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March 04, 1970 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-03-04

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Wednesday, March 4f 1970


Page Seven

Wednesday, March 4, 1970 THE MICHiGAN DAILY Page Seven


This "patch"

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most pertinent ideas.
* Reduce research time by 06%.
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'U' rule fools parents,

(Continued from Page 1)
Each house at Markley has a
sign-out list for women who have
hours. Women who violate the
rules are counselled after the first
offense, but repeated violations
my call for a letter to the girl's
However, "no system is fool-
proof," says Donna Swackhamer,
resident director of Little House
in Markley. "It can be gotten
around," she adds.
The residence halls' board of
Governors, in a memo to the Re-
gents on Jan. 30, expressed con-
cern that parents not be given
"false or unrealistic impressions"
about the protection the Univer-
sity can provide for their daugh-
Citing the difficulty of enforce-
ment and the cost of enforcement
personnel, the Board recommend-
ed that the Regents abolish all
hours restrictions.
"The most we can do to enforce

lease," says University Housing
Director John Feldkamp, "and
what good would that do?"
Barbara Newell, acting Vice-
President for Student Affairs, says,
she expects the Board's recom-
mendation to be on the Regents'
agenda for the March meeting.
'Tenants Uni~on
appeal rejected,
A Federal Circuit Court of Ap-
peals in Cincinnati denied the ap-
peal of the Ann Arbor Tenants
Union of a District Court ruling
that local landlords have not vio-
lated anti-trust provisions.
In a brief decision, the Court of
Appeals upheld a decision made
in Detroit Court July 26, 1969.
Both courts ruled that landlords
in Ann Arbor are dealing in local
commerce only and there is no
evidence that their businesses
have an adverse effect on inter-
state commerce.
The Tenants Union says the
rental business in'Ann Arbor has
an effect on inter-state commerce
because, they claim, it restricts
potential out-of-state tenants
from coming to the area.
The union says this restriction
results from the landlords' alleged
violations of anti-trust laws and
claims the landlords have allied
in order to restrain competition
in the Ann Arbor housing market.

hours is terminate

the girl's


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750 hear forum on
Dow Chemical Corp.
(Continued from Page 1) that it could sell its shares in Dow
ations for general pollution con- if it wanted with no legal prob-
trol. lems.
Radical College member Seamus The last speaker was Dow's
O'Cleireacain, an economics teach- manager of research and develop-
ing fellow spoke next. He was ment of agricultural products, Dr.
chosen to represent the graduate Etcyl Blair.
students on the Radical College Blair opened his presentation
half of the panel. with the question, "When you get
First, he talked of napalm, up in the morning and have good
which he pointed out may not be eggs for breakfast, where did they
,made by Dow any longer, but "the come from?" The crowd respond-
statute of limitations has not run ed that they knew about chickens.
out." Blair's speech concerned Dow's
Nearing the end of his list of 20 herbicides and how they have been
statements, he said that Dow was "used to develop our farming
charged by the Interstate CQm- as it is today."
mission with freight rate fixing. He said that Tordon, which is
Fourth in the speakers and sec- used by the military in Vietnam,
ond for Dow was James Campbell, was "developed strictly for use in
director of salaried placement for agriculture."
"Although we have come to be He explained that Dow herbi-
seen as a symbol of the system, cides are not toxic to humans.
we have been considered an em- "Aspirin is twice as poisonous as
ploye-oriented company" for many 2,4,5-T," a Dow herbicide and
years, he said. "aspirin is 10 times as poisonous
"Continued training and educa- as picloram (generic term for
tion" of employes and "pay for trade name Tordon).
performance," C a m p b e 11 said, He said that there has neve:
"makes us not as was mentioned been any'evidence that Dow herbi-
recently in The Michigan Daily, a cides lead to teratogenic effects
disinterested company, but an in- (fetus deforming).
terested one." In the course of the questions
Touching briefly on recruiting and answers, the Dow represent-
at the University, he said, "If no atives explained that Dow has a
student wants to talk to us about coao
jobs, then we simply don't go." creasing emlmitmentof blacs
The last radical speaker was and women,
Fred Miller, an undergraduate and Bi
a member of Students for a Demo- Beyer finally raised the question
cratic Society, of whether Dow should or sliould
SAr oching briefly on anotsell its products to the military
palm which he claimed was going because_ of the "immorality" or
to be made in Germany soon-and such an act. He said that this was
which Dow officials later flatly the question that he was tryiig to
denied-Miller raised the ecology raise through the whole lecture.
question, and alleged unwritten The representatives explained
labor practice of discrimination that this had been discussed at the
against women and blacks. He "highest level" and they had made
then turned to the relationship of their decision, to continue to sell
the University to Dow. products to the "duly elected gov-
"It seems like there are a few ernment" of the United States.
of. us against Dow with the Uni- After .lp.m. the forum was ad-
versity in Dean Hayes as modera- journed. Some radical speakers at-
tor." He mentioned that Radical tempted to continue speaking to
College members found yesterday the crowd, but the microphone was
that the University always turns soon turned off.
its proxies for 14,000 shares over Although there were some police
to the management ,of Dow and stationed in and around the Union
in anticipation of trouble, the
audience was relatively subdued.
There was some heckling and
counterheckling during the forum,
but the speakers remained more
or less undisturbed.
The audience seemed to have a.
large number of radical sympa-
thizers. The audience was not all
radical, however. A fair amount of
applaus followed each Dow speak-
& CUSTOM SHOP er's presentation.





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House OKsbill
(Continued from Page 1)
nearly $1.2 billion beyond the level
Nixon had recommended.
Some legislators had expected
Nixon to back down a bit on his
opposition to a $600 million item
for grants to schools in areas
where large numbers of children
of federal employes and service-
men attend them. The figure was
nearly $400 million more than the
administration had recommended.
Nixon promised only to study
the program and make recom-
mendations later.
The bill had contained $1.7 bil-
lion for HEW, nearly $1 billion for
labor, and $1.9 bilion for OEO.
Money for nearly a dozen smaller
agencies comprised the balance of
the original $19.7 billion figure.

'Which One
is the
'h ulist?
It's easy to tell a Paulist. Just
talk with him.
The first thing you notice is
that he's contemporary. He
lives today, but plans tomorrow
with the experience and knowl-
edge of yesterday. That's a
Paulist characteristic: the abil-
ity to move with the times and
to meet the challenges of each
A Paulist is also the mediator
of his age: he tries to bring to-
gether the extremes in today's
world and the Church, the lib-
erals and the moderates, the
eternal and the temporal.
Next, he is very.much an indi-
vidual. It sets him apart imme-
diately. He has his own partic-
ular talents and abilities'- and
he is given freedom to use them.
If you are interested in finding

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