See Editorial Page
Ci r
kol. LXXX, No. 117
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, February 19, 1970
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
About 2,000 people, march-
ing to protest the convictions
,in the Chicago 7 conspiracy
trial, dispersed abruptly last
night as about 200 city and
state police, and Washtenaw
County sheriff's deputies
charged =into the crowd a n d
scattered the demonstrators.
The protesters had marched
nearly three miles around the cen-
tral campus area chanting slogans,
with small groups occasionally
breaking windows of businesses.
Shortly before 10 p.m. the
marchers headed toward the cen-
tral business district of the city.
"rhe police surged out of City Hall
when rocks were thrown at park-
ed patrol cars, and charged into
the mass of demonstrators, who'
had turned west onto E. Huron
from S. Division St.
Brandishing nightsticks a n d
shotguns, the police chased the
crowd for two blocks north, east
and south of City Hall.
University Hospital officials re-
ported that one professor, n in e
students, and one sheriff's deputy'
were brought in for treatment for
minor facial lacerations. In ad-
d-ition the health service treated
13 injured, while St. Joseph Hos-
pital reported one injured person
as a result of the confrontation.
Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter.
Krasny said late last night t h a t
three warrants were issued for per-
sons believed to be the leaders of
the march.
He estimated that about 2,000
persons participated in the march.
"You're dealing with a bunch of
criminals as far as I'm concerned,"
Krasny said. "They should expect
to get their heads busted."
Krasny said five persons were
arrested on charges ranging from
assaulting an officer and resisting;
arrest to simple property damage.
He said he did not know of any
serious injuries to police officers.
It began at 9 p.m., following a
short rally on the Diag.
Before the march started, the
crowd was split over whether a
'vote should be taken on the ques-
tion of using such tactics as rock-
throwing and window breaking,
About half of the protesters had
left to begin the march by the
time a vote was taken on tactics
The other half voted overwhelm-
ingly not to take violent actions.
r During a brief debate at the
Diag rally, Student Government
Council President Marty Mc-
Laughlin charged that SDS col-
lectives had decided earlier to
"trash" during the march.
See 2,000 ROUTED, Page 8
Police arrested 12 persons
yesterday on charges of as-
saulting an officer and one for
disorderly conduct after Pres-
ident Robben Fleming called
police onto the campus to pre-
vent over 100 protesters, led
by Students for a Democratic
Society, from locking in four
General Electric recruiters at
West Engineering Bldg.
University officials said I a s t
night they expect more arrests
today when identifications can be
made from pictures and videotapes
of the disturbance. Three other
persons were arrested late last
The arrested students were ar-
raigned yesterday, and bail was
set at $500, $750 and $1000. A
pre-trial hearing will be held Feb.
25 before District Court Judge
Pieter, Thomassen.
Assaulting an officer is a high
misdemeanor punishable by two
years and/or a $1,000 fine.
The lock in, fourth in a series
of SDS-led recruiter protests, -de-
veloped into a battle between po-
lice and students after the dem-
onstrators were forced out of the
-Daily-Thomas R. Copi Senate Assembly last night
ir City Hall m supported President
~r .At HullFleming for his decision to call
police into West Engineering Bldg.
It also endorsed a statement by
the Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs (SACUA)
which expressed concern over re-
cent disruptions.
t When police arrested Susan
Eisenberg, a Residential College
sophomore, students attempted to
E 0 block the departure of the policeI
van containing Miss Eisenberg. A
ty a id s ', squad of police moved in to clear
the way. The action provoked a
fighting response from the crowd,
-The granting of tuition waiv- and police began using nightsticks
s to in-state black students to to control the crowd.
