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January 27, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-01-27

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See Editorial Page


Sir igau


rain or snow

/ol. LXXX, No. 97

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, January 27, 1970

Ten Cents

Eight Pages







WASHINGTON iPi - President Nixon vetoed the $19.7
billion education and labor appropriation bill before a nation-
wide television audience last night, calling it "the wrong
amount for the wrong purpose ... at the wrong time."
It was Nixon's first presidential veto, and the way he did
was unprecedented. After an 11-minute broadcast report
to the nation, he picked up his pen and signed the veto mes-
sage before the television cameras.
Earlier in the day, presidential press secretary Ronald L.
Ziegler told newsmen the White House was confident, on the
basis of its soundings, that the House will not override the
eto which is to be sent to it today.
The showdown House vote is expected tomorrow. Should
it override the veto, the matter then goes to the Senate, since
both chambers must reject a
veto by two-thirds majorities
O to make the challenged bill
become law.
If the House refuses to over-
ride, the veto sticks. In that case
m ay cut a new appropriation bill would
have to be drawn or the Depart-
C ments of Labor and Health, Edu-
U , cation and Welfare and the Office
E'UILUof Economic Opportunity would

out punitive
WASHINGTON UP--The Supreme Court ruled 6 to 2 yes-
terday that draft boards cannot take a college student's
deferment away because he turned in his draft card to
protest the Vietnam war.
Justice Hugo L.,Black said neither the President nor local
boards can set conditions for student deferments that are
not in the 1967 draft law.
"We do not find any indication," said Justice Black,
speaking for the majority, "that Congress intended to allow
the draft boards to deprive otherwise qualified students of
their deferments" for opposing the Vietnam war and giving
' up their draft cards as an act of protest.
The ruling, which drew objections from Chief Justice
Warren E. Burger and Justice Potter Stewart, follows a high
court ruling last Monday that -
said draft boards may not ac-
celerate the induction of war:
protesters already classified City 1road

