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January 31, 1970 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-01-31

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Cloudy, not so cold;
chance of snow flurries

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturdov. January 31. 1970

Ten Cents

mEh Ptn

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SDS anti-imperialism'
demonstration s continue

Blacks to rekindle admission issue

Associate Managing Editor
Students for a Democratic
Society continued its "anti-
imperialism" campaign with1
sporadic disruptions yester-
day. A core group of about 15
students conducted "guerrilla
theatre'' in the Fishbowl, in a
North Hall ROTC class, andE
in scattered LSA classes.
Late in the morning three dem-
onstrators placed a stinkbomb in i
a wastebasket next to the place-
ment offices in West Engineering
Bldg. where a recruiter from the
DuPont Corp. interviewed stu-.
The disruptions were termed
minor by University security men.
The stinkbomb was found within
minutes after it was emptied into
the wastebasket, and security men
hustled it out of the building be-
fore the bomb went off.
At the same time, a scuffle broke
out in the Fishbowl when an un-
identified man repeatedly tore
down a Viet Cong flag from above
a display table. On the third try,
he ripped it up, but Ann Arbor
Det. Lt. Eugene Staudenmeier in-
tervened and led the man away.

Daily News Aflaiysis
The University's minority group stu-
dents, dissatisfied with the progress being
made on increasing minority group ad-
missions, are going to attempt to re-
kindle the issue.
The disclosure Thursday of an "es-
calated drive" for increased minority ad-
missions "which will culminate at the
February Regents meeting," seemingly in-
dicates that a set of goals or demands
will be presented by these students to the
Regents sometime between now and that
What the final position of these stu-
dents will be, and what tactics they wil).
take to achieve their goal are unanswered
questions at this point. One thing is cer-
tain-affirmative action will definitely
bring life back into an issue which, after
coming to the forefront at the end of
last semester, had begun to bog down.
In late November and early Decembe
last year, minority admissions was a
topic of concern all across the Univer-
sity. The education school endorsed a

program in principle which sees a 20 per
cent black enrollment and an' equal per-
centage of black faculty members as its
Then Student Government Council de-
manded in late November that the ad-
ministration allocate significantly in-
creased amounts of money for a recruiting
program and financial and academic aic
programs. The Black Law Students' K
!iance demanded much the same thing
in the Law School.
In response to the actions throughout
the community, President Robben .
ing delivered in a speech before the Uni-
versity Senate, which consists of the en-
tire faculty. He said he felt progress was
definitely being made.
"The question of race is a real cancer
in our society," Fleming said. "We all
wish to resolve it but there are- no over-
night solutions. We are taking major
steps in the process however."
This semester, however, the drive for
increased minority admissions has waned
among deans of the schools and colleges,
administrators and the student govern-
ment leaders. The controversy ofve: the

selection of a new vice president for stu-
dent services and the subsequent bylaws
dispute have preoccupied the energies of
SGC and the administration.
But the issue is very much alive among
the University's black students and the
apparent lack of commitment by SGC has
not been taken lightly by them.
SGC member Walter Lewis, also a
member of the Black Students Union
(BSU), questioned these priorities before
the SGC meeting Thursday, saying that
if white students believe the bylaw issue
has priority over the admissions issue,
"then why should black students trust
white students more than we trust ad-
Lewis' words proved relevant Thurs-
day night as SGC took action on the by-
law question, but delayed consideration
of a motion by Lewis that would have
given the minority admissions issue prior-
ity over the bylaw dispute. SGC members
said they wanted to assess the potential
strength of a student movement center-
ing on the bylaw issue.
SGC President Marty McLaughlin says
he believes "racism takes precedent as

an issue over student-University issues be-
cause of its national status." Still, Mc-
Laughlin feels SGC cannot assume a
leadership role in the problem. "0 u r
position on minority admissions can only
be supportive," he says, explaining that
the leadership "has to come from the
minority groups themselves."
SGC attempted to take such a sup-
portive role by allocating $100 dollars
to the BSU last term for financing a re-
cruitment program in some of the pre-
dominantely black high schools.
And support still remains the basic is-
sue. Acting Vice President for Student Af-
fairs Barbara Newell says that one prob-
lem in increasing group admissions is the
decreasing financial support available to
the blacks through the University.
The position ,developed by the black
students between now and the February
Regents meeting will likely be of import-
ance in both determining the amount of
leadership the blacks are going to take on
the issue, and the extent to which the
available resources, both financial and
bureaucratic, will be directed to the issue
of minority-group admissions.


