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April 11, 1970 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-04-11

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sur fr gun Gul
Seventy-nine years of editorial freedorn.
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan

Once again,

Dear Gardner



420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764 05

Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in oil reprints.
Non-academiic discipline"

(E ITOR'S NOTE: This article is
an open letter to economics Prof.
Gardner Ackley. The author is a
professor in the Law School and
52 vice chairman of the Senate Advis-
ory Committee on University Af-
a response to remarks
of Professor Gardner Ackley
made at the LSA f a c u l t y
ER meeting of March 27, 1970. It
is written because these re-
marks have been distributed
throughout the University
community and if unanswered
could create misunderstanding.

A KEY QUESTION in the current debate
over the jurisdiction of classroom dis-
ruption cases stemming from the recent
Black Action Movement strike is whether
or not such disruptions are "academic"
Central Student Judiciary (CSJ) agrees
with the faculty that academic offenses
are within the realm of faculty judicial
authority, but maintains that academic
affairs are only those concerning a per-
son's academic honesty, "competence,
achievement and assiduity required for
grades; degrees, and continuing enroll-
ment in a program."
CSJ has insisted that all o t h e r cases,
which concern non-academic offenses,
be tried only by students.
Some of the faculty, however, aside
from disagreeing with CSJ's claim to legi-
timacy has seen classroom disruption as
within the sphere of academic affairs.
And so both CSJ and faculty have claim-
ed sole jurisdiction over the disruption
Even further, the Graduate School
Executive Board, Thursday, asserted its
jurisdiction over all violations of proper
student conduct, and included as viola-
tions of these rules the disruption of
teaching and other university activities,
and the physical abuse of persons on
University-owned or controlled property.
IT IS ON these grounds that several
,students ,involved in the BAM strike

have been charged. But two of the stu-
dents, one of whom is enrolled in the
graduate school, have stated they will
only appear before CSJ. CSJ assumed
jurisdiction over their cases last week,
in accordance with a section of the Stu-
dent Government Council and CSJ Bill
of Rights which states that, in all non-
academic offenses, students have t h e
right to be originally judged only "by a
judiciary drawn from and responsible to
a democratic constituency to which they
belong." And as CSJ insists that ;faculty
has disciplinary authority only on mat-
ters of "academic'' concern, it enjoined'
the accused students last week from ap-
pearing before faculty boards.
The outcome of this debate over dis-
ciplinary jurisdiction will determine the
future role of CSJ and thus the extent to
which its role, as the judicial board of
the students is realized and legitimicized.
CSJ has not yet been officially recognized
by the Regents or the administration,
but it must continue to insist that stu-
dents maintain authority over non-aca-
demic disciplinary jurisdiction.
For if "academic" violation can be
broadly interpreted to be any violations
of student conduct, then it will be the
faculty and not the students who will de-
terrhine the jurisdiction under which any
case can be tried.

You begin your remarks by stat-
ing that "this has been a tragic
year in the life of th' University
of Michigan." I do not agree.
Overall it has been a successful
It has been a year in which
pioneer work on organ trans-
plants has taken place at o u r
Medical center: ,it has been a year
of outstanding research productiv-
ity Ind the receipt of national
honors by several faculty mem-
It has been a year in which the
quality of the student body show-
ed continuous improvement. It has
been a year in which Michigan
gained national attention through

the ENACT program ant the four;
day teach-in last month.
And finally it has been the year
in which Michigan will provide
leadership in the academic com-
munity by its decision to devote
'more of its resources to provide
education opportunities for Blacks.
We must keep our prospective
about the events of the past three
weeks. The Regents recognized
the real significance of what has
occurred when they stated ". .
To assist a new generation of able,
energetic black men and women
to move into positions of respon-
sibility and leadership will be an
aspiration worthy of our greatest
efforts. And the requisite atten-
tion to individual needs and prob-
lems can well become a model for
more sensitive and personal rela-
tions in higher education as a
IF YOU are going to describe
the year as a series of student
briente4 issues and characterize
each of these issues as without
merit, but involving disruption and
eventual University capitulation
you would do well to be clear on
your facts. To take your exam-
(1) Bookstore - I agree this
issue should not have caused a
crisis, but I question your state-

