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February 14, 1970 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-02-14

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Finding it hard to classify himself
a "builder of universities," Stephen
Spurr prefers to accept the lesser role
of "foreman."
With expansion and development of
the University's Flint and Dearborn
campuses high on the Regents' pri-
ority list, the new' vice president and
dean of graduate studies has been
*ven the blueprints for the task, with
instructions to "catalyze" their im-
A member of the University's faculty
for 20 years, Spurr expresses reserva-
tions about becoming an administra-
"I think that any faculty man who
takes on a vice presidency sees that
there are two considerations which
will determine whether or not it was
a good move," he says.

Ca talyzing



"On the pro side, it provides a bet-
ter platform from which to argue. On
the con side, there is a potential loss
of credibility," Spurr adds. "You be-
come part of the mystical group called
the administration which is instinc-
tively looked upon by many faculty and
students as being in an adversary
rather than in a supportive role."
At Dearborn, Spurr's role is to over-
see the transition of the upper-divis-
ional campus to a viable four-year
program, a job which the vice presi-
dent says will take at least five years
to complete.
At Flint, Spurr is coordinating the
expansion which will be required to
accommodate the increasing enroll-
ment now projected for the next ten
Meanwhile, Spurr remains dean of
the graduate school, a position he has

held since 1964. He has also taken
over some offices formerly under the
direction of other vice presidents, in-
cluding admissions, financial aids, reg-
istration, and records.
Although he says he is "over-
whelmed" by the extent of his assign-
ment, Spurr admits to being accus-
tomed to dealing with such tasks.
"I'm not doing anything substan-
tially different than I have been since
1961," he says.
That year, Spurr, who was dean of
the natural resources school, was
named an assistant to Roger Heyns,
then vice president for academic af-
fairs. Under Heyns, and later under
the current vice president, Allan
Smith, Spurr handled special assign-
ments in the areas of development and
admissions. Not coincidentally, these

are his major responsibilities as vice
Early last year, President Robben
Fleming and Vice President Smith ap-
proached Spurr and discussed the
possibility of his taking on a more
formal role in these areas.
Meanwhile, in late spring, two spec-
ial committees submitted to the Rs-
gents reports calling for expansion
and development of Flint and Dear-
born. By November, regental approval
had been given to the major recom-
mendations of the reports, and Spurr
was appointed vice president with a
mandate to carry them out.
The Dearborn campus was estab-
lished as a senior division college in
1956 on a grant from the Ford Motor
Company. One of the few juniors-and-
seniors-only schools in the country,

Dearborn was intended to serve as an
upper-divisional college to Henry Ford
Community College.
Therein lay its main problem, how-
ever. As Spurr notes, "There are not
enough students who want to go
through that particular program."
And with a critically low rate of en-
rollment growth, the campus has been
unable to secure the funds to upgrade
its academic prorgams, hire more fac-
ulty, and establish viable programs
above the undergraduate level.
The problem facing the Flint cam-
pus is quite opposite. "We're close to
the saturation point at Flint, and de-
mands for enrollment are increasing,"
Spurr says.
Flint College, the major component
of the Flint campus, was established in
See VP SPURR, Page 8

VP Spurr: Expanding other 'U' campuses

See Editorial Page


Aww"oMpop -

Cloudy and cold,
snow likely

Vol. LXXX, No. 113 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 14, 1970 Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Ad board
parity vote
Action delayed
on LSA student
judiciary plan
The literary college admin-
istrative board yesterday de-
layed any vote on an LSA Stu-
dent Assembly proposal f o r
parity representation on the
board and for the establish-
ment of an LSA student judi-