-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
'Guerrilla theatre' parodies General Motors

Second of
et siffer
Students with previous sit
sentences yesterday than othe
sit-in cases.
Close to 20 persons were
Pieter Thomassen for their pa
*' the sentences were stayed,1
and March on requests for'new
,rials are denied, many of th
heir convictions.
Most of the sentences were
iven to convicted LSA sit-in p
200 in court costs, and a $
e've 45 days in jail instead of
aying the $240.
However, SGC President Marty
cLaughlin, Richard Reich '70,
nd Julia Wrigley '70, who had
een convicted last year in the.
elfare mothers' sit-in of Septem-
, 1968, received stiffer sen-
- ces of 14 days In jail, $200 in
urt costs, and a $75 fine.
Among those sentenced were
cLaughlin, Joel Block '70, Mar-'
Begun '72, Mary Brugh, Thorn-
Corbett '70, Chris Connolly '70,
ul Dostie '72, Michael Ehnan
Kathy Fotopoulos '73, Russ
rland '72, Carol Hildebrand '72,
ichael Hooker '71, Harris Huber-
n '73, Elliot Lefkovitz, grad,
ic Lerner '70, James McFerson
, Reich, Peter Selten '71, and
ss Wrigley.
cFerson, who had pleaded
to contendre, was given the
en day sentence and the $40
e, but only $100 in court costs.
began serving his sentence m-
lock, Lefkovitz, Hooker, and
berman had not filed the
per papers for a new trial re-
est, and were detained by the
rt, but later released on $250
peal bond each. ;

There were no injuries and no
arrests in connection with yester-
day's incidents. However, Univer-
sity Security Chief Rolland J.
Gainsley said. that University sec-
fen d ers urity has been successful in iden-
tifying some demonstrators in con-
nection with yesterday's stink-
bomb incident and Thursday's
en R t#"block-in" of a DuPont recruiter.
p n yAll - placement interviews - con-
tinued .normally yesterday. One
Y JACOBS student who was blocked from in-
-in convictions received stiffer terviewing theDuPontrecruiter
r defendants in the LSA Bldg. yerday held hisiterview to-
.Yesterday's Incidents were part
sentenced by District Judge of continuing SDS "educational
rt in. the:Sept. 25 protest. Most campaign."
pending iearings in February tOn Thursday SDS led from 25
pedn.erng nFbur to up to 150 students to West En-
v trials. If the requests for new gineering Placement 0 f f i c e s,
lose sentenced plan to appeal blocking a DuPont recruiter in his
office and barring applicants from-
e the same as those previously entering. One window was smash-
rticipants: seven days in jail,,. ae but there were no injuries or
40 fine: The defendants maY Last week SDS sponsored con-
I.frontations with an Allied Chem-
ical recruiter and Marine and Navy
Or MOC G , recruiters. About 15 demonstrators
dumped dead fish on the Allied,
Q& B ' ygg Chemical recruiter's desk and
sprayed his office with pesticide
* A strike by workers at the protesting the company's distribu-
Schnectedy N.Y., General tion of DDT.'
Later that day another group
Electric plant is settled for of the same size confronted mili-
all practical purposes as un- tary recruiters, destroying papers
ion representatives recom- and drenching the Navy recruiter
mend acceptance of a con- with black paint, protesting the
war in Vietnam.
tract. There has been no report from
* City Council considers the I University officials of - what their
first Ann Arbor air pollu- response will .be to either today's
Lion ordinance amid Critb- incidents or the other related con-
tionrdinancehamidnriti-n frontations.
cisms that its enforcement Administrators have indicated,;
provisions are not strong however, they intend to press
enough. charges once identifications can!
* Walter Shervington, medi- be made.
I It is not yet clear whether cases
cal school instructor and .will be prosecuted within the Uni-
candidate for vice president versity through the Central Stu-r
for student services, meets dent Judiciary or through the civill
with six SGC members to courts. Recruiters have declined,
discuss his views of the job to comment on what organizations
might take.,
and 1 i s t s the conditions Engineering College Dean Gor-
that will have to be met be- don Van Wylen said he hopes for
identification of protesters and a1
fore he'll take it. See SDS, Page 8t

U. S. I



WASHINGTON ( iP-President Nixon last night called his
forthcoming $200.8 billion budget "a major blow in stopping
the inflationary psychology," and forecast success in the
effort to curb rising prices.
But Nixon told the country to expect a slow economy,
with some risk of a rise in unemployment, for the next few
months and promised to seek a pickup of activity in the last
half of 1970.
In the major surprise of a White House news conference,
the President announced he has decided to seek a major
expansion of the bitterly disputed Safeguard antiballistic
missile system.
He said he wants the systems to defend American cities
as well as offensive missile sites in order to defend against
possible "nuclear blackmail"

-Associated Press
President Nixon responds to a reporter's question
peakers, wors1ops set for
re ression 'conference toniht

A two-day Conference on Re-
pression which is the first of its
kind will begin tonight at Hill
Auditorium. The conference is
sponsored by the two-month old
Ann Arbor Committee on Repres-
sion. -
Featured speakers for tonight's
teach-in are Jerry Rubin, Chicago
Conspiracy Defendant, and Emery

