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March 24, 1970 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-03-24

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Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan

Fleming explains



420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.




Open it up or shut it down


THE COMING days are crucial to the
success of the strike called by the
Black "Action Movement for substantial
increases in black enrollment. All mem-
bers of the University community should
actively participate.
With a state college age black popula-
tion of 18 per cent, the BAM demand for
10 per cent black enrollment by fall 1973
must be seen as minimal, reasonable, and
obtainable. But it can only be obtained
with an adequate financial commitment'
from the University administration.
At their meeting last week, the Regents
set 10 per cent as a "goal" for black en-
rollment by 1973 and indicated they
would add $2 million to present Oppor-
tunity Awards Program funds for this,
But, the Regents and President Robben
Fleming frankly admit that they may
not be able to achieve the 10 per cent
goal. And with only $2 million in new
financial aid .funds, they are probably
right. To achieve the 10 per cent figure,
a commitment of at least $5 'million is
THE REFUSAL of the Regents to make
this. kind of meaningful commitment
demonstrates the low importance they
place on black admissions. While millions
of dollars now go to such things as war
research, athletics, recruiting, s p e c i a 1
"honors" programs, and an inefficient,
unresponsive administrative bureaucracy,
financial aid goes wanting.
Given limited resources, -the University
must find money for increased black ad-
missions by undertaking a major re-or-
dering of spending 'priorities. There is no
indication that the Regents are at present
willing to make this change.
The University has a responsibility in
this area - a responsibility which it has
consistently failed to recognize. Fittingly
the institution, has long carried the label
"For rich whites."
The strike tactic speaks directly to the
question of priorities. There is so much
wrong with the way the University is run
that it would best be shut down rather
than continue on a path that is socially
meaningless if not destricutive.
SUPPORT FOR the strike appears to be
growing in all corners. Hundreds of
teaching fellows and faculty members are
either cancelling their classes or holding
discussions on the black demands. Thou-
sands of students are on strike.
Business Manager
PHYLLIS HURWITZ .Administrative Advertising
CRAIG WOLSON .................Retail Advertising
DAVID BELL. ..................., ....... Circulation
I&ARK WALFISH ........................ Personnel
VIDA GOLDSTEIN ................Staff Coordinator
AMY COHEN . ...... .......... ..... ..Finance

If support for the strike continues to
grow, it will force the Regents and ad-
ministration to face their responsibility
to the black community directly and
meaningfully. Widespread participation
in this effort is essential.

Daily Guest Writer
][MEhKEY question, a r o u ni
which all else in the BAM dis-
pute seemsto revolve, is the ques-
tion of 10 per7cent enrollment of
blacks by 1973-74. The Regents
agreed with the objective. They
were concerned about funds to
meet the goal. They did not want
to promise something which they
might not be able to deliver.
I have long expressed my per-
sonal view that racial discrimina-
tion constitutes one of the most
serious problems of our society,
and that every individual and in-
stitution must do its part toward
solving the problem. When the
Regents established a 10 per cent
black enrollment goal for 1973-74
I accept that as a directive and
I shall do everything in my power
to achieve it. Toward that end I
am committed.
THE MONEY question, which
so troubled the Regents, is a very
serious one and it is to that ques-
tionrthat.I shall addresstmost of
the rest of what I have to ay. It
involves -a budgetary analysis
which is not simple and yet which
cannot be ignored.
First, the budget for the current
year is $111,201,338. That figure,
includes $1.75 million of carry-
over funds from the previous year
which the University would nor-
mally use to pay bills in early
July before newly appropriated
money comes in. Because of the
budget squeeze a year ago, the

