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January 16, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-01-16

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Student power





Daily News Analysis
Who s h o u 1 d have institutional
control over the Office of Student
Services? What should the role of the
new vice president for student serv-
ices be in relation to the students and
As discussion and debate continued
this week over nominees for the vice
presidential post, these questions sur-
faced frequently. And there are indi-
cations that the resolution of these
issues is more important to many peo-
'ple than the vice-presidential selection
The bulk of discussion on these
problems has centered on the proposal
for creation of a student-dominated
policy board which would play some
role in the functioning of the Office
of Student Services (OSS).
Most of the people involved, from
President Robben Fleming to Student
Government Council President Marty

McLaughlin, agree that such a board
should exist. But there remains wide
and apparently irreconcilable disagree-
ment over the precise role it should
Arguing that the vice president
should be someone who serves the
students but does not himself decide
what is best for them, McLaughlin
strongly believes that the policy board
should be given complete control over
the OSS.
Arid McLaughlin interprets this
control very broadly. Not only should
the policy board have control over
internal matters like housing and fi-
nancial aids, he says, but it should
also be able to mandate the vice presi-
dent to argue certain positions before
the executive officers and the Regents.
A controversy last summer over the
role of advisory committees then func-
tioning in the office demonstrated
clearly that Fleming's views on the

policy board question do not parallel
those held by the SGC president.
In a memo issued at that time,
Fleming blasted the policy board con-
cept. "Such committees can be and
are, an important influence on the
ultimate decision. . . But they cannot
mandate it," he wrote. "The advice
of advisory committees . cannot
be binding on executive officers."
Fleming declined yesterday to fur-
ther define his position pending the
expected release early next week of
the Regents' comments on a proposed
bylaw change involving the policy
board idea.
But it is felt by many observers that
the president is interested in choos-
ing a vice president with whom he can
work, and in providing that person
with a position flexible enough to
allow him to perform his job effec-
There are others, however, who be-
lieve that a powerful policy board

would not diminish the role of the
vice president,
Architecture Prof. Joseph Wehrer,
chairman of Senate Assembly's Stu-
dent Relations Committee (SRC), says
he believes it is very possible, for the
vice president to assume a "creative
position" in working with a strong
policy board.
Wehrer says SRC has expressed
support for the idea of a policy board
having control over the OSS. SRC,
Wehrer says, had disagreed with the
SGC position only in cases where pro-
posals must be submitted to the execu-
tive officers and the Regents.
Then, he says, the policy board
should be allowed to send a repre-
sentative to plead the case of the
majority if the vice president dis-
agreed on a certain issue.
The origin of the policy board con-
cept is the report of the President's
Commission on the Role of Students
in University Decision-making (the

so-called Hatcher Commission) issued
in March 1968. But the report is vague
on precisely what powers it would
have assigned to the committee:
"The Commission recommends that
the executive functions of the Of-
fice of Student Services be performed
by the Vice President of Student
Services assisted by an Executive Com-
mittee which should be charged with
formulating policies for the office."
The commission made no distinc-
tion between internal and external
matters, and in any case, its recom-
mendations have no legal standing.
Rather, as in the case of the nam-
ing of the vice president, the roles
he and the students will play in the
OSS can only be decided by Fleming
and the Regents. And they will un-
doubtedly define the role of the policy
board before a new vice president is
But their decision is unlikely to be
quite what McLaughlin or Wehrer has
in mind.

President Fleming

Regents delay

Vol. LXXX, No. 88 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, January 16, 1970 Ten Pages


e ii

The Regents will not name a new vice president for
student services at their meeting today, a high University
source said yesterday. Since the final selection of. a candidate
must be approved by the Regents, President Robben Fleming
apparently will have another month in which to consider
candidates and make his selection.
Fleming is expected to use the time to consider a num-
ber of new developments yesterday.
After consultation with Black Student Union President
Ron Harris, Student Government Council member Darryl




to face

-oGorman issued a statement
last night blasting the candi-
dacy of Hubert Locke, director
of religious affairs at Wayne,
State University, and calling
it "an insult to the sensibili-
ties and sensitivities of the
black members of the Univer-a
sity community."
Locke, a black, was thought to
be a frontrunner for the post.
"Although- apparently possessed
of excellent credentials," the

Demands funding decision
ine regular academ ic year
Student Government Council last night demanded that
the controversial decision on funding a proposed new intra-
mural building be made during the regular academic year
and not during the spring-summer session when most stu-
dents are out of town.
Council was reacting to a statement made earlier this
week by Vice President for Academic Affairs Allan F. Smith,
who indicated that no final decision is likely until late spring.
a The SGC resolution demands that the decision be made
during the fall or winter term "so that student body may
voice its opinion should the administration refuse to recog-
nize the students' rights to a referendum."
The IM funding controversy centers around SGC's de-

