Page Two
Wednesday, March 18, 1970
Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, March 18, 1970
Skill to a
useless end
When a dance company choos-
es it's program with a precon-
ceived notion of what will please
the public rather than with a
desire to perfect and further it's
art by creating complex aes-
thetic forms and dramatic state-
ments, the results are almost al-
ways frivolous and uninterest-
ing. For dance, any kind of
dance, modern or traditional,
should speak to us of those areas
of experience which cannot be
quickly or easily articulated.
Many avenues are open to the
choregrapher, from satirical
comment to the reconstruction
of dreams or the re-enactment of
myths. The major flaw of the
performance of the Royal Win-
nipeg Ballet was the failure of
all four choreographers to make
a clear statement about a n y-
thing with dramatic depth. It
seemed a program designed to
humour the audience into be-
lieving that, simply by having at-
tended the performance of a
classical ballet company, it had
participated in a "cultural"
event. Both the traditional and
modern numbers (and I use the
word "modern" with reserva-
tion) were so lacking in dramatic
content that they generated very
little interest.
Their rendering of Les Pati-
neurs was traditionally danced
In classical style. The charm of
this light number was heighten-
ed by a reproduction of the de-
cor and costumes used in the
original 1937 Sadler's Wells Bal-
let production. It was pleas-
ant; little more. The Don
Quixote pas de deux was also
attractively costumed, and well'
danced, and completed the tradi-
tional half of the program. But
it was with the modern pieces
that the company began to find'
itself in difficulty. I
To my mind the most annoy-
ing defect of the company's per-
formance was the attempt to
modernize the last two dances
with old-hat jazz technique. In
the first number called 5 over
13, this technique seemed e x -
traneous to the subject matter
of the dance. This dance, t h e
most explicitly dramatic piece
of the afternoon, had a great
deal of potential complexity
City Council enacts
law for escrow fund
City Council has enacted an ordinance which, upon the
landlord's request, would allow the city clerk to hold damage
deposits in escrow for the duration of a tenant's lease.
The ordinance, passed on second reading Monday night,
provides for the transferral of the authority to make deci-
sions concerning the refunding of damage deposits from the
landlord to the city clerk.
Mayor Robert Harris said he is relying on the landlords'
sense of good faith, instead of making such an escrow ar-
-Daily-Richard Lee
which was not authenticated by
it's choreography. It might have
been meant to emphasize,
through the use of bizarre in-
sect-like masks, the frailty of the
human image. For when the
dancer's face is hidden and his
arms extend through eye-like
sockets, the human form is dis-
torted to the point of suggesting
another form of life. Or, the ,
masks might have represented
the shells of defense each of us
builds up around ourselves in
order to survive. Some of t h e
creatures on the stage were able
to exist freely without the
shell; another curled up and
died as a result of its tempor-
ary separation from it; and
still others refused to part with
the mask at all. The dance
seemed close to making a state-
ment about freedom versus re-
pression, but it did not. The
movement of the "liberated"
maskless gings was not suffici-
ently differentiated from that of
the "repressed" masked ones to
make us understand the con-
flict between the two groups and
thus the dance. The addition of
jazz material to this stark and
rather serious material was tot-
ally extraneous and confusing.
The last piece was obviously
contrived to please an audience
that really wasn't very interested
in ballet, or dance for that mat-
ter, but one which wished to be
"entertained". It was a series
of Variations on "Strike up the
Band" with musical arrange-
ments in the style of George
Gershwin. It was silly. It was
trite. It was dull. Imagine well
trained classical dancers, pre-
tending they are the black and
white keys of a piano, sitting on
ice-cream parlor chairs, and bob-
bing up and down on appro-
priate chords. Try to envisage
serious ballerinas wandering
about with cymbals on t h e i r
heads, all this-combined w i t 4
1930's musical comedy steps,
and you will have a full picture
of this ridiculous attempt to
There are so many ways for a
dancer to move, that to allow
such fine performers to fall back
on hackneyed jazz technique is
criminal. What a pity it was that
all those lovely dancers tech-
nically very competent, physi-
cally beautiful and lithe, w e r e
wasted in such trivial choreo-
Re gents to
meet BAM
(Continued from Page 1)
be plenty of trouble," said Regent
Robert Brown (R-Kalamazoo). He
added, "If all the blacks are go-
ing to be in the meeting room
coercing me to make a decision
against my better judgment, I
won't like it."
Although the Regents will prob-
ably spend a good deal of time on
the black students' demands, it is
uncertain whether they will take
any action. At last month's meet-
ing, they instructed President
Robben Fleming to present to
them a five-year plan relating to
the demands at tomorrow's meet-
The Regents held a secret, in-
formal session on March 4 at
which the black demands were
discussed. On the following day,
Fleming issued a widely circulated
response to the BAM demands.
