ites of spi
People, people, everywhere and sunshine, lollipops, ice
cream, Lt. Staudenmaier and the brown-green-grass welcomed
back spring yesterday.
As the temperature reached 73 degrees, impromptu picnics,
football games, and sunbathing became, as one sun worshipper
put it, the "only thing you can do in weather like this. After all
finals are more than a week away."
In the Arb, the White Panthers Youth International Party
sponsored a "Yippie Be-in" where several hundred people con-
gregated throughout the sunny afternoon.
As the season's first kites flew overhead, guitars, harmon-
icas, and dogs accompanied the walks along the river and
games people played.
Half a dozen frisbees flew through the air as both dogs
and humans played the game. A purple frisbee became a
special target of canine participation as two-and four-legged
sun worshippers cheered on the Dogs while the Humans vainly
attempted to secure the frisbee.
A radical game of Capture the Flag was organized by the
day's "revolutionary vanguard," and after a futile struggle
both sides lost when each captured each other's flag.
A ball mysteriously appeared and a soccer game began.
But it was interrupted when eight bandits liberated the ball
for a rugby tournament.
That's the way the day was-a little bit of this, a little
bit of that-all in the fun-sun.
ring in
-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
-Daily-Thomas R. copi
See EditorialPage
Sir i6au
47E ait
Partly cloudy, a little cooler
but still all right
Vol. LXXX No. 155
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, April 9, 1970
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
Law students
ace charges
A "member of the law school" filed a charge against an
unspecified number of' law school "members" involved in the
Black Action Movenient strike, Dean k rancis Allen said yes-
Allen stated that the charge was filed with him and the
school's Administiative Committee. The accusation will . be
reviewed by a "university investigator," 'Allen added.
The investigator will make a report "and then we will
make a decision on what to do next," he explained.
Declining to be more specific, Allen did not say whether
those who made the accusations and those accused were stu-
dents or faculty members. He did not reveal the charges
11 b y
4G A affirms
,. Graduate Assembly last night
passed a motion asserting that
Central Student Judiciary has
jurisdiction over cases of students
involved in the Black Action
Movement strike.
T he motion was made after
Peter Den ton, Grad, who was
charged with disrupting classes
"during the strike, spoke before the
Denton and Marc Van Der Hout,
'71, were charged with disrupting
the computer science class of
mathematics Prof. Bernard Gal-
ler. Both Denton and Van DerHout
have said they will appear only
before CSJ.
The group that deals with aca-
demic offenses in the graduate
school is a board of iruiry con-
sisting of three faculty members
and two students.
GA said last night'that if they
were asked to send students to sit
on the board of inquiry in the
Denton case, they would refuse
and would explain their position.'
The Rackham Board of Execu-
tives. composed ofl faculty and ad-
ministrators, met yesterday to dis-
cuss the Denton issue. Asssociate
Dean of the ,Graduate School
George Hay said last night that a
statement will be released some-
time today explaining how the
boar'd has decided to handle Den-
ton's case.
According to Allen, he and the
Administrative Committee decided
yesterday not to press charges
themselves butto leave that deci-
sion up to "law school members."
They ordered that charges were
to be filed against' specific strik-
ers and that all accusations were
to have been made by 5 p.m. yes-
During the strike, the law school
retained Robert Grace, formerly a
U.S. Attorney and now practicing
law in Ann Arbor, to investigate
"strike-related conduct" and re-
port to the Dean and the Admin-
istrative Committee.
Edwin Fabre,. a leader of BAM
and a law school student, s a i d
yesterday that he had heard that
Grace had uncovered enough evi-
dence for the Administrative Com-
mittee to press charges against
two first-year law students.,
However, Fabre pointed out that
the committee had declined to do
so because "due to an oversight,
the law school did not issue t h e
rules of conduct of the, school" to
A raibunctious evening
Students move into the street near South Quad as approximately 200 people gathered between South
and West quads last night after an unidentified person provoked dorm residents by shouting from
the sf reet. Dozens of balloons and firecrackers were dropped from dorm windows and a group of
students later surrounded the provacateur.
