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April 10, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-04-10

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jcj: C



Sunny and cool, with
more winds and stuff

Vo-. LXXX, No. 156 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, April 10, 1970 Ten Cents
ri V PW'YNY i W\ 373 /s~7~

Ten Pages


withdraws from

SMC attacks



candi dacy for OSS post

w-gaily-James T. Neubacher
Hubert Locke
Next court choice
to be non-Southern
WASHINGTON (4--President Nixon, accusing the Senate
of prejudice against Supreme Court nominees from the
South, announced yesterday he will submit "in the very near
future" a new nominee from some other part -of the country.
Appearing dramatically before newsmen in the White
House press center, Nixon said:
"I have reluctantly concluded that it is not possible to
get confirmation for a judge on the Supreme Court of any
4man who believes in the strict construction of the Constitu-

News Editor
Hubert L o c k e, director of
the Office of Religious Affairs
at W a y n e State University,
has officially withdrawn from
consideration for the post of
Vice President for S t u d e n t
Services here.
In a letter written Tuesday and
received by President Robben
Fleming yesterday morning, Locke
said "in the several months since
our conversation regarding this
post, a number of developments
have occurred which challenge my
interests in other areas. I wish
therefore to withdraw my name
from consideration . .
Locke's withdrawal narrows to
three the number of candidates
officially remaining on a list of
five names submitted to Fleming
in January by a student-faculty
search committee.
Fleming himself eliminated the
other candidate, Peter Steinberger
a '66 graduate of the University
Law School. when Steinberger re-
fused to meet him to discuss the
post, without a reporter present.
Although three candidates re-
main, all are expected to announce
in the near future that they are
also withdrawing from consider-
Locke told The Daily last week
he was "reassessing" his candi-
dacy due to the long delay in the
selection process. It is now more
than a yearsince the candidates
were first contacted by the search
Fleming interviewed all of the
candidates when they were' en-
dorsed by the search committee in
January, and was expected to
make a decisionthen. However.
controversy over Regent's bylaws
defining the relation of the new
vice president to a proposed stu-
dent-faculty board that would set
policy for the Office of Student
Services caused Fleming to post-
pone the selection until the bylaw
quesetion was settled.
Opposition was raised to Locke's
candidacy after he indicated, in
an interview in The Daily in Jan-
uary, that he wasn't familiar with
the idea of a student-faculty policy
board that would control the Of-
fice of Student Services.
Search committee m e m b e r s
angrily maintained that the idea
had been explained to Locke pre-
Locke was also opposed by some
black students who saw the in-
volvement of Locke, a black, with
the Detroit police around the time
of the Detroit riots, as "af insult
to the integrity of the black com-
munity." Locke was formerly as-
sistant commissioner of police
under Ray Girardin.
Fleming declined to comment
last night on Locke's withdrawal.
and on whether it would affect his
decision to wait until the bylaw
controversy is settled before ap-
pointing a vice president.
Law Prof. Frank Kennedy and
Steve Nissen, '70, co-chairman .of
the search committee, both ex-
pressed dismay last night at the
withdrawal by Locke.
"I greatly regret that this came
about," Kennedy said.
Nissen said Locke's withdrawal
was "to be expected."
"I frankly feel it's due to the
way this selection has been mis-!
handled by Fleming," he said.
"The delay of this thing has been

"Social scientists at a dozen major
universities-including the University of
Michigan - are involved in counterin-
surgency programs directed against rev-
olution in Thailand," the Student Mo-
bilization Committee to End the War in
Vietnam (SMC) claims.
To back their charges, SMC lists
memos, contracts, working papers and
minutes of different meetings held by
the Academic Advisory Council for
Thailand (AACT), the Defense Depart-
ment's Project Jason, and the American
Institute for Research (AIR).
And a few University anthropologists
have joined in SMC's protest. "The
documents tell of massive U.S. inter-
vention in Thailand, political and mili-
tary intervention prepared with the ac-
tive help of American social scientists,"
said a statement of Prof. Marshall Sah-
lins and Prof. Eric Wolf. "If verified,