University was required to use up
carry-over money this year, thus
in effect, engaging in deficit fi-
nancing. The $1.75 million can be
used only once. Having been bud-
geted, and spent, in 1969-70 it
must be replaced in order to start
the year 1970-71 with the same
funds available as for the previous
To balance its account for this
year, 1969-70, the University not
only used the $1.75 million, but
also reduced the budgets of all
schools and colleges and all other
units by two per cent in order to
avoid a fee increase. This required
every unit to find ways of reducing
its budget, including giving up
vacant positions on the faculty
roster, reducing supporting per-
sonnel, reducing current accounts
in the departments and reducing
equipment accounts. The latter
two reductions have been very
serious and have given rise to con-
tinual complaints from the de-
partments that they cannot live
on their current accounts, and
that they must have increases
for the next year. The equipment
accounts, without which schools
and colleges cannot acquire and
mainstain up-to-date equipment,
are also hurtingbadly.
Finally, there is an inflation
factor which is running in the
neighborhood of six per cent per
year. In the last several years the
state has not found; it possible to
take this factor into account in its
appropriations, and the result is
that the University must absorb it.
The effect,, of course, is to stead-

ily reduce the real dollar budget.
WE ARE NOW IN the process
of making the budget for the year
1970-71. The Governor has made
his recommendations to the Legis-
lature, and they include 8.5 mil-
lion new state dollars, plus an as-
sumption that the University will
raise $3.5 million from internal
sources, including $2.3 million
from an increase in out-state fees.
The 8.5 million new state dol-
lars include, of course, funding the
$1.75 million deficit in the current.
. year that I spoke of earlier. The
balance of the $8.5 million (ap-
proximately $6.75 million) is des-
ignated for salary increases, in-
flation (at approximately a three
per cent level), maintenance of
new buildings (like the dental
school and the Hatcher library),
new enrollment at Flint, the ex-
pansion in the medical and dental
schools, plus a small amount of
money for other odds and ends.
Even if the Governor's budget
goes through the Legislature in-
tact it is improbable that a fee
increase can be avoided. There is,
as I have'; already pointed out, a
fee increase for out-state students
built into the Governor's budget
in order to accord with the an-
nounced general state budgetary
principle that out-of-state stu-
dents should pay 75 per cent of the
direct cost of their education.
All of what I have said so far
about next year's budget is based
upon the assumption that the
Governor's proposals will pass 'the
Legislature. In fact, this is in

THE FOLLOWING endorsements
were explained in Sunday's
Recommended: Marty Scott a n d
Jerry DeGriek
Qualified: Joe Goldenson and
Steve Nissen
Unacceptable: Bruce Wilson and
Larry Solomon
Excellent: Darryl Gorman, J o a n
Good: Henry Clay, William Thee,
Bruce Wilson
Fair: Cynthia Stephens, Dale Oes-
terle, Jay Hack, Fred Wogel
Unacceptable: Jim Zimmerman,
Al Warrington, Rich Glenn, T o m
Tichy, Kevin Lynn, Larry Solomon,
Gary Dorman, Tom Moher
Recommended: David Brand and
Brian Ford;
Qualified: Gerald Cole a n d An-
drew Hoffman
Unacceptable: Bob Nelson and
Ray Littleton
Excellent: Gene Kallenburg
Good: Rebecca Schenk, Ray Kar-
pinski, Shelly Reisman, Gerald Cole.
Fair: Brian Sheridan, Jeff Tiren-
gal, Ron Schurin, Tom Moher, Gary
Unacceptable: Ann Grover, Andy
Weissman, Ray Littleton, Ken Las-
ser Gary Kravitz, Larry Markowitz,
Bob Black, Richard Boss, Robert
IN ADDITION, we recommend a yes
vote on all, four parts of the
housing referendum,,supporting bet-
ter preparations for the coming fall
and planning 'for low cost single stu-
dent housing. We also support a yes
vote for a $3 per student assessment
for the Martin Luther King fund.
The question on the trimester is a
matter of personal preference -
but the view expressed by the s t u -
dents should be the most important
consideration in resolving this mat-

