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February 25, 1970 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-02-25

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Page Six


Wednesday, February 25, 1970


-- -- _._ it _ .. _._ # ., _. _ _ ..


Possible split in

WCHA Marquette

Denny McLain isn't the only
object t h a t Sports Illustrated
has studied in recent weeks. SI
has a ls o turned their square
heads at the Western Collegiate
Hockey Association and prop-
hesized the withdrawal of the
Big Ten teams from the confer-
Though SI later hedged their
prediction, this would not be the
first time the WCHA has done
itself in.
In 1959 the WCHA, then
known as the Western Intercol-
legiate Hockey League, was dis-
banded when the Big Ten
teams (Michigan, Minnesota
and Michigan State) ,objected
to s o m e of the rules in the
WIHL. Supposedly these differ-
ences were ironed out and a
year later the league under its
new name reformed. History
however has a way of repeating
itself and even if Sports Illus-
trated is a little premature, the
WCHA seems to be nearing a
Conceivably this year three
non-conference teams, St. Lou-
is University, Bowling Green

and Notre Dame will be admit-
ted i n t o the WCHA. Indeed,
Notre Dame applied last week-
end. If and when these three
teams are allowed in, the league
wilt have 12 members.
A TWELVE TEAM league will
have numerous problems, t h e
toughest, financing trips. Hock-
ey does not have the same bud-
get at most schools that football
or basketball does and there-
fore cannot make as many trips
as they would like. As it is now
Michigan doesn't travel to sev-
eral of their ppponents cities
this year. Under a 12 team for-
mat, it would be worse.
The possible solution would
be to form two separate divis-
Ohio State hockey coach,
Harry Neale is one of the chief
proponents of the two division
concept. Ohio State has reached
a crossroads of their own. They
have been playing collegiate
hockey for seven years now but
a r e still considered a second
rate team.
In the near future however,
OSU is going to decide whether
or not they should;make the big

push to go big time. Upgrading
their level of play is going to
c o s t money though. Coach
Neale figures it will cost $100,-
000 a year to support a team.
In addition they need a new
rink. Their present stadium
seats only 1500. A stadium seat-
ing 7,000 to 9,000 will have to be
built if OSU wants to get an
appreciable number of hockey
OHIO STATE however does
not want to join the WCHA
under its present setup. Because
of the various number of con-
ferences (5) represented within
the WCHA, Neale feels that oth-
er teams have an unfair advan-
tage over the teams that play
under the Big Ten's strict rules.
With the Big Ten separate,
however, Neale could forsee no
reason for not joining.
this year with a 19-7 m a r k,
Neale feels his team is still a
few years away from Big Ten
caliber. However if OSU gets
serious about hockey, Neale will
immediately upgrade his teams
level of competition.
He is willing for his team to
take their lumps as long as they
are improving. In fact, he be-
lieves that within four years of
going big time, Ohio State
could be a first-rate team.
Commenting on t h e Sports
Illustrated piece both Michigan
hockey coach Al Renfrew and
Don Canham, Michigan's Ath-
letic Director, agreed that there
had been little serious discus-
sion of a Big Ten league.
Though they realized the ad-
vantages it might have, they
could not foresee a separate
league until all the B i g Ten
schools had a hockey team. This
they can't see for another 15
however, the Big Ten could re-
strict their traveling to merely
the Big Ten schools with two
two-game series against each.
This would m e a n a total of
eight division games. Or they
could start off with a four two-
game series format, bringing
their division total to 16 games,
As more Big Ten tems were
added they could decrease their
total number of games against
each team.
Michigan could still continue
to play another opponent (arch-
rival Michigan Tech for in-
stance) on an "open" weekend.
With this format however, a
big problem could be partially
With most games against Big
Ten opponents, there would be
less consternation over the dif-
ferences in rules and regulations
that separate the Big Ten from
o t h er conferences. Games
against n o n - division teams
would of course be scheduled
but with no set regularity. At
the end of the season, a playoff
system could be worked o u t
whereby the top two or three
teams in each division would
Irregardless of what set-up is
used, the Big Ten teams will
continue to play some of the
finest college hockey in the na-