ment that you could not imagine
a more ridiculous issue. (As I re-
call, your new department chair-
man spoke strongly in favor of
the bookstore at a Faculty As-
sembly meeting.) Contrary to your
statement, cost and benefit stud-
ies were made and sent to the Re-
gents last spring. In the final re-
solution the only funds designated
for Bookstore use were earmarked
students' funds and funds raised
as a result of a referendum which
showed overwhelming student sup-
port. The occupation of the LSA
Building was in my opinion ridi-
culous., However, the action did.
not go unpunished - police were
called and over 100 persons were
(2) ROTC - The Faculty As-
sembly appointed a committee to
study the role of ROTC within
the University last spring. This
committee met over the summer,
and issued its report which was
ultimately adopted by the faculty
and the Regents. This activity was
completely independent of t h e
disruption of the ROTC buildings
which occurred in the fall. (I
suggest you ask Professors But-
trey and Davenport who, chaired
the Assembly committee if their
report was the result "of march-
ing feet and broken glass".) There
was disruption, but contrary to

_ c {

Letters to the Editor

your statement the administration
did respond and police were call-
ed on at least two occasions when
there was fear that property dam-
age had occurred. In this in-
stance as in most others involv-
ing disruption of University ac-
tivity. non-student as well as stu-
dents were involved.
(3) Recruiting - This also has
been an issue which has caused
disruption, but again there h a s
not been any University capitula-
tion. Recruiting continues. Police
have been called, arrests have been
made, and internal .discipline is
pending in several cases. C o n-
trary to your implication, the ad-
ministration in these situations
acted quickly - many feel even
too quickly in calling police on
The other issues you mentioned
-University research, tenants'
rights, teaching fellow demands,
pollution, and University invest-
ments have not to my knowledge
resulted in disruption or violence.
meeting must have been directed
to BAM demands, the violence and
disruption at the Economics build-
ing, and what you apparently view
as a misguided handling of t h e
whole situation by the administra-
The occurrence of a widesnread
class boycott was a unique event
on campus. Several student strikes
have been attempted in the last
few years. but this was the first
one which had support.
A domino theory of escalation
of student activism did not cause
this situation. We had a strike
and class boycott for almost two
weeks. Included were two 'days
(Wednesday and Thursday, March
25 and 26) that went far beyond
peaceful picketing, and far be-
yond what can be tolerated with-
in the University.
I was present during the "clos-
ing of the Law School", and felt
real agony not, only because of
the challenge to academic free-
dom, but also to see rational in-'
dividuals become caught in mob
In hind sight I see a variety
of actions I wish our president and
administration had taken. (I am
sure they do also.)
I believe the leadership of BAM
realized they were losing control,
and whether because of fear of
the force they had unleased, fe r
of police action, or on more pra. -
matic grounds that such activity
was counter productive, they
pulled back. The publication and
adoption by BAM of'the guidelines
for peaceful picketing was one of
the significant and optimistic as-
pects of the whole affair. The
University did not grant amnesty.
In judging the response of the
president I suggest you recall that
the funding of 10 per cent Black
enrollment was endorsed by
SACUA immediately after the Re-

gents meeting of March 19th and =
prior to the strike. The subsequent
actions by the Faculty Assembly,
the deans. and various schools and
colleges demonstrated the deep
seated commitment to black en-
rollmen by the vast majority of
the members within the Univer-
The strike was successful be-
cause of the issue not because
of the activities of a few who
wore willing to disrupt. To char-
acterize this commitment to Black
Education as an "appeasement to
anarchists" or "as a result of in-
timidation" is a tragic misconcep-
tion of University action.
raised by your statement is when
should the president .of the Uni-
versity call police on cam-
pus. Until Wednesday, March 25,
the strike had been basically non-
violent, there appeared to be in-
creasing faculty and student sup-
port for the underlying issue, and
settlement appeared to be in
To be too eager to call police
and risk the catastrophies we have
seen at Columbia, Cornell Har-
vard and elsewhere, particularly
where the ingredients of a poten-
tial race riot were present, would
have been foolish.
We should be clear t h a t
to stop, the strike woul d
have taken police, and a large
number of them. Internal sanc-
tions are needed. but they will not
clear buildings. It is easy to se-
cond guess such decisions, but I
support the president's restraint.
A couple of miscellaneous points
-you characterize the student
judiciary as the Mafia. They may
b' inefficient, and as any untrain-
ed judiciary. they are not well
equipped to handle the complex
procedures of a formal judicial
hearing. We do need better inter-
nal systems of discipline, but I
suggest you become acquainted
with the members of CSJ before
you impugn their integrity.
Near the end of your state-
ment you mention your surprise
that students now are able to use
"our auditoriums and meeting
rooms." This may be one key to
your own reaction. I remember
when as a camp counselor I
thought camp would be lovely if
only there were not any campers.
The golden age of University life
is gone (if it ever existed), Stu-
dents have to be acknowledged,
and we cannot operate outside of
the pressures of society.
WE DO HAVE problems within
this University. There Is great need
for strong faculty leadership, and
we mut not be willing to com-
promise principles inherent in
maintaining a quality academic
institution. But, if reason is going
to overcome power, we must be-
ware of responses that overreact
to or distort the issues.


