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April 01, 1970 - Image 1

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Vol. LXXX No. 148 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, April 1, 1970 Ten Cents

Six Pages



-Daily-Jim Judkis
BAM SUPPORTERS listen to speakers during a rally last night
in Rackham.
Young files charges
with CSJ on Parsons
Engineering Prof. John Young last night filed a com-
Taint with the Central Student Judiciary (CSJ) against
Robert Parsons, charging that Parsons assaulted him during
a February disruption of General Electric Co. recruiting.
CSJ accepted the complaint and scheduled a pre-trial
hearing for April 6 to determine if there is sufficient evidence
to warrant a full hearing.
Also last night, CSJ began a full hearing concerning a
-% disputed election in the Col-

asks end
to 'crisis
Gov. William Milliken yes-
terday praised leaders of the
Black A c t i o n Movement for
atheir "deliberate attempt to
keep this (the strike) on a
non-violent basis."
In a morning news conference,
Milliken called for "a hard-head-
ed and fair approach" toward
solving the crisis over minority,
admissions at the University and
expressed support for increased
black enrollment at state colleges
and universities.
Responding to a question, Mil-
4 liken said there was evidence that
"about a handful of outsiders,
mostly white radicals, whose sole
purpose was to exploit the situa-
tion" were on campus during the
BAM strike.
"Its wrong to say this was in-
spired by outside agitators,"
George Weeks, Milliken's p r e s s
secretary, said later in response to
early press reports which attri-
buted this view to the governor.
Milliken said he would not try
to "second guess" President Rob-
ben Fleming's handling of the sit-
uation. " I think President Flem-
ing has done a good job as presi-
dent of that great University and
I am very confident this situation
can be resolved," Milliken said.
Meanwhile, state Rep. H a 2
Zeigler (R-Jackson) said the
events of the last two weeks at the
University are "destroying t h e
public's confidence in the Uni-
versity" and could provoke "dire
Zeigler, assistant House minor-
ity floor leader, demanded that
the University "completely in-
form the public about negotiations
between University officials and
BAM leaders.
"I feel the conflicting's to r i e s
coming out of Ann Arbor are the
main reason that the public feels
the University is not being proper-
ly administered," Zeigler said in a
letter to the Regents.
He said that he expected public
pressure to cut the University's
budget and autonomy as provided
by the state Constitution.
"The hell with these secret ne-
gotiations," Zeigler added. "T h e
See MILLIKEN, Page 2




BAM demands;
without ickets
Tentative agreement
z4reaclied in negotiation
The University executive officers, including President
Robben Fleming, met for over six hours yesterday with the
Regents to discuss what appears to be a tentative agreement
between the Black Action Movement (BAM) and the admin-
The ~only information released on the meeting was that
the discussion will resume sometime today.
tK. At a mass meeting called by BAM last night at Rackham
Aud., a spokesman for BAM said Fleming "was in support of
our demands as far as it goes now and if he can convince
the Regents, we're swinging."
Ed Fabre, a BAM negotiator, told the audience of about
1,600 that the decision on adoption of the demands "was in
the hands not of the president, but of the Regents."
Meanwhile, the class strike supporting the BAM demands
will continue today, BAM spokesmen said, in line with BAM's
position that the strike will
end only after a final agree-r
ment has been reached.
A moratorium on picketing was
in effect yesterday. It was called
for by BAM after negotiations
with the administration recessed t'b
at 4 a.m. yesterday morning.

Daily--Jim Judkis
BAM Leader Ed Fabre a ddresses crowd at Rackham Aud.