Letters to the Editor

No classes
To the Editor:
Teaching Fellows, support the
BAM strike. Accordingly we will

not meet our
strike is settled
of the BAM.
Brian Abner
Ed Abner
Ken Abrams
Susan Allan
David Allen
Mary Anglin
Pete Archibald
Fred Arnstein
Wn. J. Ashby,
Arthur Babcock
James Bass
David Bernstein
Irvine Brawer
Beryl Brown
Patricia Buck
D. Henry Buckley
Doug Burke
Bobbie Coffman
Judy Cohen
Ron Cohen
Giacone G. Costa
Albert Descoteaux
Nikki Descoteaux
Pam Ellis
Richard England
Phyllis Erenberg
Ted Eruin
Ross Feldberg
Sam Ferrano
Lawrence Fialkow
Harold Fillyaw
John Fox
Paul Gingrich
Carols Ginns
Connie Goodman
Stephen Goodman
Tom Gordon
Martin Halpern
Terry Hamburg
H. Hanmmerman
Wm. Hawkins
Alison Hayford
Henry Heitowit
Barry Herman
Susan Hirsch
Mary Huff
Star Bennett
Shawn Rosen
Art Frankel

classes until the
to the satisfaction
Russell Jackson
Sara Ketchum
Ken Kirkland
John Krogman
Donald Larkin
Elliot Lefkovitz
Laurie Lehne
Bob Leichtner
Art Mathis
Janet Michelena
Madeleine Noble
C. O'Cleireacain
Sue Paun
Leslie Pickering
David Pisoni
Carole Quarterman
D. W. Rajechi
John Reed
Randy Reiter
Stephanie Riger
Mary Riskind
B. Rubinstein
Ann Sarishinsky
Steve Schwartz
Steven Schwartz
Nora Scott
Carol Shalita
Mary Jane Schultz
C. T. Spinazoa, Jr.
Schuly Stein
John Stevenson
Frederick Sweet
Adrienne Tentler
John Umana
Joann Vanek
Mary Vaughn
Taite Walkman
ID. Warshawsky
David L. Wilson
David Whiteside
Jim Zimmerman
Sena Hoosenally
John Francis
Mary Beechy
Joanne Zak
Roddy Wares
March 23

education to investigate classes
to be made available as soon as
possible geared toward Black
Awareness and the demands set
forth for any counselor to success-
fully counsel not only Black Stu-
dents, but all students that are
culturally, economically, and edu-
cationally deprived in today's so-
FURTHERMORE, the class de-
cided if individuals felt it was ne-
cessary to meet with a client, that
they would do so on their own
and not as a part of the class. We
will reconvene next Monday, Mar.
27, to consider once more the ne-
cessity of furthering our action.
-Journalism 721 Class
March 23
West Indians
To the Editor:
THE UNIVERSITY in refusing
to meet the just demands of the
Black Action Movement has again
shown itself as a racist institu-
tion. This action is representative
of the oporessive nature of t h e
white world in dealing with the
non-whites. We feel that it is with-,
in the power of the Regents to re-
arrange their priorities to accom-
modate the needs of the minority
groups in this University. We feel
that the BAM is involved in a
struggle necessary for the survival
of the Black people in this country
and is an integral part of the uni-
versal struggle to oppose white op-
pro Ssion.
We urge the Univerity to meet
the demands. . . NOW!
-The Wert Indian Students
March 23
r Rhad as peelts
To the Editor:
The University of Michienn are
highly inapnronriate in what is
considered an environment of rea-
son and intellect.
The first is the blind insist-nc-
of the BAM on the strategy of
treating the symptom while allow-
ing the disease to ravage. Certain-
lv the Regents have given every
rPsonabbe assurance of their com-
mitment to treat the symptom as

outlined by the BAM. Unfortun-
ately, an attack at the college level
will do little or nothing to ctre
the disease existing in the life
and schools of the ghetto. It
would be far more appropriate for
the BAM to insist that the Uni-
versity apply its physical and in-
tellectual resources to the source
of the problem. Surely there can
be no chance of a Black student
entering the Univeristy on an
equal basis with other students un-
til the ghetto conditions have
been eliminated. At this point the
whole campaign of the BAM has
been misdirected. The leaders of
the BAM should plan a program
like Enact if they expect to attack
the real problems and not a single
The second inappropriate as-
pect is the deliberate use of the
emotional strategy adopted by the
BAM and their supporters. T h i s
approach of making indiscrimin-
ate charges and using terms with
highly-loaded emotional connota-
tions (e.g. racist) is very similar to
that of the red neck segregation-
ist.. There is no justification for
such tactics in a university en-
-Lance Erickson
Asst. Director of
March 23
To the Editor:
School of Social Work Library ex-
press our support of the B I a c k
Action Movement demands.