ubs NCAJ
By The Associated Press
T h e National Collegiate Ath-
letic Association invited 10 at-
large teams to participate in its
annual championship in March
But Marquette University, rated
a No. 8 in the nation, turned down
the bid and decided to go to the
National Invitation Tournament
in New York in a dispute over its
placement in the Midwest region-
Unranked Dayton, 17-7, then
accepted the NCAA bid, replacing
Although the NIT said it would
make no announcement until this
afternoon, Coach Al McGuire of
Marquette 'said his team was tak-
ing the NIT over the NCAA.
The NCAA invites 10 at-large
teams, plus 15 conference cham-
pions, some of which have to be
decided by post - season tourna-
ments. Kentucky, the No. 1 team
in the latest Associated Press poll,
already has qualified by winning
the Southeastern Conference title
and Western Kentucky has won
the Ohio Valley Conference.
The NIT will invite 16 teams
for its tournament in New York's
Madison Square Garden, starting
March 13 and ending March 21.
R. Copi The NCAA competition w ill be
held on three sucbessive weekends,
March 7, March 12-14 and March



This Week in Sports
FRESHMAN BASKETBALL-Alpena Community College, at
Crisler Arena, 7:30 p.m.
HOCKEY-at Denver
BASKETBALL-Wisconsin, at Crisler Arena, 2:00 p.m.
HOCKEY-at Denver
TRACK-MSU, at Yost Field House, 4:00 p.m.

Marquette's Al McGuire-the crucible

Jensen swings all-around

By BETSY MAHON !. Even more impressive is
When you're busy contemplat- of meets he has competed
ing Canadian imports on the member of the Canadian
Michigan scene what comes to nastic Association. He has
your mind first? Canadian Club pated in the Canadian O
or, if you're more athletically the Pan American Gam
minded, hockey players? These North American Games, t
may seem like the obvious choices, Pre Olympics and Olympi
but there is another Canadian the Pre World Games.
product who is busing making a Jensen scored in the
name for himself both on and off Olympic competition bu
the Michigan campus. He is gym- somewhat disappointed.
nast Sid Jensen. that I could have done b
Jensen was born in Halifax, just didn't have enough
Nova Scotia but moved to Mon- ground at the time."
treal when he was five years old. The Olympics provided
His father had been, a gymnast rewards as "gymnastics v
in his native Denm'ark, so many most popular sport there.
of the moves came naturally to something new to the peo
young Sid. He competed in his they really went for it." O
first meet when he was still in places he has visited, Jense
grade school and while attending Mexico City, the cite of
Verdun high school competed in games, to be his favorite.
gymnastics. Along with pole vault- studying the pople and
ing, hockey and diving. all the film I had on the
He won the Junior Canadian and the city."
Trampoline Championship before One of the things ab
a back injury forced him to give Olympics that impressed
.up that sport. Gymnastics remain- was the performance of the
ed his big love, however, and it ese. "They're super menv
was Coach Newt Loken who in- comes to gymnastics. As a
fluenced Jensen to pick Michigan ality they are athleticallyc
over such schools as McGill, and they have the ideal bo
Waterloo, and Iowa State. for gymnastics."
While at Michigan he soon dis- Once Jensen's routines
tinguished himself as one of the they generally remain the
finest all around men in the coun- He admits to being "rath
try. So far this, season he has servative when throwing
scored above nine points at least stunts. The main thing is
once in five of the six events. He your routine to the judges.
was all around leader against Ohio got to make a trick look
State, Southern Illinois, Indiana, It's important for every n
Michigan State and Ilinois. be pleasing to the eye."
Against Illinois he achieved a In spite of the hours h
career high of 54.85 for the six devote to gymnastics, Jense
events. Last year he finished sec- ages to find time for anoth
ond to teammate Rick McCurdy in by-motorcycles. His inter
the Big Ten all around competi- gan in high school and sin
tion. time has has gone throug

the list+
in as a
nes, the'
he 1968
cs, and
7's in
ut was
"I feel
etter. I
d other
was the
It was
ple and'
f all the
n found
the '68
"I enjoy
I used'
out the
when it
dy type
are set
e same.."
er con-
in new
to sell
move to
he must
n man-
er hob-
rest be-
nce that
h seven

of them. He enjoys bikes that are
not in the best condition and
building them up. "It's creative
things that interest me." He is
between motorcycles right now,
but is looking forward to getting
After graduation Jensen will
compete in the Canadian nation-
als. In August he will compete
in the Cup of Americas Games
in Cuba, then travel to Italy for
the University Games and to
Yugoslavia to take part in the
World Games. In 1971 he plans
to participate in the Pan Amer-
ican Games and the Pre-Olympics,
all leading up to the 1972 Olympic
Sid Jensen's big dream has al-
ways been to win an Olympic
Medal and he is eagerly waiting
his second chance. "I've been be-
come more consistent since the
last time. It would be phenomenal
to win a medal but I'm not pes-
NHL Standings

