Page Eight
Wednesday, March ZS, 1970
Wednesda....} . ... arh 2. 1970 r
Support for BAM strike grows
Review of Women jam traffic for strike
(Continued from page 1)
statement was written "to show
where we are and give the rest of
the faculty an effective way to re-
sp6nd to the strike."
The black faculty members
promised to honor the strike by
not participating in University
activities until the University
agrees to respond to each of the
demands of BAM "in a manner
demonstrating good faith and
sound commitment."
Eight education school teaching
fellows are also cancelling classes
for the strike.
Last November, the faculty of
the education school voted to set
a goal of 20 per cent black enroll-
ment in the school. Referring to
that decision, the teaching fellows
said, "We will not meet with our
classes until the strike has been
resolved to the satisfaction of
BAM, whose demands are consis-
tent (though milder)" than the
prior education school goals.
Several departments in the
literary college also issued- state-
:nents concerning the BAM issues.
Twenty-five students and faculty
members in the history of art de-
partment endorsed the BAM de-
mands. They said that many stu-
dents who supported the strike
might not be striking, and cau-
tioned that the need for the BAM
program should not be gauged
SGC seeks
polls outsid e
pcket lintes
(Continued from page 1)
President Marty McLaughlin said
the Council would probably de-
cide to implement its prior decis-
In such case, all voting tables
will be directed to be m o v e d
outside student pickets. However,
SGC does not have direct control
over voting booths in the E a s t
and West Engineering Buildings
and the Business Administration
Building. These are controlled by
the Engineering Council and the
Business Administration Student
Council respectively.
SGC today will request that both
councils comply with the di-
rective. In case of' non-compli-
ance, SGC ballots will be with-
held from the pertinent school.
Along with SGC elections, stu-
dents are voting on iratification of
an LSA student government con-
The constitution of the proposed
government divides the power of
the organization i n t o t h r e e
branches: executive, legislative
and judiial.
"The president and vice-presi-
dent would be elected as a slate
by the students of the college, vot-
ing at large in winter general
elections, and would serve for a
term of one year.
Ten members are being elected
to the Executive Council, seven
for a full term and three for a
half term.
solely on the effectiveness of the
Forty-eight of 100 graduate stu-
dents and faculty members in the
anthropology department s a i d
they "support the BAM strike, and
since the Regents have not re-
sponded meaningfully to the BAM
demands, we have stopped teach-
ing and attending courses."
Students and faculty members
in the political science department
have drafted a seven-point state-
ment supporting the black de-
mands and calling for the creation
of a university-wide student-fac-
ulty committee to procure re-
sources to implement the admis,.
sions demand.
A faculty member of the Econ-
omics department, Daniel Fusfeld,
joined the strike saying, "This
may be our last opportunity to
gain peacefully and without vio-
lence a reconsideration of the Re-
gents' decisions of the BAM pro-
"I urge that all of us who sup-
port reasoned solutions to poten-
tially explosive problems join in
urging such a reconsideration," he
A number of faculty members of
the school of social work issued a
statement supporting BAM in
their "intent to obtain an unmis-
takable commitment from the
University to increase the enroll-
ment of black students and to ac-
company that increase with fi-
nancial support and academic sup-
portive services."
However, 48 students in the
school expressed "deep disappoint-
ment" that the faculty did not
address the matter of the strike
Members of the African Stu-
dents Asociation offered an "un-
reserved endorsement of the de-
mands" and "unqualified support"
of the student strike.
The Black Medical Association
stated, "We feel strong enough in
our support of - the BAM program
that we would like to - boycott
classes in support of the general
strike. Yet, to neglect what we
learn here may prevent the pro-
vision of adequate medical care
to the black community in the
future. Consequently we are. forc-
ed to manifest our concern by
other mechanisms."
The Representative Assembly of
the Pilot Program endorsed BAM
demands and the strike Monday
night, when they allocated $575
to BAM.
The steering committee of the
Environmental Action for Survival
group ENACT) issued a state-
ment in support of the strike,
backing BAM's demands for min-
ority admissions "without qualifi-
CSJ to hear
DuPont case
Central Student Judiciary de-
cided last night to hear the case
against nine students charged with
disruption in an action against a
DuPont Co. recruiter in January.
CSJ had originally refused to
hear the case on the grounds
that the plaintiff, literary college
Dean William Hays, was not the
proper person to bring charges
since the literary college was not
substantially affected by the al-
leged disruption.
CSJ ruled that the Engineering
Placement Service, who have now
entered the caseas plaintiff, can
indeed bring the complaint. A
preliminary hearing for the nine
students is set for March 30.