grave doubt. In order to finance
the Governor's budget certain tax
increases are required. This is an
election year, the public is re-
sistant to tax increases, and it may
well be that the tax measures re-
quired will pass only in part. If
this is so, there are three choices
with respect to next year's budget:
(1) Raise fees very substantially
(as a rule-of-thumb, it takes ap-
proximately a four per cent in-
crease in tuition to raise one mil-
lion dollars); (2) cut back sub-
stantially on present operating
budgets; or (3) work out some
combination of the first two
of the budgetary picture is, there
are still other complications. Let
me cite two examples of serious
problems that are not just looming
on the horizon, they are already
with us.
Many programs at the University
are financed with so called "soft"
money. By this is meant money
which is not available on a recur-
ring basis and which cannot there-
fore be built into the budget in
the sense of a guarantee. perhaps
the best example at the University
is the school of public health.
which, incidentally, has a '14 per
cent black enrollment. It relies al-
most 50 per cent on federal funds,
for support of its teaching person-
nel. No one has questioned the cali-
ber of its programs or the enorm-
ous need for public health person-
nel. Nevertheless, federal funds in
support of its programs are being
reduced. Is the answer to simply
reduce thebudget of the school of
public health unless and until
federal funds are restored? If so,
what do we do about tenured
teaching personnel who are now
on the payroll?
A similar condition exists in the
school of social work, where more
than 25 fulltime teaching positions
are financed by non-general funds;
so also, in a number of depart-
ments in LSA and Engineering.
A second example: for two years
we have been developing a PhD
program in Urban and Regional
Planning, and a new two-year
curriculum in the Institute of
Public Policy Studies. These urgent
programs are both now flourishing,
with excellent students, and ex-
cellent curricula. They have, not
had full regular budgetary support,
and this must be supplied.
I cite these matters, and there
are a number of other examples,
simply to illustrate the point
which is essential to the dialogue
over financing black student pro-
grams. It is not enough to say
that the University can, if it
wants, guarantee that several mil-
lion dollars will be put into a black
student program regardless of
what other events take place In
the next four years. No matter
how high the priority given - to
black student programs, there are
some other critical things which
are going to have to be funded
and in both cases a large amount
of this money must be found by
rearranging internal priorities.
That, in turn, takes place largely
within the colleges.
ceived the proposal of the Exe-
cutice Officers they were com-
pletely sympathetic to the proposal
to greatly increase black student
enrollment, but for understandable
reasons they inquired closely into
how it could be financed. Ulti-
mately, they agreed to the $2,000,-
000 increase although, like the
Executive Officers, they are not
entirely clear on where this money
can be obtained.
After listening to black students
speak to their cause, the Regents
went further and agreed that a ten
per cent enrollment goal by 1973-
74 was desirable and that every
effort to attain it should be made.

They refrained from extending the
money guarantee for the same rea-
son they refrain in other such
cases. Irresponsible promises may
serve to get over immediate dis-
agreements, but they do not con-

