See Editorial Page
giW A6
Slightly warmer,
chance of rain
Vol. LXXX, No. 138 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 20, 1970 Ten Cents
Ten Wages
SET 10o
The Regents yesterday established an admissions goal
"aimed at 10 per cent enrollment of black students and sub-
stantially increased numbers of other minority and disad-
vantaged groups" by 1973-74.
A proposal aimed at meeting the demands of the Black
Action Movement was passed unanimously by the Regents,
with Regent Otis Smith (D-Detroit) absent. However, leaders
of BAM immediately rejected the resolution as inadequate.
Speaking after the meeting to a crowd on Regents Plaza
BAM leader Ron Harris said, "What the Regents passed today
is a hoax. It's the same seven point plan President Robben
Fleming tried to put over on us before."
Ed school'
Major revisions in the education
school's administration, curriculum
and policies on student decision-
making have been proposed by the
school's ad hoc student-faculty
The assembly, in a report re-
leased yesterday, called for re-
organizing the school's nine de-
partments into f o u r divisions
which would be subdivided into
programs "with a specific focus,
methodology and educational pur-
"The school should reorganize
on the basis of programs," ex-
plained Jack Eisner, Grad, co-
chairman of the assembly. "The
undergraduate curriculum is a col-
lection of courses in diffuse asso-
ciation with the school."
Assistant Dean Lowell Beach
maintained that all groups and
individuals evaluating the school
recently have said it has too many
The report recommends that
students receive voting rights on
all school committees, including
the executive committee which is
the highest administrative deci-
sion making body in the school.
Presently students have had de
facto voting rights on all commit-
tees, except the executive where
they have two non-voting repre-
The report calls for an increase
in student membership on the ex-
ecutive committee from two to
three and forming curriculum and
research coordinating committees
with five faculty members and
four students.
The four proposed divisions
would be teacher education, edu-
cation services, higher education
and educational foundations and
research. The report also suggests
that evaluation of the divisions be
carried out by committees created
within the units.
The school's policies would be
evaluated in an on-going fashion
by a proposed appraisal commit-
In a statement released early
this morning, BAM said: "We of
BAM find the Regents proposal
completely repugnant to us. It
makes no commitment to anything
of any major importance. Indeed,
it is worse than the president's
'weasel worded' statement. It is
worse because it is an attempt to
dupe the people of Michigan, pre-
tending to make a change when
all it does is capitalize the same
old message: 'S-H-I-T.' Until the
Regents come to their senses-to
their sensitivities - we) shall not
recognize their authority, their
legitimacy or their existence. Such
officials are an insult to the power
of the people."
Under that program and the
one adopted by the Regents, the
number of students in the Op-
portunity Awards Program would
be doubled by 1973-74 and funds
for the program would increase
over four years from $1 million to
$3 million. The plan also called
for intensified efforts to r a i s e
further funds from state, local and
gift sources.
The resolution passed by t h e
Regents stated that admissions
goals will be arrived at separately
from goals of increased financial
Both that provision and the 10
per cent goal are changes from the
original administration proposal
which called for a black enroll-
ment goal of seven per cent.
A committee under S t e p h e n
Spurr, vice president and dean of,
the graduate school, whose office
oversees financial aids and ad-
missions, will be established to co-
ordinate recruiting efforts. To
that end, the Regents established
a minimum of $100,000 for hiring
of recruiting staff which will be-
gin work next fall. General f u n d
money totaling $170,000 will be
spent on the black studies p r o-
gram and the black community
Harris addressed the Regents af-
ter presentation of the revised
administration plan saying there
had been no specific response to a
number of the BAM demands. He
cited the demand for nine under-
graduate recruiters, 900 new black
students by fall 1971, and 50 new
Chicano students and a Chicano
recruiter next fall.
Vice President for Academic
Affairs Allan Smith rplied that
those matters could "be met
through the committee which has
been proposed" under Spurr.
See REGENTS, Page 6
Expressing dissatisfaction with a program approved by
the Regents for increasing minority admissions, some 800
people held a massive march around campus yesterday, end-
ing in a violent confrontation with city and state police.
