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April 16, 1970 - Image 18

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-04-16

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Page Ten


Thursday, April 16, 1970


Th ursda.An s.c tr v{ k .r r



* Who wants to
cart all that stuff

Hawks lose
ATLANTA, Ga. (P) - T he
Atlanta Hawks, facing a tough
assignment, received news yes-
terday that makes it even
Walt Hazzard, starting guard
and playmaker for the Hawks,
will miss the remainder of the
best-of-seven series with L o s
Angeles for the Western Divi-
sion title in the National Bas-
ketball Association.
Hazzard fractured his left
wrist in Atlanta's .105-94 loss to
the Lakers Tuesday night - a
lass that left the Hawks trail-
ing 2-0 in the Western finals.
Hazzard's injury came during
a fall under the Los Angeles
basket in the third quarter. The
firey guard left the game only
briefly, but was hampered the
rest of the way. The fracture
was not discovered until yes-
Rookie Butch Beard pro-
bably will replace Hazzard in
the lineup

Stiekmen stomp Spartans

After splattering Michigan
State last month, the Wolverine
lacrosse team got together with
the Spartans and decided to
award annually a trophy to the
victor. Thus was born the
"Bagattaway Trop y."
It was this somewhat hideous
looking thing that glared at the
two teams in yesterday's re-
match. And apparently State
wanted it less than Michigan
as they went under 13-5 in the
afternoon's action on Ferry
Spartans Take Lead
Not realizing what an in-
credibly ugly trophy it was, the
Spartans started quickly and
scored their first goal with only
35 seconds gone in the first' pe-
In fact MSU dominated the
play in the first quarter, due
largely to the five penalties in-
curredby the Wolverines. Never-
theless, at the start of the sec-
ond, quarter, Michigan had a
4-3 lead.

CALL GREENE'S for a Handi-Hamper. Fill
it at your leisure - leave it for summer
storage and get your garments all fresh
and clean when you get back next fall.
USE THAT EXTRA ROOM to give people
rides, split the cost of gas and pay for your
storage box that way. Storage isn't expen-
sive, just regular cost of cleaning and
$4.95 for storage and insurance.

Michigan's fourth goal, which
put them in the lead for good
was set up when the Spartans
goalie was penalized for going
in and out. That is, he took the
ball out of the crease and then
back in again-a no-no.
The ball was turned over to
the Wolverines, who shortly
thereafter scored on Middaugh's
shot from left front.
Wolverines Settle Down
In the scond period, Michi-
gan's stickmen really went to
town as they racked up five
goals while shutting out the
Spartans. After the game, Coach
Skip Flanagan stated, "We were
tense in the beginning. But we
settled down in the second
Michigan suffered only one
penalty in the period and clear-
ly dominated play throughout.
The ball was in the Spartan end
for ove'r twelve of the fifteen
minutes and the boys in blue
were ableto get off 19 shots
to only 3 for MSU.
Michigan Mops Up
Flanagan felt the third pe-
riod was the key period. "We
were far ahead of them at the
half in our first'game with them
but we allowed them to come
back. This time we didn't" he
Though not as superior as in
the second period, their third.
quarter play was nevertheless
too much for MSU and the
period ended with Michigan in
a commanding 11-3 lead.
The fourth quarter was just

__ _ _



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mop-up as the Wolverines sub-
stituted freely. There was one
highlight, however. When Flan-
agan crossed out far in front
of the goal and flipped it in
backhanded. A minute earlier,
Dick Dean also thrilled the large
crowd when hesput one in on
a left-handed shot.
Goalie Excellent
Goalie Jay Johnson contin-
ued to do an excellent job for
the Wolverines. Several times
he was able to stop a, Spartan
in a one-on-one situation:
Saturday, the Wolverines take
on Ohio U. (here) in their last
game of the season.
A thletes
Sixteen Michigan athletes will
receive Fielding H. Yost Honor
Awards tonight for their out-
standing scholastic and athletic
ability and their "capacity for
leadership and success."
The athletes, all of whom are
juniors and seniors, include five
All-Americans and ten team
The team captains to be hon-
ored include Paul Armstrong,
track; Randy Erskine, golf; Jon
Hainline, tennis; Gary Kinkead,
swimming; and Tom Lundstedt,
Other team captains who will
receive the awards are Jim Man-
>dich, football; Dave Perrin, hoc-
key; Ron Rapper, gymnastics;
Jim Sanger, wrestling; and Rudy
Tomjanovich, basketball.
Also to be honored are Tom
Curtis, Brian Healy, Mark Hen-
ry, George Huntzicker, Sid Jen-
sen and Ira Russel.
The Yost awards have been
given to Michigan athletes since
1940. Recipients of the awards
are chosen by a five-man com-
mittee headed by Michigan ath-
letic director Don Canham.
Will h o I d promotional
tournament on Thursday,
April 16, from 7:30-9:30
in the IM wrestling room.

