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March 15, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-03-15

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Partially cloudy and cold;
light snow flurries


*Vof. LXXX, No. 134

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, March 15, 1970


Eight Pages

Faculty members


campus disorders

Despite its impressive charts and
many pages of data, neither the con-
tent nor the concept of the report
prepared for the Special State Sen-
ate Committee on Campus Disorders
has impressed many University fac-
ulty members.
Four of the faculty-all of them
experts in research on education--
studied the report and found that:
-The data which served as the
ostensible base of the report was of
doubtful validity.
-The immediate conclusions
drawn from the data were petty and
superficial, often offering only one
possibility of many interpretations
-The recommendations, for which
the report was presumably under-

taken, had almost nothing to do
with the data and its analysis.
The faculty members' assessment
of the report on technical grounds
ranged from "sloppy" and "shoddy"
to "ghastly" and "atrocious."
The report, released 'March 5 in
Kalamazoo, was generally noted for
the mildness of its recommenda-
It said, among other things, that
no more laws were needed to control
campus disruptions and recommend-
ed that state scholarships not be
denied to students solely because
they are arrested during student
The report was prepared by High-
er Education Executive Associates,
formerly a Detroit-based firm now

working out of Chicago and owned
by McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.
The committee which commission-
ed the report, chaired by State Sen.
Robert Huber (R-Troy), has yet to
take any action on it.
Formed over a year ago at Huber's
urging in the wake of incidents at
Oakland University and elsewhere'
the committee was charged with
looking into the causes of campus
unrest, including Students for a
Democratic Society, and given $50,000
to do the job.
Although the University faculty
people were generally satisfied with
the recommendations politically, pro-
fessionally they said the report was
not worth the $50,000 it cost.
"For $50,000 we could have obtain-
ed ten doctoral scholarships and ten

doctoral papers," said one education
school professor, "and every one of
them would have been better than
Yet the University experts gen-
erally found the report had some
good insights in it in spite of all the
errors in the two-volume, 313-page.
"It's so much better than anything
I expected that I was pleasantly
surprised," said Prof. Theodore New-
comb, assistant director of the Resi-
dential College. "I think its com-
mendable that Sen. Huber tried to
get systematic information and pro-
fessional help."
Newcomb said he found "a half
dozen enlightened, liberal passages"
especially noteworthy.
"I thought the recommendations

on campus affairs were excellent,"
said Dr. Zelda Gamson of the Uni-
versity's Institute for Social Re-
search, "but there is clearly no con-
nection between the data and the
recommendations, even though they
make it seem that way."
She said the recommendations
were mostly "accepted academic folk-
Dr. Donald Brown, acting director
of the University's Center for Re-
search on Learning and Teaching,
saw the same problem with the rec-
"The main problem is that the
conclusions don't derive from the
data," he said. "It's clear that they
went into the study with a set of
recommendations. You can't defend
them on the basis of the data."

But there are many other prob-
lems with the study as well. One
common criticism was the question-
naire used to gather much of the
data for the study
Dr. Gamson pointed out that the
questionnaire was extremely dated-
including the Dominican Republic as
an issue (it hasn't been one since
1965) - but ignoring most of the
major issues of today.
"There are no questions on ROTC,
military research, or on-campus re-
cruiting," she said. "These issues-
relating the university to the larger
society-have been the most signifi-
cant in the last year."
The other source of data for the
report, a set of interviews held on
the campuses of 51 universities and
colleges in the state, was also viewed

as a questionable collection of data.
Brown complained that there was
no way of knowing how the inter-
views had been conducted, whether
they had been fair or not. He did
note, however, that the phrasing of
the questions as supplied in the re-
port was suspect.
All the interview items under "in-
struction," for example, are nega-
tively worded: "undergraduate class-
es typically too large," "poor quality.
of instruction," "curriculum inflex-
"That's a little like asking someone
if he's still beating his wife," Brown
said. The danger, he noted, was in
the researchers constantly inserting
their own opinions into the inter-
views. A number of people on the
See FACULTY, Page 3

. .... . ...... .