- 1V 141 -4.i4iV -.7, ----
Three of the five Black Berets statement read, "he (Locke) lacks
facing charges arising from an the quality most important to usa
encounter with police officers last -the ability to relate and repre- Welfare diw
August, will be arraigned this sent our community. The Univer-,
morning in Washtenaw County sity should not take the position
Circuit Court. that any black man is acceptable o fo r o)
Local SDS members plan to to the black community simply --- - - -- - - -- -
picket in front of the court house because of the color of his skin; :
if enough of the Berets' supporters we are concerned with whether or 'U' BIUDIGET MAY
are present. not his color is reflected by his
The five arrests followed an action."
incident Aug. 31, when .two police" Locke declined to comment last'
officers attempted to arrest David night on the statement.
Huntr , a Berted nf on t o fth er mn aide f en t a t e
Black Beret office on Ann St. view of blacks at the University
Hunter was wanted for parole vio- that Locke "didn't do much for LANSING (P1 - Gov. William
lation. dus when he worked for the police Milliken yesterday called on state
According to police, Hunter re- department in Detroit. G c legislators to tighten spending for
listed arrest, by fleeing into the; Meanwhile last night, SOC call-thcoigfsayerarqus
office. Then, police claim, other i e" nactbe"an iers- the coming fiscal year, a request
ed "unacceptable," any vice presi- which may have far-reaching
Berets attacked an officer trying I dent who would not accept a ramifications for the University.
to arrest Hunter, a melee followed binding student services policy j In his State of the State Ad-
and five Beretswere arrested, board. dress, delivered yesterday morn-
.Theberets, however, claim the The vice presidential search ing to a joint session of the Legis-
police were more interested in committee met yesterday and lature, Milliken asserted the state's
harassing them than in arresting drafted a confidential statement, public institutions of higher edu-
Hunter, who was not arrested that :which it sent to Fleming, pertain- pucainmstutstfheihbudgets or
night. 'Ihey also claim to have re- E hits oFlmigceeti cation must cut their .budgets or
nih.Te as li t aer-ing to the tenure of office of the -.------_____ __--- --___
sisted the police attempts to enter new vice president and the nature
the building because they did not of the relationship between the 2
show a search warrant. vice president and the proposed 2 0 0 I T
The police, however, maintain student-faculty policy board of d
they had a legal right to enter the , the Office of Student Services. !
building without a warrant in Committee members and Flem- , "
order to arrest Hunter. "You arrest ing declined to release details of iiea . au iii'i.
when and where you find the per- the statement last night. Fleming
son," said Ann Arbor Police Chief said that not all the members of
Walter Krasny. the search committee had partici- ;3 The Associated Press
According to Asst. County Prose- pated in the drafting of the state-. Some 200 demonstrators yester-3
cutor Casper Kast, two of the ment. . day seized the offices of the top ;
Berets will be charged with ob- Meanwhile, SGC demanded last officials of Massachusetts Insti- ,
structing and resisting an officer night that Fleming interview can- tute of Technology.
in the course of his duties. The didate Peter Steinberger, and ask-, The group, many of them MITE
third will be charged with feloni- ed Fleming to make publi both I students, demanded abolition of |
ous assault, he added. "the manner by which a decision the institute's discipline committee
Fred Miller, a member of SDS, will be made in selecting a new and cancellation of punishments
said yesterday that Beret sup- vice president" and, subsequently, given to students who took part1
porters "will pack the court with the reasons why the final candi- in previous demonstiations.
people." date is selected.1 Thye.door to the office of MIT I

-Daiy-Randy Emonas
4. ,,Leaders of local welfare organizations count up profits from their successful
* welfare dinner last night. Guests paid $3 for a typical welfare meal: a cup of
Spanish rice and some Jello. Proceeds went to help the organizations. (See story,
ceG Page 10)
risk having it done for them in message to the Legislature later to supplement the University's
Lansing. this month. budget.
Although Milliken pledged sup- "It was a typical governor's President Robben Fleming said
port for all existing programs, he speech which we've heard for he believes discussions with the
three years," said Vice President governor and his staff concerning
appeared to rule out substantial for Academic Affairs Allan Smith the University's appropriation re-
increases in appropriations to col- last night. quest for 1971 have been good.
leges and universities. "We'll just have to wait until But Fleming noted th a t the
University officials are reserv- Milliken actually turns in his bud- state will only have limited funds
ing comment until the governor get," Smith added. However, the to appropriate and the Legisla-
presents his specific recommenda- vice president has already pre- ture will be facing the proposed
tions for the' state budget in a dicted the need for a tuition hike parochiaid program and Milli-
._..__ _ _ ___ _.__ _ _ -__ _ -- ken's requests f o r assistance to

mand that the administration
recognize the right of stu-
dents to determine how stu-
dent fees may be used for
Although a referendum assert-
ing student .right to control use of
fees for construction passed by
a 3-1 margin last November, the
administration does not consider
the result as binding.
Most student groups on cam-
pus, from Inter-House Assembly
to the Tenants Union, have sup-
ported the demand for a refer-
The current IM proposal, which
has not been finalized, calls for
construction of a $5 million cen-
tral campus facility through a
tuition increase, of $7 per stu-
dent per term-for the next 11
The plan would allow the tuition
increase to be deferred until the
facility is built, although V i c e
President Smith is not certain
that he will include the deferred
payment plan will be included in
the final proposal which must be
approved by the Regents.
Smith says he believes the final
decision will not be made until
the State Legislature indicates
what the University's appropria-
tion for next year will be. At that
time, the University will consider
a general tuition increase.
In other action, Council re-
iterated its position that no fac -
ulty member participate in a hear-
ing of the LSA Student Assembly
disciplinary board without the stu-
dent defendant's consent.

