Page Nine
te IeviA 6
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Bill Cusumano_
Creating a crowd-
A .. Part I
Last Wednesday, an article appeared in this delightful news-
paper which made some comments about Michigan's female
cheerleaders. Of course, since it was written by The Daily's top
reporter, everyone read it and the reaction was enormous.
Several people sent me letters containing their own personal
thoughts on the cheerleaders and one thing continually came
up-people thought that the girls needed more help from the
band. At a meeting with the girls themselves I found them to be
in agreement with this idea.
I now have made the opinion unanimous by adding my sup-
port. It is quite easy for fans to ridicule the girl cheerleaders
and the place the entire blame for their lack of success upon
their frail shoulders. It is also quite unfair.
Anyone who has traveled about the Big Ten or seen basket-
ball games In any other area of the country knows that a big
element of crowd behavior is the band. At Michigan State, Pur-
due and numerous other schools fans can see cheerleaders and
bands do carefully coordinated routines, hear the band provide
background for all cheers, and be sure that the band will always
raise a ruckus at time outs.
Nothing like that has been seen at Michigan yet and it is an
essential part of good crowd support. The situation has never
really been considered at Michigan, though, because there was
never a need to have the band work with the boy cheerleaders.
Obviously, Dave Jacobs would not look too good doing a pom-
dom routine.,
BUT SUCI activities are ideally suited for the girls and a
move should be made in that direction. The first step must be
coordination between the band and the girls. An initial move
was made when the girls did a routine to a rendition of Friend-
ship Train. However, they have never actively practiced with
the band and until they do nothing of -a sophisticated quality
can be done.
There has been a feeling that resentment existed between
the girls and the band and the belief is not unsubstantiated.
One member of the band told me that, "The band and the cheer-
leaders are not buddy-buddy. They are not striving. toward a
common goal." However, it seems that the two groups could at
least be compatible. The same band member also admitted that,
"There was some hard feeling but it has resolved itself because
we have gotten together and resolved the mess."
While it is nice that the members of the band and cheer-
leaders can get along personally, what is really needed is some
cooperation at the upper levels. Until the band and the cheer-
leaders card function as a unit crowd enthusiasm is bound to
remain at its present stagnant level because, at the present
time, Michigan fans have no stimulus for action. -
Prospects for' a blending of talents seem good, though, if
band director Dr. William Revelli is to be believed. Revelli as-
serts, "I think girl cheerleaders are a good thing. I think we
should bring in some special acts and even more girls and some
guys. We should do some routines with the cheerleaders."
No matter what else, Revelli is a master showman and his
ideas are sound. A true force of cheerleaders, not just seven
girls, would undoubtedly be more effective. They could cover
more floor space, be more evident, make more noise and do more
things. It is done at other schools and there is no reason why
it can't be done at Michigan.
AS A MATTER of fact, it is probably needed because Michi-
gan crowds are awfully hard to stir up and a little extra is
needed. Revelli himself says, "Our student body is a little dif-
ferent, they don't cheer as much." He Is right. Maybe it is be-
cause Michigan people feel they are sophisticated. I don't know.
Personally, I feel they are lousy fans.
So, an impetus is needed, the girls want to provide and
Dr. Revfelli says the band is not only willing to help but would
like to. So why hasn't there been an effort made before this
week to work together? Undoubtedly, some of the problem stems
from the fact that the girl cheerleaders are new and that a lot
of things still need to be ironed out. But that doesn't mean that
at least some rudimentary routines could 'be worked out that
could be built uaon in future seasons.
Where does the blame lie? Perhaps some of it comes from
original ,misunderstandings between the girl and the band
members. The above statements indicate that things were not
too smooth at first and that even now the relationship might be
" a little tenuous. And while some misconceptions may have been
cleared up it is obvious that total cooperation is still a thing of
the future.
Some may ask, why should the band cooperate? There are
several reasons. First of all, they are part of the athletic event
and they are supposed to serve a purpose beyond entertainment,
namely raising spirit. The athletic department contributes to the
band's budget and it is not because Don Canham likes to hear
music while he watches. And that brings us to the second point,
that the band members are paid for playing. They don't get
much ($30 for the basketball season) and it does not come
directly from the athletic department. However, it is money from
the budget and thus comes indirectly from the athletic depart-
ment. Taking this into account it is reasonable to assume that
the band should have some obligation to cooperate with those
concerned with encouraging crowd spirit.
So far nothing has happened, though, but something should.