Nader raps,
Lashing out at corporate enterprise yes-
terday before a capacity crowd at Hill Aud.,
Ralph Nader said that major industry was
more responsible for "laceration and de-
r struction of society's values" than student
radicals who are often accused of such
Speaking as part of the final day of the
Environmental Teach-In, the crusading
Nader defined the environment as "anything
which affects man's physical or economic
well-being"-a definition which he definitely
applied to big business and governmental
He blasted the manner in which corpora-
tions use resources and pollute the air and
water of the planet, calling this action a
sort of "corporate violence" allowed to go
J unchecked by society.
These actions by corporations, he said,
constitute the "most perfect kind of tyran-
ny" because the public is left with little
alternative but to consume and to allow the.
corporations to continue producing-and
i Throughout his speech, Nader employed a
caustic wit to reinforce the absurdity of al-
lowing the present conditions of unrestrain-
ed pollution and environmental deteriora-
tion to continue.
"I don't see why an individual should be
prevented from relieving himself in the
Hudson River when Con Edison can dump
tons of pollutants there daily," Nader said.
Nader attacked the Federal government
for its lax enforcement of anti-trust and
anti-pollution laws, as well as its warped
priorities in allotting more money for de-
fense and subsidy of destructive industries
than for immediate control of environmental
Nader then presented several courses of
immediate action which he felt students
could take:
-See that pollution standards for major
industries are revamped to account for their
future as well as present destructive
-Force disclosure of operations and prac-
tices within the industries;
-Demand that all companies' annual re-
ports contain factual information on the
amount and kind of pollution problems they
are causing, and what they are doing about
the problem.
He went on to deny the myth that pol-
lution would cost staggering sums of money
to correct.
As his final and most important point,
Nader called upon students to insure that
the upcoming generation be adequately in-
formed and mobilized to combat the coming
environmental crisis.
Criticize econ
recruiter plan
A resolution passed last week by economic
graduate students, has recently been attack
ed for being hypocritical. The resolution
called for the immediate end to recruiting by
the military or corporations with military
conracts at the University.
The hypocrisy charge was aimed at th
graduate economic society which sponsor-
ed the resolution because the motion did
not include recruiters from universities with
military contracts among those that would




city draft board tras g

-Daily-Richard Lee
A GROUP OF UNIVERSITY students and Ann Arbor citizens embark on a walk along
the Huron River yesterday following brief speeches by Michigan Sen. Philip Hart and
others about pollution in and along the river.
atcher asks priority
for -urban problems

The Ann Arbor Selective Service offices
were trashed sometime Friday night. Dam-
age to the offices apparently included over-
turned file cabinets and records spewn on
the floor.
The, damage was discovered about 8 a.m.
Ann Arbor police and Federal Bureau of
Investigation agents then searched the of-
fices for bombs and fingerprints.
None of the investigating officers has re-
leased any information about the incident.
Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter Krasny
said that "whoever did quite a bit of dam-
age," however.
Harold M. Dorr, acting chairman of the
local draft board would say only that "the
matter is in the hands of the police." Dorr
did not try to go to the offices yesterday but
said that the board's secretary, Linda Van
Blaircum, was turned away from the offices
by police officers.
Dorr also indicated that any records which
had been destroyed could be replaced.
Although the action appears to have been
perpetrated by radical anti-draft protesters,
local radicals denied direct responsibility for
the action. However, they wished to "con-
gratulate the people who did it."
g A spokesman for Students for a Demo-
cratic Society said "SDS leadership does not
know anything about it." When asked for
further comment, she said simply, "Seize
the time."
Mayor Robert J. Harris said he did not
know about the incident when asked to
comment yesterday.
The action also precedes by just a week
a' demonstration in protest of the draft and
racism planned by a coalition of local groups
for next Thursday.
The planned demonstration will include
a rally and march against the draft. Fol-
lowing the protest, the groups expect to
attend the Regents' meeting in support of
the Black Action Movement and its demands.
Allan Kaufman, a member of the alli-
ance, emphasized that no one in the groups
planning the Thursday demonstrations had
also organized the Friday night action.
Kaufman also said he does not believe the
trashing will hurt the upcoming demon-
stration. "Since people will realize what
motivated Friday's action, they will not be
turned off by it," he said.
According to a leaflet distributed recently,
the Thursday anti-draft and racism rally
will be the last in a three day series of
educational and demonstrational activities.