-Daily- ornmas R . Co
ENACT members leaflet A & P

In an effort to awaken consumers to the potential dangers of waste in detergents and non-re-
turnable containers, ENACT yesterday sponsored. a protest at the local A & P supermarket.
Five other supermarkets have been selected for the leafletting.
Six candidates vie for primary
on Monday; final race in April
By SHARON WEINER the spending policies, such as the ernment operations to reflect the
A primary election will be held over-emphasis on parking tickets. important contribution which stu-
Monday in three of Ann Arbor's This hurts the business downtown. dents make to the life of Ann
five wards to elect candidates for "I want to untie the hands of Arbor," says George's opponent
City Council's general election in the police in combatting lawbreak- Mrs. Owens.
April. ing," he continues. "A person I "T h i s includes establishing
In the First Ward, LaVerne Hill can't correct a bad law by break- procedures for voter registration
and Tom Dennis Hilbert are bat- ing it. We should go back to com- and the processing of student com-
$ling for the Republican nomina- mon sense moves for the better- plaints about city operations-
tion. The winner will face in- ment of the city as a whole-in- procedures which do not discrim-
cumbent Democratic Councilman cluding the students," he adds. inate against students.
John Kirscht in April. "The city must redefine the role "However," she adds, "the re-
James George is challenging of students in relation to city gov- See CANDIDATES, Page 8
Lois Owens for the Democratic
nomination in the Third Ward,
and, the winner of that contest' OF
will face incumbent Republican
Councilman Joseph Edwards.
In the Fourth Ward, Larry Clark
facing C. William Fergusonfor
victor will contest Republican:
James Stephenson.
Clark, George and Gilbert are
11 associated with the Concerned
Citizens of Ann Arbor, the group
which has been circulating peti-
tions in an attempt to recall seven
of the eight Democratic council
members and the mayor.
The candidates expressed yes-
terday their views /on city prior-
ties, Ann Arbor's relationship to
he Universty students and the
police department. s n
Mrs. Hill sees voter input as the -
"I want the constituency in-
volved before, not after decisions 5 0
are made," she says. "I want to
know what the voters want me EX.

The postponement for at least
two weeks followed two hours of
debate on the measure during
which students and faculty mem-
bers clashed sharply over the le-:
gality and viability of the pro-I
posed judiciary.
The board has only the author-
ity to recommend action to thej
LSA faculty.I
The judiciary would have ori-
ginal jurisdiction over all re-
gulations except those concerning!
grades, cheating and the award-
ing of degrees. The students also
w i s h e d to include disruption
cases under this category, b u t This was the
faculty members consistently dis- exploded in1
agreed. three cars. S
Faculty members of the board -
also objected to the proposal be-_
cause they believed the LSA stu-
dent government, which would ap- t.
point the members of the judiciary
and the student members of t h e
board, might not be representa-
tive of the LSA students. o v er
arranging its constitutional struc-
ture. B HRV
"The timing is bad," said class- ByHARly
ics Prof. Howard Cameron, "If
the proposal were brought before "They're fee
the LSA faculty at this point, it 'about it and
would fail because there is a lack righteous about
of confidence in student judic-
iaries. Because of the failure of science gradua
confidence, there would certainly to the currents
be an unwillingness of faculty to departments'
transfer powers or powers it teaching fello
thinks it has to an assembly can get the tx
which has no definite shape," he other's point o
continued. The conflict
"You're not going to force me to groups has br
make an agreement with a govern- teaching of re
rnent I don't like," he added. the departmei
But some students did not be- lows for the p
Ilieve the issue of agreement with The issue of
the form of government was rele- been protestin
See LSA, Page 8 an impasse, h

Associated Press
oMobing in police parking lot
e view from inside the Berkeley Municipal Court Building' yesterday after two bombs
the adjacent police parking lot. The explosions wounded seven policemen and destroyed
See Digest item.
I s, professors in deadlck
TF appropriations dispute

Trial in
Final statements
given; Hoffman
to charge jury
Special To The Daily
CHICAGO - "The hang-
man's rope never solves a sin-
gle problem," Chicago 7 De-
fense Atty. William Kunstler
told the jury as he urged them
in his final argument to "make
the right decision" and acquit
the seven activists accused of
inciting riots at the 1 9 6 8
Democratic Convention.
Kunstler's summation was fol-
lobed by that of U. S. Atty.
Thomas Foran, who called the de-
fendants "evil men" who "cor-
rupt innocent kids for their ow
Judge Julius Hoffman will in-
struct the jury this morning' by
9:30. Deliberations are expected
to be lengthy.
Kunstler told the jury, "We're
living in extremely troubled
times," but warned them that the
"enormous problems" of the Viet-
nam war, racism, poverty and the
generation gap "don't go away
by destroying their critics."
He told the jury that "we are
in a moment of history in which
the courtroom becomes a prov-
ing ground of whether we will live
free and die free," and added that
the outcome rested with them.
In particular, he emphasized
the defendents' association w i t h
such acknowledged heroes as
Martin Luther King' and Robert
Foran, in his summation, argued
that such men would never have
supported the "evil schemes" of
the defendants.
When he mentioned King, de-
fendant David Dellenger's 16-year-
old daughter Tasha said quietly,
"You're wrong, Mr. Foran. He did
support them."
Then she stood up and began
the leave the courtroom. When a
marshall laid his hand on her
arm, Tasha shrugged it off and
stalked out proudly unescorted.
Dellinger stood and said, "That's
my daughter, and I thank her."
Michelle Dellinger, 13, raised
her hand in a fist and shouted
"Right on!" As she was expelled
from the courtroom her father
said "and that's my other daugh-
As Michelle was going through
the door, out of the line of sight
of most people in the courtroom
See CHICAGO, Page 2
Mrs. Romn.&ey
Senate race
LANSING (A3) - Lenore Rom-
ney, wife of Secretary of Housing'
and Urban Development George
Romney, says she can be consid-
ered a possible candidate for the