tribute to long-run progres. Never-
theless, their commitment to the
10 per cent enrollment figure is
real and will be pursued witI*
IF I MAY NOW simply sum-
marize the Regents' response to
the Black Studentsstatement, it
is as follows:
1. On the addition of recruiters,
the BAM document indicated a
fixed number at the undergrad
uate and graduate levels, while the
Regents simply allocated $500,000
for 1970-71 to be used by Vice
President Spurr in consultation
with the student-faculty-adminis-
trative committee provided for the
Opportunity Awards Program
How much of this is allocated for
recruiters, counseling, financial
aid, etc., is a matter to be decided
at that level. An additional $500,-
000 will be added to the fund each
fiscal year for the next four years
so that the total will be $2,000,000.
The -same process in annual al-
location will be available.
2d Money has beenrallocated
during the past year for student
assistance to recruiters, and this
will be continued.
3. The 10 per cent black enroll-
ment figure by 1973-74 has al-
ready been discussed.
4. Supportive services for black
students must be increased. The
Regents treated this as a part of
the overall money problem, and
thought the relative division of
funds among the various purposes
was best decided by the committee
working with Vice President
Spurr. It should be noted that
there are substantial supporting
-services available through the col-
leges which do not make demands
on the new money.
5. The financial aids office has
already undertaken to review the
parents' confidential statement,
and work out the mechanics of
an appeal board on student griev-
ances with respect sto financial
6. Tuition waivers were not re-
garded by the Regents as a useful
device because the cost of educa-
tion per student remains and must
be met from somewhere. The Re-
gents 'thought that the same pur-
pose could be better accomplished
through financial aids.
7. On the Martin Luther King
Fund, the Regents supported a
continued faculty and student ap-
peal; plus work with small foun 4
dations which had not previously
been contacted,
8. The Regents committed $170,-
000 in 1970-71 to provide support
for continued d'evelopment of the
Afro-American Studies Program,
the initial development of the
Black Students Center, and the
funding of special seminar sup-
port. The allocation was assigned
within the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts.
9. The University has a house
available for the Black Student
10. University deans and direc-
tors, and through them the de-
partmental chairmen, have been
advised, as have University pub-
lications offices, that black stu-
dents wish to be referred to as
11. Chicano students - Vice
President Spurr has been in dis-
cussion with the Chicano group,
and it is my understanding that
these conversations have progress-
ed to the satisfaction of all.

llartmut Wisch
Douglas Burnett
Christine Bastow

Karen Tate
Marianna Ray
Susan Palmer;
Andrew Taylor
March 23

ERIC SIEGEL, Sports Editor
PAT ATKINS, Executive Sports Editor
PHIL HERTZ ................Associate Sports
LEE KIRK.. ................Associate Sports:
BILL DINNER ............Contributing Sports
CHRIS TERAS .......... Contributing Sports


No. J. 721
To the Editor:
section, J 721 Counseling Practi-
cum, voted not to hold class; Mon-
day, March 23, 1970 in compli-
ance with the current demands of
the Black Awareness Movement.
We fully support these demands,
and request the Administration
and Board of Regents reconsider
their present stand. The class also
requests the Dean of the school of

Letters to the Editor should
be mailed to the Editorial Di-
rector or delivered to Mary
Rafferty in the Student Pub-
lications business office in the
Michigan Daily building. Let-
ters should be typed, double-
spaced and normally should not
exceed 250 words. The Editorial
Directors reserve the right to
edit all letters submitted.

FINALLY, it is apparent that
despite the racial tensions to
which our history has exposed us,
this program cannot succeed with-
out the complete cooperation of all
of us. I shall therefore be -in im-
mediate and direct contact with,
the schools and colleges to solicit
their full aid and cdperation, and
I welcome the much needed par-
ticipation of both black faculty
and students.
We should immediately name
the commitee to work with Vice
President, Spurr in the implemen-
tation of this program. Mean-
while, I shall be glad to discuss
further any aspects of it.