In the finale of an exhaustive five-day
teach-in on the environment Gary, Ind.
Mayor Richard Hatcher warned conserva-
tionists not to ignore minority groups and
the urban pollution they face.
"I am concerned that the environmental
issue being defined so as to exclude minori-
ties and the poor," he told a crowd of 2,000
people in Hill Aud last night.
Preceding a panel on the future of the
fight to save the environment, Hatcher said
the environmental movement had taken the
nation's attention away from the poor and
victims of discrimination, "something not
even a Bull Connor or George Wallace could
do." '
He said it was not surprising blacks are not
active participants in environmental move-
ments since they have different priorities-
"like getting enough to eat and getting rac-
ism off their backs." i
Saving the environment, Hatcher claim-
ed, might be an issue that could unite a
society which he described as highly divid-
ed. He urged a general change in the na-
tion's priorities as a start in solving the
pollution problem.
Specifically'he called for rigid national
control standards to prevent polluters from
gaining an economic advantageuover cor-
porations who do not poison the environ-
He also said 'his administration was pre-
paring a local ordinance that would shut-
down plants that failed to observe anti-
pollution laws.
In the panel following Hatcher's address,
Consolidated Edison board chairman'Charles
Luce denied charges that it is one of the
biggest polluters in New York.
Other panel members included ecologists
Lawrence Slobodkin and Richard Levins,
Friends of Earth President David Brower,
economist Kenneth Boulding and U. S. Rep.

ed by author Murray Bookchin who said
he lives three blocks from a Con Ed plant.
"Your company is one of the most vicious
polluters," Bookchin said. "You have been
fined repeatedly and you still produce two-
thirds of the sulfur dioxide in New York"
Lucs replied that the automobile is New
York's biggest polluter and that Con Ed
would try to reduce its sulfur dioxide emis-
sions even more., a statement which clearly
did not satisfy Bookchin.
"Detroit has only begun to experience
its Naders," said Brower in his presentation.
"Let everyone of you be the Ralph Nader
of your block."
Brower called for a ten-year struggle
through political and legal means to save
the environment.,

-Daily-Dave Schindel
Harold Cruse speaks on culture and revolution
RAM holds forum on black
issues to aid understanding
By ART LERNER In addition the program was to "provide
and LARRY LEMPERT people with an opportunity to increase their
understainding of, the justice and reason-
The Black Action Movement (BAM) yes- ableness" of the BAM demands.

terday sponsored a conference entitled "Ex-
port the Revolution" featuring State Senator
Coleman Young and lecturers from the Uni-
versity Afro-American Studies program.
According to BAM, the conference was an
"opportunity to further people's understand-
ing of the status of black and other minority
group people in this state and in the Uni-




target of 'Campaign


Young, minority floor leader in the State
Senate from Detroit, is the author of the
controversial Detroit School Decentraliza-
tion Bill just passed by the Senate. After
briefly affirming his support for BAM de-
mands on campus, Young discussed the
decentralization issue.
"The Detroit school system is burdened
with bureaucracy," he said. "For a system
as large as Detroit's, some form of decen-
tralization would be in order to guarantee
responsiveness to the needs of the people
of Detroit," the senator noted.
"The central purpose of school decen-
tralization is to afford more direct repre-
sentation for the community in the schools,"
he continued.
"We have two ways to go. We can have
increased centralization and bureaucracy
or we can go in the direction of giving more
power to the people," Young said.
Speaking after Young, Political Science
Prof. Archie Singham, who is also a lecturer
in Afro-American Studies, related the BAM
demands to educational standards and "the
class educational ssytem in the United
"The black movement is suggesting to the
world that something is wrong with the
values and mores of white Anglo-Saxon
Protestant America," 'he said. "The blackc -
movement suggests humanizing relationships
between people."

The University is the current target
of a "Campaign to Make GM Respon-
Campaign GM is a national campaign
seeking to collect proxy votes from
General Motor's shareholders, such as
the University, in order to pass resolu-
tions that would commit GM to policies
showing more concern for the public
good than corporate profit.
Phillip Moore, executive secretary of
"Campaign GM" says, "It is time to
force corporations to respond to the
public interest." This is to be done, he
said, by "injecting the voice of the
public into the corporation's decision-

President Fleming urging that the Uni-
versity "vote its share of GM stock in a
manner consistent with social interest."
The University owns 27,538 shares of
GM stock.
In addition, ENACT asked that the
-Send a letter to General Motors
condemning the corporation's refusal to
submit a set of proposals recently sub-
mitted to the company by a group called
"The Project on Corporate Responsi-
bility" to the shareholders and urging
it to reconsider its position;
-Appoint a joint committee of stu-
dents and faculty to consider the pro-
posals and take the University's proxy

ment officer R. G. Griffithahas already
said, "normally we vote according to
the company's policies-we've had no
occasion to depart from the policy in
the past."
"The University has endorsed the en-
vironmental teach-in," Moore said.
"Now we're asking it to follow this up
with a real commitment."
"Campagin GM" has submitted to the
corporation several resolutions "to make
GM's decision-makers accountable."
But because GM has refused to in-
clude these resolutions Tlong with man-
agement resolutions in the corporation's
proxy mailing material, the campaign
has been forced to solicit proxy votes on

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