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January 14, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-01-14

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light snow

?VIlI 1 VVV kIt OQ

light snow


Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, January 14, 1970

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Ten Cents.


Mitchell orders probe
of Black Panther party
team of Justice Department
lawyers operating under seal-
ed orders from Atty. Gen
''John N. Mitchell is aiding a
federal grand jury here in a
broadscale investigation of
$ the national Black Panther
,party, confidential sources re-
vealed yesterday.
The scope of the inquiry has
been expanded significantly since
it began last May, according to
4 ~~'government sources w ho would
not allow use of their names. They
said it centers at present on the
Iarty's finances and activities of
its members.
Evidence being presented to the
jury, these sources said, concerns
possible violations of the federal
riot conspiracy law and of t h e
controversial Smith Act, wvhich
prohibits advocating violent over-
throw of the government or call
S:.for revolution through assassina-
tion of public officials.
The Panthers have their nation-
al headquarters in nearby Berke-
S. Atty. Cecil F. Poole said
'the investigation is being handled
... .;; .by five attorneys from the Justice
{.Department's criminal division in
.:: Washington.
. -- { "They sent them in without pri-.
..or warning to me or consultation,"
Daily-Jim Judkis Poole said in an interview. "What-
PROF. MALCOLM LOWTHER speaks at the first meeting of ever they s a y they're doing,
the education school's Student-Faculty Assembly. The assembly they're out to get the Black Pan-
yesterday began formulating plans to evaluate reorganizational thers."
proposals for the school. A Justice Department spokes-
man in Washington responded:
"We're not out to get any group."
Poole said similar grand jury
probes are under way in Chicago
Ed stu ents,.faculty etsoemnrfsdt
and New Haven, Conn. A depart-
" ment spokesman refused' to com-
menton this point, but Mitchell
meet for fIrst tim e announced on Dec. 15 that a sev-j
en-man team of government at-
By TAMIMY JACOSStorneys would handle a Chicago
B AOgrand jury investigation of t h e
Tlhe Ad Hoc Student-Faculty Assembly of the education Dec. 4 slaying of two Black Pan-
school held its first meeting yesterday and began work to ther leaders by Chicago police.
Poole, the nation's only black
evaluate proposals for school.reorganization. U.S. attorney, has resigned effec-
The group, composed of 12 faculty members and 12 stu- tive Jan. 31 from the post he had
dentshas until a March 10 meeting of the school's Governing held since 1961. In an interview,
Fdent, mhe criticized the Panthers' refer-
Faculty to formulate reorganization suggestions. ence to police as "pigs" and their
Proposed at a retreat for education school members last stockpiling of arms.
November, the Ad Hoc Assembly was approved Nov. 19 by the "Generally, I'm not on speak-
--Governing F a c u 1 t y of the ing terms with the Panthers," he
said. "Yet to m o v e exclusively
R eg "school. against them takes a peculiar.
18 l ] 1 .10The entire faculty elected its kind of hard shell, weighing the
own representatives including six ,bad they stand for against their
full professors, two associate pro- value as a cohesive force in the
StnrtS .rn'VJfl P fessors, two assistant professors black community, the only one."





A Detroit law firm has issued a legal opinion which
maintains that the University's general funds would be
isolated from liability for any debts incurred by the discount
bookstore approved by the Regents last October.
The law firm-Miller, Canfield, Paddock, and Stone-in-
dicated that the University's liability would be limited to the
$100,000 the Regents allocated to help fund the bookstore.
The opinion was received by the University earlier this
week and disclosed yesterday by University President Robben
Fleming. It appears to guarantee the eventual implementa-
tion of the bookstore plan.
Regental} approval of the student - faculty controlled
bookstore was based on the conditions that (1) the University
would be isolated for liability; --
in excess of the $100,000, and; -.- 7-w

(2) items sold by
would be 'exempt
four per cent state

the store
from the
sales tax.


-Dauy-Jay Cassidy
An cct of terro~~rim?
A window at the U.S. Air Force Recruiting Office at 406 E. Liberty was broken last night, and the
words "Smash Imperialism" scrawled on the side of the building. Ann Arbor police said they
had no information concerning the act.
Nigeian fficals®tal

The latter condition was met
last week when the state sales
and use tax commission ruled that
I the bookstore qualified for the tax
The legal opinion on University
liability emphasized that "limited
liability" would be enjoyed pro-
viding the University took several
apparently minor steps to clarify
its financial independence from
the bookstore.
Fleming described the steps as
"matters of mechanics" which
involve specifying in various doc-
uments that "the debt of this
particular bookstore is not the
debt of the University of Mich-
, igan." .
The l'egal opinion will be for-
warded to the Regents through
the mail or at their monthly meet-
ing tomorrow and Friday, Fleming

drops VP


relief to


LAGOS AW)--A massive inter- not to forget the anxiety among
national effort to rush food to'his people.