Fleming's proposals call for
doubling by 1973-74 the Oppor-
tunity Awards Program (OAP)
which aids disadvantaged stu-
dents. He also recommended set-
ting up a committee to oversee
recruiting activities, increasing
efforts to find money for financial
aid and exploring changes in ad-
missions criteria which would al-
low more disadvantaged students
to be admitted while guarantee.
ing them "a satisfactory proba-
bility of success" at the University
"There's no urgency about the
matter as far as I can see," said
Regent William Cudlip (R-Grosse
Pointe Shores). Mrs. Hueb'ner said
she expected action on the de-
mands this week, but other Re-
gents, such as Nederlander, would
only say, "We're going to do
everything we can to see if we
can accommodate and do as much
as we can for the blacks."
rangement mandatory.
He expressed fears that "it
would be too soon to act without!
testing landlord and tenant reac-
tion to a voluntary set-up first."
Harris suggested a hearing this
fall to determine exactly what has
been done and to decide if the
provision should be made manda-
Landlords, under the ordinance,
have the responsibility of proving
damages placed on themselves if
they can not reach an agreement
with the tenant.
If the matter could not be de-
cided by an arbitrator, the land-
lord would have to prove the dam-
age in small claims court.
The ordinance, passed on first
reading on March 2, was amended
Monday to include the filing of a
"condition report" by landlord and
tenant before occupancy, which
would facilitate the decision con-
cerning the damage deposit re-
Another amendment allotted
$25 to the landlord in the event
that a tenant left the dwelling
uncleaned, with the stipulation in
the lease that it be cleaned.
Newell asks
care center
(Continued from Page 1)
Regent's meeting when the women
The child-care group had at-
tempted last week to obtain an
appointment with Fleming but was
unable to get one until next week.
"People have been working on
child-care for two years and ac-
tion is needed now," one woman
said yesterday. "It won't take but
one minute of Fleming's time to
hear us read the demands."
Fleming last night said he was
"absolutely and completely booked
up this week."
"I approve of the idea of a
child-care center in principle, but
haven't actively considered it," he
warns of
(Continued from Page 1)
If twenty per cent of the appli-
cants were black and they were
qualified for admission we would
admit them I suppose without re-
sponding to suggestions from any
particular group so why respond to
a percentage figure.
"To make the consideration of
your proposal to the Regents more
informative I suggest that you
have (Assistant Director of Ad-
missions) George Goodman bring
up-to-date his record of achieve-
ment in the Opportunity Awards
Program for the past 5 or six years
as to numbers of students enroll-
ed initially, and those who sur-
vived through to graduation, the
record of monies expended in each
year, and then project into the
next five years the numbers to be
enrolled and the monies required
per year. In this way we would be
brought up-to-date on a continu-
ing program which we want to en-
courage and expand at normal
rate. I feel this would be benefic-
ial to those who are concerned
about our commitment and will
reinforce the action to be taken
at our next meeting.
"As I stated at our conference
on the 4th I am opposed to taking
any action in response to threats,
coercion or intimidation and I will
oppose the five year commitment if
the statements attributed to Wil-
liam Haber In the March 2 edi-
tion of the Ann Arbor News are
correct. He practically admits that
the recommendations were arriv-
ed at following receipt of demands
from Black students. I will not ac-
cede to demands from any group
and I will refuse to do so in this
instance if a retraction of the
statement by Bill Haber is n o t
forthcoming. I intend to raise this
question before a vote is taken on
the expansion of the Opportunity
Award Program as covered by your
seven point program.
"If our meeting is disrupted by
any group of students or faculty
I propose we adjourn immediately
to a more secure location where
we can be guaranteed police pro-
(Continued from Page12)
sure way we haye to keep some
kind of control."
The members of the Anarchist
Coalition rejected Fusfeld's argu-
ment on the grounds that the U.S.
presently utilizes a draft, and yet
there is no marked influence being
exerted over the military that they
could see.
At last night's workshop on De-
ferments, Exemptions, Classifica-
tions and Procedures, David Pi-
soni, Grad, stressed the belief that
attempts to avoid the draft were
greatly hampered by the lack of
acurate information concerning
registrants' rights. "Most people
don't know what to do," he said.
However, he placed the respon-
sibility of gaining the information
in the hands of the individual
registrants. He explained : "Under
the Selective Service law, it is your
duty to know what the law says. "
Earlier in the afternoon, about
sixty people gathered to discuss
emigration to Sweden and Canada
to avoid the draft. Margery Hemel,
who had been to Sweden recently
during the summer with her hus-
band said, "We were very much
impressed by the positive attitude
of Americans in Sweden."
In the late afternoon, a group
March 17,18, Tues., Wed.