Mtarchl on City Hall prelude to
Detroit ant-ardemonstration
Senate rejected the Supreme
Court nomination of G. Har- *
rold Carswell yesterday by a
surprising 51-45 vote that
touched off pandemonium in
the staid old chamber...
Wild clapping. cheers and a few
scattered boos from the galleries
greeted Vice President Spiro T
Agnew's solemn announcement of .. , L
the tally that marked President
Nixon's second straight defeat of r y
a' nomination of a Southern judge
to the high court.
"On this vote the ayes are 45
the nays 51 and the nomination is
not agreed to.' declared Agnew
with a rap of his gavel, a sound
lost in the rising tumult.
Five months ago Agnew had
made a similar announcement as
he declared the 55-45 rejection of
Nixon's nomination to the court of
Clement F. Haynsworth Jr.-Asocsatedres
White H o u s e press secretary Judge G. Harrold Carswell
Ronald L. Ziegler told newsmen. --__---
that Nixon was of course disap
pointed at the Carswell vote. The TUESDAY HEARING:
press secretary said the President
will submit a new nomination in
due course - but not necessarily
before the November elections.i cu it 0 e stays
Some administration supporters ay
h a v e suggested withholding an-
othr nomination until after No-
vember in hopes that the Republi- T U UVIUL1II order1
cans will capture control of the
his Tall h eei Fd the news at Three members of the Ann Arbor Tenants Union were
call from Nixon expressing the saved from eviction yesterday when Washtenaw C o u n t y
chief executive's disappointment. Circuit Court Judge Ross Campbell temporarily blocked an
The judge issued a short state- eviction order issued earlier by District Judge PieterThomas-
ment expressing both disappoint-e
ment and relief, and thanking '
Nixon and his Senate supporters. Campbell ordered Thomassen "to show cause" why the stay
Demonstrations in galleries are, of Thomassen's ruling should not be continued until motions
against Senate rules but this one before Thomassen on the case have been heard next Tuesday.
these two students.
The committee felt that, since By JIM McFERSON
the students were not informed of
the rules, they would not p r e s s A mobilization of University high,
charges against them, Fabre said. school and junior high school stu-
Fabre commented that details of dents and the Ann Arbor commun-
the charges that were filed today ity is underway this week as local
in the Administrative Committeeaniwrgop peaefo a
would probably be announced to-anti-war groups prepare for a
morrow and that a statement from march and rally this Saturday.
BAM may be forthcoming. The Saturday action will be a
It is not clear which incidents prelude to a larger anti-war de-
these charges are based on, but monstration in Detroit next Wed-
they may be related to the dis- nesday. The Detroit demonstration'
ruptions in the law school on is part of a nationwide action
March 26. which is scheduled to include mas-
sive protests in every major Amer- } which will start at noon on the
ican city. diag.
Lodal groups planning Satur- The crowd will then march to
day's events include the Student the City Hall and hold another
Mobilization Committee, New rally there.
Democratic Coalition, Ann Ar- Several speakers, including State
bor Committee to End the War, Senator Roger Craig, Boston ac-
and the Washtenaw County Wel- tivist Peter Camejo, Dr. Andrew
fare Rights Organization. Zweifler, George Stewart of the
Lealetingat hopingcenersLegal Aid Clinic and Kate Emer-
Leafletting at shopping centers son, representing welfare mothers,
and meetings, educational cam- will address the rally on the var-
paigns in local schools and signsw
and posters across the city a n d ious issues of the war.
campus will publicize the rally, Both the march and the rally
have received police permits,nal-
though these were acquired "only
after a lot of hassle," according
to a march spokesman.
