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March 18, 1970 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-03-18

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Yednesday, March 18, 1970

THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, March 18, 1970

If mother had w o n back in
1776, there would be no need tq
explain how rugby is played. Un-
fortunately the forces of g o o d
triumphed and therefore, unless
you are a tory or an Oxford sch-
olar, it becomes necesary for a
brief, if somewhat inaccurate, ac-
count of how things are back in
the old country.
To take the anguished English
mind off of their political plight:
dissolution of the Empire, deval-
uation of the pound, splitting up
of Blind Faith; the English play-
ed t hi s ridiculous game which
looks a little like football, but only
a little.
RUGGER (as they affectionate-
ly called it) is a very violent game
Now, we Yanks think that rush..
ing around in suits of armour it
cool, but that's our thing. Rugger.
in fact has the highest mortality
rate of any sport known to man
including billiards.
There is nothing better to do on
a Saturday, however, than watch
thirty maniacs attempting to kill
each other for an hour and a half
and then getting drunk on warm
Whitbread Ale in the clubhouse.
Rugby is only an excuse to drink
after all.
Rugby is a very high-class
game in Britain; some schools ev-
en refuse to permit their charges
to play anything so low and un-
becoming as soccer. In fact, the
idea of g o o d redfaced English
boys playing- s u c h a repugnant
lower class sport would lead to a
loss at the next battle of Water-

continue old English traditions

The k/l

sport, it is a religion. Rugby is
worshiped at the University al-
most as much as it is at Twickers
(which is the world "mecca" of
the sport).
Here in Michigan rugby a 1 s o
has its fanatical followers. Though
no one has ever accused them of
being effete snobs, the rugby club
has one of the finest teams in the
nation. Later this spring they will
Journey to Virginia to represent
the Mideast in the national In-
The club is not merely a bunch
of Jocks however. Though they
would prefer a rugger to be good,
being merely human will suffice.
At current they have two teams
but would more than welcome any
newcomers who would like to
practice, even if only on an oc-
casional basis.
THIS WEEKEND the ruggers
begin their spring schedule against
Windsor on Saturday, with Mich-
igan's Gold team in action. The
following day the Blue team op-
ens up the home season on Ferry
Field against Penn State.
Saturday's game begins at 1:30

"It takes leather balls to, play rugby"

Other related titles:
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THE FRAIL OCEAN by Wesley Marx (95c)
by Leona & Robert Rienow (95)
S/S/T and Sonic Boom Handbook
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The Myth of Safe Nuclear Power Plants
by Richard Curtis Elizabeth Hogan ($1.259
O Available wherever

ing fields of Eton."
RUGBY is ;more than a




Miami regains Super Bowl;
Reed tabbed as NBA MVP
By The Associated Press
HONOLULU - Pro football's Super Bowl returns to the
Florida sunshine next season with the game moved back a week to
give the National and American Conference champions a longer
Commissioner Pete Rozelle said yesterday that Miami had been
picked for the third time to host the game by the National Football
League's 26 club owners.
Rozelle said the 1971 Super Bowl would be played on Sunday,
Jan. 17. This will give the teams a two-week break between the con-
ference championships and the Super Bowl.
Meanwhile uniform rules adopted by the newly merged National
Football League kicked the two-point conversion attempt out of thej
Commissioner Pete Rozelle said Monday night the executives
of the 26 NFL clubs approved adoption of the old NFL practice of
allowing only a one point kick after touchdown. The old AFL had the
option of one point by kick or two points by pass or run.
m * *
*0NEW YORK - Center Willis Reed, the anchor of New York's
attack and the muscle in its tough defense, was named Tuesday as
the National ,Basketball Association's Most Valuable Player.
Reed, the leader on the Knicks' Eastern Division-winning team,
their first division title since 1954, received, 61 first-place votes and
498 points in balloting by the NBA players.
The six-year veteran from Grambling edged out Jerry West of
the Los Angeles Lakers, who got 51 first-place votes and 457 points.
Rookie Lew Alcindor of Milwaukee finished third with 335 points.

