's
deliberate attempts to avoid using CSJ.
His obvious need for a crisis to back up
his action casts some doubt on his stated
By his actions, Mr. Fleming has shown
he will choose to ignore any student and/
or faculty proposal he does not like. Pre-
sumably, if his new study committee re-
commends all-student judiciaries for stu-
dent cases, he will give them to boot and
tr' again.
What must be done therefore, is for
all students and faculty (and, yes, even
administrators) to refuse to serve on Mr.
Fleming's new committee. The work on a
new judiciary system has already been
done. A new study would only repudiate
he hard work of many people and would

To the Editor:
BECAUSE I fought (1946-47)
British policy towards Jewish
Palestine. I spent several months
in British prisons and concentra-
tion camps. Now the insightful
Mr. Hochman informs me (Mich-
igan Daily, April 15) that I was
all the time serving British colon-
ial interests. Mr. Hochman has all
the infallibility of a Marxist pope,
and he will easily refute an argu-
menthas sentimental and asaper-
sonal as mine, so I will not dis-
pute his interpretation of Israel's
colonialist origins.
It is. in any case, irrelevant. Re-
gardless of how Israel came into
being, it now exists as one of the
most vital states in the emerging
world: not unlike the North Viet-
namese. the Israelis are beating
the satellite forces and the arma-
ments of a huge imperialistic pow-
er, while at the same time main-
taining a vigorous democracy, an
aid program to African nations
and a flourishing socialist sector
whose experiments in communal
living suggest a viable alternative
to mass society in our time.
THE CHARGE of colonial be-
ginniings will not hurt the Is-
raelis. who know damn well what

Arab capacity-now abetted by the
New Left-for self-delusion, for
blaming their indigenous trou-
bles on others.
As long as the Arabs can claim
that Israel is a colonial power,
they can avoid recognition of their
own reactionary tendencies, and
of their surrendertodRussia, the
new colonialism that has come to
the Middle East under Socialist
banners. And they can blame their
fourth military defeat in twenty-
two years on the massed power
of the West, instead of facing the
excruciating fact that they were
beaten by their own ineptness; and
by a small, determined, non-Mus-
lim but Semitic minority that
fights like hell for its national
-David Gutmann
Associate Professor of
April 16
Gay Liberation
To the Editor:
AS A MEMBER of the Legal and
Political Committee of the Ann
Arbor Gay Liberation Front, I
would like to clear up several mis-
conceptions in your article of
April 12. First, the Legal Aid Clinic
rnf Ann Arhnr heinr cnneerned

Front intends to be politically ac-
tive in aiding all minority groups,
'like ourselves, that have been con-
tinually oppressed and rejected.
We gave strong support to the
Black Action Movement (and con-
tinue to extend that support) and
we are participating as a group
in activities voicing opposition to
the South East Asia conflict, in-

cluding the March in Detroit to-
day. We feel deeply that govern-
ment has no authority to interfere.
in or regulate the personal lives
of its citizens, and we will actively
oppose any extension of govern-
ment power in that direction.
FINALLY, the Gay Liberation
Front does not wish to be por-

trayed as a "closed' organization.
We both need and welcome the
support of the entire community-
in our struggle toresist oppression.
We invite all interested persons to
our meeting Friday at 8:00 p.m.
in the Multi-Purpose Room of the
-Jeanne Lenzer
April 14

Reflections on leaving

NOW IS THE time of the coming
. apart.
The center cannot hold.
My last final at the University
of Michigan is April 25. I will
leave a week later. I've learned a
lot, and I'm tired. There are other
kinds of life besides the under-
graduate life and there are other
schools beside Michigan.
I HAVE presented myself with
a summer in Europe, and the
journalism school at Northwestern
has awarded me a scholarship. So
I will not dribble into the world
until early in May.
Some graduates face immediate
personal problems. The question
nh-agc~aj in man wavs is "What

They broke up four times and
came back together. Now it seems
they will go to different graduate
schools. In a year they will see
what will happen.
OF COURSE, graduate school is
an option for many. It's just like
high school. Deciding what kind
of school you like, the part of the
country that appeals, the price.
Gathering recommendations, talk-
ing to the man who lectured far
away, finally racing to your mail-
box to read THE WORD.
We held a rejection party to
celebrate our thin envelopes.
Graduate school means a dedi-
cation to the academic life. Years
of work in a semi-pleasant at-
mosphere. Instead, why not just
nick un that teachers' certificate

He can teach, he can join Vista,
he can enlist. His draft number is
about 6.
"What are you doing in the fall,
"I don't know," he chuckles.
me they want to travel, bum
around, learn about the world. I
met a fellow in November who
droped out of his school in Florida.
The dean told him classes were
bull . . . His girlfriend did not
love him. So he took off, crashed.
a month later in Ann Arbor on the
way to California.
Lots of people go to California.
Each decision changes your life
a little. Tomorrow is the first day
of the rest of your life.


: ;

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