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April 08, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-04-08

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Ink r~gF~

. 4bp
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Increasing cloudiness,
chance of rain

Vol. LXXX, No. 154

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, April 8, 1970

Ten Cents

Eight Pagps

LSA unit
votes on
Urges committal
of strike cases lo
student judiciary
The LSA student govern-F
ment's Executive Council pass-j
ed a motion last night ex-
pressing its belief that "non-
academic" offenses, such as
"class disruptions" should be
considered only by all-student





Par sons

Central Student Judiciary (CSJ) decided last night not
to continue consideration of assault charges against Robert
Parsons, '70. Parsons was suspended last month by literary
college Dean William Hays on the basis of the charges, but
was later reinstated.
Engineering Prof. John Young, director of the Engineer-
ing Placement Service, claims that Parsons assaulted him
during a disruption of General Electric Co. job interviews at
the West Engineering Bldg. in February. Hays is also a party
to the complaint.
Contacted last night, Young said he "assumed" that the
complaint would be returned to the literary college, where

I Conflict ov
An overflow crowd attempts
School Board yesterday, but
ing dealt with controversial
BAM lol
'to discus
By W.
Some 40 people met la
to discuss the question of d
c nt class strike supporting
ovement (BAM).
BAM leaders reiterated
anyone facing charges ste
strike-such as disruption, o
Ron Harris, a BAM lea
would try to issue a statem
swill take to assist people f
BAM has been under a
for not holding out for amne
'U' bias casy
A presentation of arguments
the discrimination case of LaVe
Hill vs. the University was ag
postponed by the state C
.Rights Commission yesterd
when the attorney for the Univ(
sity failed to appear.
The attorney, William Saxt
thought the presentation
scheduled for April 17, accord
to a University spokesman. T
oral arguments were postpor
until May 19.
The case involves Univers
Hospital's refusal in 1965 to
instate Mrs. Hill in her old p
tion after she withdrew her res
nation.- Mrs. Hill claims that
was not reinstated because she
black. 4
V The University denies
charge, maintaining that a
placement for Mrs. Hill had
ready been hired.
The Civil Rights Commiss
held hearings on the charge b
spring, and released a written
port which found that no d
Iprimination' was involved in
hospital's decision. The case is
closed, however, until the plain
and the defendant present o
Originally scheduled for Ma
17, the arguments were first po
poned when the Civil Rights Co
.nission failed to draw a quoru

The motion also stated that the
"LSA Student Judiciary is t h a
proper channel in the LSA school
for such cases and until it is oper-
<;ating, that power is delegated to
Associated Press the Central Student JudiciaryI
er redistricting Council members will present
their position at a meeting with
to enter 'a meeting of the Detroit LSA Dean William Hays tomor-
were prevented by police. The meet- row.
plans for remapping Detroit school The motion referred to a state-
ment issued jointly by President
- __-Robben Fleming and the B l a c k
Action Movement (BAM) which
)DAY* indicated that students facing
charges related to the recent class
strike would have the option of
being tried by the normal disci-
plinary mechanisms in the schools
hearing officer appointed by Flem-
e ing.
;s re ris3 s iIn its motion the council im-
plicity labelled this procedure as
inconsistent "with the basic ethic
E. SCHROCK of American jurisprudence, p e e r
tst night in the Michigan Union group jurisdiction."
iscipline of participants in the re- The council alsokdiscussed ef-
I forts to gain speaking rights at
the demands of the Black Action LSA faculty meetings.
Council President David Brand
their stand that they will back said that the faculty could now
ming from participation in the only take up that question in the
r acts of violence. fall, since Dean Hays had told
der told the gathering that BAM him the faculty does not meet in
ent today on what specific actions the summer
acing such charges. to various studentsfamiliar with
ttack from some of its supporters the workings of the literary col-
esty for strike participants. lege who were invited to last
- The agreement between BAM night's meeting.
and the administration outlines a The studentsddiscussed the ac-
disiplnar' mchaism whih =tivities of students on various
disciplinary mechanism which committees within the collegeand
ofeing t ed throu h dicipin emphasized their willingness tok
channels in each school or col- work with the LSA Student Gov-
lege, or by a hearing officer ap- ernment.
n ynThe council also passed a mo-
Fleming tion introduced by council Vi c e-1
in Flei.e . President Brian Ford establishing
rne The disciplinary procedures in a committee to study expansion of
ain the academic units involve disci- pass-fail programs and make re-
ivil plinary boards which are com- commendations to the LSA curri-
lay, posed entirely, or largely of fac- culum committee. The motion af-
ulty members. firmed the onil'sdire for stI
thr:ucJ'.esr fr-t -

-Daily-Jim Judikis
Music on the Diag
Students pause on the Diag yesterday to listen to Love's Alchemy, a band that performed as part
of the annual Michigras festival.
Conflict grows over