LRD VALLANCE cision made by the department
News Analysis last October to reduce the appro-
eling self-righteous priation for teaching fellows to
we'r felingsel- permit the hiring of additional fa-
we'e felig slf-culty, and the manner in which
it it," says a political ( the decision was made.
te student, referring The dispute is a by-product of
dispute between the! converging oojectives the depart-
faculty and its ment is aiming for in the near or
ws. "And, nobody distant future. These objectives
wo of us to see the are:
of view." -To begin replacing teaching
t between the two: fellows by professors in recita-
ought a halt to the tions "in the interests of under-
citation sections by graduate education;"
mts teaching f e 1- -To -hire more faculty this
ast five days. year; and
f the students have --To try to provide more tempt-
g, which is still at ing fellowships that would at-
as concerned a de- tract more of the top third of ap-


plicants who have been lost to
competing departments.
The graduate students, for the
past three weeks have cited two
key issues as crucial to the dis-
pute, namely, that the reduction in
fellowships will not be adequately
compensated for and that the ori-
ginal decision was made without
the knowledge or consent of most
of the departments nearly 200,
graduate students.
The money needed to hire four
new assistant professors will come
from three sources. $18,000 taken
from the teaching fellowship bud-
get will be added to a $20,000 fund
originally designated for last year's
abortive attempt to recruit one
additional professor. Most of the
$20,000 is presently being used to
support four senior graduate stu-
-dents as lecturers.
In addition $8,000 has been
promised by Rackham, bringing
the fund for recruiting faculty to
a required total of $46,000..
In compensation for the loss of
$18,000 in fellowships, the depart-
ment will receive a promised
$9,000 increase in the department's
Rackham block grant fellowship
This amount, according to
P r o f e s s o r Samuel Eldersveld,
chairman of the department, was
originally thought of as support
for incoming graduate students.
Its use by the present students,
he said, "can be discussed."
The contention centers largely
over the question of whether or
not some graduate students would
find themselves without the finan-
cial support they had expected to
'receive next year.
While the faculty has promised

teedof' by AA parking

"Switch" parking may soon be
switched-off in Ann Arbor.
If City Councilmen Nicho-
las Kazarinoff (D-Third Ward)
and John Kirscht (D-First
Ward) get their way, motorists
parking on residential streets
will no longer be forced to play
automotive hop-scotch six days
a week.
"Switch" parking refers to the
method utilized by the city in
which designated sides of streets
are alternately available and
unavailable for parking.
For example, one one side of
South Forest St. a sign reads

streets are 8 a.m.-8 p.m. and 2
a.m.-5 am.
Some persons must move their
cars twice as much as others,
depending on which schedule
their street is on.
The councilmen's proposal
- to be introduced at a Coun-
cile meeting Tuesday - points
to a number of discrepancies in
the present system. Residential
streets are swept once weekly,
they say, but the switch laws
are in effect six days of the
week. If bad weather prevents
sweeping, the area to have been
covered misses its turn.
Also, at present, only o n e

Parking MWF 2-5 AM" (other
side) to "No Parking Mondays
2-6 AM" (both sides).
The proposal also criticizes
current snow removal tech-
niques and encourages the de-
velopment of an ordinance to re-
solve the problem.
Kazarinoff and Kirscht. con-
clude by pointing out that
switch parking violations ac-
count for only 5 per cent of
the city's tickets, so revenue loss
would be negligible.
A city ordinance is not re-
quired to modify the switch
parking regulations. All that is
needed is an administrative or-


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