admitted under special p r o- After about 20 minutes of in-
ams. termittent scuffling, during which
After thede ndsdthe 11 other persons were arrest-
b. 5redemntsoberemi ed, police left the scene. About
id he was in agreement with the 3morersnsutotc row
jectives, but saw problems con- e than 500, which had gather-
L'nng inncig te ropsal.~ed, marched to the Diag, whereI
rnmg financing the proposals. they rallied. Over 100 of these per-
The problem of financing is es- sons went to the Administration;
cially acute this year since Gov- Bldg., where they occupied Flem-
nor Milliken has recommended a ing's second floor conference room
5.7 million appropriation for See 12 ARRESTED, Page 8
e University - $8.3 million less
an the University had request-
County deputy arrests demonstrator nea
-Daily--Jim Diehl
Policem narrests protester at GE lock-in
Plan rallies for
CHICAGO 0 - Five mem-
bers of the Chicago 7 yester-
day were convicted by a fed-
eral jury of coming to Chi-
cago to incite riots at t h e
time of the 1968 Democratic
National Convention.
All seven were acquitted of
charges that they conspired to
incite riot in Chicago during the
final week of August'1968.
David Dellinger, 54; Jerry Ru-
bin, 31; Tom Hayden, 30; Abbie
Hoffman, 31, and Rennie Davis,
29, were found guilty of crossing
state lines to encourage riot-mak-
ing speeches to various rallies dur-
ing the convention week.
Each man could be sentenced to
a maximum bf five years in prison
and fined $10,000. There is no es-
tablished minimum punishment.
John D. Froines, 31, and Lee
Weiner, 31, were found innocent
on the conspiracy count and a
second count charging them with
teaching the use of an incendiary
device. The government charged
in the five-month trial that
Froines and Weiner plotted to
-fire bomb an underground garage
in Grant Park.
Weiner and F'roines could not
be charged with crossing state
lines to come to Chicago because
Weiner was a resident of Chicago
during 1968 and Froines, a resi-
dent of Eugene, Ore., was spend-
ing the summer with his in-laws
who live in Chicago.
The U.S. District Court jury of
10 women and two men returned
its verdict shortly afternoon, end-
ing four days of deliberations and
bringing the bitter, tumultuous
and often raucous trial to its legal
Judge Julius J. Hoffman of U.S.
District Court did not set a date
for sentencing.
He also denied freedom on bond
to the five convicted defendants.
saying: "I find the men in this
trial too dangerous to be at large."
Mayor Richard J. Daley issued
a statement shortly after the ver-
dict was reported.
"The defendants have had their
day in court and received a fair
trial, and all of us should respect,
the verdict. I hope that the Jury <
verdict will put an end to appeals
to violence," he said.
The Conspiracy-a group form-
ed prior to the trial to help the
seven men conduct their defense-
also issued a statement. "This
outrageous verdict" the Conspiracy
said, "results from the unholy
combination of an unconstitution-
al law, aMayor Daley prosecutor
and a hostile, authoritarian judge.
Men like Ramsey Clark, former
U.S. attorney general, and the Rev.
Ralph D. Abernathy, Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr.'s sucessor as the
head of the Southern Christian
Leadership Conference were kept
off the stand. Other witnesses
were allowed to give only a small
portion of their relevant testi-
The five convicted and their two
co-defendants are being held in
the Cook County-Chicago jail on
sentences ranging f r o m 2%
months to 2% years for contempt.
Judge Hoffman imposed the
contempt penalties Saturday and
Sunday, immediately after the
jurors retired to reach a verdict.
The judge also sentenced de-
fense lawyer William M. Kuntsler
to four years and 13 days for con-
tempt, and his colleague, Leonard
I. Weinglass, to 20 months and
five days.
Both lawyers are free, however,
because the judge stayed commit-
ment of their sentences to May 4.
A legal team representing the
for more minori
A slate of black student de-r
mands for increased minority ad-
missions and financial aid will beF
the main topic of discussion -at the
Regents open hearing today.
The demandswill'be presented
by representatives of the Black
Action Movement, (BAM) a coal-
ition of black student groups.