More than 145 gastroenterolo-
gists and teachers of gastroenterol-
ogy are meeting this week at the
University Towsley Center for
Continuing Medical Education to
discuss "Gastroenterology f o r
Clinical Teachers."
The meeting is sponsored by the
American College of Physicians in
cooperation with the gastroenter-
ology section of the department of
internal medicine and the depart-
ment of postgraduate medicine at
the University.
"The papers presented will be
centered around problems relat-
ed to the modern treatment of pep-
tic ulcers, liver disease, and intes-
tinal disorders," said Dr. H. Mar-
vin Pollard, immediate past presi-
dent of the American College of
Surgeons and professor of internal
"In addition, we hope to em-
phasize the role of television and
other aids in evaluating teaching
(Continued from page 1)
fairs Allan Smith reviewed the
regental plan with the deans, and,
along with Fleming, reiterated the
administration's stance against!
modifying the plan.-
"There's very little room to dealI
with the Regents," the president:
said. "They genuinely felt they
were doing a good (thing) by pass-.
ing the resolution.
(continued from page 1) >they can shut it down or we can
.ainsly just can't keep his hands ' shut it down," Fabre said.
off the women." 1 At 11:55 the demonstrators pro-
Some of the more frustrated ceeded to the Frieze Bldg. where
motorists became more aggressive their number grew to about 450.
and more forced, or tried to force, Following a march around the
their way in without waiting theirbuilding, several speakers addr'ss-
five minutes. i ed the crowds, then led them sin-
fiveinte t sgle file around a nearby construe-
Ontodfeet cain aetiarn site.
Sympathizers parked their cars in "The University is moving con-
the entrance for a short time, struction-wise," one of the lead-
however. ei's said, "but not admission-wise."
!At 8:40 the police camne again, sadbuntamssn-s."
At :40thepolce ameaganThen the crowd which had grown
and the women, whose numbers to about 525 proceeded down
had swelled to more than 130, de- North and East University Streets
cided to leave. in threes.
After marching and chanting The demonstrators rallied at the
through the Diag, the women then Business Administration B1d g.
circled in the intersection of South
i Diag where it again listened to
BAM speakers.
"We have accomplished in the
past two days by picketing," one
speaker said. "Now the demon-
strators should tune-in to what
comes next." The demonstrators
then dispursed but picketing con-
Approximately 300 women dis-
rupted the Presidential Tea at
Couzens dormitory and confronted
President Fleming. A brief ques-
tion and answer period took place.
As the demonstrators left the
tea, dorm residents expressed their
reaction to the disruption.
Of all the crudeness," one ex-
claimed. "They even picked o u r
"But they drew more people
than Fleming," another replied.
Meanwhile, three BAM mem-
bers sat with various members of
the Ann Arbor city government in
Mayor Harris' office in C i t y
The purpose of the meeting was
to inquire into charges of police
racism at last Thursday's demon-
stration outside the Administra-
tion Bldg.
The administrators expressed University and East University.
unconcern about the class strike Again leaving after when policel
and discounted the possibility of drove up, the women b arched
its having damaging effects on through the Diag and blocked the
the overall operation of the Uni- intersection of South University
versity. and South State.
"It (the strike) hurts them more Not all of the motorists werel
visibly upset. However, one taxi
than it hurts us," Flemingsad driver and one couple got out of
"As long as classes are being held, their vehicles and chanted. briefly
we don't have to care whether along with the women.
people are going or not.'" After the police arrived at 9:15
The president also said he found a.m., the women proceeded to
it difficult to discuss the issue with Fletcher and North University,
the strike leadership because, "No- where they went through the same
body represents anybody. It's real- anotions until about 9:35 a.m.
ly hard to talk." Then they regrouped on the Diag,
"You've got the crowd that real- and dispersed to march on picket
ly wants to reorder the whole Uni- lines.
versity,',Fleming added in a tone The noon BAM rally began at
of concern. g11:45 with about 200 students
olistening to a few BAM speakers.
Edwin Fabre, a spokesman for
Dr. David A. Knapp of the Ohio BAM, told the students they
State University College of Phar- should proceed to the Frieze Bldg.
macy will deliver this year's Phar- where a meeting considering clos-
macy, Lectures at the University ing down the entire University was
Thursday and Friday (March 26- in progress.
27). "Give them the choice: eitherj
where they sang and listened to
more speakers.
"We've got to do more than just
singing." one BAM speaker said.
"This is more than just a fun
Almost all of the speakers ques-
tioned the non-violent issue.
"I've been preaching that we can
change this university without vio-
lence," one said, "but, you knoi,
I could be wrong."
The crowd moved back to the
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Jerry Cole & Andy Hoffman
Shelley Reisman
Ray Karpinski
Ann Grover