naveto continue operating at last
By ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ year's spending levels under ter- 1 r i('
The impact on the University of porary authorization.
President Nixon's veto of the Nixon said that a bill providing "
HEW-labor appropriations bill will for such politically popular causes a m*a;
remain unclear until either the in an election year is difficult to ' " <w , I
veto is overridden or the bill is turn down. But he said he had to ",M ' F:4 th
rewritten, University administra- consider all programs with one >'_, ..>. Ste
ou said last night. principle in mind-the best in be..
e,, however, there is cautious At the same time, Nixon de- u :: . ,,*:, 4
concern that subsequent reduc- Glared that if Congress upheld hi' , in
tions in the budget of the Depart- veto he would seek appropriations
ment of Health, Education a n d immediately for the n a t io n 's ArKrhten
Welfare may have adverse effects health and education needs and:' ll Powerto tile arts on
. .Y;..............ne"You tao be sure that no school Freezing cold, lots of snow, sleet, blackouts and whatever else the Ann Arbor weatherman brings doesn't stop construction on the new ru
will needto be Closed. No school Power Center for the Performing Arts. Located in Felch Park on Huron St., the center is scheduled to be completed by fall.pr
s "r } . child need be denied an educe-_a ---- --- - _____ .__m
tion as a result of the action Isy
take tonight." 'SUNDAY NIGH T IN THE DARK:I
Explaining why he considers the min
bill wrong in amount, purpose and dr:
timing, the President said that " a
Sthe amount is bad because in the Cdta:'coas
last ten years the cost of living aC S Oto
leaped 25 per cent and a major na
..\.+.,.' factor in this was the govern-.
merit's,spending $57 billion more By JIM NEUBACHER A Detroit Edison Company ternoon, with Ann Arbor electric department spokesman said t li eCa
<: ;: , :than it took in in taxes. Mother Nature gave many stu- spokesman attributed the black- power faltering' about"'. 8 p.m. building is wired to the same un- va
"I think this was wrong," Nixon dents a respite from their study- out primarily to "flashovers" on Nearly all University buildings in affected system that serves the be
said. "That is why as your Presi- ing Sunday night as moisture in utility line terminals feeding the ' the area south of North Univer- hospital area.;m
dent I intend to do everything power stations, salt and dirt de- substation at Huron and Forest. sity Ave. and West of Washtenaw In an incident apparently un-
that I can to see that the federal posits and icing of electric wires The flashovers were caused by salt Ave. were blacked out. Lights re- related to the blackout, Ann Ar- on
government spends less in Wash- led to a brief blackout over half and dirt deposits that had ac- mained on, with occasional flick-, bor police foiled an arson attempt 21
ington so that you can have more of the campus. cumulated on the terminals during ering, in dormitories and buildings at the Administration Bldg. ed
to spend at home. If we are to In addition, sections of the west the cold, dry weather, the spokes-, at the Hill and hospital areas. An unknown person or persons cl
stop the rise in the cost of living side of Ann Arbor and at least man said. "A good rain would Power was restored to most build- ' placed two lighted cans of dupli- A
which is putting such a strain on 26 other communities across south- have washed it off and we would ings within two to three hours. ' cating machine fluid against thel
the family budgets of millions of eastern Michigan were plunged not have had trouble," he said. Lights in the stairwells of the outside wall of the all-brick build- th
Vice President Norman Americans, we must cut our fed- into darkness. Power failures began in the af- LSA Bldg. remained on. A plant ' ing. Police received an anony- d
eral budget." ~~_~ _-~-~_~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~__ - ~~_ ~ mous phone tip telling of the at-
i a arge number of .academic When the House shouted itstempt about 8:35 p.m. They went tu
programs at the University. final approval of the bill yester- s 17C * I L.cto the scene and quickly exting- ke
According to Vice President for day afternoon the visitors' gallery rersished the smal fire.
Research A. Geoffrey Norman, the was filled with hundreds of edu- University officials ordered the
University received about $24 mil- 'cators who are mounting a mass- K u -closing of both the Undergraduate
lion from HEW during the fiscal ive member-by-member appeal to L IT i and General libraries when it be-
year which ended last June 30. Congress to override the long-ex- i i1'l1 le ss Uc 11111U lS 1 i Iean j ,came apparent that power would
Norman said funding during the pected veto. not be restored immediately. Work-
urrent fiscal year will remain un-1 Charles Lee, in charge of the', ing from the top floor down, lib- ".
ertain until the University be- highly organized "Operation Over- By HANNAH MORRISON graduates and undergraduates at- tion of a course called Political rary assistants rounded up stu-
ins to receive its specific appro- ride," said he expects a close vote Despite greatly increased student tend all faculty meetings with Economics which stresses analyses dents and led them out of t h e
riation levels under the HEW when the House acts, probably participation in decision-making voting rights and the chairmen of 'of contemporary American society stacks and onto the stairs. Eleva-
ill which will finally be accepted. Wednesday, on the presidential in the economics department this the two student societies are in- from different political perspec- tors were out of service, and six
ider the bill passed by Congress veto. year, few concrete changes appear cluded in executive committee tives. ;persons were trapped inside at the "
nde e bed by Cngresnd The President said he respected to have resulted. meetings.-I "Student representation on the time of the failure. Firemen were
rid vetoed by the President, fund- Buthreaiencio cn
ng probably would have remained the viewpoints of congressmen and Changes in departmental com- ;But the relative inaction can program committee made it easier called to rescue those trapped in
t least at last year's level. Nor'- senators as well as members of an mittee structure implemented in be explaine for this course to be accepted," the UGLI and South Quad ele-
an added, education lobby who disagreed September have given the eco- "Our presence on the formerly says Mike Kennedy, chairman of vators. i
with his views. But he said his nomics department a greater de- all-faculty c o m m i t t e e s hasn't the undergraduate student society. The power failure triggered fire
But last night's veto raised the duty is to act on behalf of all gree of institutionalized student changed things a great deal be- Students have also suggested in- alarms at the University Heat-
ssibility that the budgets ofrcer- Americans who would be hit by in-put into academic decision- cause the attitude of the faculty stituting track courses - classes ing Plant and in other buildings
am fdrlyfne rgashigher living costs. making than exists in any other ahassalwaysubeenafavorable."asays
ill be reduced. Consequently al ixon ivngostt. d mnt ihan teiteray coe Harvey Rosen, '70, one of the un- treating subject matter differently across campus, causing several of
Nixon noted that this country department n the literary college. sthe fire crews to go charging off
ocations to the University from spends more than any nation on Since September there have dergraduate representatives to de- r rsn onwith siens wailing, adding an
heeprogramns would be propor- prtenfauymeigs,, are presently only under conside- wt ieswiig diga
hese ored b health and education and he been student representatives with partment faculty meetings. ation, however eerie effect to the strangely dark-
ionately - hopes this will continue. But it full voting rights comprising half Since September, the only sig- Pcr ened portions of the campus.
The major impact, Norman said, was at this point he cautioned the membership on nearly every nificant reform at the undergrad- Prof. William Shepherd, director See BLACKOUT, Page 8 ..-
See HEW, Page 8 against "spending ourselves poor." ,departmental committee. T h r e e uate level has been the introduc- of graduate affairs and chairman
__---- >f the joint graduate program
committee, says the program com-
UNION COFFEEHOUSE mittee is currently consolidating
'the curriculum revisions made last
year, rather than instituting' new
SDespite the relative absence of
_. e r ar c o~z at he 1 movement on the part of commit-
tees, John Akin, chairman of the
Graduate Student Society s a y s
By W. E. SCHROCK service could be operated during the present system is a "one
The Union would like to be minimum income hours. million percent improvement in
an asset, not a liability. "Frankly, this is what we are communication between faculty
As part of the plan to re- going to have to have if we're and students."
juvenate the institution, UAC going to be an economically pru-
currently is sponsoring a cof- dent operation," he says. More student pesentation is
feehouse in the Union cafe- However, some people believethe result of implementation of a
teria on Friday nights feat- another plan could save the report drawn up last summer by
- a student-faculty ad hoc commit-
uring coffee, doughnuts and cafeteria and MUG without a tee, concerning the student ole i
entertainment for $.35. Simul- $300.000 investment. indepartmnnnglthecssion-making
taneously plans are under con- UAC Vice President George d:ed -k
- sideration for a $300,000 re- Ludner and Maureen Kelley, Students say this year is a con-
a'$h hbuilding of the entire food serv- one of the managers of the cof- trast to the way things worked last , ,
ice area feehouse say it may be the year, when they had parallel or

