Page Nine
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_________________Bill Cusumono____
I owe someone an apology, namely Rudy Tomianovich.
For the past couple of years I along with many other peo-
ple, .have accused Rudy of shooting too much, not hitting the
defensive board, not playing defense at all and not being of
much help to the basketball team. All of that has changed.
At this moment Rudy is having his finest season statistical-
ly, but what is more important, he is also having his best year
in the non-statistical aspects of the game. He now moves more
without the ball, drives to the basket more often, hits the outlet
pass that starts the Michigan break and has improved on his
Rudy still gets a bum, rap, though, because nobody has
noticed the change. The Wolverines currently are languishing
below .500, a record not even as good as last year's. The result
is that people concentrate on deficiencies, real or would-be,
instead of individual improvement.d
But you might thjnk that there is a slight credibility-
gap when I sary that Rudy has improved, so I'll let you hear
it from someone who should know, coach Johnny Oves
"He realizes what he has to do to win, more so than last
year," Orr told Daily reporter Eric Siegel. "He's going to the
boards and passing off more often than in the past."
Rudy's board work has been particularly important for a
Wolverine team that must rely on speed to win games. He trig-
gers the fast break that has worn down opponents in Michigan
victories The ironic thing is that Rudy could very well be cut-
ting down his own point totals by doing this. Says Orr, "The way
he's been clearing the boards for our fast break, we have the
ball in the basket before he can get down the court."
There are other times, though, when the Wolvernes don't
make the shot on the break. And in some of those cases Rudy
does trail the play and uses his fantastic timing to tap in the
errant shots. The latter is a particular talent of the 6-8 for-
ward and an invaluable one. He has the knack of being able to
' get to a ball at the top of the jump and then somehow can con-
trol it. The secret to this may have been a game that Rudy used
to play in Hamtramack where a score could only be made on a
.follow shot, not an original.
But the game isn't all offense and rebounding, there is
also the defenive ed to be considered. Rudy has never
been accused of being the Dave DeBusshere of the col-
legiate ranks, but he has improved his guarding to a greath
degree. Orr corroborates this by saying, "He's done a better
Job of defense than he did a year ago."
Rudy's value on offense and the boards can't be stressed
enough. Take away those 30 points and 15 rebounds a game
and see what would happen to the Wolverine record. There's
a pretty good chance that there would be d zero in it, but not
in the right hand column. And, as the man says, they only care
If your'e on the left hand side of the paper when they red
about the game in San Diego.
What I'm saying Is that Rudy wins games for Mich-
igan, a lot more of them than he ever might have helped to
lose. He only gets knocked because he has played on losing
teams. If you don't believe me, Just compare Rudy's figures
to those CaWeie Russell compiled.
Rudy presently has 1,502 points and at his current pace
will finish his dareer with about 1,800. Cazzie hit for 2,164 but
it must be remembered that he played in the NCAA tournament
three times, thus giving him 10 more gane8 than Rudy will get.
It is true that Rudy doesn't have Cazzhe's flair for last
second dramatics, but Michigan is rarely In a position for such
thrills, anyway. Finally, It can't be said that Cazzie was better
defensively. One pro coach aptly described Russell's defense
by asking, "Who did he ever pny, much less stop crt e
All this is not to say that Rudy is better than Cazzle,
or even his equal. They are different kinds of players and
realy can't be compared. What it is saying Is that Rudy has
taken some knocks he didn't deserve. He's played an im-
portant role In Michigan's 'basketball fortunes and It's a
shame that more people don't notice his worth. The next
time you go to the Events Building, watch the total Rudy
Tomjano'vch and not Just the shooter. He's a player, friends.
relycntb oprd ht ti aigd htRd a
Blue s) spell
joy for Gagnon
Jonquieres, Quebec is a small
town 400 miles north of Montreal
and they have some long winters
there. Since it's rather far from
a large city, there isn't much to
do during those winters exceptj
build snowmen, have snowball
fights and skate. And in Canada
a hockey stick and a puck are
the natural companions of skates.
Bernie Gagnon put on his first
pair of skates when he was two-
and-a-half years old. Almost the
next days he picked up his first
stick and puck. Although he didn't
play organized hockey until he was
six, as he describes it, "I played
with the kids in the neighborhood
when I was very little. When I
moved to Montreal I was six and
began playing in a league."
Montreal's neighborhoods are
known as prime producers , of
hockey talent. Gagnon, like all
} boys, continued with his neigh-
borhood games. "I used to go to
a game from school. I'd put books
off to the side, put on my skates
and play for two or three hours
)pi before dinner."
From his performance so far
this season it looks like Montreal's
ice ponds have bred another can-
NI -
da il y
try to make hockey his career.
