Page Six
Thursday, March 12, 1970
Page Six THE MICHiGAN DAILY Thursday, March 12, 1970
Russell Hussey dies
College graduates face precipitous decline,
in number of current job openings available
August Strindberg
Saturday,: March 14
8 p.m.
Admission:7 5c
Geology Prof. Russell C. Hussey
died March 1. He was 81.
Prof. Hussey spent more than 40
years at the University, first as
a student and later as a professor
specializing in historical geology
and vertebrate evolution.
He was born at Mendon, Ohio,
on Oct. 31, 1888, and earned a
bachelor of arts degree at the
University in 1911. He spent the
next decade as a geological con-
sultant in California and Colo-
Hussey earned his doctorate in
geology in 1924 and rose through
the faculty ranks to a full pro.-
fessorship. He retired in 1959.
Prof. Hussey wrote a textbook
on historical geology and was co-
author with Prof. Kenneth Landes,
of the book "Geology and Man."
He also contributed many techni-
cal papers on palenontology and
stratigraphy to encyclopedias and
professional journals.
He was past president of the
Michigan Basin Geological So-
ciety and was a fellow of the
Geological Society of America. He
was a member of the American
Society of Petroleum Geologists
and the Society of Vertebrate
Paleontologists, as well as Pi Kap-
pa Alpha, Gamma Alpha, Sigma
Xi, Phi Sigma, and Sigma Gamma
Prof. Hussey was also a past
president ofthe Ann Arbor Rotary
He is survived by his widow, the
former Minnie Simmons of Hough-
ton, whom he married in 1922. His
home was at 595 Riverview.
Contributions may be made to
the Russell C. Hussey Memorial
Fund for Needy Students in Ge-
ology which is being established
in the department of geology and
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN f o r m to
Room 3528 L. S..A B l d g., before
2 p.m., of the day preceding pub-
lication and by 2 p.m. Friday for
Saturdayaand Sunday. Items ap-
pear once only. Student organiza-
tion notices a r e not accepted for
publication. F o r more inforina-
tion, phone 764-4270.
Day Calendar
Phiysics Lunch Seminar: M. McClin-
tock, U. of Wisconsin, "Physics and So-
ciety: Are the Two Compatible?" P&A
Colloq. Rm., 12:00 p.m.
Piano Dept. Student Recital: School
of Music Recital Hall, 12:30 p.m.
Nuclear Colloq.: ,. S. Tickle, "Weak
Coupling", P&A Colloq. Rm., 4:00 p.m.
English Dept. Poetry Reading: Tom
Clark, Aud. 1B, Angell Hall, 4:10 p.m.
By The Associated Press
College students who graduate
this year are finding that in-
dustry has a lot fewer jobs for
them than in 1969.
The College Placement Coun-
cil, which services 1,300 colleges
and universities with job infor-
mation, said Tuesday a nation-
Botany Seminar: Dr. Crispeels, U. of
Calif., "Synthesis of Hydroxyproline-
Rich Glycoproteins by Plant Cells", 4:15
Graduat Assembly Mtg.: W. Confer-
ence Rm., Rackham, 7:30 p.m.
University Players: "Life Is a Dream",
Trueblood Theater, 8:00 p.m.
The Baroque Trio: N. Hauenstein,
flute; F. Mueller, oboe; L. Hurst, dou-
ble bass; C. Fisher, harpsichord; w i t h
RH. Russell, mezzo soprano, Rackham
Hall, 8:00 p.m.
Profesional Theater Program: Phil
Ford & Mimi Hines "I Do! I Do!" Hill
Au.d*, 8:30 p.m.
Placement Service
3200 S.A.B.
Further Info, on these programs at
Career Planning, 3200 SAB, 764-6338.
Loyola Univ., Chicago, offers evening
MBA program, applies. for any quarter
UCLA Offers Master of Sci. in Bus.
Admin., specialization in arts admin.
Apply by April 15 for Fall quarter.
Univ. of New Mexico offersfSpecial
Scholarship Program in Law for Amer-
ican Indians, grants for expenses and
allowances for dependents, open to any
Amer. Idian having at least 3 years
of college.
Harvard Univ. offers summer insti-
wide survey shows a decline in
job offers from industry at the
bachelor's degree level of 16
per cent.
For those receiving master's
degrees there are 26 per cent
fewer jobs and at the doctorate
level, the drop is 14 per cent,
the survey showed.
tute in Arts Armin., July 6-31. Apply
before May 15.
United National Translation Exams,
apply by March 16, native proficiency
in English, with French strength and
similar knowi. of Russian, Span., or
Chinese; exam in N.Y. on April 10.
Experiment in International Living
offers summer programs, independent
study prog., taching Eng. as Peace
Corps Volunteer; booklet avail.
Lower Level, 212 SAB
Interviews at Summer Placement:
Camp B'lodgett, Mich., Soc. Wk.
Cabin couns, spec. In wtrfrnt., arts &
crafts, & nature.
Camp Sequoia, N.Y., Coed. Waterfrnt.,
pioneering, piano and coral, nature,
dance photo newspaper, drama, h a m
radio, tennis riflery fencing.