Dissent on LSA endorsement

TH FIRST responsibility of the newly
forming LSA Student Government is
to insure that it is representative. In or-
der for the government to achieve this
status, it must form an assembly. This
assembly is not comprised of the members
of the executive board, who are being vot-
ed upon by LSA students today, but is
comprised of represeitatives from each
What is needed to stimulate the 29
And on SGC too
THERE WERE a number of glaring po-
litical errors in yesterday's Daily elec-
tion recommendations.
Probably the wierdest comment w as
the one directed at the Goldenson-Nis-
son ticket, deemed only "qualified." Why
not "recommended?" Because, on the one
hand, they seemed insufficiently excited
about maintaining "at least a civil re-
lation" with administration figures while,
on the other hand, they had too little
nwmrsaceeof t+ha nai fnr arne ,.n+-o

departments into participation 4n t h e
government is a strong president a n d
vice-president who understand that the
government will draw its strength .from
the assembly. Gerald Cole and Andrew
Hoffman are the only candidates w h o
have stated this position.
Through their work .in the assembly
and their respective department associa-
tions, they have acquired the knowledge
and ability to activate departments which
have not yet formed committees, a n d
make them - and each student in them
-- part of a viable student government.
COLE AND HOFFMAN also support the
issues that have been presented con-
tinually by all the candidates: minority
admissions, judgment of students by their
peers, no double jeopardy, parity on all
faculty committees including tenure de-
cisions, an open forum on recruiting and
extension of the pass-fail option to all
But unlike any of the other candidates,
they have explained that the most im-
portant part in legitimizing the LSA Stu-
dent Gnvernment is hv creatin' astrong.

Low-cost housing:

Solving the shortage

]jVHIS TOWN is short on housing.
It has been for sometime - the hous-
ing shortage emerged because University
enrollment rose and the city's non-student
population increased dramatically. W it h
more people hunting apartments, apart-
ments grew scarcer, And the resultant as-
surance that somebody would always need
an apartment allowed landlords to grad-
ually increase rents and let their main-
tenance slide.
And now, Ann Arbor apartments are
overly expensive, frequently poorly-con-
structed and management companiesare
largely unconcerned, assured that they
needn't do anything about these condi-
tions - on a long range basis at least
- because they can always be guaranteed
In addition, Ann Arbor has an approxi-
mately two per cent vacancy rate, as com-
nared to the national average which rana-

some success - other, more publicity
oriented ways to pressure landlords into
recognizing the union. While the union
must be respected as a constant gadfly,
it seems that at this point it can have
little effect on the market. It cannot, in
other words, force a lowering in prices and
an easing of the housing shortage which,
University Housing officials agree, may
reach critical proportions this fall.
THE SITUATION MAY, in fact, reach
such mammoth proportions that by the
middle of the decade some students may
not only be unable to locate the type of
housing they want, but may additionally
find no housing available in Ann Arbor.
For with enrollment and the city's non-
student population rising it is possible that
there may not be enough apartments left.
The solution appears to lie in the mas-
sive construction of low-cost housing
which would, hopefully, upgrade the qual-
itv of Ann Arhnr hnsing and. of course

sure on the landlords to lower their rents.
The housing officials doubt that 5,000
units are necessary at this point. But,
with the University and city population
expected to continue increasing and with
no sign of an easing of the money market,
the situation can only get worse.
The number 5,000 is admittedly an arbi-
trary figure one that perhaps should be
negotiated. But it is clear that the fact
that a large number of working people
have been forced out of the city by the
high rents certainly justifies the building
of as many units as possible to allow
people who work in the city, to live there
endum calls for the immediate location
of 1,000 units for fall to ease the short-
Ann Arbor landlords contend that
a p a r t m e n t s will be especially 'tight
next term - many rent hikes have

s ipulates, be open to anyone in the com-
nmunity. Surely students - who are much
bitter off than many in the city - have
no exclusive claim to the least expensive
housing in the city. The working people,
who now are forced to live in adjoining
communities like Ypsilanti and Dexter,
c rtainiy should be entitled to the low-
cost housing. It was, after all, the Uni-
vesity who drove them out initially and
surely it is the University's responsibility
to provide for them now.
A FINAL PROVISION of the referendum
asks whether all policies for tAe housing
should be set by tenants. While this is
the most nebulous portion of the refer-
endum it remains that the apartments are
built for tenants and it is the tenants -
not the University landlord - who must
live in them.
Thus, it is the tenants who should de-
termine the planning financing and other
related policies for their housing units.




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