millions of Biafran tribesmen was
stalled yesterday despite the war's
end as relief officials awaited ap-
proval of the Nigerian govern-
The hitch developed as Ni eria.n

"The federal advance is con-
tributing to this fear," he said.
Nigerian officials, plainly an-
noyed by what they regard as out-}
side interference in their affairs,
said the government has all the
food it needs_ but the r~toblem wuac

g ft-irati ,it hU t ptU s.ej h1Cm i ,.a
field commanders waited for Bia- getting it to the stricken areas.
fran emissaries to contact them An estimated four million Ibosj
on peace terms, and other tribesmen are believed
Biafra's leader Maj. Gen. Philip in need of food and medical aid.,
Effiong, broadcast an appeal to Maurice Foley, Britain's min-
federal troops to stop their ad- ister for Africa, arrived to discuss
vance. He urged military leaders the relief situation as refugee cen-

ters were set up to cope with the The $100,000 for the store was
flood of refugees expected to pour te from a fun cotainins
j allocated from a fund containing
out of the backwoods areas. fees paid by students for use of
European advisers helping the, University parking. facilities. ,
Nigerian Red Cross said the agency The bookstore will also be fund-
could handle the relief problem if ed by a mandatory $5 fee assessed
their contingency plans are fol- against all students and a valun-
lowed without interference. tary $5 assessment of all faculty
British officials in London said members.
Nigeria has temporarily banned The fee will be refunded when
flights of British military aircraft the student or faculty member
carrying mercy supplies into its leaves the University provided the
territory. bookstore is solvent.
The announcement came as' Control of the bookstore is dele-
Prime Minister Harold Wilson an- gated to a policy board composed
nounced a government gift of $12 of six students, three faculty
million for relief and rehabilitationImembers and a non-voting repre-
work in Nigeria. This is an addi- sentative of the administration.
tion to the regular British com-
mitment to Nigeria of $16.8 million Five of the six student members
in this current two-year program. of the policy board were appointed

Interviews with the remaining
four candidates for the position
of vice president for student
services appear on today's edi-
torial page.
Carole Leland, one of f i v e
candidates for the vice presidency
of the office of student services re-
commended to President Fleming
by the student-faculty search
committee, has voluntarily with-
drawn from consideration for the
post, The Daily learned early this
"I told the President quite
frankly that I have withdrawn,"
she said when contacted in Palo
Alto, California, "He had asked
me to come to Ann Arbor to talk
about the job, and I told him it
would most likely be pointless."
Meanwhile, Fleming said yes-
terday he will discuss the selec-
tion of a new vice president with
the Regents at their closed meet-
ing tomorrow. He declined to in-
dicate if he has selected one lof
the other four candidates for re-
commendation to the Regents.
Miss Leland, 35, was the only
female nominee. She is currently
employed by the College Entrance
Examination Board in Washing-
ton, D.C. She emphasized the fin-
ality of her decision saying it is
"virtually impossible" that she
would take the job.
She said her reasons for with-
drawing were a combination of a
desire to remain in her present
line of work, and a reconsideration
of the desireability of the vice
"I do not mean this as deroga-
tory to the students at Michigan,"
she said, "but it is not the kind
of job I would like to take right
Miss Leland said that it seems
currently fashionable to paint the
college administrator's job, in the
area of student affairs, as an im-
possible one. "This sort of pes-
simism becomes a sort of self-ful-
filling prophecy," she said. "The
atmosphere in which the job has
been cast, not just at Michigan
but at universities all over the
See LELAND, Page 6

Registration for the city pri-
mary election on Feb. 16 is now
taking place at the City Clerk's
office in City Hall. To be eligible
to register the voter must be a
U.S. citizen, 21 years old on or be-'
fore February 16, 1970, and a res-
ident of Michigan as of August 16,

and two lecturers. Student mem-
bers - five undergraduates, seven
graduates and four alternates -
were chosen by student selection
"thirdk it'conrs to h rel

SGC expected to hear proposal



# Voters can register on weekdays °
r Saturday, Jan.10between 8
a.m. and 5 p.m. or Friday, Jan. 16 E:
intil ;8 p.m. Questions about reg-rd
stration can be called in to 971- ea
1575 ed
Primary contests are scheduled se
n three of the city's five wards. ad
.n the ,First Ward Republicans ba
['om Hilbert and LaVerne Hill
eek their party's nomination for'be
he April election. In the Thirddo
ard, Lois Owens and Jim George w
[r. are competing for the Demo- a
ratic nomination. And Fourth in
Vard Democrats William Ferguson fo
Lnd Larry Clark are running for pr
lomination. de