Plans to build low cost housing'
units in one of the wealthier areas
of Ann Arbor has led to a con-
troversy between 16 of the area's
residents and a public health pro-
Public Health Prof. Max Shane
charged that late last month a
group of 16 residents living within
two blocks of the Alpha Epsilon
Pi fraternity purchased nearly two
acres of that fraternity's property

housing project

to prevent low cost housing on the
The property is located on the
corner of Hill and Onondaga St.
and is flanked by $60,000 and
$70-000 homes.
Prof. Harvey Brazer, chairman
of the economics department and
one of the purchasers, along with
G. W. Sallade issued a statement
yesterday saying:
"The neighborhood group as a
whole has agreed to consider any
of all possible uses of the site that


Some people have criticized
BAM for not securing the admin-
istration's agreement to trial of
students only by student. courts.
Harris said last night that he
resents "the accusation of sell-out
that some members of the white
coalition have issued to The
Although it is not part of BAM's
written agreement with the ad-
ministration. Harris said that both
groups understanad that "Flem-
ing appoints the hearing officers
with the advice and consent of
BAM member David Lewis said
that a list was given Saturday to
Fleming of people BAM recom-
mends and that additional names
have been added by AM since
Thus far charges have been
brought against Peter Denton,
Grad, and Marc Van Der Hout,
'71, for class disruption during the
Jim Forrester, a University jani-
tor who was active in the strike,
has written a letter to President
See 40, Page 8

dent parity on that committee.

New course in biological science
to replace Zoology 101 next fall

are deemed to serve the public in-
terest including, of course, public
Brazer went on to emphasize
that the group favors scattered
low cost housing. "We want the
neighborhood to be attractive for
those living there as well as for
those who move in," said Brazer.
Brazer said he believed thata
socio-economic intergration of the
neighborhood could occur if 10
low cost housing units were on-
structed, instead of the close to 20
units that federal recommenda-
tions call for.
"A density of 20 low cost units
on a site just under two acres
would seem excessive from every
standpoint," said Brazer.
Brazer stressed that the group
is not opposing low cost housing
in their neighborhood, but "op-
posing the practice of clumping
large numbers of low cost housing
units into single areas."
And Brazer also said that the
group is not homogeneous in their
approach to the problem. "The
group of purchasers ranges from
two who want no low cost housing
on the site to several who want
at least ten units constructed."
Shane, who sharply opposes the
action that Brazer and the other
co-purchasers took spoke on the
issue last night at City Council.
"These people had no right to do
what they did," he said.
"This is a matter to be decided
by City Council. If they want to
come down and picket to express
their views that is okay but they
See CONFLICT, Page 8

it was originally filed.
Under current LSA disciplinary
procedures, the cases would be
forwarded to the administrative
board, a six-member-faculty body,
with non-voting student members.
Dean Hays declined to comment
last night on the future of the
In other action last night, CSJ
scheduled for Sept. 8, a pre-trial
hearing for nine students charged
with disrupting interviews by a
recruiter from DuPont Co. in Jan-
uary. It also scheduled a pre-trial
hearing on the same day for Stu-
dents for a Democratic Society,
which is charged with participa-1
tion in the same alleged disrup-
On March 7, Hays summarily
suspended Parsons for the alleged
assault on Young, but lifted the1
suspension March 12 when new
evidence was presented to him
which cast "sufficient doubt" on
Parsons' guilt.
In a later letter to CSJ, Hays
asked the student court to act as
"a hearing body to establish the
facts on the case" and to make a
"report on its findings of facts."
CSJ said it would consider the
request only in the form of a com-
plaint by a substantially affected
person. Young then submitted his
complaint against Parsons.
The complaint did not ask ,CSJ
to rule on the case or to take dis-
ciplinary action.
On Monday night, CSJ said that
the complaint by Young was un-
CSJ members said that the court
normally operated by considering
a case, making a ruling and then
acting on that ruling by determin-
ing a penalty if called for. The+
court could not, they maintained,
act as an investigating committee
for the literary college.
Acting on behalf of Young and
Hays, attorney R i c h a r d Ryan
wrote to CSJ Chairman Ed Kussy
yesterday, and said the complaint
would not be revised and that CSJ
could accept or reject the com-
plaint as it stood.
Several members of CSJ made
statements expressing strong, dis-
approval of "political maneuver-
ing" which they said surrounded
the complaint.
"I find it reprehensible, to say
the least, that this court be used
as a political ploy," said, Kussy.
In scheduling one preliminary
hearing for Sept. 8, CSJ tentatively
combined two separate cases.
The engineering placement com-
mittee and the literary college had
charged that the actions of nine
literary college students on Jan. 29
interfered with the interviews of a
DuPont Co. recruiter.
Earlier the engineering place-
ment committee and the executive
committee of the Engineering
Council had charged that actions
sponsored by SDS were responsible
for the alleged disruption.