the participation of American scholars
is a perversion of their science."
One of the documents being quoted
involves a contract between the Unived-
sity of California and the Agency for
International Development (AID) which
states that "AID has established AACT
composed of social scientists with back-
ground specialization in Thailand, to
provide coordination between the aca-
demic community of Thai scholars and
It further states that the University
of California, in conjunction with AACT,
will "identify research conducted in
universities, foundations and other in-
stitutions that may relate to develop-,
mental and counterinsurgency activities
in Thailand."
AACT member David Wyatt, a former
University professor now at Cornell Uni-
versity responds that the contract "does
not require anyone to give information
to AID, it is only a permitting clause."

Some of the social scientists involved
in the programs were anthropologists
belonging to the American Anthropolo-
gical .Association (AAA).
"These documents contradict in spirit
and in letter the resolutions of the AAA
concerning clandestine and secret re-
search," said Wolf and Prof. Joseph
Jorgensen, members of AAA's ethics
"What these people are doing is le-
gal," said Sahlins.
Wyatt contends that AACT, as a
body, is "not at all involved in counter-
insurgency research." "All of our in-
formation is public and not classified,"
Wyatt said.
"But AACT creates a pool of people,
some of whom will be interested in
counterinsurgency," Wolf said.
SMC's heaviest attacks were directed
at the Jason study group, the Advanced
Research Projects Agency (ARPA) and

Grad school
' asserts control



The Graduate School Executive Board asserted yesterday
it would retain jurisdiction over cases involving rules on
student conduct and reaffirmed its procedure for hearing
cases involving such violations, especially concerning disrup-
tions connected with the Black Action Movement (BAM)
Meanwhile, Marc Van Der Hout, '71, and other unidenti-
fied students received formal notification yesterday of charges
filed against them arising from t h e i r alleged disruptive

"AID is highly touted as a humani-
tarian contribution to the advancement
of underdeveloped nations," SMC said.
"These documents reveal AID to be de-
voted to advancing the narrow foreign
policy interests of the U.S. government."
Sahlins also objected to the "attitude
of manipulation of the Thai people and
their institutions."
He pointed to a clause in a document
submitted to ARPA which suggested,
as a "stimulus" to the Thai natives,
"burning their crops."
The problem with all the information
that SMC has gathered is that we don't
know that suggestions, if any, have ac-
tually been implemented," Sahlins said.
"That these groups even considered
some of the proposals is a perversion
and destruction of the meaning of social
science," Sahlins added. "The spirit of
the documents is organized contempt
for the Thai people, their government,
and their institutions."

pay hikes

< tion as I do, if he happens to
come from the South."
Nixon said he has asked Atty.
Gen. John N. Mitchell "to submit
names to me from outside the
South of judges from state courts,
appeals courts as well as the fed-
eral courts, who are qualified to
be on the Supreme Court and who
share my view . . . with regard to
strict construction of the Consti-
tution." He said he believes such
a judge would win confirmation.

-Daily-Randy Edmonds
Getting high with Michigras.
Magician Dan Flaggman levitates a student in a daring feat of prestidigitation. The Michigras
carnival, which includes his show, opens tonight at Yost Field House following a week of spring
festivities on the Diag.

actions during the BAM strike.
The charges against Van Der
Hout were filed by Prof. Gerda M.
Selingson, Math Prof. Wilfred
Kincaid, and Classical studies
chairman Theodore Buttrey. Van
Der Hout is charged with having
"violated University regulations by
disrupting two classes," the Latin
and math classes on March 26. In
the letter, Van Der Hout; along
with several other persons .were
described as having interrupted
the two classes "by singing and
loud talk." Van Der Hout was
previously accused, along with
graduate student Peter Denton, of
disrupting Prof. Bernard Galler's
Mathematics 473 class on March 27.
The Graduate S c h o o 1 board
statement was not written with
special reference to Denton's case,
according to board member Em-
mett Hooper, though it was issued
two weeks after the alleged dis-
ruption of Galler's math class by
The statement emphasized that
it "has authority in matters re-
lated to student conduct and will
continue to exercise that author-
ity." The Executive Board based
this assertion on previous state-
ments that delegated this "author-
ity in matters related to student
S t u d e n t Government Council
and Central Student Judiciary
have insisted that students should
be tried only by students for of-
fenses not directly relating to
academic competence. SGC has
urged students to refuse to appear
before faculty bodies in cases of
disruptions connected with the
BAM strike.
In addition to quoting Section
8.15 of Chapter VIII of the Board
of Regents' bylaws, the board
See RACKHAM, Page 6

