Managing Editor, 1969-70
,The report prepared for the Special State
Senate Committee on Campus Disorders
recommends that no punitive legislation be
passed to control campuses and that com-
munication between college groups be in-
creased to help avert major campus unrest.
The generally conciliatory tone of the
report runs counter to much of the tongue-
lashing State Ren. Robert Huber (R-Troy),
chairman of the committee, has given cam-
pus protesters.
And two points of the report-that "off-
campus agitators or on-campus activists"
are not a major cause of campus violence
and that scholarships should be granted
and withdrawn only on academic grounds
-go directly against much of what Huber
has said in the past.I
The report was officially released Thurs-
day at an all-day conference at Nabareth
College in Kalamazoo.
It additionally states:
" New laws are not needed either "to
enumerate new criimes or to make more
serious offenses of existing crimes in order
to deal with campus disorder."
* Increased communication should be
initiated to avert campus problems, includ-
ing "physical availability for direct com-
munication with some recognized symbol
of authority, preferably the president.
* Dissatisfaction in general with college
life is the underlying reason behind stu-
dent demonstrations. The report also as-
serts that students don't always know why
they are protesting.
" Colleges should seek to "develop ways
to really rewarding good teaching," saying
there is a "far greater need for teaching
-doctorates today than there is for the
highly research-oriented programs which
are the backbone of graduate instruction
at the present time."
" Colleges should pay more attention to
local problems. "New programs must be
developed which w-ill make the university
the urban equivalent of the land-grant
college," the report says.
The report has three major sections. One
is an analysis of data gathered from ques-
tionnaires sent to seven people on each of
the 72 state campuses-president, dean of
students, faculty chairman, trustee board
chairman, public relations director, student
newspaper editor and student body presi-
There is also an analysis of the inter-
views with students, faculty members and
administrators on 51 of the campuses and
the third part is recommendations on
The report does not, as Huber has said
in the past, blame campus disorder on
"outside agitators," but he has said, "I
have to accept the report on its face. We
who have watched news reporting for years
will have to reassess our views."
He added that "the people of the state
of Michigan" should be reassurred because
there is so small a percentage of outside
Both he and State Sen. James Fleming
(R-Jackson) left room for doubt, however.
"I have a few reservations about some of
the recommendations," Fleming said. And
Huber's first comments at the press con-
ference Thursday seemed to underly the
advisory nature of the report.
"This is not the Senate's report," he
said. "We will decide. The Senate will de-
cide if more legislation is needed."
But intervention by the Legislature, the
report says, "is unlikely to contribute" to
channeling "the energies which are re-
flected in student unrest into more produc-
tive mechanisms and paths."
It is unclear whether the writers of the
report sought only to prevent student pro-
test or whether they wanted to get to, the
cause of it.
In the prologue to the report, the agency
says it does not recommend that "the way
to 'forestall student disorder is to bow in
advance to student dissent (because) most
disorders may be defused: if new means or
techniques of communication are found
for determining student needs and student
A similar attitude is taken toward young r
faculty members, who "may be defused r
harmlessly by more skillful institutional
communication than has prevailed in ther
The report also suggests that presidents
should "isolate the radical groups from the
mainstream of the concerns of the major-
ity of students."
But the report also has a tone of con-
ciliation and harmony, based more on com-
munications than anything else.
"Communication failure is often cited as
a root of many of our more complex social
problems; college communities represent
no obvious exception," the reoprt says.
To achieve communication, the appro-
priate climate must be provided. "One of
the most important considerations related
to this is that an image be projected of a
readiness for open communication,d(in-
cluding) physical availability for direct
communication of some recognized symbol
of authority, preferably the president."
The report seems to vacillate between
advocating the appearance and the reality
See CAMPUS, Page 6
See Editorial Pagebnrch1, 9n a ts
Vol. LXXX, No. 1 29: Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, March 1 0, 1970 Ten Cents
Partly cloudy,
possible snow
Ten Pages
to back RAM
A crowd of 150 persons - predominantly white - march-
ed from the Fishbowl to the Admissions Office yesterday to
demonstrate support for the Black Action Movement (BAM)
demands for increased black admissions.