1 in.iis og ereap; b
teresting," s a i d co-chairman , IITThe ban was reported to have ' la
rof. Burton Voss after yester- a 1 U l UV l;stemmed from annoyance of Ni- ,7
ay's meeting. "There was a defi- gerian authorities over publica-
ite change as people began to tion of a secret assessment of the Bi
pen up " By ROB BIER "By getting someone new in . to have, and of course the students military situation in Nigeria re- B]
The other co-chairman, Jack ; A resolution calling for the Feldkamp's position I would hope have no final say in any deci- cently made by Col. Robert Scott, |
hsrer agreed that "a better un- removal of John Feldkamp as Di- a total revamping of the Housing sions," he said. military attache to the British |
erstanding of each other un- rector of University Housing will Office would result," Farrel said. Feldkamp disagreed-"We have High Commission in Lagos. The
ch other's positions was reach- be introduced at tomorrow's Stu-; Feldkamp said he was unsure of , substantial student involvement on Nigerian government has ordered
1. The whole group got a better .dent Government Council meet- I Farrel's real aim in trying to oust several committees which are well- Scott to leave the country.
nse of its task." However, he ing. him. "I think it's probably direct- known to everyone. Any action to S s r n a
The proposal, written by SGC ed at people other than me. I un- h b S tt s report recently gave de-
ided, I still expect serious de- member Mike Farrel, will also call derstand Mr. Farrel attended one remove tose bodies wou d be an tails of Nigerian divisions in the @
for changes in the appointment rate committee meeting, but I've The Regnts, who were instrume field, criticized the Nigerians as
Early in the meeting some mem- ;and function of students on hous- never met him. I think that when al n stingter.nr inefficient and gave the relative
rs emphasized that the assembly , ing committees. people consider action like thisa in setting them up' strength of the two armies. The-
es not intend to function as two ' Reasons for the action against they should get the facts," Feld- Specifically. Farrel's resolution report reached Biafra before Lon-
arring contingents. "We're now Feldkamp include the housingikamp said. willcall for separateSGC-appoint- don received it. ,
untgop"si rf lLv ed rate committees in each dorm Meawie Gn.C d -
unit group,"laid Prof. AI Lov-'Isqueeze this fall and the large Farrel criticized the Housing which could make final decisions. awhile, Gen. C. Odum-
g. "From this point on we can {pending increase in room and Office for trying to minimize the cegwu Ojukwu, who left Biafra
rget whether we're assistant board rates for next year, Farrel' students' role on housing commit- Other SGC members were more Saturday as his 30-month insurrec-
ofessors or professors or .stu- said. He added that both resulted tees. "They only give the students concerned with the Housing Of- I tion crumbled, was reported in I
nts-undergrad or grad." from irresponsibility in past years. the information they want them fice as a whole rather than with Lisbon Tuesday hoping to find
- -..... _ _..__----____-_--- ---_ Feldkamp. SGC president Marty eventual asylum in the Ivory Coast I

Student Government Council
st month. They are Gary Allen,
2L, Thomas Cohen, '7OEngin,
ll Price, Gene Smith, Grad and
ruce Wilson '72.
On today's
Page Three
Medical School Dean Dr.
William Hubbard plans to
leave the University to join
the Upjohn Co.
Researchers of the birth
control pill will lead off
testimony this week as
Congress 10 o k s into the
safety of oral contracep-I


It's all one great dance of joy

Editorial Director
The spreader of the Seed.
The power which makes all
shapes visible. Seed of all that
is. Sovereign power. The All-
Powerful. The Central Sun. The
One Truth . . . But because of
bad karma (usually religious
beliefs of a monastic or punitive
nature), the glorious light of the
seed wisdom can produce awe
and terror. The person will wish
to flee and will beget a fond-
ness for the dull white light
symbolizing stupidity.
-Bardo Thodol,
the Tibetan

McLaughlin said, "If we get Feld-
kamp there is no guarantee any-
thing would get better. The way
the housing office is set up, almost
anyone in there would act much
the same way.">
ShC member Bob Nelson said,
"I would hope that the resolution
involves more than just getting rid
of Feldkamp. One thing I would
like to see is a student boar d
appointing the housing director."
Edward Salowitz, Associate Di-
rector of Housing and chairman
of the rate committee, expressed
concern over the problems rais-
ed by Farrel's proposal. "The Re-
gents have to have the final say
in financial matters. As for sep-
arate committees, it would be
hard to get individual groups to
make co-ordinated changes neces-
sary for the system as a whole," he
Barry Blauer, a Resident Ad-
visor in Markley and a rate com-
mittee member, also pointed to
the Regents financial responsibil-

of West Africa.



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