The four groups planning the
action will intensify their efforts
after Saturday to get as many peo-
ple as possible to demonstrate in
s. Julie Hutchins, a freshmarn Ann Arbor high schools, for ex-
,de, wonders whether the men ample, will sponsor a march from
idewondrs wethe themen the Diag into Detroit next Tues-
required work. day.
or in Cheever House is so op- The group, which already num-
e idea that next fall she is'tnov- b-rs over 100, will walk the 25
Oxford to go coed ne.1
No longer will the girls of Oxford Hous-
ing return after the long hike' from classes
to co-ops inhabited solely by, coeds - Ox-
ford will include men next year.
Oxford Housing is also . adding a Rus-,
sian and an international house, provid-
ing Vandenberg co-op ffr the Russian en-
thusiasts and Noble for foreign students.
These two houses will be in addition to,
the present language, contingent of Eman-
uel French house arid Max Kade German
Mrs. Mildred Morris, director of Oxford
The men will be expected to do the re-
quired four to six hours of cooking, clean-
ing, and housework per week. Everyone will
eat together, but the men will live on dif-
ferent floors than the girls.
Mrs. Morris views coed living as "the
coming thing." As shoivn by the girls' fav-
orable vote approving the change, present
occupants are interested in the trend.
The director anticipates "improvement
of the life-style in Oxford." The majority
of the girls s-em to feel the sam- way.
. Cathy Wells. '73, a resident of Max
Kade co-op says.
gated dorm
in Max Ka
will do the
One juni
posed to th
went on for perhaps two minutes.
At one point the majority leader.'
Sen. M i k e Mansfield (D-Mont).
called for order but was not heed-
ed. Senators took no part in the
Sen. Richard B. Russell (D-Ga).
who came from a hospital bed to
vote for Carswell, rose to shout
something which was lost in the
din. Then he slumped back into
his chair.
The jubilant crowd of some 500,
m o s t l y from senatorial staffs.
moved out into the corridors and
mingled with another 350 persons
who hadrbeen unable to get into
the galleries.
Twenty-eight Republicans were
joined by 17 Democrats-all but
one from Southern or border
s'etes-in cunnort of confirmation.
Three Southerners voted no.
There were four absentees. two
ailing and two out of town. But
they were listed as evenly divided
At that time Thomassen will hear two motions by the
Tenants Union concerning a legal tactic that has been used
by the landlords' attorneys while fighting rent-strikers in
The landlords have been suing
only for possession of, and not rVev case
back-rent from, apartments. There
judgesecan award rent reductionse
because of poor conditions in n a s r ln
apartments in these cases.
In cases where landlords sue A federal judge will rule next
both for possession and back rent, Monday on a request by eight Ann
judges have clear authority to Arbor protesters for an injunction
award rent reductions if apart- ordering Washtenaw County Sher-
ment conditions warrant it. iff Douglas Harvey not to cut the
In the case before Thomassen, hair of short-term prisoners in
according to Tenants Union law- the county jail.
yer Jonathan Rose, the I a n d - Judge Lawrence Gubow of the
lord's lawyer has sued only for U.S. District Court in Detroit took
ing into the sole remaining all-women's
"Boys have different values about clean-
liness which I don't want to stick around
to experience," she says, also predicting
excessive noise.
"7 can't imagine four big boys in a quad
that is even small for four girls," she adds.
"Cooking schedules may be hectic too."
twifav, 4 tho ,nnrp rAnhinmv rC,'oirpnc
miles to Dearborn, spend the night
there and continue on foot to De-
troit for the demonstration Wed-
nesday. Lessdhardy protesters will
be able to ride to Detroit in buses.
The Saturday rally and march,
said m a r c h coordinator Debbie
Bustin. will "be directed toward
building the Detroit march and in-
troducing the idea of a nation-
wide protest in Ann Arbor."
possession and riot for rent.
If the landlord prevails in the
case, the tenants have 10 days in
which to redeem the apartment by
the suit by the eight under ad-
visement and said he would make
a decision on the matter at 11
a.m. next Monday.