LSA officers urge

Maryland bill
on abortion

lege Republican Club. A num-
ber of the club's members
have charged that the election
of officers held March 11 was
unfair, contending that cer-
tain eligible members w e r e
not permitted to vote.

more student mobilization

The plaintiffs have asked CSJ
to declare the election null and
MANNPOL Leisl ture yester e void and to secure the administra-
Mryland Leislature yeteday tion of a fair club election.
completed action on a bill repeal- The complaint against Parsons
ing all abortion laws in the state, claims that he struck Young "in
having the matter strictly to the lthe fac with his arm, causing the
expectant mother and her doctor companant's arm be b e
with no residency requirement. complainant's glasses to be broken ,
ith nreidenc requement. and the bridge of his nose to be
The bill, which would give injured, and further that the said
Maryland the most liberal abor- defendant (Parsons) bumped into
tion laws in the nation, was passed the complainant with such force
by the House of Delegates yester- that he was thrown to the,
day. The governor's signature is gsousdr"
required for it to become law. young. director of the Engineer-
Aides to Gov. Marvin Mandel ing Placement Service, had been
made a desperate effort to per- "on duty at his office in the West
suade enough delegates to switch Engineering Bldg. of Engineering
their votes 'so the measure could College" on Feb. 18, the complaint
be reconsidered. states, when "a group of approxi-
Mandel has not taken any posi- mately f0 persons approached the
Lion on the bill, but his aides are west entrance to the said building
quick to admit he would prefer with the announced purpose of
not to face a decision on the bill disrupting interviews" that were
in an election year being held between General Elec-

The literary college student gov-
ernient's Executive Council held
its first meeting last night.
The council was established last
week when LSA students ratified
the new government's constitution.
The meeting began with an ad-
dress by President David Brand.
In his speech, Brand stressed the
necessity for making this newly-
formed governmental body a
meaningful one to LSA students.
Brand stated that the council
"must avoid passing motions that

have no more effect than a notice
in The Daily" and directly involve
the students with the council.
Brand suggested "distributing
literature in classes, mobilizing
students behind certain causes,
and having representatives on the
council, speak to administrators
and faculty members on issues of
He also proposed publishing a
"Literary School newsletter" that
would inform students of happen-
ings in the college and the Execu-
tive Council.

Exmscalled off after bomb
threats inCeBus Ad bldgys.

Brand also proposed the estab-
lishment of a "political radio sta-
tion" to discuss problems that
arise in the literary college and in
the campus in general. He said
programs could also be broadcast
over local radio stations concern-
ing the same topics.
Brand announced that tempor-
ary quarters for the council have
been established on the first floor
of the SAB. However, other al-
ternatives are being considered for
"official permanent office space."
The first proposal on the agenda
following Brand's address stated
that "students ought to be grant-
ed the same courtesy at faculty
meetings that faculty are granted
at Student Government meetings,
and should be allowed to address
the faculty at their meetings." The
proposal passed unanimously.
According to Brand, this pro-
posal was "essential in order to
get business done."
Brand was directed to talk to
Dean William Hays and the fa-
culty "at their forthcoming April
meeting in order to secure this."
The council also agreed to init-
iate petitioning for a new LSA
Judiciary to be composed of sev-
en members. The concept of a
LSA Judiciary has not been ap-
proved by the faculty of LSA.

The Associated Press reported
yesterday afternoon that an un-
identified Regent said Fleming
may have to offer his resignation
if the president failed to win re-
gental approval of his handling. w{.
of the current situation.
W h e n negotiations be ween
BAM and the administration re-y
sumed at 8:40 Monday night the ||
two sides remained apart on sev-
eral key issues, including:
--Amnesty for strikers who..
might be subject to reprisals for President Fleming
picketing or class disruptions.
BAM spokesmen said this would not include breaches of civil law;
-Location and control of a black community center. The Uni-
versity had offered a house on East University, but BAM demanded
one in northern Ann Arbor; and
-The role of recruiters on admissions boards.
Those three issues appeared to be the only remaining ones not
yet agreed upon from the list of 12 demands submitted by BAM to
the University in early February. Numerous discussions with ad-
ministrators. including Fleming, and presentations at two Regents'
meetings followed,
On March 19, the Regents passed a plan to aim at 10 per cent
black enrollment by 1973-74, committing funds to guarantee between
five and seven per cent black students. BAM demanded that Regents
commit the University to funding 10 per cent and the strike began
the next day in support of the original demands.
The meeting at 4 p.m. yesterday with the Regents was apparently
called on short notice. Regent Robert Nederlander (R-Birmingham)
was caught in New York and failed to arrjve at the meeting until
about 7:30 p.m. last night.
No Regents or executive-officers would make any comment on
the meeting or on the issues being discussed. Fleming made the
only offical statement when he emerged shortly after 10 p.m. He said,
"I have" no comment to make other than to say that we have met
and discussed the issues and we will meet again tomorrow."
BAM announced at last night's mass meeting that there would
be a "benefit" today at noon in Rackham Aud. They said there might
be "a further announcement" made and that speakers, poetry read-
ings, and other events would be featured.
Speaking at the mass meeting, Fabre called on the Regents to
adopt BAM's demands. "We will not budget or move from those orig-
inal 12 demands," he said.
John McAdoo, a spokesman for BAM; reiterated BAM's stated
policy of "non-violent protest." "We will enforce this," he said.
McAdoo expressed thanks to Deputy Police Chief Harold Olsen
for "cooperating with BAM security forces."