American Film Studies
dir. Orson Welles (1941);
A cinema milestone, with
spectacular direction by
Orson Welles. A classic
presentation of the life of
W. R. Hearst.
Workshops examine
various draft options
of ten people met to discuss Rac-
ism and the Draft. Several stu
dents expressed opinions that
blacks should not take part in the
Vietnam war. One black student
said, "We are in a culture where
we are not accepted. We have no
place in this society, so why
should we havea place in a war
we didn't start?" +
In a workshop entitled "Is the
engineer responsible - his role in
the draft," ten people heard en-
gineering English Prof. Chester
Leach and Prof. John Clark, chair-
man of the mechanical engineer-
ing department debate morality,
the draft and the government.
Clark blamed the draft and
the continuation of the war on
"modern liberalism." Clark called
the draft "coercion," stating "t h e
tired, old liberal realizes that there
are forces that will destroy him,
so he must resort to coercion (the -
draft) in order to protect himself."
Program Info: NO 2-6264
1:00 3 00 5 00
7.00-9.10 P.M.
7 & 9:05
Getting the worst of the Best'
There's a music critic for the
Village Voice who reviews about
twenty records in one article.
When considering the low qual-
ity of most of today's music, it's
remarkable the guy hasn't turn-
ed into a vegetable.
I could try to top his achieve-
ment, but that would mean lis-
tening to a myriad of lousy,
hard-rock releases. Instead, f o r
my own health's sake, I'll set-
tle on doing five capsule e o m-
ments - and only on records
that are mediocre or better.
Here we go.
1. The Best of Herbie Mann
(AT 1544) is a very deceptive
title. Rather it should be Herbie
Mann's Corniest Hits, featuring
his stellar apadtations of "Philly
Dog", "A Man and A Woman",
and "This Little Girl of Mine."
Actually, Herbie's best is Mem-
phis Underground, which b e -
cause of its rock ingredients, was
the best-selling jazz LP of 1969.
2. The Best of Mose Allison
(AT 1542) is a good jazz-blues
record, which makes sense be-
cause the best of Mose has in-
evitably got to be some pretty
weird, talented, and crazy stuff.
He's a white Mississippian, rais-
ed on black blues, who's traveled
the hip, nightclub circuit of the
fifties and sixties. Very Unique!
3. Phil Ochs Greatest H i t s,
(A&M 4253) are not really his
greatest hits. The title is a fake,
the record consists of new Ochs
material - mostly rock 'n' roll
put-ons. Not many people be-
sides die-hard Phil Ochs enthus-
,iasts will get worked up over this
one, even though it's plenty
4. Cannonball Adderley's Coun-
try Preacher (Cap. 404) is only
one step above boring. Intend-
ed primarily to serve as an ad-
vertisement for Operation Bread-
basket, where it was recorded
"live". For a lot more music and
a lot less jive talk, try one of
the best soul jazz records there
is: Best of Cannonball Adderley
5. The Best of John Coltrane
(AT 1541) is heedless to say
fantastic. If Coltrane were alive
today he would be the biggest
tensation in music. We're ready
now for what he was laying
down ten years ago. The record'
has many winners (all of them
naturally from 1959 and 1 9 6 0
when he was on Atlantic), like
.."My Favorite Things", Naima",
"Giant Steps", "Equinox", "Cou-
sin Mary", and "Central P a r k
West." It's the solution for
everybody who has wanted to
get into Coltrane but who could
not figure out which of h i s
thirty records to buy. This is the
one! Coltrane is vital!
Add-end: The best blues heard
lately is John Mayall's innova-
tive new ground (with Johnny
Almonds on reeds and no drum-
mer) jamming on The Turning
Point and Empty Rooms. James
Taylor, a folk-blues guitarist, de-
serves a plug too. His new al-
bum, Sweet Baby James, is sim-
ilar to his first on Apple --
which is OK, because they're
both great.
Personal Note to Blues En-
thusiasts: Get out your handy
bottle of wine, then read this-
Muddy Waters is slowly recover-
ing from a car crash-which al-
most killed him. Before he starts
thinking about fingering his
guitar again, he has to learn
how to walk. Howlin' Wolf just
has had his second heart at-
tack, he's not in critical condi-
tion, but nevertheless he's a very
sick man. Son House had his
fingers frostbitten this past win-
ter, while stranded in a snow-
drift. It's doubtful he'll ever
play again. Homesick J a m e s
Williamson and Slim Harpo are
Take a drink.
U * II
Thursday, March 19
a three-week series on
"An International Perspective
Director of the Ecumenical Campus Center
at the
Ecumenical Center, 921 Church
MARCH 18-21-8 P.M.
Schorling Aud., University School,
E. Univ. and Monroe
General Public $3.00-Students $2.00
TICKETS AVAILABLE at Discount Record Shop on State St.,
Centicore Bookstore, Ned's Bookstore, Ypsilanti, and at the door.
HELD OVER-2nd Exciting Week
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