Tuesday, March 24, 1970
Page Nine
Tues., March 24 and Wed., March 25 T-bA 1
El Retablo de lay Maravi
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El Triciclo
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TICKETS: $2.00, $1.50 at Lydia Mendelssohn
ticket office
h1as Continued from Page 1) x
University has far to go . . . in the
support and retention of black
Their statement urged Univer-
sity-wide support of the strike
"as a call for the University as a
' whole to do more than it has"
in implementing the black de-
The Social Work Students'
ter ;Union and the Concerned Stu-
dents in Social Work supported a
resolution stating they "back ful-
ly the demands of BAM by calling
for participation of all students
- --- in social work in the strike of
They said striking should in-
elude not attending classes, not
using the library, not turning in
papers, and not going to field
placement, which is a part of the
social work school's curriculum.
rike support grows
-W T
Up to 50k attendance dro
due to strike called byL
The employes of the social work
school's library, a group of student
counsellors, and the West Indian
students' group all issued state-
ments expressing support of the
BAM demands and the strike.
"We feel that BAM is involved
in a struggle necessary for the
survival of the black people in this
country and is an integral part
of the universal struggle to op-
pose white oppression," the West
Jndian students stated.
In its leaflet distributed yester-
day, Radical-College stated the Re-
gents' response to the BAM de-
mands was "vague, non-committal,
and inadequate." It said, "A fail-
ure to support the strike could not
be interpreted except as a tacit
acceptance of the continuance of
racist policies in the University.
The College said it saw the BAM
demands as "a beginning of the3
humanization of the University."
Students and faculty in the
pharmacy college met last night
to discuss a position on the strike.
One faculty member committed
himself to holding classes outside
of University buildings, and about
30 students drafted a statement
which will be circulated within
the college for signatures.
The statement, which is ad-
dressed to President Fleming and
the Regents, urges "the negotia-
tion of the BAM demands with
the immediacy that this crisis de-
A group of about 150 women
BAM to be used for legal aid or
any other purpose BAM sees fit.
The local chapter of the NCAAP
last night expressed its support for
the strike provided that every ef-
fort be made in a legal and none
violent way, that people are not
physically prevented from crossing
the picket lines, that it be under-
stood that "many black in certain
types of unskilled or non-profes-
sional jobs may support the cause
but can not afford the loss of pay'
or loss of job which could become
a reality if they do not go to work"
and that efforts to reach an agree-
ment with the University be pur-
SGC elections open
(Continued from page 1)
before addressing classes about the
In a few cases, instructors be-
came upset by the demonstrators
-apparently believing that the
people wishing to speak were there
to disrupt the class.
BAM spokesmen- have empha-
sized that they do not want dis-
ruptions of any kind.
Many people interviewed going
to classes did so because they fear-
ed the lowering of their grades.
One engineering student said, "We
got tests coming up, baby - no-
body would cut tests."
for LSA Executive Council
Elect The Educational Action Committee
Engineering school officials say 1t ected by the strike.
Both the
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(Continued from page 1)
quarter system, with the academic
year to be composed of three quar-
ters; or 3) initiation of a two se-
mester academic year with a sum-
mer session. Students may vote
for one of the three options.
Vice President of Academic Af-
fairs Allan Smith said yesterday,
"Referenda results are always
relevant but not necessarily con-
When asked whether he felt
that a fee assessed by students on
a referenda would be collected, he
said, "The Regents have indicated
in the past that they are reluctant
was boycotted by one of three
leading candidates.
Students managing the election
this year explain that changes
have been made to clear up any
possible sources of confusion on
the election results.
One change will be that ballots
this year will be counted by a
computer instead of the previously
used card sorter. Also, there are
only three presidential slates this
year, while last year there were
Polling places include the Mich-
igan Union, the Diag, the Fish-
bowl, the Undergraduate Library
and the North Campus bus stop.
Also the following dorms will be
open during meal hours for vot-
ing: Markley Hall, South Quad,
East Quad, Bursley Hall, Alice
Lloyd Hall and Couzens Hall.
In addition, polling will take
place during certain hours at the,
Engineering School, School of Ed-
ucation, Medical School, School of
Business, and the Law School.
the protest at the engineering
buildings had no significant effect
on attendance.
Law school Dean Francis Allen
said, "We saw relatively few mani-
festations of.the strike in the Law
School." Further, he said that he
believes "striking as a tactic has
disadvantages at an educational
Some areas were totally unaf-;
- a.
for JewsT
(Continued from page 1)
r e s u lt of pressure generated
Light asserted that Jewish cul-
tural life has been driven under-
ground throughout the S o v i e t
Union. Wandering through Kiev,
in the middle of the night, he
said he overheard a group of
youths singing Hava Nagila, a
Hebrew folksong. He added that
when they heard him approaching
their door, t h e y immediately
switched to singing Greek tavern
"In Moscow I was dressed up in
the prescribed uniform," he said,
"an El Al airline bag in my hand,
a Yiddish newspaper in my coat
pocket, an Israeli flag on my
lapel. People were afraid to ap-
proach us."
Bikel, a noted Jewish folksinger
and a long-time activist in the
movement, spoke ' of "cultural
homicide" and likened the plight
of the Soviet Jew today to that of
the black American.
"Black is beautiful," Bikel said.