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emonstrators seize-'
President Howard W. Johnson city jail on charges of inciting
was broken in by four men using to riot.
a battering ram made of two Witnesses said fighting erupted
four-foot pipes welded together. twice between police and students
Once inside the offices, the dem- outside the administration build-
onstrators unfurled Viet Cong ing before university officials per-
flags and broke out tamborines suaded the crowd to disperce. An
and guitars. estimated 1,000 spectators and
The protesters ignored an order about 200 demonstrators were on
by MIT Provost Jerome B. Weis- hand.
ner to leave the building. Eairlier in the week, the U-T
A faculty committee began a student government association
meeting to discuss the situation had urged Boling not to accept
shortly after the takeover and re- the university's presidency. Boling
mained behind closed doors late dismissed the student request.
into the day.- - . .-__- -~
The takeover followed a rally
in the rotunda of the MIT admin-i
istration .building. (
Two campus groups demanded
last week that the school abolish'
its discipliary committee and ne- m e V]I G b rsIi
gate allisciplinaryactions taken
against students as a result of
previous demonstrations. By CARLA RAPOPORT
The schoof was given until Wed- In a major policy change, the
nesday to comply with the demand, Ann Arbor Tenants Union (TU)
but it refused. last night decided to allow non-
Some of the previous demonstra- striking tenants into the union
tions were prompted by MIT's role with equal voting representation
in defense-related research. Wed- as striking members.
nesday, Johnson said in his an- The decision-made unanimous-
nual report that military research ly by the TU representative assem-
is part of the institute's "respon- bly-also allows non-striking ten-
sibility to the nation." ants from major "target" apart-
Some of the previous demonstra- ment buildings into the TU. Under
tinr~c w r rnnm aA ip , by i It., f.,..,, ,,;,, v .. r .t... -r

primary and secondary schools.
In his address, Milliken char-
a cterized the state as "strong and
prosperous" after "a decade in
which great turmoil and disorder
masked great progress on many
But he said the total budget will
be some $60 million lower than
had been tentatively expected. He
attributed the decrease to the
legislature's failure to pass rev-
enue bills last fall and because
the state and nation face a pos-
sible economic slowdown,
An additional $143 million is to
be raised through indirect tax in-
creases on cigarettes, retail sales
and income.
Milliken specifically asked the
Legislature to refrain from raising
state income tax because of a pre-
dicted slump in the automobile

new dorm
fee format
Student Government Council
proposed last night that the:pres-
ent Residence Hall Rate Commit-
tee be disbanded and its recom-
mendations - including the pro-
posed housing fee increase - be
SGC asked to assist dorm and
housing units in establishing a
new rate committee in a format
acceptable to the units. The deci-
sions of this committee would be
subject to review by a student
policy committee for the Office of
University Housing chosen by
housing residents.
Council also demanded that the
policy committee hire the director
of University housing, who would
follow the recommendations of the
policy committee.
An earlier resolution calling for
the removal of John Feldkamp as
director of University housing
was amended to the more general
SGC Administrative Vice Presi-
dent Bob Hirshon said, "It wasn't
that we're in favor of the job
Feldkamp was doing; in fact his
insensitivity and general inepti-
tude was cited, but we felt that
the students most directly affect,
ed by Feldkamp's inane decisions
should initiate any direct action
through their own polic boards."
SGC President Marty McLaugh-
lin added "The question is one of
University Housing, not Feldkamp
Among the recommendations
that Council rejected is an $85 a
year room and board increase in
residence hall fees, a hike of 7?/2
per cent.
The proposal originally asked
for separate SGC-appointed com-
mittees in each dorm which could
make final decisions on rates. The
amended version leaves decisions
on the method of rate decisions
up to the individual housin'g units.
- -- - - -

nin agrees to open
ip, plans picketing

In a related development, the
assembly unanimously voted to
picket the home of landlord Lester
Drake at 3 p.m. today. The pick-
eting may begin a new strategy
I designed to make the TU more
visible to tenants said Scott
Schrager, a steering committee
According to the steering com-
mittee member Lynn Hallen,
Drake was singled out because his

"For a start, we have two com-
munal bathrooms for 18 people
which Drake cleans monthly. Gar-
bage clutters the area and raw
sewage rots in the basement." An-
other tenant claimed to have 29
housing code violations in the'
Drake building.
In further discussion last night,
the representative assembly ap-
pointed Steve Burghardt as gen-
eral coordinator to replace retiring


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