The march was organized by a coalition of radical groups,
including SDS, the Ann Arbor Tenants Union, New Mobe
and International Socialists.
When the demonstrators krrived at the Admissions
Office, in the Student Activities Bldg., they found that the
ylt "
aid sked
The administration will present
a proposal to the Regents at their
March 18 and 19 meetings recom-
mending the University triple its
financial aid to disadvantaged stu-
dents by 1974.
The announcement, which came
in a letter from President Robben
Fleming to the Black Action
Movement (BAM), March 5, is in
response to the demands of BAM
for increased black admissions and
financial aid.
The chief BAM demand calls
for the enrollment of 900 black
for the enrollment of 900 addi-
tional black students by aFll 1971
and the bringing of total black en-
rollment at the University to 10
per cent by 1973-74 . Present black
enrollment at the University
enrollment is estimated at be-
tween 1100-1200.
The proposal by the admin-
istration does not directly satisfy
the BAM demands, but directs it-
self to the admission of disadvant-
Enu vIr
After five months of plan-
ning, the University's environ-
mental teach-in begins today
with the first of over 125 plan-
nd workshops, seminars, speech-
es and exhibits that will run al-
most continuously through Sa-
turday night.
Dozens of nationally-known
scientists, politicians, entertain-
ers, professors and businessmen
will participate in the teach-
in, the prototype for similar
events at nearly 1,000 colleges
across the country on April 22.
"Our teach-in will be the larg-
est gathering of concerned en-
vironmentalists, broadly defined,
ever held in this country," says
Doug Scott, co-chairman of
ENACT, the sponsoring organi-
The law school plans a sym-
posium on environmental l a w
tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Room
doors of the office had been
locked.,Director of Admissions
Clyde Vroman told the group
there was not enough room
in the office for all of them,
but that he would discuss the
demands with them outside
the office.
Coalition Coordinator A 1 a n
Kaufman then read a summary
of the BAM demands, which In-
-Admission of at least 900
new black students to the Uni-
versity during 1971-72;
-Increasing the black student
population at the University to
10 per cent of the total student
body by 1973-74; and
-Further increasing b 1 a c k
student population until it "shall
approach, if not exceed" the pro-
portion of blacks in the state.
After the demands were read,
Vroman told the students, "I sup-
port your fundamental purposes
and demands." However, he said
he would remain neutral on the
specific BAM demands when they
are presented to the Regents. "It's
not my role to present demands,"
he said. "My role is to administer
'BAM is holding a teach-in to-
day from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. in the
Union's 3rd floor conference room
to discuss the administration re-
sponse to demands, and future ac-
tion. BAM will hold a mass meet-
ing tonight at 8 p.m. in the Union's
3rd floor conference room.
Protest of
An ad hoc committee of
students voted last night to
hold a noon rally Thursday
followed by a sit-in in LSA
Dean William Hays' office in
protest of the summary su-
suspension of Robert Parsons.
Parsons was suspended for al-
legedly striking Prof. John Young,
director of engineering student
placement, during the protest of
General Electric recruiters Feb.
The committee consisted of re-
presentatives of many different
groups including Students for a
Democratic Society, International
Socialists, Student Mobilization
Committee, and Student Govern-
ment Council,
In planning for the actions, Par-
sons said that in any action he
wanted "to keep politics right up
Many different arguments were
presented concerning the legality
of Hays' action. SGC President
Marty McLaughlin said that "an
academic penalty is not in order
for this kind of offense," express-
ing the opinion that the case
should be handled only in the
civil courts.
Type of disciplinary
action unprecedented
In an action unprecedented in recent literary college
history, Dean William Hays has summarily suspended a stu-
dent involved in the recent disruption of four General Electric
Co. recruiters.