Specifically, the demands c a 11
fo :
-The admission of at least 900
new black students next fall, in-
cludings450 freshmen, 150 transfer
students, and 300 graduate stu-
-An increase in the proportion:
of blacks in the University to 10
per cent by the 1973-74 s c h o o 1
year; er,
-The hiring of several full-time' be
recruiters to concentrate on at- gr
tracting minority students to the
University; Fe
-The establishment of "an in- sai
tensive supportive 'services pro- ob
gram" to serve the new b 1 a c k ce
-An increase in University fi- pe
nancial aid to black students; eri
-The establishment of a black $7
student center; th
-The establishment of atUniver- th
sity-wide appeal board to dealI ed
with financial aids;
-The revamping of the par- Gr
ents confidential statement to al- ha
low for "hidden costs" andn
In response to yesterday's verdict in the Chicago 7 trial, rallies
are being planned by several groups for today, tomorrow and over
the weekend.
Students for a Democratic Society announced late last night
they will sponsor a rally today at noon in the Diag. And the Chicago
conspiracy group has called for demonstrations over the weekend in
The Committee on Repression and New Mobe jointly announced
late last night they will organize transportation to and from Chicago
for the planned protests. The Committee on Repression earlier in
the week had also called for a rally on the Diag the day after the
Chicago verdict.
Student Government Council President Martin McLaughlin said
' early this morning that an ad hoc
group of about 30 people met late
last night and formulated a list of
suggestions for the rally to adopt.
Among those proposals is a call
for a march on City Hall after the
rally and a list of demands to
both Mayor Robert Harris and
President Robben Fleming that
they denounce the anti-riot and
conspiracy laws and the trial off
the Chicago 7 under those laws.
Vice President and Dean of
raduate Studies Stephen Spurr
.s studied the BAM demands
ir xvl r n pcil d nc
Looking for revolution
EditoriJ Page Editor
Revolutions come'and, appar-
ently, revolutions \go. Or at
least that is the way it hap-
pened last night.,
It all started at the Diag in
the drizzle and the cold. The
crowd stood massed to watch
the plans unfold before them.
A march around campus and
a little more-something peo-
ple were a little reticent to talk
about but everyone knew was
in the offing. The crowd wasn't
quite sure if they wanted to
.ra i -f the - f-hi- thrc 01
sure just what. Right now they
were cold and wanted to get
And as the walk began the
doubts an( e nflicts seemed to
disappear. The people weren't
as cold as they had been and
there were songs and chants
to keep things together. The
crowd was big and going some-
where. While the frustrations
and hostilities of the past years
and months was not forgotten
the moment was happy.
The first trashings did't have
too much effect. The w ndows
ple called. "Do something you
believe in." And, most heart-
ening to the marchers, some of
them did.
But the spirit was cracked
when the crowd hit South U.
There were forewarnings as the
march was moving down toward
the corner of Church St. The
two state police cars that were
trashed shocked a, few, most
were made uneasy but curious.
Curiosity was sated and more
by the scene the marchers found
on South U. Rocks and bottles
flew at everything and the
sound o a eian, nica a ae
ana wil present a aetanea cost
estimate on behalf of the admin-
istration at the meeting today.
Spurr says he supports in prin-
ciple the recent demands of the1
black students for increased
minority admissions and support.
The question is can we find and
finance as many students as they
would like," he says.
After the cost estimate h as
been made, the administrationj
must decide which demands thel
University can afford to meet.
According to Fleming, the ad-
ministration will not present any
definite plan to finance or estab-
lish priorities on the black de-
mands tomorrow. The Regentsare
expected to turn this matterrback
to the administration for further
Students for Effective Action
(SEA) has made a proposal for
financing a minority financial aid
p program whereby students would
Also proposed are demands that
Harris set up an investigating
committee and agree to fire all po-
lice officers and their superiors
who are identified as being in-
volved in last night's incidents
and that neighborhood control of
the police be established, especial-
ly in student and black communi-
Meanwhile last night, protests
against the Chicago Tverdict took
place, in Lawrence, Kan. where
three protesters were arrested
after a demonstration at the coun-
ty courthouse.
A group of about 35 demon-
strators in Iowa City, Iowa parad-
ed through the downtown area to
protest the trial and then entered