WRESTLING-at Minnesota
19-21 with the finals at College
Park, Md.
UCLA, 21-1 after suffering its
first defeat Saturday, has w o n
the NCAA championship three
years in a row and is almost a
sure thing to represent the Pacific
Eight this season.
St. Bonaventure, a leading in-
dependent with a 19-1 record and
No. 3 ranking, was invited to the
NCAA along with fifth-ranked
New Mexico State, .21-2, sixth-
ranked Jacksonville, 20-1, and
eighth - rated Marquette, 19-3,
which was replaced by unranked
Others receiving NCAA invita-
tions included Notre Dame, 20-5,
Houston, 20-3, Utah State, 18-5,
Villanova, 17-6, Niagara, 19-4 and
Long Beach 'State, 21-3.
Although the NIT was not an-
nouncing the invitation to Mar-
quette, privately it was not deny-
ing the news.
McGuire said the decision of the
NCAA to place Marquette in the
Midwest regional was the basic
factor in rejection of the bid. He
said Marquette wanted to be plac-
ed in t h e Midwest regional at
Dayton, Ohio instead of the Mid-
west. The regionals will be play-
ed March 7.
McGuire said Jacksonville and
Notre Dame had been put in the
Midwest regional which also in-
cludes the champions of the Big
Ten and Kentucky, Southeast
Conference champs, in the second
round after a first round bye.
In the Midwest regionals there
are three members at-large, plus
the winners of the Southwest
"I am very disappointed," said
McGuire. "Our heart was set on
going to the NCAA. I still can't
figure it out. We have the finest
record of my tenure at Marquette."
McGuire, visibly upset over the
decision, took verbal pokes at the
NCAA Committee that placed
Marquette in the Midwest Region-
al instead of the Mideast.
"We belong in Dayton, Ohio,"
he said. "That's all there is to it.
I can't see their thinking."
McGuire, whose last two teams
have been in NCAA post-season
tournaments, said he t o ld the
committee that Marquette should
have been put in the Mideast Re-
gional whichever way they chose
the teams' - by toughness of sch-
edules, records or ranking in The
Associated Press Poll.
"They couldn't give US/ a rea-
son," McGuire said. "They worry
More about whether you give an
athlete a T-shirt rather t h a n
their own ethics."
Last year, Marquette defeated
Kentucky before losing in over-
time to Purdue in the Mideast
championship game.
"We have four starters b a c k
from that team," McGuire said.

"They all wanted to go back to
the NCAA. We looked forward to
getting back at Kentucky. And way
wanted to play the Big Ten
champions, too."
* * ,
NCAA pairings
Villanova, 17-6, will play the
M i d d 1 e Atlantic Conference
Champion at t h e University of
Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. St
Bonaventure, 19-4, takes on the
Southern Conference winner at
St. John's University. Niagara, 19-
4, is pitted against the Ivy League
titlist at Princeton.
In the Mid-East two games will
be played at t h e University Of.,
Dayton. Jacksonville, Fla., 20-1,
takes on Western Kentucky, 20-
2, winner of the Ohio Valley Con-
ference, and Notre Dame, 19-5,
plays the Mid American Confer-
ence champion.
In the Midwest Houston, 20-3,
competes against Dayton, 17-7,
and New Mexico State, 22-2, plays*
the Southwest Conference winner
in a double-header at Texas
Christian University.
Two games a r e scheduled at
Brigham Young University at Pro-
vo; Utah.
Utah, 19-5, will go against
Long Beach, Calif., State, 21-3,*
and Utah State, 19-5, plays the
W e s t e r n Athletic Conference

Reds' hurler
Merritt hurt


New York
St. Louis
Los Angeles

East Division
33 12 12
31 13 14
30 15 13
29 18 10
31 19 7
23 24 10
28 21 8
14 21 20
20 28 8'
17 31 .9
10 29 17
9 41 5

-Daily-Thomas R, Copi

78 202 132
76 220 174
73 191 147
68 173 151
69 186 134
56 177 179
64 171 139
48 157 177
48 140 183
43 128 184
37 153 193
23 114 219