What should be done and what will happen? They are interesting
questions and could decide the fate of the girl cheerleaders and
also the reaction of future Michigan crowds. But, since I have
used up my space for today I'll approach the subject in further
detail tomorrow.
Ashe 's visa
Daily Sports Analysis
South Africa's refusal to
grant Ashe a visa so that he
could participate in the South
African Open Tennis Champ-
ionships in March is a deplor-
able act, but hardly a surpris-
ing one. The South African gov-
ernment has shown no signs of
weakening apartheid in a n y
way, and in this, an election
year, the government apparent-
ly found it desirable to exclude
More Sports Page 7
one of the world's finest play-
ers on grounds thatncan only
be interpreted as racial.
South Africa's racial poli-
cies have given rise to wide-
spread censure in the sport-
ing world, but the United States,
Britain, France and A u s -
tralia have in recent years suc-
cessfully foiled bids by Eastern
European nations to ban South
African players from interna-
tional and Davis, Cup competi-
tion. The Olympics have banned
South African athletes from
competition because apartheid
excluded all .non-whites f r o m
membership on the Sout
rican team.
Other international cot
tions in sports such as;
and table tennis have b
South African teams. Sou
rican golfers on the prof
al tour, especially Gary P
have been subject to ph
and verbal abuse, and S
African cricket and rugby
"I won2't miSS
South Africa afat
to be nice to then
the black militant
h Af- pledged to make no comments prised at the denial, but he
on apartheid during his propos- says that he really won't miss
rmpeti- ed stay in South Africa and he making the trip all that much.
soccer further promised to withhold all "I thought I was doing South
anned comments until three or four Africa a favor," he said. "I've
th Af- months after he had left t h e bent over backwards to be nice
ession- country. Former United States to them to the extent that some
'layer, Davis Cup captain Donald Dell, of the black militants think I'm
iysical who has been acting as Ashe's nuts."
o u t h attorney summed it up when he Secretary of State William
teams said that "the South African Rogers, who was highly impress-
...............................: .....................:ied with Ashe w hen they m et in
Paris this past summer, per-
it all. I thought I was doing sonally intervened in an effort
'or. I've bent Over backwards to get Ashe's visa, but his ef-
forts, like all others on Ashe's
ni to the extent that Some Of behalf, were futile. .,.
trage dy
s think I'm nuts."
r"rrr. rr"
touring nations of the British
Commonwealth have set off full-
scale riots. The stoic tolerance
of South African competition
in the international tennis world
was a remarkable, if futile ges-
ture of hope in a now appar-
ently hopeless future:
NO ONE, however, was as tol-
erant and patient with t h e
South African government as
Ashe himself. Last December he
government broke an act of good
Dell also noted that many
white athletes who had com-
peted in South Africa had been
highly critical of apartheid and
were still allowed to participate
in South African competition.
"But here is a great player and
one of the nicest sportsmen
around," said Dell, "and he is
banned solely because of color."
Ashe adm 1itted to being sur-
THAT THE South African
government feels compelled to
resist the pressure and furor
aroused by so many in the Ashe
case shows the depth of their
conviction to continue apartheid
without allowing the slightest
crack in their wall of racial
separation. The significance of
the visa denial extends far be-
yond the world of sports.
This view was reflected in a
statement issued by George
Houser, the executive director
of the American Committee on
Africa. "The importance of
Arthur Ashe in action
this decision is not confined to
the sports field," he said. "It
is a dramatic demonstration of
the commitment by South Afr-
ica to a racist position and its
denial of human rights to the
non-white South African ma-
Dr. Hubert Eaton, president of
the United States Lawn Ten-
nis Association also issued a
strong statement blasting t h e
South African government's ac-
tion, but it is evident that of-
ficials in Johannesburg consid-
er themselves immune to the
force of words and that they are
more than willing to accept ex-
clusion of their amateur ath-
letes from international com-
petition to insure the absolut
purity of apartheid.
The sports world has rarel
vanguarded efforts for socia
change, and it is therefore some
what surprising that tle stroni
est possible action will be tal
en against South Africa - su
pension from Davis Cup compet
tion. It is more startling, a
well as disappointing, that on:
in the world of amateur sports i
there any significant action b
ing taken in opposition to apa
theid. These protests should I
commended, but it is painful'
apparent that protest alone can
not bring about even the mos
minimal change in South Afri
ca's racial policy.
Matmen seek
A mystery will be showing this
afternoon at 4 p.m. and tomorrow
at 2 p.m. in the Events Building.
