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March 22, 1970 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-03-22

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Sunday, March 22!,1;970


Page Nine

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A DECLARATION To Our Fellow Citizens of the United States and to the Peop
of the World, on behalf of the three million Soviet Jews unable to speak for the
We the undersigned members of the student body and faculty of the University of Michigan and


members of the Ann Arbor community at large associate ourselves with


of good-will throughout

the world in condemning the suppression of Jewish spiritual life in the U.S.S.R.
Massive evidence leaves no room to doubt that the Soviet government continues to pursue actively a
program calculated to destroy the means of Jewish cultural and spiritual survival and to break the will of

its Jewish citizens to live as Jews. Such practices not only violate fundamental

human rights, but are


trary to the guarantees of Soviet law and asserted policy.
Jews, alone among Soviet nationality groups, are forbidden the schools and other institutions of reli-


learning, teaching and

publishing, that are


if their


is to be



among major religious groups in the Soviet Union, Jews are forbidden the right to have a nationwide fed-
eration of congregations or of clergy. Only a systematic campaign of intimidation inhibits them from openly
protesting these iniquities.

Remaining silent is giving tacit approval to these immoral practices commited by the

Soviet govern-


We the undersigned refuse to remain silent. We demand that the Soviet government abide by that

which they guarantee by law. We call upon everyone who values human dignity, who will not allow the


government to continue to perpetuate their discriminatory practices, to join us tomorrow, Monday,

Pt 7:30 P.M. on the Diag for a candlelight procession to the Michigan Union Ballroom. Led by Theodore

Bikel and Harold Light, we will join

to protest these

iniquities and to demonstrate

our solidarity with the

Jews of the Soviet Union.


Phillip G. Albert
Ken Apletran
Max Apple
Stephen Atzert
Bob Anderson
Robert Ahronkeim
Dave Aronson
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Abrams
Lawrence I. Berkove
Mark Baseman
Ilene Block
Sara Brown
Howard Brickner
Jack Brand
Pavlette Bromberg
Debra Berman
Linda Beitner
Barbara Bialick
Myron Brownie
Jonathan Bass
Henry C. Bryant
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Berger
Joseph D. Ben-Dak
Marsha Cooper
Mary Cook
Mon Cochran
David Cohen
Sheldon Chase
George Cacioppo
Judith Cassez
Vicki Cohen
Joel Cordish
Donald Cohodes
Karen A. Cress
Anne Cwagenberg
Dale M. Charnas
Mary Kay Connelly
Charlene Crittenden

David DeMarky
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Diamond
Vicky Epstein
Carl Eichen
Pat Erdmann
N. Eisenberg
Roberta Ellias
George Ewitch
Larry Epstein
Morris & Ruth Foster
Ruby & Asher Friesim
Cynthia Fenley
Steven David Franklin
Marilyn Fellows
Eileen Feinberg
Jeffry Freedland
Mary Fineman
Rivka Fine
Peter Fodale
Dov Fine
Harold Frolich
Marilyn Fridman
Barbara Friedman
Barb Friedman
Niel Firetog
Stuart Frankel,
Pam Firestone
Erica Forman
Dale P. Frenkel
Ellen Frankel
Sara Frisch
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fontheim
Gerry Gorelick
Alexander Z. Guiora
Shiela Gisser,
Jesse & Anita Gordon
Leonard & Sue Gottesman
Carol Goldstein

Michael Geller
Karen Goldstein
Sheila Gisser
Howard Gluckman
Rochmiel Goodstein
Teresa Germanson
Linda Golden
Mr. and Mrs. Gershowitz
Sandra Greenberg
James Hansen
Peter Haas
Lynn Himelrick
Joel E. Hershey
Philip Hertz
Bob Honig
Linda Herzog
Ellen Isackson
Lou Isaacs
Norman Janoff
Richard S. Jaffe
Herman Jacobs
Kathryn Johnson
Mrs. Doris Jahnke
Ned R. Kripke
Judith A. Kammins
Marvin & Paula Karson
Carolyn Koppy
Randa Klein
Susan Kalb
Debra Kass
Rhoda Konigsberg
Helen Mirka Kleinplotz
Karen Kostarin
Robert Kuizkowski
R. Klein
Larry Klein.
Earl Kaplan
Aviva Kempner

Elli Kramer
Abe Koren
Ned R. Kripke
R. King - Smith
Howard M. Lederman
Robert D. Leib
Risa Levine,
Cherie Lewis
Rickie & Armand Lauffer
Betsy Levine
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Lucas
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Lewis
Steven Lewis
Tobe Lev
Matthew Lampe
Janet Leuchter
David Laurin
Paula Lazarus
Blanche C. Lynn
Dr. and Mrs. S. M. Lindenauer
Dr. and Mrs. Myron Levine
David George Maharam
Joel A. Mulle
Roz Malamud
Caryn Miller
Barb Migdal
Jay Masserman
Betsy Madoisky
Daniel Martin
Michael D. Morris
David S. Movsky
Karen Mitchnick
Lillian Misle
Phillip H. Margules
Deborah C. Margules
Ted Millwood
Dr. and Mrs. William Martel

Terry Pink
Wendy R. Polasky
Herbert H. Paper
Rena Pasick
Joyce Portnoy 1
Maxene Perlmutter
Andrew Pearlman
Mrs. Mary E. Price
Ralph Pepper
Vickey S. Price
Diana H. Polasky
Stephen Polatnick
Bev Pollens
E. Rolnitzky
Andrea Platt
Richard N. Rosen
Mitchell & Carole Rycus
Susie Rosen
Vivian Ross
Posy Rashman
Peggy A. Russo
James W. Richards
Richard L. Rubenstein
Steven Rosen
Nancy Ray
James Riethmille
David Rein
Nancy Rubenstein
Nick Rowntree
Ilene Rosenberg
Mrs. Mazal Rosenblatt
Larry Schwartz
Mrs. Robert F. Sigul
Michael Schneck
Richard Sonn
Dorothy & Melvyn Semmel
Sandy Schwartz
Hannah J. Shklar

John Schneider
Betsy A. Schlisinger
Laura Schwartz
Beverly Shipko
Barbara Safer
Rhonda Speert
Maureen Stahl
Debbe Shaine
Ben Shaine
Leslie Spiegel
Joyce Schon
Robert A! Sklar
David Schoem
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Selin
Arthur Talansky
Esther N. Tanige
Susan C. Thayer
Jean Tenenbaum
Linda Tenenbaum
Roger Tilles
Rabbi and Mrs. Mervin Tomsky
P. Vandewyer
Karen Visschers
David Wartel
Sheila Wetb
Rena Wish
Stephie Wald
Mark Douglas Wexler
Drake Weideman
Don Wood
Fran Winegrunt
Marjorie Wiener
Dr. & Mrs. Murray Wiener
Rabbi &'Mrs. Bruce Warshal
Daniel Weintraub
Barbara Lee Weiss
Lee Weitzenkorn
Elaine Gerhardstein Walsh
Leah Weiner



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