SUN DAY, MARCH 22, 1970,
8:30 P.M.
Bowen Fieldhouse, E.M.U., Ypsilanti, Mich.
Tickets: $3.50, $4.50, $5.50
Advance Tickets Available: E.M.U. McKenny Union, M.S.U.
University Center, J.L. Hudson Co. '


Mermaids go national

Take a new coach, add some
eager girls and little bit of plan-
ning and what do you have? The
answer is Sandi Hittelman, and
her seven top swimmers on their
way to the first really national
meet ever held for women.
The meet, sponsored by the Di-
vision of Girls' and Women's
Sports of the American Associ-
ition of Health, Physical Educa-
tion and Recreation, will be held
at Illinois State in Normal on
March 19, 20 and 21. The meet is
equivalent to and has many of the
same rules as the men's NCAA
meets. There are standard quali-
fying times for each event and any
girl who is under these marks is
eligible to compete.
Included in the meet will be 50
and 100 yard races for each stroke
and 100 and 200 yard individual
medleys. These will be followed by
200 and 400 yard free style med-
leys and 200 and 400 yard relay
medleys. The diving event will
feature jumps from the one meter
and three meter boards. Each en-
trant must be able to do one re-
quired dive and one optional dive
in each category.
5% of films, maybe less, are
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In "Dolls" we have murder and
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version, love and marriage,
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der... why, why, Shirley Tem-
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THE MEET will be divided into
three sections: open competition,
consolation finals and finals. The
twelve top qualifiers in each event
will swim at.night in hopes of
making eitheruthe consolation
finals or the actual finals.
Miss Hittelman "wouldn't be
surprised if all the girls swam at
least in the evening events." She
feels that her girls' strongest
events are the 20 yard medley re-
lay and the free style medley.
However, since the team has seen
few of its competitors "Anything
can happen."
Miss Hittelman considers her
three top competitors to be Lani
Loken in diving, Johanna Cooke
in the breaststroke and Barb Pat-
terson doing the fly. Other mem-
bers of the squad who broke the
qualifying marks are Mary Ben-
nett, a sprinter, Jan Pfleegor who
excels in the fly and Cathy Man-
cino and Tanja Lahti, the team's
"long distance" swimmers.
THE GIRLS tuned up for this
championship by competing in
two duel meets and three collegiate
meets during their season. They
won the duel meet with Waterloo
but lost one with Michigan State.
In each of the collegiate meets for
the State Championship, Mid-
Western Championship and an
International Championship, they
took second place behind Michigan
This meet is a culmination of a
season of preparation by ,the girls.
Jan Pfleegor, a member of the
squad, summed up her reaction by
saying "This is a great accom-
plishment for the entire team.
We're organized, more of a team
now. We're not just swimming in-