To the Editor:
on the editorial page of the Daily
on Thursday, April 9, the state-
ment was made A that Dr. Sher-
vington "had a brief butrunmis-
takably a n g r y confrontation"
with me.
Both Dr. Shervington a n d I
have been assured by Mr. Neu-
bacher that this statement is un-
founded and has no basis in fact
and that he would correct the
No such correction appeared in
Friday's Daily. I have now been
assured t h a t Mr. Neubacher
wrote the statement but it was
withheld by the Editor.
--W. K, Pierpont
University Vice President
and Chief Financial Officer
April 10
To the Editor:
AT ABOUT 11:30 p.m. Wednes-
day, April 8, I was walking near
South Quadrangle and noted a
disturbance there. One felilow, it
developed. was walking around in
front of the building shouting ob-

scenities at people in the street
and in the quad, and challenging
individuals to fight. It was my
impression that this person was
high or drunk, at best, or per-
haps psychotic.
The response of the quaddies to
this individual consisted of ob-
scene retorts and vollies of wa-
ter bombs and slush balls from
the various levels of both south
and west quad as well as from
people in the street. It was my
opinion that this person should
be removed and subdued for his
own safety. (Firecrackers were-
also being thrown from the win-
dows of t h e quads.) Therefore.
with considerable regret, I called
the Ann Arbor police.
that met me on the corner of
Thompson and Madison. The of-
ficer told me to m e e t him in
front of the quad, but when he
got there, he' slowed briefly and
then sped off. The situation con-
tinued as before. I called the city
police again and 3 more police
cars responded to "double check."
I talked to an officer in the lead
car. He sat in his car. I walked
over to the curb to point out the
individual about whom I was con-
cerned. The officer stayed in his

car with the windows rolled up. I
went back to the police car and
asked them to help. The officer
said there was nothing he could
do since the individual broke no
laws while in the presence of the
police. I suggested that if the of-
ficer would watch for just a few
moments, there would be a fight
or at least more obscenities and
that he could then remove the
person for his own safety from
the mob scene on Madison street.
The officer responded to me with
"if I stay here my car might be
damaged." I responded to the of-
ficer with an equally obscene
statement and left the area for
my own safety.
It seems that in Ann A r b o r
quaddies respond to sick people
primarily out of their own sick-
ness, with mass hysteria, while
the police value the safety of their
property more than the safety of
human beings. Right on, quaddies,
Right on, cops. I will continue to
"get involved," despite you both.
-George S. Layne, Med.
April 10

Equal law enforcement'


I1 HAS BECOME quite fashionable to-
day to call for law and order and to
denounce young people for their disobed-
ience and disrespect of the law. Hardly
a day passes -without some new v o ic e
more conservative electorate.
It is indsed surprising that none of the
so called "distinguished figures" h a v e
come out and condemned the blatant de-
fiance and disrespect of the law demon-
strated by Florida Governor Claude R.
Kirk this past week.,
Monday, Governor Kirk suspended the
Manatee County School Board which had
been ready to implement the F e d e r a 1
The war goes on
TODAY IN ANN ARBOR there will be a
rally and a march here to protest U.S.
involvement in Vietnam and Southeast
Asia. Because of what has been taking
place since the November marches, there
is a great need to have a large demon-
stration to reaffirm a stand against the
war. Instead of being reduced, U.S. in-
volvement and intervention has grown to
include Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos.
This will be the first explicitly anti-
war march since last fall. Compared to
the high level of activity against the war
exhibited last fall, this semester at the
University has been relatively dormant.
The rally against the w a r begins at
noon on the diag. A large turnout is need-
ed to reaffirm the demand that the war
in Vietnam be ended immediately.