Robert T. Parsons, a member of SDS, was ordered sus-
pended on the basis of allegations that he struck engineering
Prof. John Young when demonstrators entered the engineer-
ing placement office Feb. 18 to protest the GE recruiters.
Young is director of engineering student placement.
Parsons denies the charge.
An ad hoc group of students met last night to plan pos-
sible action in response to the suspension of Parsons, and
tentatively agreed to stage a
-Daily-Sara Krulwich
Blaze oC glory
The Phi Epsilon Pi Fraternity House, at 1805 Washtenaw Ave., was struck by a fire yesterday, causing
an estimated loss of 60 per cent of the brick veneer and significant damage to the inside as well.
Three Ann Arbor firemen were injured.
p e
esidentlal College considers
re-orienting basic curriculum
By ROB BIER around a report commissioned a,
Major curriculum reforms may year ago to examine the experi-
be on the way for the Residential mental unit after two years of
College and a general meeting t- operation, and to recommend
night the college will discuss just ways of improving the RC's educa-
what form any changes might tional offering.
take. The meeting will revolve, A key recommendation of the
azmental teach-in start
including James Kimmey, di-
rector of Community Health
Inc., and Detroit councilman Er-
nest Brown will speak on "in-
tellectual pollution" and diver-
sion of concern away from the
Vietnam war and urban prob-
lems and toward environmental
In addition, two seminars are
scheduled for today. The en-
gineering school will sponsor a
discussion of marine transport
pollution at 2:30 p.m. in Room
229, W. Engineering Bldg. while
the natural resources school
plans a speech by ecologist Peter
Larkin on Canadian environ-
mental problems at 3:00 p.m. in
Rackham Amphitheater.
Tomorrow marks the f i r s t
major event of the teach-in -,
a rally at 8:00 p.m. in Crisler
Arena (formerly the All-Events
Bldg.)featuring Wisconsin Sen.
ment for the program. Tickets
for the rally are 50 cents.
In other action scheduled for
tomorrow, an automobile will be
tried and executed at noon on
the Diag. Money donated by in-
dividuals for smashing the car
with a sledge-hammer will go to
a defense fund for those arrest-
ed in the General Electric re-
cruiter lock-in,
Workshops include a seminar
on computer simulation of ur-
ban growth at 4:00 p.m. in Phy-
sics and Astronomy Bldg. collo-
quium room end a Christian
Science workshop on spiritual
perspectives and the environ-
ment at 4:30 p.m. in the Union
The main event planned f o r
Thursday is an environmental
town meeting to be held at 8:00
1.m. at Ann Arbor Pioneer High
Actor Eddie Albert, C. C. John-
and departments of the Univer-
sity for Thursday.
Among the major programs
include a discussion of t h e
"bridge between ideals and ac-
tion" moderated by Prof. Allan
Guskin of the Institute for Soc-
ial Research at 1:30 p.m. in the
Union Ballroom.
A symposium on the future of
the Great Lakes will be held at
2:00 p.m. in Room 170, Physics
and Astronomy Bldg. A panel
discussion will follow addresses
by former University rPesident
Harlan Hatcher, ecologist Henry
Regier and zoologist John Ayers.
Another major workshop set
for Thursday is a symposium on
pesticides which will feature Ro-
bert Reinhart of the Bureau of
Commercial Fisheries, Charles
Wurster of the Environmental
Defense fund and three public
health professors.
"Our Friday events emphasize
s today
cluding a bill written by law
Prof. Joseph Sax - in the
Henderson Room of the League.
At noon an "eco-rally" will
be held on the Diag with speech-
es by Sen. Philip Hart and ecol-
ogist Hugh Iltis. Entertainment
will be provided by local bands.
Friday's main program Will be
a panel discussion, at 7:30 p.m.
at Pioneer High School, moder-
ated by Prudential Insurance
Co. vice president Morton Dar-
Labor leader Walter Reuther,j
Dow Chemical Corp. president
Ted Doan, microbiologist R e n e
Dubos, population expert Ans-
ley Coale, author Murray Book-
chin, and ecologist Lamont Cole
are scheduled to participate.