House to
decide on
voting age
LANSING (-) - A proposal to
change Michigan's constitution to
to allow 18-year-olds to vote is
scheduled for a final test in the
Michigan House this morning.
The lower chamber gave the pro-
posal preliminary approval, 76-11
late yesterday after defeating at-
tempts to raise the proposed new
franchise age to 19.
Introduced by Rep. Jackie
Vaugh, D-Detroit, the measure
would be placed on the November
ballot for a review by voters across
the state if it passes both cham-
Support for the 18-year-old vote
spans nearly the entire spectrum
of state and national politics. Ma-
jor figures from President Nixoh
to Gov. William Milliken and Atty.
Gen. Frank Kelley have supported
the idea.
But some legislators in the Mich-
igan House insisted stoutly yes-
terday that giving the vote to
young people is folly.
Rep. James Farnsworth, R-
Plainwell, cited Georgia, where
voting at age 18 has been permit-
ted for years. "Georgia gave us
Lester Maddox," Farnsworth said
Rep. Bill Huffman, D-Madison
Heights, who said he was born in
See STATE, Page 6


WASHINGTON (/P)-The House Wednesday, the Senate rejected
approved yesterday an across-the- by a 51-45 vote Nixon's nomina-
board 6 per cent pay increase for tion of G. Harrold Carswell of
some 5.6 million federal employes Florida to be an associate justice
yesterday, despite objections that of the Supreme Court. Earlier, it
the hike was unfair, that it was had rejected his nomination of
the result of an illegal strike, and Clement F. Haynsworth Jr. of
that it might never be paid for. South Carolina by a 55-45 tally.
.The House vote, 370-7, came the Senate critics of Nixon's pre-
day after the Senate, by an 84-1 vious court nominations immed-
vote, passed a similar measure. iately assailed the President's com-
Minor differences between Senate ments.
and House versions are expected "This is the most damning evi-
to be resolved quickly, allowing the dence of a Southern strategy that
bill to move to President Nixon we've had," Sen. Birch Bayh (D-
for his signature. Ind) said of Nixon's statement. In
Postal unions and the aclmin- effect, Bayh told newsmen, the
istration were due to reach agree- President is telling the South that'
ment by today on the additional the two previous nominees were
8 per cent postal pay' raise tied picked 'simply because they were
to reform to give postal operations Southerners.
independence from Congress.
Nixon has asked Congress to
raise the price of letter mail from
6 to 10 cents to pay for the raise.
But Post Office Committee
members told the House they will
recommend a postal rate increase C i G o l
to cover only the cost of raises
of postal employes-possibly a
one-cent increase-and will not j By SARA FITZGERALI
be bound by any postal reform It may be possible, one day in t
proposal, to turn on your TV set in Ann
"I think you can expect a post- see a facsismile newspaper pag
al rate bill," said Chairman Ar- gas-meter, or operate a data-
nold Olsen (D-Mont), of the rates
subcommittee, "that covers the terminal, if the City Council
cost of the postal pay increases." ordinance which would allow an
Chairman Thaddeus J. Dulski, cable TV transmission in the
(D-NY), of the committee an- For several months, a citizens
nounced he will press ahead with tee has been exploring the pro
a postal corporation bill already possibilities of community ante
approved by the committee re- vision (CATV) and has drawn ut
gardless of what recommendation
comes from the postal unions and posed ordinance. Authored pri
the administration. Law Prof. Charles Donahue, Jr
He was joined in that stand by dinance is necessary because ca
Rep. Morris K. Udall (D-Ariz), mission is regarded as a utility,