Outside of hockey he'd continue to
follow them. His father is an ac-
countant and Gagnon is currently
enrolled in business. "I'm giving
business a try because I think,
more doors are open to a hockey'
player with a busines degree rather
than a degree in education.
For Gagnon hockey is a game of
emotions. It gives him a feeling
of freedom. "I can forget about
everything when I'm on the ice.
It also helps to get rid of frustra-
tions and aggressions,"
As far as he is concerned skat-
ing is the most important aspect
of the game. "Skating with heart
is what's important and giving
your all while on the ice. If you
have skating, everything comes
easier. From hard skating the
breaks will come to you-you'll be
at the right place at the right
The major difficulty he en-
counters-in playing his position is
backchecking. "Basically back-
checking is just trying to keep one
stride ahead of your opponent and
being in position to intercept a
pass." He finds'this especially hard
to do when he defends against a
man who is more than two inches
taler than he and this gives him
a longer reach. "In that situation
the puck is so far away from you
that trying to stab at it with your
stick is usually futile."
He loves Ann Arbor particularly
living in an American culture.
He'd like for his girlfriend, Chris-
tine, to live here because of the
atmosphere. "You can go to a foot-
ball game and then go to a class-
ical music concert. I think anyone
w ho lives here can learn a lot
just by experiencing the campus."
He -especially likes the Wolver-
ine fans. "They're just great.
They're not savage and don't
throw things on the ice. And when
you hear that 'Go Blue!' while
you're on the ice it really fires
you up."
Gagnon follows only one super-
stitition-that of eating five and
a half oar six hours before a game.
It goes back touanoldrMontreal
hockey saying that if there's noth-
ing in your stomach, you'll be
hungry-hungry for the puck. As
one of the leading scorers on the
team, Gagnon has shown an in-
satiable appetite.
-Daily-Thomas R. co
Bernie Gagd;non (7
Foothall draft ensc
NEW YORK (n) - The 26 pro
football clubs continued to sift
through the college ranks in the
second and final day of the annual
draft yesterday and came up with
the likes of Willie Davenport, the
Olympic hurdle champion, Jim;
Otis, Ohio State's All-American
fullback, and Ed Bell, the nation's
leading pass catcher from Idaho
Three Michigan Wolverines were
also selected in yesterday's draft.
Ind the twelfth round, Garvie Craw,
was picked by the Boston Patriots
while the Baltimore Colts grabbed
Tom Curtis. Brian Healy was tab-
bed by the NFiL champs, the Min-;
nesota Vikings, in the 17th round.
When contacted, the players
were elated over their being draft-
ed. "I'm glad it's Baltimore," re-
plied Curtis. "It will be good to be
playing with another Michigan
man," (Rick Volk, a two-year Bal-
timore veteran).
Craw was just as excited. "Bos-
ton- is a great city. Everything's
fine and I'm very happy about it."
Otis, the 6-foot-214 pound full-
back of the Ohio State team that
was No. 1 during most of the
season, was taken in the ninth
round by the New Orleans club.
SNBA Standingsy
Eastern Division
W i Pct. GB
New York 42 11 .792 -
Milwaukee 37 17 .686 5
Baltimore 33 21 .611 9j
Philadelphia 29 25 .539 131,
Cincinnati 25 30 .454 18
BostonH 21 31 .404 20f
Detroit 2U 33 .377 22
didate for stardom. The St. Louis
Blues thought enough of Gagnon's
potential to draft him number
The Blues are hoping he turns
out as well as another Wolverine
icer, "Red" Berenson, did for them.
Gagnon admires Berenson but he
has an image of his own he is
trying to measure up to, his
The elder Gagnon played semi-
pro hockey as a center and right
wing and was good enough to re-
ceive a pro offer from the Mon-
treal Canadiens. "My f a t h e r
taught me everything I know about
hockey. I'm trying to keep up to
his image." His father coached
Gagnon through all the league
divisions until he joined the Junior
He will deviate from his father's
footsteps because he. intends to
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San Diego
Western Division
31 22
s 27 24
25 ,30
23 31
sco 22 30
18 32
18 34
8 2
Yesterday's Results
Baltimore 123, Chicago 115
Boston 112, Philadelphia 100
Milwaukee 126, Cincinnati 114
Atlanta at Seattle (inc.)
Los Angeles at San Diego (inc.)
Today's Games
Detroit at New York
Atlanta at Phoenix
San Francisco at Seattle
South Carolina 86, Vitginia Tech 54
Villanova 64, St. Bonaventure 62
Louisville 62, St. Louis 60, o.t.
Pittsburg 74, Westminister, Pa. 71
Maryland 52, Duke 50
Massachusetts 103, Boston U. 70
Providence 58, St. John's N.Y. 57 o.t.
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