ENACT plans a Huron River
walk on Saturday morning to
pick up debris along the stream's
banks. A free pollution control
report - drafted by the college's
Core Curriculum Review Commit-
tee-aimed at increasing flexibili-
ty in the RC's curriculum require-
ments. Presently, students are not
only required to take specific
courses, but must take them at the
same time as the rest of their
The committee recommended
that students be allowed to choose
when to take their required courses
and suggested that the specific
requirements be largely done away
with in favor of more general
RC Director James Robertson
said that the present system
"tends to solidify a sense of class
rather than a sense of college."
However, by requiring 12 RC
courses and retaining the present
freshman seminar, "some sense of
common experience for all stu-
dents would be retained, but would
leave some option concerning what
they take and when they it," Rob-
ertson said.
Several alternatives to the lan-
guage requirement are among the
options recommended by the com-
mittee. Since the Residential Col-
lege is part of the literary college,
two years of a foreign language
are reuired for a Bachelor of Arts
The committee suggested that
the purpose of that requirement is
contact with "a formal system of
symbols." It recommended courses'
in mathematics, computer science,
in-depth studies of an art form of
courses in linguistics as substitu-
massive sit-in in Hays' office
on Thursday.
In a letter to Parsons last week,
Hays told him he was entitled to
a hearing on the action, probably
before the LSA administrative
board. However, Parsons will re-
main on suspension until such a
hearing is held.
The administrative board is a
faculty-dominated committee
which usually handles LSA dis-
ciplinary cases:
"These accusations are very
grave," Hays wrote. "Physical at-
tack by a student against a mem-
ber of the University faculty in
the performance of his duty is
absolutely unacceptable behavior
and will not be tolerated.
"Such an incident raises serious
questions about the personal safe-
ty of the entire academic' com-
munity," he added.
Hays was out-of-town and un-
available for comment yesterday.
Associate Dean James Robert-
son, who served pn the adminis-
trative board from 1950 to 1967
said last 'night there had never
before, in his memory, been a case
where the dean suspended a stu-
dent without prior action by the
In, all past cases, he said, the
procedure has been to give a stu-
dent a hearing before the admin-
istrative board. If convicted, the
See DEAN, Page 7N
Court order
halts city vote
on, Vietnam
The city filed a motion with the
state Court of Appeals yesterday,
asking the court to reconsider a
Circuit Court order enjoining the
city from placing the Vietnam
war referendum on the April 6
city council election ballot.
Visiting Circuit Court Judge
Paul R. Mahinske of Livingston
County issued the temporary re-
view role
in teach-in
A group of 15 persons, mostly
from SDS and also including
members of ENACT, discussed par-
ticipation in the upcoming en-
vironmental teach-in in a closed
meeting last night, but declined to
specify any plans.
After the meeting, a spokesman
for the group said, "SDS is plan-
ning a wide range of educational
activities" for the teach-in," which
is sponsored by ENACT.
The group last night included
representatives from all the SDS
collectives. It was called after
all-collective SDS meeting Sunday.
The nature of the SDS partici-
pation is not public at this time.
However, reliable sources speculate
that SDS members will participate
in workshops and other activities
that feature some of the more con-
troversial speakers.
SDS will also distribute its own
leaflet, probably on Wednesday
The environmental teach-in be-
gins today, though the bulk of the
activities will start Wednesday
and continue until Saturday night.
Today the first of over 125 plan-
ned workshops, seminars, speeches
and exhibits will begin. Dozens of
nationally known scientists, poli-
ticians, entertainers, professors
and businessmen will participate.
"Our teach-in will be the
largest gathering of concerned en-
vironmentalists, broadly defined,
ever held in this country," says
Doug Scott, co-chairman of
ENACT, the sponsoring organiza-
The law school plans a sym-
posium on environmental law to-
night at 7:30 p.m. in Room 100,
Hutchins Hall. Participants will
include David Dominick of the