The Ageless Science of Yoga, Asanas
& Posture Class sponsored by Self Real-
ization Fellowship. Mon. or Wed.. 8-
9:00 p.m., callsLinda or.Dale, 761-9825
after 6:00.
Hardest hit by the declining
job market are those with de-
grees in technical fields, the
council said. The economic
squeeze in the aerospace indus-
try alone has caused a reduction
of more than 1,200 job offers,
it said, and an over-all 24 per
cent decrease in all technical
O fields.
The one bright spot is for ac-
counting majors. The Bethle-
hem, Pa.-based firm said offers
are up 9 per cent for accoun-
tants compared to last year and
have risen 56 per cent over the
last' three years.
Salaries for accountants also
have grown by about 9 per cent
for each of the last three years
while in other fields increases
in salary have been slow-5.6
per cent since June in technical
fields and 7.6 per cent in non-
technical jobs, according to the
survey of 141 colleges.
Indicative of the job squeeze
said university placement di-
rectors contacted. by The Asso-
ciated Press is the heavy stu-
dent demand for interviews with
job recruiters and the increased
selectivity of the recruiters in
Dr. Norman Frisbey, director
of placement services at Penn
State, said "Our recruiting
schedules are overflowing. Stu-
dents are aware of what the
employment situation is across
the country so they're working
harder to find jobs they want.
"They're making more re-
quests for more interviews with
more companies and they're
making them earlier than
usual," he said.
Edward Shaw, placement di-
rector at the University of Cali-
fornia at Los Angeles, said job
offers are down 20? per cent
"with engineering and science
students with master's degrees
bearing the brunt of it,"
"Whereas in the past these
students have had perhaps three
or four jobs to choose from,
now they're getting only one-
companies like Boeing and Lock-
heed just aren't interviewing as
many as before," he said. "After
all, their engineers with years
of experience are having a tough
time with layoffs."
At Northwestern University in
Evanston, Ill., Dr. Frank Endi-
cott said, "There appears to be
a reluctance to make firm of-
fers." He said about 10 per cent
of the recruiters had canceled
their visits.
At the university's Urbana
campus, Gerald W. Peck said
the number of recruiters con-
tacting the placement office has
been stable "but I get the im-
pression their needs won't be as
........... ............. . ... . .
eac Il
on the
9:00-Congressional fearing-Union Ballroom
10:00-"Population Action: Where do we go from here?"
Physics and Astronomy Aud.
12:00-"Population Crisis: What a physician can do in the
community"-North Leciture Hall, Med. ci. i
1:00-"Air Pollution and respiratory pollutants"-
M5330 Med. Sci. I
1:00-"The Role of Nuclear Power Production"-3035 E. Engin.
1:30-"The person and the environment"-Vanderbury Room1
Mich. League.
1 30-"World Food Resources"-3RS Union}
1:30-"American Ethic and Ecology"-Canterbury House
1:30-"Crisis in Urban Services"-D & E Room, Mich. League
1:30-"Pesticides and the Farm Workers' Union"-3rd Floor
Conference koom, Mich. Union 1
1:30-"Chemical and Biological Warfare"-Union Ballroom
1:30-"'Multi-media Happening-What an indivdual does to
destroy hs environment"-Michigan/Room, League
1:30-"Contraceptives--present and future methods"-
North Lecture Hall, Med. Sci. 11
1:30-"The Media and the Environment' -Hussey Room, League
2:00-"Water Pollution and Sollution"'-Med. Sch. I, M330
2:00-"The visible environment'"-Union 3KLM
2:00-'"Religion and the environment"-Guild House
2:00-"Towards a Liquid Hydrogen Fuel Economy"-
Physics and Astronomy colloq. room
2:00-"Air Pollution"-Union Assembly Hall
3:00-"Population Crisis"-Anderson Room, Union
3:00-"Abortion-medical and legal aspects"-N .Lecture Hall,
Med. Sci. 1
3:30-"Adaptation to a polluted environment"-N5330 Med. Sch. I
3:30-"Wilderness Preservation: Formation of a National Seashore"
-1040 S.N.R.
4:00-"The use of non-pollutant chemicals in insect control"-
1400 Chem.
1:00 A.M.-"Environmental Poetry"-Canterbury House Med Sch. I
FILMS-Multipurpose Room, UGLI
10:00-Wealth of the Waste Land
10:30-A Day at the Dump
11:00-Beyond Conception (X Rated)
12:00-Who Killed Lake Erie?
1:30-Bull dozed America
2:00-By Land, Sea and Air
2:30-The River Must Live
3:00-Multiply. .. and subdue the Earth
4:00-Beyond Conception (X Rated)
evening more films ! ! !
12:00 Noon
Senator Phillip HART, Dr. Hugh ILTIS, Rock Band
(Free buses will
leave from Union starting at 6:40)
Morton DARROW-moderator
La Mont COLE ecologist
Ted DOAN-Dow Chemical
Murray BOOKCHIN "Ecology and
Revolutionary Thought"
Ansley COALE-Population Expert
John BARDACH-Human ecology