Douglass, the minister of culture On Sunday, Kenneth Cockrel, a
for the Black Panther Party. I militant black Detroit lawyer, will
Following the speakers, work- address a general meeting in the
shops on a variety of topics deal- Natural Science Aud. At the meet-
ing with repression in America will ing's conclusion, the group w il11
be held in Angell Hall. again split up for workshop study.
Topics range from "Repression Frank Joyce from the Chicago
in the Military," which will be led Conspiracy staff will lead one of
by a member of the American Ser- the work shops on "Political Or-
viceman's Union, to "Mass Me- ganizing and Political Trials,,
dia and Repression." gaiigan'oiialTil.
a and R press n."The conference's final m eeting
will be at 4 p.m. Sunday, again
in the Natural Science Aud. The
workshop leaders will head a dis-
cussion on "Responses to Repres-
T- sioin-What can we do?"

by a nation like Red China.
The ABM announcement - with
details to be disclosed within 30
days - is certain to stir another
angry debate in the Senate, which
battled for weeks before narrowly
approving the first installment of
the system.
. The remarks came in Nixon's
first economic message, released
in advance of its delivery to Con-
gress scheduled for Monday.
The White House had said in
advance Nixon would not discuss
the budget and economic messages
at his news conference. a-
But the President chose to men-
tion the budget himself, saying
that the nation is now in "a cri-
tical position" in the effort to
curb inflation. ". . . The decisions
made in the next month or two
will determine whether we can
win this battle," he said.
He said the new budget, the
first which he has shaped from
the start, will be a major blow
against the thinking which sends
prices upward. It envisions a $1.3
billion federal surplus in the 12
months beginning next July 1.
Nixon declared irreversible his
policy of supplanting American
combat forces in Vietnam with
South Vietnamese troops-but said
if the Communists step up the
conflict the United States will re-
"Wte have the means, and I will
'be prepared to use the means,
strongly . .more strongly than
in the past," Nixon said.
CRC d elay
The Michigan Civil R i g h t s
Commission (CRC) has postponed
its decision in the case of LaVerne
Hill vs. The University so that
Mrs. Hill may make a further
presentation of her complaint of
racial discrimination.
Mrs. Hill charged in July, 1965,
that hospital administrators dis
criminated against her in refusing r
to accept the withdrawal of her
A referee's report based on testi-

The literary college adminis-
trative board deferred action yes-
terday on an LSA Student ,A-s -
sembly proposal to grant students
parity on the board and all its
academic hearing boards, and to
remove non-academic cases from
administrative board jurisdiction.
The board voted to consider the
proposal at its next meeting, the
date of which was left undeter-
The assembly proposal would
add six voting student members to
the board, which currently con-
sists of six voting faculty mem-
bers. It would give students three
voting seats and faculty three vot-
ing seats on academic h e a r i n g
boards. Currently, two students,
two faculty members and two ad-
ministrators sit on these boards.
.The proposal specifies that cnly
academic matters fall within the
jurisdiction of the disciplinary
hearing board. It proposes that
all non-academic cases be brought
before an LSA student judiciary,
for which a proposed constitution
has been presented.
Assembly vice chairman Bob
Grobe '70, predicted yesterday that
the board will approve the pro-
The assembly proposal has re-
placed an earlier proposal, pre-
pared by a board member and a
student, which would have given
students four of 10 voting seats on
the Board and did not specify
that non-academic cases would be
outside board juri'sdiction. The
assembly originally accepted that
proposal, but later rejected it and
replaced it with the current pro-
The final decision on recogni-




'70 invades



If you crossed an international department store with a
restaurant on Fourth Street, and added just a touch of the annual
4-H Club fair, you would probably end up with something very
similar to World's Fair 1970.
Twenty-three different nationality clubs took over the second
and third floors of the Michigan Union yesterday to display their
countries' products, arts, and cuisine.
Closing your eyes, the foreign languages, smells, and traffic
made each room seem like a marketplace. The only problem with
atmosphere occurred when the thick incense of India filled the
Scandinavian area and clashed with merrimekko.
The World's Fair program also included a variety show. A
the afternoon show the Turkish Students Association and the
Latin American Students Association presented dances of the'
country in native costume.
The most enthusiastically received parst f the production.
however, appeared to be the Karate demonstration sponsored br-

this conference is the first .
activity sponsored by the Ann Ar-
bor Committee on Repression.
However, the committee members
plan further action against repres-
} sion after the teach-in.
One committee member, Brian
Spears, outlined the purposes of
the group. "We plan to keep the ;
var pus educated as to. the repres-
sion occurring across the country
and in Ann Arbor. We also plan to
support those who need our help ;
by offering to give financial aid.
and political support." j
"If repression continues, wte must '
meet its challenge," he added. i
The committee received none-
tary dotations for their conference
from the Lawyers Club, Student'
Government Council, and G"ad-,
uate Assembly. The Office of -
Religious Affairs also cooperated
wilh the s'oup in th^ p -"ine o

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