The police were called to the Administration Bldg. at the
request of the University executive officers after several win-
dows were smashed and a number of the demonstrators had
entered the building.
The violence began when about 200 of the demonstrators
attempted to block the movement of a patrol car situated in
the Michigan Union driveway next to West Quadrangle. The
car was carrying a demonstrator who had been arrested.
Several demonstrators resisted the efforts of about 20
city police to push the demon-
strators onto the sidewalk and U
a melee broke out which lasted
about ten minutes.
The march followed a rally in
Regents Plaza where Ron Harris,
Movement, called on the students,
members of the faculty, and mem-
bers of the non-academic staff to
join in a moratorium of Univer- or need
sity activities. BAM first called for
the moratorium Wednesday night.
Its effects on class attendance WASHINGTON (d) - President
yesterday were unclear, however. Nixon yesterday called for major
increases in federal assistance to
. During the disturbances follow- college students with a heavy em-
ing the march, four people were phasis on increasing government
arrested. They were arraigned on grants and subsidized loans to stu-
charges ranging from malicious dents from low-income families.
destruction of property, a misde-
meanor, to assault with intent to Nixon's proposals came in a
do great bodily harm, a felony. special message' to Congress and
University Hospital reported will be followed by a request for
treating one state police officer a Higher Education Act of 1970.
for laceration of the skull. The President estimated that by
-Daily-Randy Edmonds
Crowd throngs behind car after first arrest
rally a]
The Black Action Movement
(BAM) and a coalition of whitej
supporters last night called for aI
10 a.m. rally today outside Hill
Aud., a half hour before the be-
ginning of the Honors Convoca-
tion. The rally is designed to in-
itiate a class strike in support of
BAM's demands for increased
minority admissions and aid.
initiate- strike
The Health Service treated one
student for a similar injury. Al
spokesman for St. Joseph's Hos-
pital declined comment on wheth-
er the hospital treated any par-
ticipants in the disturbances.
The protest began after leaders
of BAM expressed displeasure with
the minority admissions program
adopted by the Regents at their
meeting yesterday.
The Regents established a goal
of enrolling enough black stu-
dents to equal 10 per cent of the
student body by the 1973-74 aca-
demic year. They committed the
University to increasing its allo-
cation to financial aid programs
to allow a minimum black enroll-
ment of five to six per cent.
Meanwhile, the University will at-
tempt to 'raise additional funds
from outside sources to finance
the black enrollment above the
five to six per cent figure.
The demands of the Black Ac-
tion Movement had called on the
University to commit itself to en-
rolling and financing the full 10
per cent.
At 1:15 p.m., after the Regents
adjourned, BAM leaders held a
rally in Regents Plaza, where
about 800 BAM supporters had
been gathering since 11 a.m.
During the subsequent march
around Central Campus, the dem-
onstrators passed through Angell
Hall, Mason Hall, the West En-
gineering Bldg. and the Physics-
Astronomy Bldg. chanting slogans'
in an effort to convince students
in classrooms to join the mora-
torium, and the march.
Several BAM supporters entered
See 800, Page 6°
fiscal 1972 the new programs pro-
posed would increase government
spending by $400 million.
Under the Nixon plan, grants and
subsidized loans would be con-
centrated on students from famil-
ies with incomes under $1,000. He
said that in fiscal 1970 these pro-
grams provided an estimated $577
million and he has recommended
that it be increased to $633 mhillion
in fiscal 1971.
Under the proposal a student
from a family with a $3,000 income
could in fiscal 1971 obtain $821
and in fiscal 1972 $1,400.
The proposal also said that
"every low-income student enter-
ing an accredited college would be
eligible for a combination of fed-
eral grants and subsidized loans
sufficient to give him the same
ability to pay as a student from a
family earning $10,000."
At the same time, more affluent
students would be able to augment
their own resources with federally
guaranteed loans up to $2,500 a
year to be repaid after graduation
over periods of up to 20 years.
Among higher education sources
there was concern that the revised
loan features, with higher interest
rates and longer repayment per-
iods, could leave graduating stu-
dents heavily in debt and faced
with the prospect of paying double
for their educations.