"Jewish is beautiful." He claimed
that the Soviet government is try-
ing to deprive Jews of their her-
"The genocide being practiced
by the Russians," he said, "is not
genocide that is as cruel as that
of the Nazi's" but it is "the cul-
tural being of Jews, the ethnic
being of Jews that is being mur-
Bikel said the Soviets had re-
cently clqsed down the last re-
maining Jewish seminary. There
"are no Jewish schools, either
secular or religious" anywhere in
the Soviet Union, he claimed.
i __ -- .-
music school and ihe nursing
school deans Said that th y did not
n know that the strik was go-
ing on.
Virtually all of the 23 introduc-
tory psychology 171 classes were
cancelled in support of the strike.
Many discussions of the black
demands took place in the large
lecture halls. Geogr:uhy P r o f.
John Kolars uasoneof several
professors who r to turn his
class over to BAM spokesmen.
Kolars said he believed class-
room dialgue ws anore effective
approach thian striking,. "I don't
agree with the philosophy of strik-
ing" hes said. "80 per cent of the
students umuld sleep in and it
wouldn't be a matter of choice."
A3 liv"_ e 40 inute question and,
anwe period followin. Astudent
in the back o f thedclass asked
defensively, "What do youi think
your strike is accomplishing a n -
way." Joan Nichols of BAM snap-
ped back that "the strike will ac-
complish nothing as long as you
remain in this cas" "This is
your University," Miss Nichols
said. "Yet' you are not getting an
education. Education means en-
countering different people, dif-
ferent modes of life. If there are
no black faces, there is no educa-
tion. You can't get an education
through racist opression."
In 'English 374 taught by Prof.
Bert Hornback, a BAM spokesman
told the class that "the University
spends more money on janitorial
sunlies than on black people."
He said that he thought "black
people are more important than
Honors Convocations and similar
activities in which much money is
In Math 286, one student said
that his class had normal attend-
ance. He was ane of the few peo-
ple interviewed yesterday who
said "I don't particularly feel that
the demands are just and I don't
agree with the tactics."
Large numnbers of pople inter-
viewed said they had a better
awareness of what happened at
the Thursday Regents meeting
and what BAM is all about.
Members of two sociology cours-
es, meet ing- with H3AM people in a~
"liberated school" in the MUG,
said that they "learned a lot" from
talking about the issues. Some said
they would man picket lines the
rest of the day.
Pick up a hew Simca 1204. Use it while you're there and bring it
home for less than you'd pay for one here. Or lease it and leave
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European MiotAorServie1
331 S. Fourth Ave., Ann Arbor 663-0110
also met and expressed support of to impose compulsory assessment
the strike. They formulated plans fees on the basis of referenda."
to educate women employes with- Last year's SGC presidential
in the University to gain addi- election result was obscured by
tional support for the strike. errors in the ballot and ambigui-
The Pilot Program voted last ties in the procedure used to
night to donate a total of $575 to count the votes. A runoff election
Classic Crafts Corp. is now accepting applications for
its summer college program. Positions available as
company representative.
Challenging opportunity for ambitious individual
who enjoys travel. Must have use of'car.
Salary: 000 for summer with all expenses paid.
Mr. Eshleman will be interviewing at the
Summer Placement Office, 212 SAB, on
Thursday, March 26th-0B A.M. to 5 P.M.
._ ~
To Daily
- -- -------
March 22, 1970
To the Editor:
We have four strong objections to
the Senior Editors' editorial per-
taining to our candidacies in the
LSA Student Government elections.
Our views were seriously misrepre-
sented. The information on which
the judgments were based leaves
their validity extremely question-
1. The editors criticized us for
espousing "the old lobbying tactics
which failed in the past." This im-
plies that we feel lobbying tactics
are the onily -acceptablel means of
bringing about change. The editors
ignored the fact that we both indi-
cated that the use of confrontation
tactics is justified in some instances,
and that we both were among the
few candidates for Council who par-
ticipated In the Bob Parsons sit-in.
2. The Senior Editors stated that
"neither candidate understands the
discipline problem." But during our
Dail yinterviews we were asked onlly
our solutlions to the discipline prob-
lem and not questions pertaining to
our knowledge of all aspects. We are
fully cognizant of all the issues
raised by the disciplinary problem.
Our platform is clear: For academic
offenses, students should be tried
by an Administrative Board con-
sisting of an equal number of stu-
dents and faculty. For non-aca-
demic offenses, students must be
guaranteed absolute protection from
doublel jeopardy. Where college dis-
ciplilne is called for, students should
be tried only by peers.
3. We object strenuously to the
fact that one of us was interviewed
only by a sophomore reporter and
not by a Senior Editor. If the Senior
Editors are going to make endorse-
ments, they have a responsibility to
get the information on which they
base their endorsements first hand,
rather than relying on someone
else's notes.
4. Andy Weissman's experience in
dealing with problems in the Liter-
ary College appears to have been
totally neglected. Weissman has cre-
ated a student-faculty committee to
revamp introductory courses, the
Course Mart committee, and the
Planned Change-Leadership course.
This is indicative ,of an important
ability to get projects beyond the
planning stage.
We call upon the Senior Editors
to reevaluate their endorsement.
-Andy Weissman
-Ann Grover
The Women of Alpha Xi Delta State the
The Alumnae members of our Corporation Board did
not consult the chapter in their deciiscn not to pro-
vide housing for the Phi Epsilon Pi women. The
Alumnae were under the impression that University
Housing would take care of the matter. They did not
use the term "immoral" in anry way. We regret the
misunderstanding ever occurred.
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