District Court's order to racially balance
Manatee County's junior high and ele-
mentary schools. After learning of the
obstruction of his order, Federal District
Court Judge Ben Krentzman ordered Kirk
to appear before him on Tuesday to show
cause why he should not be held in con-
tempt of court.
But, on Tuesday, Governor Kirk did not
show up in the federal court.
Then, Thursday, Kirk boldly re-su-
spended the school officials who had been
reinstated by the judge. When federal
marshalls attempted to. arrest Kirk's
aides, they were prevented from doing
so by the county sheriff and six of his
deputies who said they were acting under
Kirk's orders.
,UCH blatant defiance of the law sure-
ly deserves some comment by the Presi-
dent. Yet aside from some ambiguous
statement issued Monday by the presi-
dential press secretary, nothing much has
been said, much less done. In times past
Presidents have also met defiance from
state governors. Republican President Ei-
senhower used federal troops in Little
Rock, Arkansas and Democratic President
Kennedy used troops in Mississippi.
It is time, that the federal government
did something to resolve this crisis. Presi-
dent Nixon has stressed court enforce-
ment in his approach to desegregation.
This is a situation where he should live
up to his words. The law must be en-
forced equally, even against those of one's
own political persuasion.

Student Living Quarters:,A disappointment
alexa canady


IN A SMALL ROOM behind Dis-
count Copy Service is a per-
son sitting behind a desk. This
person is your first contact with
what is called the Student Living
Quarters. an organization which
reputedly helps students locate
housing for the Fall.
The opening conversation is
very encouraging, but from there
it is all downhill.
The first thing you realize -
when the receipt is being written
out - is that the $25 fee that is
advertised applies only if you are
looking for a 1 or 2-man apart-
ment, for anything else, you pay
$10 per person, $30 in our case.
Nevertheless, confident that you
will surely find your dream apart-
ment - or at least a liveable one
- from their "complete" listing,
you pay the additional cost with
little reluctance.
After paying my money, I re-
ceived a list of approximately a

dozen apartment buildings that
fit my specifications - 3-man
apartment in an old house. Un-
fortunately, t h e helpful person
behind the desk failed to 1 i st
which apartment in the buildings
were available.
IN SPITE OF THIS slight ob-
stacle, we were able to locate the
apartments - oh w h a t apart-
The first apartment visited, had
one bedroom with a double bed.
It's not that we don't like one
another, but three people in one
bed is a little too much.
The second apartment was a
slight improvement, it'' had bunk
beds, unfortunately there wasn't
room for a third bed.
The array of apartments that
followed is unbelievable. Not only
were the apartments smaller than
anything we had found on our
own, but the people living in them
almost unanimously recommended

t h a t under no circumstances
should we rent from their real-
The apartment we will always
remember is the one that had
holes in the door.
ed apartments, we returned to the
small office to get some. m o r e
listings, but all they had 1 e f t
were modern apartments. We
knew we didn't want any of those,
but for $30 we deserved more, so
we made them write the list out
and call each apartment to make
sure they were available.
That afternoon we decided we
wanted our $15 back - the mqney
they guarantee you if you don't
take one of the listed apartments.
Unfortunately, when we return-
ed to the office to request our
partial refund, the reception was
somewhat less than friendly. Not
only was our integrity impugned,

but we learned that unlike most
businesses, the Student Living
Quarters only writes checks on
Nevertheless determined to get,
our refund, we left vowing to re-
turn on Friday.
the final blow. First, the man be-
hind the desk refused to believe
that we couldn't find a place to
live from the listings we had been
given. In response to a descrip-
tion of some of those apartments,
he responded, "I never told you
these were decent apartments."
He then went on to describe
how horrible the housing situa-
tion is in Ann Arbor. Granted it
is bad, but there is no reason that
we should 'have to pay $30 for a
listing of apartments that are all
-worse t h a n the apartment we
found on our own.
Undaunted, he asked if we had