Anti- strike

unit to sue

By TAMMY JACOBS ated with either of1
A group of students are plan- tions.
ning to file suit against the Uni- The group was forn
versity charging it with failure in response to "wha
to protect the civil rights of stu- was a do-nothing at
dents and faculty members during part of the Univers
t h e Black Action Movement protecting the right
(BAM) strike. dents," said Mark F
Calling themselves the Student- member of the Colleg
Faculty Legal Action Committee, executive board.
the group consists mostly of mem- An ad was run in
bers of the College Republicans April 2 by the Colleg
and Young Americans for Free- executive board, ch
dom. However, members stress dent Robben Fleming
that the committee is not affili- ing shame to the Un


uncil to consider CA

the organiza- ad asked for students who had
classes disrupted to contact them
med last week, so that "we can begin proper legal
t we thought action."
ttitude on the Since then, the group decided
ity as far as not to be affiliated with a political
s of, the stu- organization, and formed the
Reussmann, a Legal Action Committee. Members
;e Republicans estimates of the group's size range
from "about ten" to "a few dozen."
The Daily on The group has "about two" faculty
ge Republican members.
arging Presi- According to Edward Mahl, '70,
g with "bring- chairman of the group, "we don't
iiversity." The' need many people; all we need is
money and a lawyer.'
The new group ran an ad in
The Daily on Tuesday saying "the
strike is over, but the continuing
dation on our campus of which it
was-a part hasnot ended."
The ad asked for assistance,
specific complaints from individ-
uals who believe their rights were
y would be violated during the strike, and
the cable, money to file suit against the Uni-
f ill it with versity.
Although the group asked for
rrent tech- "at least $1,000," Mahl said more
will probably be needed if the case
broadcast goes to appellate court.
s. In Ann Members refuse to estimate the
s Quenon, funds the 'group has now, saying
ists origin- they wish to wait until letters
ledo, Lan- with donations in response to the
cities. The ad have time to arrive. However,
ld remain one member disclosed that some
iunity con- "prominent Ann Arbor business-
men" have offered to donate $500,
although Mahl said this is still
and com- uncertain.
some in- "We're planning to take it as

the future,
Arbor and
ge, read a
enacts an
d regulate
' commit-
blems and
enna tele-
p the pro-
marily by
., the or-
ble trans-
and per-

chairman of the Council's CATV commit-
First Council will have to decide how
the money paid to the city for cable tele-
vision franchises will be put to use. The
council will also have to choose whether
to negotiate with the sole applicant for the
franchise, the Michigan Communications
Group, or open the franchise to public
"Although the ordinance will leave the
market open to any contractor after the
first one has been chosen, once one com-
pany has set up a system, it is unlikely
that other companies would want to com-
pete against an established monopoly," says

chise money collected by the cit
to use the money to buy time on
and require the cable-caster to
public service programming.
Quenon explains that with cui
nology a cable system is able to
on more than twenty channel
Arbor, about 12 of these, say
would be taken up with broadca
ating in stations in Detroit, To
sing, Flint, and other nearby
remaining eight stations cou
dark, or be turned over to comm
Quenon says local business
munity groups have expressed

The og arm:tar
and the Earth Peopl
"I guess you're wondering what the Hog Farm is all
about. Well it's about you, me, and all of us. It's all about
rainbows, stars, suns, moons, peanut butter and muesli:
It's calling on all earth people to join in so that we can all
celebrate life together." -STAR
Star crescendoed the last line and her eyes grinned it out as
only someone named Star could-her mind's "rainbow" floating in
a Judy Collins sort of softness.
The Hog Farm is just that and maybe a bit more, if you relax
your grip and open wide for something simple. The Hog Farm is a
family, but not that exclusive. There's Andy, Evan, and Bonnie Z.
who kind of got it together dreaming thoughts of Earth People's
"Well, anyway, here we are hoping to turn you on to a

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