The new ruling bars classifica-
on to I-A from any deferredor
;empt category. Student defer-
ents comprise one such group.
The government has explained
e reclassification of war pro-
sters by saying they were not
ing punished for their actions
it were being declared delin-
ent for not having draft cards
their possession.
Together, the rulings mean pro-
sters cannot be called up solely
the judgment of their boards
at they are "delinquents." Both
lings went against arguements
esented by the Justice Depart-
ent and the Selective Service
Black noted the court had held
a December, 1968 decision that
aft boards could not withdraw
ministerial student's exemption
punishment for his opposition
American involvement in Viet-
So far as all students are con-
rned, "we fail to see any rele-
nt practical or legal differences
tweep exemptions and defer-
ents," Black said.
Yesterday's decision was given
an appeal by Timothy J. Breen,
, of Westport, Conn., who turn-
in his draft card to a Boston
ergyman in 1967 to prutest
merican involvement in Vietnam.
In another decision yesterday,
e court ruled 5 to 2 that a park
eded for white use in Macon,
a., by a segregationist, can be
rned back to private heirs to
ep blacks out.
On today's
Page Threej
Senate leaders of both
parties endorse a 'no-knock'
provision in a proposed drug
control bill.
The California state uni-
versity system abandons its
year-round course program.
Senator Abraham Ribicoff
urges students to get in-
volved in electoral politics.
The Bus Ad school starts an
associates program, devel-
oping closer ties with the
national business commu-



City Council was presented last
night with an alternative to a
controversial city plan which
would create a bypass cutting
through a Model Cities neighbor-
The plan, recommended by the
Model Cities Policy Board, sug-
gests that traffic be circulated
completely around the Model Cities
area rather than cut through it,
as suggested by a proposal adopted
by the city last year.
The policy board had asked the
city last fall to delay construction
of a previously adopted Packard-
Beakes bypass. The board con-
tended that the city's plan would
unnecessarily disrupt the Model
Cities area by introducing 'addi-
tional traffic and noise and by
destroying about 14 homes, now
mostly occupied by low-income,
minority group residents.
The city plan is designed to loop
north-bound traffic around the
Main St. business district which
will eventually be turned into a
It would extend Packard to
Ashley and widen Ashley and
Kingsley Sts. This would require
the removal of the 14 dwellings.
A widened Kingsley would lead to
Beakes which would end up at
Fuller. Fuller gives access to both
northern and southern sections of
the city.
Besides concerns about the
homes, the policy board fears that
traffic volume passing through the
Model Cities districts will isolate
community attractions like p.
Farmer's Market, school play-
grounds and churches.
The policy board alternative
would extend First and Ashley Sts.,
more or less parallel to the rail-
road tracks, but in districts less
populated. '
In other action, council unani-
mously passed a proposal for an
Ann Arbor Environmental Inter-
pretive Center to study such things
as waste treatment, conservation
e d u c a t i o n and environmental

The plan calls for elimination
of the cafeteria and snack bar
in their current form and the
introduction of a new self-serv-
ice, high-speed food service
Tni+rci fn, tr c-a'in a nan-

strong incentive needed to draw
students into the Union. Ed
Szpiech, the other manager,
agrees, suggesting that with the
continued success of the coffee-
house operation, there may be
nn vanA + i ao 4+ enn nn +rn

"shadovw" committees rather than
being directly involved. Then, stu-
dents communicated their v i e w s
through recommendations to the
faculty committee involved.
Students are still excluded from
cnmmittees which award teaching


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