a copy of their new directory of
available apartments whicf would
only cost us another $5. Somehow,
we couldn't get interested. All this
time, we kept asking for our $15
About this time, a guy came in
demanding all his money back be-
cause he couldn't find any of the
four apartments on his list ac-
ceptable. The man behind t h e
desk responded saying "As a busi-
ness man, I say, how can I pos-
sibly give him his money back,"
and he didn't.
All in all. it took over 45 min-
utes to get our partial refund.
When finally he held the signed
check in his hand, he made his
last plea saying "I'm really sorry,
we made you go through this to
get your money back, but we're
in this to make money."
He couldn't have been any sor-
rier than we were that we got in-
to it at all.








rig hts

Daily Guest Writer
LAST WEEK, as the crisis in
Ulster became increasingly
more dangerous, the commander
of the British Army ordered his
troops to "shoot to kill" rioters
with molotov cocktails.
Although no-one will admit it,
the order seems to indicate a
growing concern for the situation
in Ulster by tloe British govern-
ment - already embarrassed at
home and abroad by the near civil
The historical background of
the present crisis is complex. In
short, the country of Ireland was
a colony of Britain until 1926
when the Irish Republican Army
forced the British government to
._r-rrt irAnrnn7® n fn G -rahYr

olic domination which led to the
disunification of the nation.
WHILE EIRE became a sepe-
rate nation, Ulster was given a
special status. They were :llcwed
limited home rule by a locally
elected parliament, the Stormont,
while at the same time they con-
tinued to send representatives to
the British parliament at West-
Ulster thus had de facto con-
trol over domestic policy, but the
responsibility for foreign relations
and defense lay with the British
Under the term of the act es-
tablishing Ulster, Britain was un-
der an obligation to assume re-
sponsibility where the govern-
ment of Ulster was unable to do

Utilizing their numerical domi-
nation, they secured a position of
economic, political and 'social
One of the consequences of this
domination was the "gerryman-
dering" of the electoral bounda-
ries which left the Catholics with-
out representation in either the
Stormont or on the local govern-
ment level. This effect allowed the
Catholics to be excluded from high
income jobs from the police and
the civil service.
The living conditions of the
Catholic in Ulster began to ap-
proximate the conditions of Black
Clustered in ghetto's, with bad
schools, low housing standards
and no representation, the Cath-
olics became increasingly militant

afraid to intervene, was finally
forced to do so after a company
of B-Specials, attacked a civil
rights march.r
Britain was stunned by the films
to come out of Ireland showing
the callous brutality of the Ulster
A month later, the Catholics
succeeded in electing a Catholic to
the British parliament.
Bernadette Devlin took her seat
on her twenty-second birthday,
and proceeded to shatter all par-
liamentary conventions by making.
her first speech on the same day.
She spoke for two hours and
when she sat .down she received
a standing ovation from the pub-
lic gallaries.
Wilson was disturbed. Here was
e ___- u - a .,ful - ."#i a rnth

The B-Specials were disarmed
and the army moved to protect
the Catholics..
A new prime minister, Sir James
Chichester Clark was selected, but
he had as little credibility with
the Catholics as O'Neil.
In the meantime, under the eye
of the British government, the
slow process of granting the Cath-
olics civil rights was started.
It was at this time that the
economic interests that dominated
Ulster moved in.
AWARE THAT THE liberation
of the Catholics would destroy the
low income labor pool that Ulster
boasted, the business interests,
American and British lured to'
Ulster by the promise from the
government that wages and over-
heads were low, began to move to

the Catholics struggle for civil
rights and economic equality con-
IT IS HARD to indict the Brit-
ish Army for their handling of
the crisis, which would have de-
veloped into a civil war without
their intervention, but the real
culprit is, without any doubt, the
British government, which has
continually absolved ,itself from
any responsibility for the Cath-
olics of Ulster.
The administration of Harold
Wilson has a record of benign of
any and all human rights prin-
Their willingness to intervene
with troops in tiny Anguilla to
prevent the residents of that is-
land from becoming independent
and the hesitation of the govern-


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