It's entitled the Michigan
wrestling squad, and the enigmatic
question is whether the t e a m
which was runner-up in the Mid-
west Open, yet lost last weekend
to former Big Ten doormat Pur-
due, can overcome Illinois today
and Ohio State tomorrow.
The Wolverine matmen looked
anything but sharp against the
Boilermakers last Saturday as
they dropped a 17-15 decision, the
first Boilermaker victory over a
Michigan wrestling team since K
Purdue's glory days in the late! u
forties and early fifties. The grap- d
This Weekend in Sports
WRESTLING-ILLINOIS at Events Building, 4 p.m.
BASKETBALL-at Purdue in West Lafayette, 2 p..m. (TV,
channel 4)
WRESTLING-OHIO STATE at Events Building, 2 p.m.
SWIMMING-MICHIGAN STATE at Matt Mann Pool, 7:30 p.m.
GYMNASTICS-MINNESOTA at Events Building, 4 p.m.
TRACK-MICHIGAN RELAYS at Yost Field House, College
Division, 11 a.m., University Division, 7:30 p.m.
prep champion in 1968, and 190-
pounder Paul Jacob.
Michigan swamped Ohio State
in the meet last year, 25-5. This
year's Buckeye team is more ex-
perienced with veterans F r a n k
Romano, Mike Mahoney, Tom
Groves, Steve Grimes, and Tom
Kruse included on the .squad.
One matman !will have an ex-
tra measure of incentive against
the Wolverines, heavyweight Paul
Schmidlin. A defensive tackle on
the Buckeye grid squad, Schmid-
lin was part recipient of the Wol-
verines 24-12 smashing of top rat-
ed Ohio State.
OSU proved they can control
competition' like Northwestern,
even though the Buckeyes didn't
end high in the Midlands.
And the Wolverines inability to
wrestle past Purdue may help both
visiting squads psychologically.
"You've got to remember,"
Coach Keen explained, "that when
you talk about the team, you're
talking about' individuals. We
were pleased with some of the in-
dividual ;performancesagainst
Purdue. Others were disappoint-
"Maybe we've learned the les-?
son," Bay expressed hopefully,
"that you can't take any team
for granted."
plers hope to use this weekend's
meets as a springboard to improve
on their disappointing 2-3-1 dual
meet record.
Neither contestant has a pow-
er laden team, yet both c o u 1 d
thwart the Wolverines attempts to
raise themselves above the .500
level. '"After last week, I'm not
sure Im making any predictions,"
Assistant Coach Rick Bay re-
sponded humorously.
"We'll have to wrestle twice as
good as last week to beat either
one of them," he continued. "Illi-
nois is a lot like Purdue. They
have young wrestlers and they're
an unknown quantity. As far as
Ohio' State is concerned, they
licked Northwestern, a team which
has already beaten us.
The Illini line-up lists three let-
termen, at 134, John Fregeau,
beaten by Hudson 7-0 in last year's
dual meet; Quentin Wolff at 150,
and Bruce Kirkpatrick at 167.
Kirkpatrick beat Tom Quinn in
the Midlands 4-1, and in the dual
meet a year ago Quinn decisioned
Kirkpatrick 6-1. The two are sched-
uled to face each other again to-
All other wrestlers in the Illi-
nois line-up are either sophomores
r freshmen.
Michigan's upperweights will be
lexible as they were in the Pur-
due meet last week. Jesse Rawls
will weigh in at 177, either Prest-
n HIenry or Therlon Harris or
oth --as there are two meets on
he weekend - will be starting at
90, and at heavyweight will be
Rick Bolhouse or Jim Thomas.
Bolhouse has practically recov-
red from his rib injury according
o Bay. A wingback on the foot-
all team, Henry has been work-
ing with the wrestling squad since
his return from California and the
Rose Bowl. "We feel he's just
about ready," Bay noted, "and we
will try to use him if possible."
The lower and middle weights
are more set, with Jerry Hoddy at
118, Phil Hagan at 126, Ty Belk-
nap at 134, Mark King at 142, Lane
Headrick at 150, and Jim Sanger
at 158.
In the 118 division for Illinois
will be freshman Bob Mayer. In
the 158 pound class and at heavy-
weight two other freshmen will
start, Earl Medley and Mike Le-
The four other starters are 126-
pounder Greg Zuidema, 142-pound-
er Enos Brownridge, 177-pounder
Denver Beck who was Ohio State
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