U Ke
the Eastern mth
SINCE THE University of Michigan is polluted with a great
many people from the east, I hear a lot about the outstand-
ing high school basketball which is played in New York and
Washington, D.C. Supposedly New York, the "baddest" town
around, turns out more hardcourts stars than anywhere else.
Lou Alcinder, Connie Hawkins, Charlie Scott, Michigan's
Henry Wilmore, and a thousand more are cited by Easterners
as evidence that Gotham is the mecca of high school bas-
ketball; Washington, with Austin Carr, Elgin Baylor, Dave
Bing, and Ed Hummer, is supposedly right behind.
"You should see the goddamn blacktop games they have in
New York during the summer," pants one of my eastern friends
frequently. But there are other places where great basketball
is played.
As a native Michigander (Saginaw, to be exact), raised on
tales of Dave DeBusschere and Mel Daniels and an avid fan
of Spencer Haywood and Ernie Thompson (a former Bradley
great), I take exception to this blatant Eastern chauvinism
and offer this startling statement: Michigan' high school bas-
ketball, centered in Detroit, is fast reaching the level of that
played in New York, Washington, or any other town in Wood-
stock Nation.
Michigan high school basketball history is rich with the
exploits of such talents as the aforementioned four plus others
like Ralph Simpson, former Michigan ace Craig Dill, Ohio
University's John Canine, and many of the stars on this year's
Wolverine frosh, including Ernie Johnson and John Lockard.
Who can forget the great tournament matchup of
Benton Harbor, with current pro great Chet Walker, and
Detroit Austin, with DeBusschere? How about the Michigan
schoolboy champs of three years ago, Detroit Pershing,
boasting an incredible array of talent with Haywood, Simp-
son, Lockard and Bowling Green's Jim Connally? Another
great prep team, Benton Harbon, state titlists with stars
like Ellis Hull, Al McNutt and L. C. Bowen? River Rouge,
perennial class B state champs and owners of possibly the
best prep record in the country, with Willie Betts, Bill
Kilgore and a hundred others?
Some universities have made up teams entirely of former
Michigan prep stars: this year's 22-7 Eastern Michigan team
with Earle Higgins, Kennedy McIntosh, Harvey Marlatt, and
Lindell Reason is a good example. Bradley University has drawn
much of its talent from Michigan, as have many of the teams
in the Mid-American Conference. Of course, Michigan and Mich-
igan State hardly need to recruit outstate, with such homegrown
stars as Rudy Tomjanovich of Hamtramck, Dan Fife of Clark-
ston, Leo Lafayette from Grand Rapids and countless others.
Those who doubt that Michigan schoolboy basketball is
closing in on the eastern powers of New York and Wash-
ington should journey to Crisler Arena at 8 p.m. tonight
for the class A quarterfinal tilt between Pontiac Central
and Detroit Kettering. Pontiac Central is rated first in the
state by both AP and UPI, Kettering Is the Detroit city
champ, and each has a 6-7 All-State performer: Central
with Campy Russell and Kettering Lindsey Hairston. Michi-
gan assistant Coach Fred Snowden has called them "two
of the three best Juniors in the country." Both teams Lave
fine supporting casts (Kettering has Spencer Haywood's
younger brother Floyd) and the winner is favored to take
the Michigan high school'"A" championship.
Preceding the Pontiac Central-Kettering contest at 4:30
p.m. will be another "A" quarterfinal game between per nnial De-
troit PSL power Pershing and Fordson. The Doughboys took
Ferndale, rated number one in the Detroit News and Detroit
Free Press polls, out of the tournament last Saturday by 90-88
score, led by a big 39-point effort from sophomore Bob Hawkins.
Hawkins is destined for future stardom in college and pro ball,
and is another tribute to Coach Will Robinson's coaching tal-
ent. This is Robinson's last year; he has accepted a coaching
post at Illinois State.



Daily Official Bulletin
Day Calendar
Natural Resources Honors Convocation:
Dr. David Gates, Director, Missouri Bot-
anical Gardens, "The Responsibility of

to be different.
in the
Newport Hotel
13100 East Jefferson

Orientation Meeting
8:00 P.M.
St. Andrew's Church

the Ecologist to Society" Rackhar
Amph., 10:30 a.m.
Journalism Lect.: J. Anthony Lukas,
Pulitzer Prize-winner, The New York
Times, "Reporting the 'Truth' of the
Chicago Conspiracy Trial" Rackham
Lect. Hall, 4:00 p.m.
Physics Colloq.: W. A. Fowler, Cal.
Tech., "Nuclear Astrophysics", P&A
Colloq Rm., 4:00 p.m.
Speech Student Lab Theatre: "T hw
Critic" and "Love's the Best Doctor",
Arena Theater, Friese Bldg., 4:10 p.m.
'Botany Seminar: Dr. Robert H o g g,
Case Western Reserve, "The L-Arabi-
nose Binding Protein - What and Why?"
1139 Nat. Sci. Bldg., 4:15 p.m.
Voice Det. Student Recital: School
of Music Recital Hall, 5:00 p.m.
Degree Recital: Marilyn Masson, vio-
lin, School of Music Recital Hall, 8:00
Recital: Louis Nagel, piano, Rackham
Lect. Hall, 8:00 p.m.
Professional Theatre Program "Your
Own Thing,'"Hill Aud., 8:30 p.m.
General Notices
Undergraduate Honors Convocation:
(Continued on Page 8)






Sing-along, clap-along
folk quartette
Open Wed. through Sat.
from 8:00 P.M.

Classic Crafts Corp. is now accepting applications for.
its summer college program. Positions available 'as
company representative.
Challenging opportunity for ambitious individual
who enjoys travel. Must have use of car.
Salary: $2000 for summer with all expenses paid.
Mr. Eshleman will be interviewing at the
Summer Placement Office, 212 SAB, on
Thursday, March 19th-10 A.M. to 5 P.M.





FRI, MARCH 20-8:30 p.m.
Trueblood Auditorium SAT, MARCH 21-3:00 p.m.
8:30 p.m.
Premiere Showing of
An Original Rock Musical



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