These same sources were con-
cerned that the President's mes-
sage made no mention of federal
financial help for constructing
additional facilities to provide for
larger enrollments.
t Honors 'Convocation
BAM and the coalition, which
included members of International
Socialists, Students for a Demo-
cratic Society, New Mobe, and the
Student Mobilization Committee
met in two separate meetings last
night to organize the strike.
BAM leaders announced the
strike in a rally outside the Ad-
ministration Bldg. yesterday af-
ternoon expressing dissatisfaction
with the Regents program, passed
yesterday, setting a goal of 10 per
cent black enrollment by 1973-74.
Also last night, Student Gov-
ernment C o u n c i 1 unanimously
voted to urge students to support
the strike "until the demands of
BAM are met."
The BAM demands call for the
University to commit itself to es-
tablishing an enrollment of 10 per
cent black students by 1973-74,
with corresponding increases in
The literary college curriculum com
mittee yesterday decided to postpon
indefinitely its review of the merits o
the pass-fail grading system.
The committee has long intended t
conduct the review and began discu,
sions about a month ago, in order t
determine whether the system should b
used throughout the school, just fo
some courses, or not at all.
The postponement was a result of th
committee's approval, 5-1, of a proposa
making Economics 202 experimentall
pass-fail, with the understanding tha
no further review of the pass-fail systen
would be undertaken this academic yeas
shelves p
Juniors and seniors now have the op-
1- tion of taking one course per semester
e pass-fail, but it cannot count towards
f distribution or concentration, require-
ments. In addition, some introductory
o courses are being offered pass-fail, and
s- students may take courses for their
o language requirement pass-fail.
)e Pass-fail will be employed by Prof.
r Daniel Fusfeld - in the introductory
economics course, Econ 202, for a time
e limit of two years. Students taking the
al course will receive, the traditional letter
y grades for papers and exams in t h e
t course, but their final grades will be
n converted to a "pass" or "fail."
r. Data evaluating the effects is to be
pass-fail grades release students
superficial pressures and busy-wo
whether they will effect a loweri
the performance of students.
Fusfeld appeared before the co:
tee on Feb. 12 and explained hi.
sons for preferring a pass-fail s
to the committee, saying his expel
has shown him that the present s,
is disfunctional on two accoun
generates a tension-filled, adversa
lationship between the teacher an
dents which interferes with lea:
and gives students the wrong s'
about what they ought to be doi
Fusfeld said students tend to
from that it may provide a strong enough
rk or committment to the values of the pass-
ng of fail grading system, and it might effect
a devaluation of the "pass" or "fail"
mmit- grade - students would have varied
s rea- motives in determining which type to
ystem work under. For example, some might
rience take courses on a pass-fail basis because
ystem they think they'll have to do less work.
ts: it There was also disagreement about
ry re- when the system should be used, if used
d stu- for only some courses.
rning, "This is okay as an experiment,"
ignals Dean Hayes said, "but is this really
ng in something we want to get into with re-
quired courses?" Others felt that stu-
view dents might prefer to have the pass-fail
view uni ariuarfor required courses.
financial aid to minority stud is
who could not otherwise affor to
attend the University.
The students believe that the
Regents' establishment of a goal
of 10 per cent black enrollment
does not represent the kind of
commitment they demanded.
The Honors Convocation, which
began in 1924, will honor under-
graduate students for those stu-
dents who have a 3.5 grade point
average for the previous two se-
A Drop-Out convocation, to
protest the Honors Convocation
and the University's academic and
fiscal priorities, was scheduled to
occur at 10 a.m. at Hill Aud. but
was cancelled in support of BAM.
S=C will meet with President
Robben Fleming at 1:30 p.m. to-
day in the Student Activities Bldg.
"to convey to Mr. Fleming the
depth and intensity of support
among students for BAM demands.
Another matter which has gen-
erated deep concern among SGC
and student body and which will
be raised at our meeting is the
alarming frequency of presence of
police on campus."
The Honors Convocation was
chosen as the location for the rally
because the students believe it will
be the focal point of attention
While BAM met separately,;sev-
eral spokesmen for BAM met with
the white coalition. The coalition
planned to speak in dormitories