Archie Singham
Gloria Marshall

Harold Cruse
Ron Thompson

Master of Kundalini Yoga, the Yoga of;
Awareness, Will Shale His Knowledge in
a Lecture and Practical Demonstration
SUNDAY, APRIL 19-7:30 P.M.
FARNSWORTH (Near Detroit Inst. of Arts)
2282 SAB 764-7442

EDITOR's NOTE: The author was executive sports editor of The
Daily in 1968 and a student representative on the Board in Control of
Intercollegiate Athletics in 1967-68. This is his farewell column
under the title 'the vandal.
BACK IN the fall of 1968 I listened as Don Canham bragged
tone atet.ic board how he saved Michigan from a con-
A freneseon
The case involved Cecil Pryor, a football lineman graduating
this spring. Y. C. McNease, an assistant coach, had paid Pryor's
parking tickets to the tune of $100-plus.
When Big Ten Commissioner Bill Reed found out about
the violation, he decided to sock Michigan with a one-year
moratorium. When Canham found out about Reed's decision,
however, he flew to Chicago and buttonholed Reed.
Canham argued in favor of a compromise-punish
the individuals instead of the institution. Reed consented,
being at the age of consent.
vrPryorsgo a three-month suspension, which he servd ot
ovrWhe summerndmcasioewholhaed fosippd out aot
Idaho or some other foreign country, got a nasty letter.
imention this incident to Introduce two questions:
Why do college athletes put up with nanny-bambi rules that
no one cares about? And why do college students put up with
nanny-bambi jocks who don't care about anyone but themselves?
Already I can hear them screaming down in the athletic de-
partment - he's a pnkocommiefagdamnhisguts?
I'd just like to put college sports in a perspective that's a
little more realistic-at least in terms of university students if
not In terms of starving anti-American Asians.
By way of Illustration, imagine the university to be a feeding
trough for young beef cattle, who are selected out by the brand-
labels they wear on their flanks (they put your SAT scores
right below your credit card numbers).
The cattle are fattened and marketed (some are culied out
through a process called academic sterility but that is another
At the same feeding trough are dogs, who lIe in the manger
and shit on the hay-the college athletes.
At this poit i the column, I have to get a few assump-
tions out of the way, One, that the university is worth
attending. Two, that it ~ is justifiable to have kids with
good minds and\ well-seasoned economic backgrounds at-
tending a university when the poor, the dumb, the dis-
advantaged - those who really need an education - are
prevented from attending. Three, that it is justifiable to
allow grad assistants and professors to do research, surveys,
etc. when so many students are without teachers,
Some people would contend that none of these assumptions
is tue -but those people are pinkocommiefagsdamntheirguts!
A fourth assumption at most universities is that a special
interest group - the athletic department - has a right to
exist on campus. Any God-loving American can tell you sports
is sweaty apple-turnover goodness - and miore pragmatially
that sports brings in money from geritolic alumni, gIved blacks
av scape from the ghetto and prepares guys for a legitimate
True, sports means alumni money. False, sports is not a
rapid-transit for integration. True, sports professions are just
as legitimate as any other - (though I couldn't understand the
excitement over Denny McLain since every Detroit mayor this
century has done more dealing with the Mafia than Denny ever
dreamt of).
For the sake of argument, I'll accept that sports should stay
on campus. But the athletic department must pay its own way
disowning alumni donations and $300,000 in student tuition
money each year.
Fat in the athletic budget is $500,000 in scholarships and
$100,000 in salaries.
Scholarships - In 1958 the Big Ten joined the crowd
and awarded across-the-board fares to each athlete it won
In the recruiting meat-market butchershop - even if the
Massalon (0.) quarterback's old man was making 50 Gs a
year. Fritz Crisler, Michigan's old retrobate of an athletic
athletic director, always said tenders should be given strictly
on a basis of need - but he apparently didn't talk loud
Salaries - Bennie Oosterbaan, Wally Waeber, Hank Fonde,
Dave Strack and Bump Elliott are among those who have boiler-
plate jobs in the athletic department. Translated, that means
they are ex-coaches who were kicked dpstairs for lack of a better
I can hear them yelling again-waitaminuteousonuvabitch.
Okay, okay, if the athletic departments are to be first
ciass bureaucraiies, ten let's cut the crap and get on with