By The Associated Press
Left-hander Jim Merritt, Cin-
cinnati's winningest pitcher in
1969, fractured his right elbow
yesterday in a freak mishap 3,00%
miles from the Reds' spring train-
ing camp.
Merritt, 17-9 last season, fell
from the roof of his West Covina,
Calif., home as he attempted to
dislodge his son's kite. His right
elbow will be in a cast for about
a week, but it was not known howW
long the injury will keep him on
the sidelines.
Among the Reds' other prob-
lems, as batterymen continued to
work out at their Tampa, Fla.,
training camp, were nine unsigned
players, including National League
batting champ Pete Rose, reg-'
ulars Lee May, Johnny Bench and
Tony Perez, and holdout pitcher
Jim Maloney. Pitcher Clay Carroll
and outfielder Ted Savage agreed
to terms Tuesday.
Other signess included right-
hander Jim Palmer, 16-4 last sea-
son, with Baltimore's American,
League kings, and first baseman
Ed Kranepool with the world
champion New York Mets.

will hold a discussion
at 7:30 P.M.
_ -I
and stay in

Yesterday's Results
No games scheduled
'Today's Games
Pittsburgh at Montreal
Oakland at Toronto
St. Louis at New York
Los Angeles at Minnesota

.':' , :;'::'.:: ' :; :":":':::' : :':'::: Statistics Seminar: Faculty & Stu-
dents, "Some Applied Problems in Sta-
DAILY OFFICIAL tistics" 2433 Mason Hall, 4:00 p.m.
IPhysics Colloquium: Y. P. Yao,
"Theory of High Energy Interactions"
BUI LL 'TIN P&A Colloq. Rm., 4:00 p.m.
Botany Seminar: Dr. Edward Voss,
...':::: "Influences of the Great Lakes on
Plants of the Land" Botanical Gardens,
The Daily Official Bulletin is an 4:15 p.m.
official publication of the Lniver- Graduate Assembly Mtg: W. Confer-
sity of Michigan. Notices should be ence Rm., Rackham Bldg., 7:30 p.m.
sent in TYPEWRITTEN f o r m to
Room 3528 L. S. A B I d g ., before
2 p.m., of the day preceding pub- General Notices
lication and by 2 p.m. Friday for
Saturday and Sunday. Items ap- Regents' Meeting: Wed, and yhurs.,
pear once only. Student organiza- MR.gend 9.ee mng:.on s.,
tion notices a r e not accepted for Mar. 18 and 19. Communications for
publication. F o r more informa- consideration at this meeting must be
in the President's hands no later than

Day Calendar
Anatomy Seminar: Dr. Seong H a n,X
"The Fate of Antigens in Lymphoid
Organs" Rm. 4804 Med. Sci. II, 1:00

in tie reiei nsn ae IL
March 5.
Summary of SGC Action, Feb. 19:
Approved: That SGC loan $500 to the
Ann Arbor Conspiracy toward expenses
for a concert in April at Events Bldg.
Approved: That if the black stu-
dents wish to discuss their demands at
tomorrow's Regents meeting, that the
time scheduled for discussion of the

By-Laws be given to the black stu- Approved: That Joan Martin, Michael
dents. Farrell, and Marty Scott be appointed
Approvd: That SGC meet with SACUA by SGC to write a reply to the sheet
and submit the By-Laws which have of "fact" and commentary put out by
been approved by SACUA and SRC President Flerming at University ex-
directly to the Regnts, bypassing the pense concerning the G.E. recruiter ac-
bottleneck, Mr. Fleming. tion:
Approved: That SGC states that its FURTHER: That SGC demand that
participation in the Comm. on Com- President Fleming distribute this reply
munications and the University Coun- as widely as his propaganda p i e c e
cil is dependent on acceptable resolu- was, also at University expense.
tion of the conflict on policy board and Approved: To extend to SDD use of
of impending- disagreements over a the Fishbowl for another three weeks,
student judiciary. this includes power, light, sound -
Approved: WHEREAS: The President anything SDS needs.
has stated that no Vice President for Approvedi: That SGC rescind its mo-
Student Services will be selected until tion of February 5: "SGC urges CSJ
conflict over the policy board is re- not to accept for consideration any case
solved and there is substantial agree- which may also be pressed in any
ment in the University on the role of other court."
the Vice President: Approved: WHEREAS: The present
WHEREAS: According to the Presi- system of choosing Regents has re-
dent, he is not a special interest in the sulted in an incredibly bad assortment
University, but rather he impartially of unqualified and uninformed mem-
attempts to resolve conflicts, among bers on the University Board of Re-
those interests; gents:
V tNSf7gfa5evGbatC(m WHEREAS: Political hackism is no
WHEREAS: Students, faculty, the longer an acceptable basis for select-
nominees for the position, all the in- ing nominees to the Board of Regents;
terests involved have indicated that WHEREAS: Students for too 1 o n g
they approve a policy board arrange- have been denied their rightful influ-
ment and could work with it, and only ence in the selection of nominees to
the President, who is not a special the Board of 'Regents.
interest according to his own testi- BE IT RESOLVED: That SGC ap-
mony remains opposed; point two students to work on a joint
THEREFORE: Fleming should stop committee with any interested students
trying to resolve a conflict in the Uni- or student organizations to:
versity that doesn't exist and should 1) develop criteria by which to judge
appoint a new Vice President for Stu- candidates for the University Board of
dent Services under the policy board Regents;
framework, 2) make known its evaluation of any