decision in
IHA case
Central Student Judiciary last
night deferred a final decision on
a motion by residents of West
Quad's Chicago House clling for
the dissolution of Inter House As-
sen~bly, the representative body of
students living in the residence
After hearing three and one-
half hours of testimony from the
Chicago House Residents., CSJ
scheduled a final hearing for next
Tuesday at 9 p.m.
According to CSJ Chairman Ed
Kussy, the court "will definitely"
make a decision at the hearing.
SAIGON (RP) - Radio Phnom
Penh said today that Cambodia
has turned the hijacked -Amer-
ican munitions ship Columbia
Eagle over to the U.S. govern-
U.S. officials said earlier that
the, ship's captain, Donald
Swann, and the 13 crewmen
who stayed aboard the v e s s e 1
would be allowed to sail with
it when it was released.
Members of the Chicago House
Council have charged that IHA
has "consistantly violated" both
the Student Government Council
Constitution and an SGC voting
rights resolution of April, 1969.
The Chicago House residents
are seeking to form a "Residence
Halls Union" which would replace
On March 12, the Chicago
House resident obtained a tem-
porary injunction from CSJ bar-
ring IHA from spending funds
and electing officers and repre-
sentatives to the Board of Gov-
ernors of Residence Halls pending
yesterday's full hearing.
CSJ proceedings were adjourned
last night at 11:30 p.m. after the
residents of Chicago House had
concluded their testimony. The
court decided against hearing the
defense's testimony, because it
would have prolonged the hearing
into an "inordinantly long ses-
sion," Kussy said.
He added that the defense will
present their testimony at next
Tuesday's hearing, and "we will
sit until it is finished."
In the complainants testimony
last night, members of the Chi-
cago House Council charged that
See CSJ, Page 8

This is the last term that Zool-
ogy 101 is being offered. After
finals are over, the course, which
serves as an introduction in zool-
ogy for non-science majors, will
no longer exist.
In its place will be a new course
-Botany/Zoology 100 - which its
backers say will be "More pertin-
ent" to non-science majors than
Zoology 101 was. In addition, the
course is expected to cover a!
broader curriculum, since it will
include botany as well as zoology.
Interviews with many students'
who have taken Zoology 101 in-
dicate no particular regrets that
the course is being withdrawn.

Opinions on the course range from cause the course to become even
mild approval to extreme dissatis- "more meaningless" to some stu-
faction, dents.
According to some students, the Some students reserve their crit-
existence of Zoology 106, which icism of Zoology 101 to the exam-
is elected by students planning to inations. They say that a change
major in a scientific field, has in testing methods might possibly
led to "indifference" on the part have made Zoology 101 a more in-
of students taking Zoology 101, teresting course.
and the faculty members teachingI "They mean well," says one stu-
n it. dent. "It's just the way the tests
1 - are. Everyone has to memorize
"It's a joke to everyone. No one animpone mato meorize
puts any effort into it," says Rick unimportant material which pre-
Ozer, '73. vents them from gaining any deep
However, Bill Miller, '70, disunderstanding," he adds.
Howver Bil Mlle, '0, is- Concerning the forthcoming
agrees, saying, "For non-science- Conrninge foroming
oriented people like me, it does all course change, a number of stu-
righ ingettng cros baic on-dents feel that it is a "good move."
right in getting across basic con- But one student quickly adds,
cepts. Most kids in Zoology 101 "I just hope it doesn't have the
just aren't very interested in the Istopemsn"t
material since they are just taking same old problems.
it for distribution" he adds. I

LIllU)1 UJ 1, 11 .
Students have complained t h a t
Zoology 101 is too technical a n d
forces them to memorize trivia
which they soon forget.
"It's a high school level course,"
says John Pollock, '72, echoing the
feelings expressed by a number of
AddsJay Rynek, '73, "If they
taught something constructive
that could be applied to the rest
of our education, it would be
good. I'm just not thrilled about
gestions like, 'how many append-
ages does a squid have?'"
Greg Fino, '73, says, "It's a wast-
ed course all little trivias. I didn't
learn a thing, except how to cram
for a trivia test."
However, both Rynek and Fino,
who took the course last fall.

Judicial controversy, heightens

Daily News Analysis
Controversy breeds confusion. This seems
to be the verdict in the case of the present
judicial system in the University.
The controversy is basic: Who has dis-
ciplinary authority in cases not directly
related to academic matters?
It is punctuated by other difficult ques-
tions as well:
-Are academic and non-academic valid

to provide answers to the other questions.
CSJ has always claimed that it is the sole
court with jurisdiction over non-academic
offenses committed by students.
That claim has gone unchallenged but
remains unproven. CSJ has handled a
number of cases, some of them involving
disruptions, but the administration, the
Regents. and the faculty do not see this
as a definitjve precedent for sole jurisdic-
tion in these types of cases.

has asked the faculty of, the graduate
school to do the same in Denton's case.
The students were informed that they
had two choices-to be tried under faculty
disciplinary mechanisms or by a hearing
officer appointed by President Robben
But Denton and Van Der Hout elected a
third alternative. They appeared before
CSJ Monday night and asked the court
to assume jurisdiction of the cases.
CSJ accented the cases, scheduled a pre-

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