it. Let's quit the double talk.
1) Eliminate the clauses to protect pseudo-amateurism. Pay
the players whatever they need, forget about diddly restrictions
on Cecil Pryor's parking tickets.
2) Allow non-students on the teams. A guy shouldn't be
penalized from learning a sports vocation just because he can't
read astronomy.
3) Cancel all student fees. Pay rent for the University's
name and facilities. The stadium and Events Building belong
to the University because student fees helped build them.
... to lockerroom mentality
How to finance all this? A good beginning would be to
rid the NCAA and AAU of their lockerroom mentality (e.g.
the NCAA suspends a Yale basketball player because he
played in an AAU-affiliated game).
If sports-minded people could seize control of the NCAA
and AAU, they could squeeze some money out of pro own-
ers who benefit from college athletic programs.
For instance, they could negotiate for a percentage of the
gate from every pro grame to be given to each athletic depart-
ment on the basis of need. If necessary they could call a college
sports strike - put the coaches on unemployment so they
could learn a little humility and pay the players out of holdover
receipts from last year's television spectacles -- until the pros
The whole point in writing this column is to sound a Cas-
sandran warning to those who refuse to reform the college
athletic structure - before its schizoid nature drives it to
suicide - and to also perhaps redeem college sports.
I co-authored a Daily story in February, 1968, exposing a
system of discounts handed out by local merchants to Michigan
athletes. The story put everyone uptight, prompted the athletic
board to try to. kick me off, generated a lot of stupid publicity-
and resulted in an inevitable whitewash investigation.
At the time, I simply hoped the story would wake up sports
people to redefine their relationship to each other and to the
overall society. That didn't happen.
Tnct,.d fnnrC n~,~ nn lwirci fi~ndPIA thxis 5tin ystemdown



Store it with Greene's!
Have it delivered when

you return next fall

. ..

JUST CALL GREENE'S for one of those

fabulous Handi-Hampers. Pack all


clothes you won't wear until fall-Clothes
you would ordinarily pack up, take home,
have cleaned, pack up again and bring
back in the fall.
NOW, ALL YOU NEED TO DO is turn the
Hamper over to Greene's. They clean the
lot at regular cleaning prices and store it
in a refrigerated moth-proof vault. When
you return in the fall, call Greene's again,
your clothes will be, taken out %of the vault,
returned to you freshly pressed on hangers
and p a c k e d in neat polyethylene bags,
ready for your clothes closet.
Call NOrnmandy 2-3231 or Stop at
any Greene's Plant for Inforination


The United Evangelistic Crusade with Dr. Jack Van Impe and his wife Rexella started Sunday,
April 12, at Pioneer High School. The last four nights have seen over 8,000 people in attendance.
The meetings will be held at Pioneer High School through Thursday'of this week. Friday night is
teen night and this will be held at Huron High School beginning at 7:00 P.M. Saturday, the pro-
gram will shift to Hill Auditorium and the final meeting will be Sunday, 3:00 P.M. at the Uni-
versity of Michigan Events Building. Thursday and Saturday nights the program will begin at
7:30 P.M.
Dr. Van Impe's topics for the remainder of the week are:
Thursday: "Fruit of the New Birth"
Saturday: "Story of Conversion"
Sunday: "Coming War with Russia"
Jack will be telling of his past experiences in night clubs around the country culminated with his
impact with Jesus, Thursday night. Sunday afternoon, Jack will speak on the inevitable future
war with Russia as is threatening today and as prophecied in the Bible.
Each night Jack will be playing his accorgan which is a modern invention that plays accordion,
t t, r 2 t S t5 11 t1t t " T1. " n _--- 1 - ' - - -- - "11 1

406 W. Liberty

1213 S. University
NO 3-3016

1940 W. Stadium
NO 2-2543

P.S. BY THE WAY, we notice that some


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