candidate with the consent of SGC;
3) endeavor to bring about the nom-
ination of candidates whom SGC be-
lieves would advance the interests of
the student body;
4) explore all alternatives that would
end the unjust discrimination against
University students who wish to be-
come candidates for the Board; andi
5) investigate possible alternative
ways of selecting or electing Regents.
Approved: That Jerry De Grieck and
a volunteer student be appointed to the
above committee.
Placement Service
3200 S.A.B.
Summer Intern Program -in Wash.,
D.C., sponsored by U of M. Positions
avail, this summer in Congressional Of-
fices and agencies. Interviews held at
Placement Services, 3200 SAB, Fri.,
Feb. 27 and next Tuesday, Mar. 3. Stop
at receptionists' desk and ask for Mrs.
Damon. No prior appts. nec.
Current Positions, call 764,7460 for
further info. and come in and browse
through other positions:
Local Institute: Program Associate.
to follow up all plans in all programs
for the director, language/writing skills,
good public relations skills, familiarity
with planning and executing training
programs, research, conferences, a n d
publications. New graduate considered
if somewhat mature and able to work
easily with many kinds of people and
many different tasks.
State 'of Michigan: State Police-
woman, Personnel Officer, Driver Lic-
ensing Examiner, Industrial Agent, and
Interviewer Aide. Inquire about require-
ments and locations. Apply directly to
the Mich. Civil Service soon.

Late Add.: Armonk, N.Y. Call
appt. today. 764-7459.

either one is ONLY $189
and includes

Harvard Univ., Grad. Bns. Ad. School
positions for women college grads. as
course readers and assistants.


212 SAB, Lower Level
Irish Hill Girl Scout Council Jack-
son, Mich. *Will interview 10 to 4:30.
Openings for asst. director, business
mgr., nurse, waterfront staff, unit lead-
ers and counselors, cook, handyman,
kitchen assistant.
Camp Sea Gull iMch., coed. Will in-
terview 1 to 5. Openings for counselors
(m of )), waterfront director (m or
f) and nurse.
FEBRUARY 26 & 27:
Camp Tamarack, Mich., Coed, Fresh
Air Society Detroit. Will interview 9:30
to 5. Openings include general c o u n-
selors, specialists in waterfront, a r t s
and crafts, nature campcraft, tripping,
dramatics, dance, music, unit and asst.
unit supervisors caseworker, truck-bus
driver, counselors emotionally disturbed
(m), counselors, marionette theatre,
citchen porter (m), University credit
Camp Skyline, Mich., coed. Will=in-
terview 9 to 5. Openings include gen-
eral counselors, specialists for water-
front, handicrafts, riding, bus - truck
driver. New camp.
Camp Dunmore, Vt., girls. Will inter-
view 9 to 12. Openings for waterfront
(WSI, age 20), specialists for danc e,
music, canoeing, sailing.

7 days and nights on
the beach at the Hotel
A welcome in cocktail
par ty.
Moonlight cruise includ-
ing free parties, floor
shows, sailing, swim-
ming, riding, fishing.

7 days and nights at the
Freeport In
Free happy hours with
rock bands every night.
Free services to beach-
es and casinos.
Scuba diving, snorkling,



KATHY GIBEL-formally with
NYC Black Panthers:
WILLIAM SCOTT, author of
"Hurt, Baby, Hurt":
in Social Psychology:
JOSEPH D. BEN-DAK, Research Sociologist,
Center for Research on Conflict Resolution:





- - - _e wrk.

- - --



for individual entertainment and group skits
we need:
actors, actresses, technical designers

author of "TERRACIDE"
r 4-

" . "r- 1' N




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