Two examinations scheduled for

Mandel said only: "I will have
t9 take a long, hard look at it
before I decide what to do."
In addition to repealini all le-
;gal restrictions on abortions in
the state, the bill would release
doctors and hospitals from any
civil liability if they refused to
See MARYLAND, Page 2

tric representatives and engineer- yesterday were called off because
ing studen's. of bomb threats. About 70 stu-
The c o m p 1 a i n t states that dents taking an exam for Chem-
Young was standing in the door- istry 105 were dismissed from a
way of the building, "preparing to lecture hall in the Chemistry Bldg.
ead a statement of University at approximately 7:15 p.m. last
policy to the group" when he was night after a bomb threat was
struck. received, a student reported.
Thecomplaint does not specify A spokesman from the Ann Ar-
S°e YOUNG, Page 2 1 bor Police Department confirmed

that a bomb threat had been re- i course could not be reached for
ceived by University operators at I comment, a student in the class
7 p.m. said the professor told them he
Officers said the operator was was not sure whether a makeup
told a bomb would go off at 7:30 exam was possible because the
p.m. in the Chemistry Bldg. and course was "tightly scheduled."
that several officers were dis- Students will be further informed
patched to the scene. about this at today's lecture.
No bomb was discovered, how- Other students in the course
ever, and no bomb squad was call- taking the exam in Angell Hall
ed. were not disturbed and the exam
Although the lecturer for t h e was administered there as plan-


LSA govt.: Butiding a machine

Daily News Analysis
With less than three weeks left in the
semester, the Literary College Student
Government is only a third formed. But
students already involved in the govern-
ment are still not rushing their efforts to
build up the strength and influence of
thei- organization.
Instead of pursuing popular causes and
making immediate piecemeal gains as most
student governments have done, the gov-
ernment's founders seem to prefer taking
on the difficult task of working students
into the University structure itself-with
the hope of making long-range institu-
tional changes in the future.

-The student judiciary, which will have
original jurisdiction over cases involving
violation of LSA student government rules.
So far, the executive council is the only
branch actually in existence.
The judiciary is one of the first items
on the executive council's agenda, a n d
will probably be set up this semester. The
assembly, however, will undoubtedly not
be established and working before next
fall. Since each branch is provided for in
the constitution and merely needs persons
to fill the posts, the actual formation of
th. se should be relatively easy..
But a much more difficult and poten-
tially devisive problem for the government

bers until it could deal with a govern-
ment which met its specifications.
Some executive council members believe
the faculty are beginning to recognize the
necessity of student participation in the
administration of the college. and they
point to the administrative board's ulti-
mate acceptance of student members as'
"I don't know how the voice of the stu-
dent is changing in the literary college,
but the administrative board has voted to
have six student members," says Ray Kar-
pinski, a member of the executive council.
"I just hope this is an indication that

An exam for Accounting 2 7 1
scheduled for 5 p.m. in the Busi-
ness Administration Bldg. w a s
also called off yesterday when a
bomb threat was received at ap-
proximately 4:40. According to-
Sven Gramen, a teaching fellow in
the course, the entire building
was cleared after the threat was
received, apparently through a
phone call to a secretary in the
Gramen said a decision on whe-
ther a make-up exam would be
administered would be announc-
ed at today's lecture.
Jerry Clark, a student in the
course, said that he was told by
his professor that "Tuesday is the
most likely time" that a make-up
exam, if any, would be held.
The professor could not be

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